Superman suddenly shuns the ‘American way’To fans, move goes over like kryptonite DAVID ELDRIDGE The latest sign of the end of the “American Era” or just a comic book publisher’s publicity stunt? In a new story line, Superman renounces his U.S. citizenship because he is “tired of having my actions construed as instruments of […] Congress to PA: No U.S. aid if you merge with Hamas By Jennifer Rubin In the wake of the announced reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah, three prominent members of Congress declared that the PA’s merger with the terrorist organization would spell an end to U.S. aid. House Foreign Affairs Chairwoman Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen released […]
Fund the Truth About Islam or Lose the War of Ideas Posted By Phyllis Chesler One cannot tell the truth or venture one’s opinion about Islam or about Muslim behaviors without risking being slandered, heckled, censored, sued, impoverished, physically attacked, and, more rarely, murdered. And that’s for those of us lucky enough to be […] Melanie Phillips So Molotov and Ribbentrop are alive and well and living in Gaza and Ramallah. The pact between Fatah and Hamas is of course a marriage of convenience, forged solely to help fool the world into accepting a de facto state of Palestine. If such a pact were to last, then of course […]
Dialogue with a western leftist By Nick Cohen, JUST FOR THE RECORD…NICK COHEN IS NOT JEWISH AND HIS PITHY COLUMNS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME….RSK “You say you support the Palestinians?” “Yes.” “Which Palestinians?” “What do you mean ‘which Palestinians’? I support all Palestinians. Their oppression by Israel is the great injustice of our time. Western […] Obama’s Silence on Boeing Is Unacceptable The president’s appointees have moved to block the company from building planes in my state. He owes us an explanation. In October 2009, Boeing, long one of the best corporations in America, made an announcement that changed the economic outlook of South Carolina forever: The company’s second line […]
PLEASE READ MARILYN PENN’S EARLIER COLUMN ON THIS ISSUE…LIBRARY PORN: MARILYN PENN,css.print/pub_detail.asp,_porn-y_issue_for_ny_public_library A Thorny, Porn-y Issue for N.Y. Public Library By Jonah Goldberg Of course you’ve heard some version of this tale before. Winston Churchill says to a woman at a party, “Madam, would you sleep with me for 5 million pounds?” The woman […] Even before the carnage inside Kabul airport was sorted and identified, before the squads of sober officers were deployed to inform stateside next of kin, and before the caskets were filled, closed, and draped with flags for the final flight home, this much we knew: Another Afghan Muslim “partner” in uniform — a veteran […],7340,L-4061566,00.html Debunking the 2-state mythby Yoel Meltzer One of the assumed benefits of the proposed two-state solution is that the creation of a Palestinian state will finally make the Palestinians fully accountable for their actions. Thus, any acts of aggression from the new entity against Israel will be considered an attack on Israel from a […] An Islamic terror cell linked to a mosque in Montreal was planning an attack on Los Angeles Airport. The Mapping Sharia project found that three out of four mosques preach hate and incitement to violence — and that includes the last (chronologically) and most authoritative chapter of the Koran on jihad — chapter nine, […]