The real meaning of a Palestinian Right of Return H/T Elder of Ziyon Although the Elder says a picture is worth a thousand words, let me explain. The key is the symbol of the Right of Return. You may see Palestinians waving keys during protests. The inference is that they have the actual keys […]
Is Perry the One? By Bruce Walker The recent comments by Mitt Romney accepting manmade global warming as scientific fact must cause conservatives to cross him off their list of presidential candidates. The mass exodus of staff from Newt’s campaign makes him dead in the water. What Republicans need is a candidate who is […] The White House is pressing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to publicly adopt President Obama’s view that Israel’s pre-1967 border should be the basis for future peace talks. The Obama White House appealed to Jewish leaders on Friday that the request of Israel was part of an effort to head off Palestinian plans to […] THE ROUNDUP Istanbul Vs Jerusalem is one of the blunter articles on the Turkish standoff. Last week, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan addressed a local crowd in Diyarbakır, saying that: “We are the grandchildren of Saladin Ayyubi’s army [soldiers] that conquered Jerusalem.” So, says the prime minister, the ancient capital of Judaism had been […] Friday Afternoon Roundup – What Does It All Mean END OF DECENCY The end of decency has been proclaimed over and over again throughout the 20th century. There’s no way to pin down just when that line was crossed, but in public discourse it was crossed long ago. The last week or two are […] Not Entitled Ending Medicare does not mean abandoning the elderly. There he goes again. Peter Wehner, that is. He is trawling again for right-wing “extremists” (I am now a recidivist offender) from his perch at Compassionate Conservative Headquarters, where GOP solipsists are determined not to be outbid by the Left when it comes to […] Rep. Peter King plans new round of hearings on jihad indoctrination in prisons; Hamas-linked CAIR already playing the victim card It’s almost like CAIR doesn’t care anymore. They are taking an openly hostile stance and dismissing the highly substantive concerns about prison dawah that these hearings will (or should) address out of hand. All […] WILL HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF JEWS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD NOW RIOT, PILLAGE AND SHOT DEATH THREATS?….JES KIDDING…YOU KNOW THE ANSWER…..RSK “Rampaging Palestinian” Muslims… there any other kind? Today they attacked a Jewish village and burned Jewish holy texts. How dare they burn sacred texts? Real ones. Burn that quranic comic book and they start […] By Frank Gaffney, Jr. Remember how you felt when Nancy Pelosi told us that we would know what was in the Obamacare bill after it had been passed by the House of Representatives? For a lot of Americans – in and out of the Tea Party movement – that quintessential expression of political elitist arrogance […]
The Coordinates of Radicalism Sharia compliance correlates with violent attitudes among American Muslims. What is it that radicalizes Muslims, including American Muslims? Is it American foreign policy? Israeli “occupation” of the ancient Jewish territories of Judea and Samaria? Cartoons depicting the warrior-prophet as a warrior? Korans torched by obscure Florida pastors? The life of […]