June 9, 2011 * VIDEOS * TODAY’S HOT PICKS * Print This E-mail This ShareThis 1. Practically Half of Americans Anticipate Another ‘Great Depression’ in Next 12 Months – CNN Poll 2. Help Wanted The Latest Economic Numbers Are Alarming 3. Video: Napolitano: Concentrating Terrorists Screening Efforts on Muslim Men Under 35 is Not […] Weiner-mania: if the story weren’t so infuriating and sad – and such a damning commentary on our society – it would be laughable. Alas, here we stand at a moment in time when a sitting US congressman – a newly married, sitting US congressman – felt it was “okay” to take pictures of his […] What is a demagogue? According to the encyclopedia, a demagogue is a politician skilled in oratory, flattery, and invective, evasive in discussing vital issues, promising everything to everybody, appealing to the passions rather than the reason of the public, and arousing racial, religious, and class prejudices. History tells us that personal liberty is most often […]
The Dark World of the Arab Child Slave Trade Posted By Stephen Brown URL to article: In a story last week in the British newspaper The Sun, a private investigator stated that Madeleine McCann, the subject of probably the world’s most famous unsolved kidnapping case, is in the United States. The British girl was […]
Shari’a and Violence in American Mosques Posted By Jamie Glazov Frontpage Interview’s guest today is David Yerushalmi, General Counsel to the Center for Security Policy, a Washington, D.C.-based national security think tank founded and headed by former Reagan administration official Frank Gaffney. He is considered an expert on Islamic law and its intersection with […]
THIS IS ONE OVERRIDING DOMESTIC ISSUE ALONG WITH HOMELAND SECURITY AND DEFENSE…VETTING THE GOP CANDIDATES BEYOND THE CLICHES AND LACK OF EXPERIENCE OF PALIN, PAWLENTY….IS CRITICAL……RSK For long-termers, it’s worse than in the Great Depression. Pres. Barack Obama is given to cute vehicular metaphors about the state of the economy. We were “in a […] When Pillsbury asked Herman Cain to take over as president of its Godfather’s Pizza chain in 1986, they knew the man could deliver. In 1982, Cain had resigned his post as vice president of corporate systems for the company and taken up a new position as manager of the Philadelphia branch of Burger King […] “The rap on Perry is that he is another Texan, like George Bush. And because of Bush, the country is Texas-weary. But in person the governor is much more like Ronald Reagan than Bush. If I seem overly enthusiastic, it’s because I have spent a fair amount of time with Perry — pistol shooting […]
The Nation’s Economic Future by Herbert I. London For most of the last few months the Obama administration has maintained a “recovery” is underway. Seizing on a modest reduction in the unemployment rate, the president has waxed lyrical about the upswing in the nation’s economy. But the most recent economic data provides a very […]
Israel: Hizballah has 50,000 rockets in its arsenal “Most of these weapons are stored in some 100 villages around southern Lebanon.” An update on this story, which also detailed Hizballah’s deliberate placement of weapons and military assets near “hospitals, private homes, and schools.” “IDF identifies thousands of Hezbollah sites in Lebanon,” by Yaakov Katz […]