The Left’s Deranged Hatred of Allen West Posted By Arnold Ahlert On the list of things that make progressives gnash their teeth and foam at their mouths, little tops an African-American of the conservative persuasion. Even more horrifying to the Left is one who makes clear: “you’re not going to intimidate me,” as Congressman Allen […] Shimon Peres Wins ‘Most Popular’ “There are more out than in.” That was the favorite remark of this writer’s high school Latin teacher. What he meant was that there are more crazies outside the asylum than inside. He was proven correct once again with the results of a recent Ha’aretz poll that showed that […] The most Recent Incident of U.S. Warrior Murders; A Peek at Pragmatism, Piety and Patience in Islamic Afghan culture. Today, Matt Lauer did us proud. He asked the question that the Media has thus far not dared to ask; is there anything to these incidences involving Afghan National Soldiers and Police turning their weapons […]
US Military: Schizophrenia Is the New Normal The carnage inside an operations room of the Afghan Air Corps at Kabul airport has yet to be sorted, identified and tallied but this much we know: Another Afghan Muslim “partner” in uniform — a veteran military pilot according to the AP — has opened fire on NATO […] The State of Israel spent the first 30 years of its modern existence reclaiming its territory, and the next 33 years negotiating the terms on which it would be returned to the neighboring countries which had made war on it, as well as an entirely new terrorist state created in the name of peace […] “He and his advisors, his colleagues, his team of officials and indeed his entire entourage and party are mounting a vast imaginary production, acting as if the world is not what it intractably is and staging what can only be described as a risible and emptily flamboyant performance, though one which casts a dark […]
Unveiling the Veil Dilemma:Do Muslim women need to protect themselves from Muslim men? Al Fadi In the past few weeks there has been much discussions concerning the ruling by the French government to ban the wearing of the veil by Muslim women in public. So many opinions have been given concerning this ban, and […] 1. Former Presidential Adviser Van Jones Helping to Push ‘Human’ Rights for Mother Nature 2. Video: ACLU Forces U.S. School District to Change Policy on Standing During Pledge 3. Kansas Requires Proof of Citizenship, Photo ID at Voting Booths 4. Video: 35 Years Ago, Rick Monday Made the Greatest Play in Baseball History By […] Cuba’s Sixth Communist Party Congress, which took place in Havana from April 16-20, was supposed to be a watershed event. A “new generation” of leaders would be elevated. Major political and economic changes would be announced. Cubans would gain significant new freedoms. The era of liberalization would commence. Alas, anyone expecting ambitious reforms was […]
The Palestinian Authority Wipes Israel Off the Map “The wish is father to the thought,” goes the old saying, and as I showed in a recent post, Mahmoud Abbas’s wish, and that of most Palestinian Arabs under his jurisdiction, would appear to be a Palestinian state that entirely replaces Israel (see This ambition is further underscored […]