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Ahmed and the Art of the Psychodrama By Victor Davis Hanson

During Pope Francis’s parade in Washington, 5-year-old Sophie Cruz suddenly dashed up to the popemobile and handed His Holiness a note about the wretched plight of her illegal-alien parents from Los Angeles, who are apparently terrified of all the recent talk about deportations. The media loved the spontaneity and courage of 5-year-old Sophie.

But that was not quite the whole story. The entire event reportedly had been scripted for about a year by a group called “Full Rights for Immigrants Coalition,” which, in actuality, is not about immigration per se, but rather full rights for illegal immigrants. According to spokesman Juan Jose Gutierrez, the group had carefully planned Sophie’s dash: “We planned to do this from the moment we learned he was coming to the States….We have been working for a while now trying to sensitize the American public that dealing with immigration is not just dealing with the people who came in without proper documents but that we also have … countless children whose parents are undocumented.”

Using a 5-year-old girl under the false pretenses of a spontaneous outburst of emotion seems about as authentic as deliberately conflating legal immigration — the United States accepts more immigrants than does any other nation — with illegal immigrants who deliberately and knowingly break federal law to enter the U.S.

Barack Obama’s ‘Socially Segregated’ State Dinner By Jeannie DeAngelis

In 2013 Pope Francis advocated for the poor when he challenged the world by saying:

When we are generous in welcoming people and sharing something with them — some food, a place in our homes, our time — not only do we no longer remain poor: we are enriched. I am well aware that when someone needing food knocks at your door, you always find a way of sharing food; as the proverb says, one can always ‘add more water to the beans’…demonstrating that true riches consist not in materials things, but in the heart!

Likewise in 2015, besides hammering home dire warnings about what he perceives to be an impending environmental calamity, during his US visit, the Pope implored Americans to take into consideration the needs of the ‘least among us.’ That’s why, in an effort to set an example, rather than dining with members of Congress Francis chose to bless a humble meal hosted by Washington DC’s Catholic Charities.

In response to the standard set by the pope, and in honor of Chinese President Xi Jinping and First Lady Madame Peng Liyuan’s State Visit, Barack and Michelle set quite an example of their own.

While the Pope was in Madison Square Garden citing Jesus walking among “second-class” citizens on the streets of New York City, the first couple was enjoying a post-papal feast that excluded holiness, the homeless, the indigent, and Jesus.

In lieu of the impoverished, in addition to Mr. and Mrs. Xi, the guest list for the Chinese State Dinner included lowly politicians, impoverished Hollywood mega-moguls, underprivileged global investors, modest billionaire CEO’s including Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, destitute liberal journalists, and a part-Chinese Grammy Award-winning entertainer known for his explicit lyrics named Ne-Yo.

Immediately after hearing the Pontiff at the UN directly reference “A selfish and boundless thirst for power and material prosperity,” which Francis maintains “leads both to the misuse of available natural resources and to the exclusion of the weak and disadvantaged,” Michelle showed up in a Vera Wang dress that probably set her old man back a good $15,000.

Hillary and Lena: Ghouls Night Out By Deborah C. Tyler

Hillary Clinton, the world’s most famous rape accomodationist, just sat down for a cozy chat with Lena Dunham, the world’s most famous industrial-grade rape hoaxer. Lena softly purred just the right list of dumb questions. She asked Hillary if she was a feminist, and then played the beaming ingénue when she got a simplistic affirmative answer. Lena Dunham is the perfect interviewer for the much beleaguered Democrat presidential front-runner. Hillary Clinton’s party understands it is essential that future Americans be distracted by moral chaos, depoliticized by sexuality fixations, and just plain too stupid to keep up a constitutional republic.

Here are the highlights of Lena Dunham’s life and accomplishments, which won her the interview with Clinton. They demonstrate why she is a poster child for Hillary Youth. In October 2014 Lena Dunham opened her tour of the Austin Texas Planned Parenthood clinic with her favorite jiggle-shtick, pointing to her breasts and asking coyly, “Do I need to cover my nipples?” Elle magazine reported on Dunham’s abortion clinic grandstand. They noted the irony of Dunham teasing with a bit of what they called “free-boobing,” wryly observing, “Her rack has logged so much screen time, it could be considered the show’s fifth girl.” Elle reported Dunham “works the crowd like a career politician.” In effect, Dunham is a career politician already. Her humor does not reach beyond narcissism and crudity, and her brand of comedy represents the death of laughter.

Israel’s biggest fears are materializing: Boaz Bismuth

Two years ago to the day, in September 2013, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry compared Bashar Assad to Adolf Hitler, after the Syrian dictator once again used chemical weapons against his own people. “This is our Munich moment,” Kerry said at the time.

As far as the Americans were concerned, Assad had crossed a line. In those days (more like in those hours, actually), Washington briefly believed that a failure to respond to Assad’s actions would send a dangerous message to Iran regarding its nuclear ambitions.

“Will [Iran] remember that the Assad regime was stopped from those weapons’ current or future use, or will they remember that the world stood aside and created impunity?” Kerry asked at the time. History and retrospect have turned what may have been Kerry’s greatest speech into remarks entirely detached from reality.

Lies about Islamic Taqiyya (Dissimulation) Dr. Carson Right: Washington Post and Academics Wrong by Raymond Ibrahim

Tell that to Ka’b ibn Ashraf, whose head was cut off. for The prophet of Islam allowed his followers to lie to the Jew to slaughter him.

Muslims deceived non-Muslims not because they were being persecuted for being Muslim — according to the Washington Post’s definition of taqiyya — but in order to make Islam supreme.

Dr. Ben Carson got it right when he said that taqiyya “allows, and even encourages, you to lie to achieve your goals.” The prophet makes that clear.

Dr. Ben Carson’s recent assertion that the Islamic doctrine of taqiyya encourages Muslims “to lie to achieve your goals” has prompted the Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler to quote a number of academics to show that the presidential candidate got it wrong:

The word “taqiyya” derives from the Arabic words for “piety” and “fear of God” and indicates when a person is in a state of caution, said Khaled Abou El Fadl, a professor of law at the University of California at Los Angeles and a leading authority on Islam.

Migration Crisis: “Islam Will Conquer Europe Without Firing a Shot” by Bassam Tawil

The failed foreign policies of the EU and the US under President Obama, have brought the Arabs to the brink of chaos, and destroyed regimes which, even though they were not democratic utopias, at least provided governance and public order. These failed policies have abandoned the Arabs to the atrocities of the Sunni Islamists and to the murderous proxies of the Iranian Islamic Revolution — and are ultimately the cause of the tsunami of refugees beating at the gates of Europe.

Now the EU and Obama want to bring the catastrophe of Gaza to the West Bank.

The American FDA is more careful with experiments on animals than the White House is with experiments on the people of the Middle East.

Every time the Palestinians have taken steps against the Israelis, we have hurt no one but ourselves, and are left with — nothing.

The Arabs living in Israel and the Palestinian Authority territories know, although it is a bitter pill to swallow, that we have been favored by fortune, because under the State of Israel we live in security.

In the face of ongoing mass murder in the Middle East, what arcane consideration, apart from Federica Mogherini being a racist, could possibly bring the EU to deal with something as marginal to global issues as boycotting Israeli face-cream and cookies?

How Rosy Reports on ISIS Echo Long-Ago Errors That Begat Catastrophes By Warren Kozak –

It would appear, on the surface, to be one of the dumbest ideas on earth — falsifying or editing military intelligence reports to conform to the wishes of political leaders. Not surprisingly, the outcome is rarely positive.

One of the starkest examples occurred in the early days of June, 1967. Much of the world was taken aback when Israel, outnumbered in every strategic category, scored a completely one-sided victory against four much larger nations — Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq. The element of surprise helped and the Israeli military was better trained, but a key factor can be gleaned from Michael Oren’s 2002 book, “Six Days of War.”

Mr. Oren interviewed military participants on both sides and disclosed a diametrically opposed use of intelligence. Egyptian officers feared giving bad news to their superiors and especially to their leader, Gamal Abdel Nasser. So after Israel’s initial attack that destroyed the Egyptian Air Force on the ground, the Egyptians falsely reported to their superiors and their allies that the opposite had occurred, that they had inflicted huge Israeli losses. This left Syria open to the same fate and brought Jordan into the war.

Israeli Demography Expert Refutes Claim That Baby Boom Is Bad for Jewish State’s Economy: Ruthie Blum

Israel’s population explosion is cause for economic optimism, not woe, says the author of several studies on the demographic make-up and forecast for the Jewish state.

Responding to a report in i24 News on Saturday, according to which Israel’s “baby boom” spells bad news for the tiny country, Yoram Ettinger told The Algemeiner on Sunday that he is not surprised the doomsayers who used to predict Israeli’s downfall due to the Jewish-Arab birthrate ratio are now using evidence that disproves their theories to reach equally bleak conclusions.

“It is crucial to note that the trend of Jewish fertility is higher than that of Arab fertility,” said Ettinger, a consultant on U.S.-Israel relations and chairman of special projects at the Ariel Center for Policy Research. “In addition, among Jews in Israel, ultra-Orthodox fertility is decreasing, while secular fertility is exploding.”

Squeaker of the House John Boehner’s successor inherits a diminished role. By Kevin D. Williamson

Newt Gingrich, who is not above cultivating a little bit of mythology about himself, used to say that when he was a youngster considering a life in politics, he didn’t want to grow up to be president of the United States — he grew up wanting to be speaker of the House. Which he did, achieving a measure of modest but genuine success in the role: Those weren’t Clinton budget surpluses, but Gingrich surpluses. (Transitory though they were.) Gingrich has a weakness for thinking of himself in world-historical terms, and he may in fact find his final repose in an interesting footnote: the last speaker of the House to be a figure of any significance.

And, of course, he ended up wanting to be president.

Speaker of the House John Boehner has announced his intention to retire, which has those members of the House Republican leadership who are fool enough to want the job — which is to say, the members of the House Republican leadership — grasping at his gavel. The plot of the Shakespearean succession drama is fixed as the stars: The entertainment wing of the conservative movement prepares to rain brimstone upon Republican whip Kevin McCarthy, the presumptive front-runner among House leaders, or Paul Ryan, a conservative hero until the day before yesterday now cast into the outer darkness for various heresies related to his being an elected lawmaker rather than the host of a radio program. Expect Louie Gohmert or another conservative standard-bearer to shine for a moment before opinion settles on some disappointment or another, and expect the vast majority of the American electorate to go on not knowing who the speaker is or what he does regardless of who is elected.

Pro-Israel Advocates Fight Back as New York School Teaches Third Graders to Be ‘Freedom Fighters for Palestine’ By Susan L.M. Goldberg

Bassem Tamimi, father of the infamous Pallywood star “Shirley Temper,” was invited to speak to a classroom of third graders in Ithaca, New York. Legal Insurrection broke the story:

An uproar is brewing in Ithaca, New York, after anti-Israel activists bragged on Facebook how they managed to bring Palestinian activist Bassem Tamimi to a third-grade class as part of a presentation on the suffering of Palestinian children at the hands of Israel.

According to the activists, the event took place on Friday morning, September 18, 2015 at the Beverly J. Martin Elementary School.

…Tamimi’s connection to Ithaca runs through Ariel Gold, an anti-Israel activist who used to work as a community organizer for the anti-Israel Sabeel Int’l – North America. Gold now self-describes her occupation as a Community Activist “delegitimizing zionism.” Like Tamimi, Gold involves her children (ages 12 and 14) in her anti-Israel activism, promoting them through radio and speaking appearances, as well as Facebook and videos.