U.S. troops are gunned down by a shooter who screams “Allahu akbar!” before opening fire. Official statements are rushed out: The perpetrator was a lone wolf; his motive was unclear; there are no links to terrorism. Sound familiar? It should, because when Islam is the cause of American tragedy, President Obama hides his […] How Must the West Guide the New Middle East? Two enormous appetites have suddenly arrived at the Middle East’s table: democracy and consumerism. Ravished from years of famine and abuse, the people revolted and opened the doors to the well-stocked pantry and kitchen. Yet despite having overthrown tyrants, they are not now unruled. Two […] BY VICTOR SHARPE— It is uncertain when the first vestiges of Jewish life in the British Isles occurred. Ancient Phoenicia, which lay along the eastern Mediterranean Sea to the north of the Jewish Kingdom of Israel was a seafaring nation and its fleets may well have voyaged as far as Britain and possibly with […]
Hudson New York Salutes: Wajeha Al-Huwaider, Saudi Arabia Issues: Women’s rights and gender equality How she delivers for women: In Saudi Arabia, where women cannot legally drive or even enter most public spaces without a male guardian, Al-Huwaider is an outspoken journalist, poet, and activist for women’s rights. In 2003, she was banned […]
Time on the J Street Ward By Lori Lowenthal Marcus While attending the J Street conference I wondered whether I had entered some alternative dimension, where facts known by the rest of the world, and basic principles of reasoning, just didn’t operate in quite the same way as they do on the rest of […]
The world is actually now a far more dangerous place. Why is our foreign policy still out of step? | A new Middle East is upon us and its primary beneficiary couldn’t be happier. In a speech Monday in the Iranian city of Kermanshah, Iranian Revolutionary Guards’ Politburo Chief General Yadollah Javani crowed, “Iran’s […] By Cliff May Not long after achieving independence, the United States faced its first foreign threat: pirates off the coast of Africa seizing American merchant ships. As Michael Oren recounts in Power, Faith and Fantasy, his sweeping history of America’s involvement in the Middle East, beginning in 1784, American vessels were abducted, their crews […] Two New Jersey Muslims Guilty of Going Jihad, “Wanted to Kill Americans” Two “New Jersey men” plead guilty to trying to join al-Qaeda group (North🙂 Mohamed Alessa and Carlos Almonte, the two North Jersey men who allegedly told an undercover officer that they wanted to kill Americans, are pleading guilty in a Newark […] The Libyan “Not Worthy Zone”—Recalling Qadaffi’s “Offer” to “Arab Jews” Albert Memmi The unaddressed questions (from November, 1973) of Albert Memmi still address the unworthiness [2] of Libya **The most predictable outcome of Libya’s violent internecine struggle-cum-latest-Arab- “democracy movement” was aptly characterized by Andrew McCarthy [3]: “The Libyan people are no more our ally […]
New Revelation: Sheila Jackson Lee Isn’t Just Stupid, She’s Stupid AND Nasty A former boss of mine used to describe her philosophy on interpersonal relationships this way, “I can handle people who are nasty, and I can handle people who are stupid, but I just can’t handle people who are stupid and nasty.” Well, […]