Group that sings about destruction of Israel named national band by Abbas by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik A song and dance group that has recently performed hate and violence promotion songs in the PA has been honored and turned into an official Palestinian national band by decree of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas. […] Paris: Anti-Semitic ‘Jewish mafia’ book promoted on walls By EJP 28/11/2010 City Hall mobilizes its employees to remove posters; move follows complaint by body monitoring Jewish related incidents in France. PARIS – The Paris City Hall has mobilized its employees to remove wall posters making publicity for an anti-Semitic book denouncing the “Jewish mafia”. […]
BBC censorship of inconvenient truths about Palestinian rejection of peace reaches farcical proportions: Robin Shepherd Hard on the heels of a comprehensive opinion surveyshowing that most Palestinians support a two-state solution only as a stepping stone to a one state solution after Israel has been destroyed, and of a Palestinian Authority report denying any […]
Canada’s PM shames British JewsPosted By Melanie Phillips URL to article: On a recent speaking tour in Montreal and Toronto, I was struck by the beleaguered state of many Canadian Jews. They were battling the usual mad barrage against Israel from the media, politicians on the left and rabid anti-Israel and Judeophobic lies and […]
Commentary » Blog Archive » Journalism that Knows No Shame Journalism that Knows No Shame Max Boot – 11.28.2010 – 5:51 PM One can understand if the editors of the New York Times, Guardian, and Der Spiegel have no respect for the secrecy needed to wage war successfully — especially unpopular wars like those […]
Rep. Sue Myrick on Huckabee show described the tunnels used to funnel arms and drugs within our borders. They are used by Hezbollah and the Homeland Security does nothing about it. Rep. Myrick has been talking about this for a long time. Is anyone listening?….rsk……see video at: Here is a previous column: An indictment […]
By Byron York Politically correct Portland rejected feds who saved city from terrorist attack In 2005, leaders in Portland, Oregon, angry at the Bush administration’s conduct of the war on terror, voted not to allow city law enforcement officers to participate in a key anti-terror initiative, the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force. On Friday, that […] “I hope and pray that the generations of today will not know the sick despair of September 1939; if we are to avoid that kind of fate under even uglier circumstances, we need to start demanding more of our leaders — and of ourselves.” Things Fall Apart WALTER RUSSELL MEAD As World War Two […] Sabra hummus referendum By Rachel Jackson Senior Writer Published: Monday, November 29th, 2010 Beginning today, students will be able to register support, opposition or complete apathy toward the Sabra hummus referendum, which has been hotly debated on campus over the past two weeks. The referendum will appear on the USG runoff election ballot this […]
Iran ‘smuggled arms’ to Hezbollah on ambulances BEIRUT (AFP) – Iran used Red Crescent ambulances to smuggle weapons and agents into Lebanon during Hezbollah’s 2006 war with Israel, a leaked US diplomatic cable showed on Monday. The 2008 classified cable which originated in Dubai quotes an Iranian source as saying the Iranian Red Crescent […]