What is it about Barack Obama that caused his vice president Joe Biden to fall asleep during the president’s speech Tuesday? Did Biden, getting on in years, just need his afternoon nap? Well, maybe, but the television cameras showed a woman quite near the veep nodding out as well. by Roger L Simon Barack […] The Black Hitler was a Chicago community organizer who moved to New York. Somewhere along the way he picked up a gold lined cape, a purple turban and a stepladder which he used to give speeches outside of the Jewish stores owned by Harlem’s dwindling Jewish community. The cape and the turban were sometimes […] Our Muslim ‘Allies’ Andrew G. Bostom More evidence of Islam’s respect for women, and the dhimmitude of the US military. Why are we “training” such persons at our military institutions? Diana West points out that overseas in Afghanistan, training the “security forces” of our “Afghan allies” has been punctuated by such Afghan “trainees” murdering […]
More BDS Madness Feared in Australia In the Aussie sunshine state of Queensland, the ruling Australian Labour Party (ALP) is viewing with alarm the prospect that a fanatical anti-Israel campaigner (apparently the most fanatical BDS advocate in Australia), Leftist David Forde, will be selected for the Brisbane seat of Stretton, which is crucial for […] A Swiss Court has ordered the national train company to allow an anti-Israel group to display a poster in Zurich’s central station that reads (in German): “61 years of Israel, 61 Years of Injustice. A country without a people did not exist in the Middle East for the people without a country. Israel was established with […] Remembering the Real Ayn Rand The author of “Atlas Shrugged” was an individualist, not a conservative, and she knew big business was as much a threat to capitalism as government bureaucrats. By DONALD L. LUSKIN Tomorrow’s release of the movie version of “Atlas Shrugged” is focusing attention on Ayn Rand’s 1957 opus and the […] By Kara Rowland and Stephen Dinan Seeking to reassert leadership and reassure troubled financial markets that the deficit will be brought under control, President Obama on Wednesday called for tax increases and spending cuts he said would reduce deficits by $4 trillion over 12 years — and vehemently denounced Republicans’ own deficit plans as […],2506,L-4056123,00.html Israel’s pacifist tragedy Op-ed: Juliano Mer latest victim in long line of Israeli pacifists murdered by Palestinian terrorists Giulio Meotti “Welcome to hell,” says a graffiti painted in the road to Jenin, the capital of “Palestinian martyrs.” Thirty suicide bombers have come from this city in the West Bank. Here, the Israeli army fought […] A New Germany? By Elliot Jager At a joint press conference in Berlin on April 7, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu thanked German Chancellor Angela Merkel for the atmosphere of mutual trust and friendship in which their just-concluded talks had taken place. Germany, he averred, was “a great friend” of Israel. Yet any sober assessment […] Palestinian Irredentism: A Warning from History by Steven Plaut Steven Plaut teaches at the University of Haifa. In August 1998, according to press reports, official Israeli analysts met with Benjamin Netanyahu’s cabinet ministers to discuss what was termed the “potential strategic threat” stemming from the Arab population resident in Israel. Among other things, the […]