Long-standing Mississauga Mayor Hazel McCallion will appear on Huckabee, Mike Huckabee’s Fox News talk show, on Saturday evening. At first blush, it’s a weird pairing — a 90-year-old Canadian mayor, 11 times re-elected, and a 55-year-old former Southern Baptist minister-cum-presidential candidate-cum-Fox News host. The Post’s Michael Fraiman tries to find their similarities, and is […] A Danish Free Speech Hero: An Interview with Lars Hedegaard by Jerry Gordon (May 2011) TWO HEROES HERE….JERRY GORDON IS A HERO ALSO IN HIS PERSONAL AND CIVIC AND NATIONAL ROLES AS DEFENDER OF DEMOCRACY…..RSK In George Orwell’s 1984 the totalitarian credo of the Party is ”Who controls the past, controls the future: who […]
The Truth About Health Care Reform and the Economy Separating economic fact from economic myth Veronique de Rugy | Editor’s Note: Reason columnist and Mercatus Center economist Veronique de Rugy appears weekly on Bloomberg TV to separate economic fact from economic myth. Myth 1: Health care reform will reduce the deficit. Fact 1: Health […]
FROM RONNI SHALIT, PRESIDENT OF THE NATIONAL SECURITY ROUNDTABLE……. After covering the 1961 Eichmann trial in Jerusalem, Naphtali Lavie, a correspondent for Haaretz, wrote three articles in which he criticized the Zionist leadership for its failure to rescue European Jewry. The articles were shelved, however, “as Lavie feared they would be damaging to many people […] Storm of Opposition to J-Street-PA Meetings on Memorial Days AND SIMPLE SHIMON PERES IS EQUALLY GUILTY FOR SCHEDULING A MEETING WITH THE “JEWHADIS’….RSK Representatives of J-Street are planning to arrive in Israel early next week and meet – on Holocaust Memorial Day – with leaders of the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah. They plan to […] If you do not work or play in Boston, New York or Philadelphia you may have never see a Metro newspaper. What you need to know about these publications is that they feature skewed coverage of news related to the conflicts in the Middle East and the wider war on terror. You should also […],7340,L-4062376,00.html A nation of martyrs Why is anyone still talking about Hamas being worse than Fatah? They are two sides of the same coin…same goals, different tactics…..rsk Op-ed: Unity deal reminds us that ‘resistance’ is core of Palestinian political and cultural identity Alex Joffe The newly announced Palestinian reconciliation agreement between Hamas and Fatah can […] The combination of Trump, Obama and the media insured that this week’s story would be the birth certificate issue. Even though there isn’t much of a story there. The birth certificate has been part of the much larger underlying issue which is the lack of transparency by the Obama Administration in even the simplest […] Discredited The Fed’s policy is quantitatively accelerating American collapse. The other day Paul O’Neill said that . . . Oh, wait. I suppose I ought to explain who Paul O’Neill is. A decade ago, he was President Bush’s first Treasury secretary. I have no very clear memory of him except that he toured Africa […] Wikileaks: U.S. Funded Syrian ‘Liberal, Moderate’ Islamists DON’T BLAME OBAMINABLE FOREIGN POLICY FOR THIS ONE….THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF CONDI RICE WAS AN ABOMINATION AS WELL….IN KOREA, “ARABIA” AND ISRAEL……RSK In an effort to undermine the Assad regime, the State Department gave millions of dollars to what they define as “liberal and moderate” Islamist groups. […]