,1 Tel Aviv Journal: Obama’s Scandalous Approach to the Middle East :Martin Peretz What is now clear is that the only help Barack Obama was willing to give to the Arabs was his coldness to the Jewish nation. Or, and I want to be frank, his hostile indifference to Israel. It has been a not […]
J’Accuse: Palestinians of War Crimes and Genocide By Phyllis Chesler Palestinian and Arab propaganda has demonized Jewish settlers as illegal, fanatic, racist, violent, angry, and hell-bent on revenge. The mainstream media has followed suit and has consistently justified Palestinian terrorism against Israelis as caused by the “provocative” settlements. People consistently forget that Arabs were […]
BECK BROKE THE GEORGE SOROS STORY WHILE HIS CRITICS WERE SMIRKING HE GAVE THE BEST EXPLANATION OF THE NUCLEAR DISASTER IN JAPAN LAST NIGHT WHEN IT COMES TO ISRAEL, THERE IS NONE BETTER…..NONE AND HE FOUND THE TIME FOR THIS GRISLY STORY AND COMMENTARY ON ITAMAR HE IS A BETTER MAN THAN ALL HIS CRITICS FROM […] Weekly synopsis for the week ending March 15, 2011. Vin’s Notes is a series of downloadable pdf files, documenting important news items from around the world that catalog the encroachments of radical Islamism into the civilized world. My Two Cents Mohammad’s failure to leave a clear successor resulted in a deep schism that quickly […] Blacks and Republicans The GOP needs to make its case to win blacks’ votes. San Francisco’s irrepressible former mayor, Willie Brown, was walking along one of the city’s streets when he happened to run into another former city official that he knew, James McCray. McCray’s greeting to him was “You’re ten.” “What are you […] Obama, Wright, Farrakhan, and Gaddafi Posted By Kyle-Anne Shiver To a great many Americans, President Obama’s response to the Libyan crisis has been puzzling. First, dithering. No response. The White House claimed “scheduling problems” for the president’s no-show. Then, wimpy calls for Libyan government restraint and an end to the violence, never mentioning the […] J Street: ‘Maybe Israel really ain’t a good idea’ By Lori Lowenthal Marcus “Maybe, if this collective Jewish presence” — that is, the Jewish State in the Middle East — “can only survive by the sword, then Israel really ain’t a good idea.” So said Daniel Levy, one of J Street’s founders, at the […] Are Israeli Settlers Human? For 60 years, no nation has been held to such stringent moral account, or such ceaseless international hectoring, as Israel. And no people has been held to so slight an account as the Palestinians. Redressing that imbalance is the essential first step in finding a solution to the conflict. The […] They’re drilling for oil, attracting high tech, and keeping the tax burden moderate. Result: 3.8% unemployment. Living on the harsh, wind-swept northern Great Plains, North Dakotans lean towards the practical in economic development. Finding themselves sitting on prodigious pools of oil—estimated by the state’s Department of Mineral Resources at least 4.3 billion barrels—they are […]
The Peace Plan Israel Needs By Elliot Jager OH PULEEZ!! ANOTHER OF THOSE GOOD COLUMNS THAT ENDS WITH DRIVEL….THERE IS NO PEACE WITH ANY PALARAB SOVEREIGNTY ON ANY CORNER OF THE WEST BANK….SEE GAZA ….RSK Earthquakes, tsunamis, and a nuclear meltdown in Japan have pushed aside news of Muammar Qaddafi’s mad rampage, the domestic upheaval […]