IT BECAME THE FORMULA FOR UNILATERAL PALARAB STATEHOOD ….AS IS NOW NOTED ….RSK Kosovo – A Cautionary Tale KOSOVO- A CAUTIONARY TALE Ruth King It looks increasingly probable that Kosovo will gain its independence from Serbia, an outcome that should be of serious concern to Israel and its supporters. Ariel Sharon, to his credit, heard […] Declaring Palestinian Statehood By Aryeh Tepper Palestinian political figures, said to be frustrated with the pace and trajectory of peace talks with Israel, have increasingly made noises about taking matters into their own hands and unilaterally declaring a Palestinian state. In practical terms, this means implementing Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad’s plan for Palestinian […] North Korea: Let China Pay the Bill Posted by Thomas H. Henriksen Once again, North Korea is in the news with a fresh provocation to its South Korean neighbor and the region. This time Pyongyang has fired salvos of artillery rounds onto South Korea’s Yeonpyeong Island, killing two South Korean soldiers and wounding several […]
Come Fly with … Big Sis A few days ago, I got to do what many Americans would like to do — ask Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano a thing or two. Before I report on what I asked and what she said, I must note there were “ground rules” in effect. […] This is a T-R-A-V-E-S-T-Y. Evan’s father, Curtis Carnahan, recaps the whole outrageous story here. I’ve been tracking this case since receiving a letter from Curtis Carnahan back in early 2008. He had noticed a column called “Death by Rules of Engagement” that I’d written in 2007 about Marcus Luttrell, the Navy SEAL who, with […]
For Immediate Release: November 23, 2010 Contact: Anne Bayefsky U.N. Ignores Haiti and Darfur But Points Fingers at U.S., Israel This article by Anne Bayefsky appears today on Over in Turtle Bay, the U.N. General Assembly is now wrapping up its key fall session. After taking a good hard look at human rights […]
Arming Israel’s Enemies By David Isaac Critics Slam Obama Administration for ‘Hiding’ Massive Saudi Arms Deal,” read the headline Friday on ABC News’ Web site. The article reported that some members of Congress were upset by the administration’s “stealthy effort” to rush through a $60 billion arms sale to Saudi Arabia by notifying Congress […]
By STEPHEN MILLER Shortly after German troops invaded Belgium in 1940, Gaston Vandermeerssche, a Belgian university student, bicycled 800 miles to the south of France and became a spy. View Full Image Vandermeerssche’s familyGaston Vandermeerssche at the electron microscope in Ghent, Belgium. Mr. Vandermeerssche, who died Nov. 1 at age 89 in Milwaukee, joined the […]
FIRST: I just love the way that Israel, the target of every blood libel in modern history, is getting a P.R. bounce for their security. All the commentators huff and puff with the recommendations that we use their system. How foolish!! Israeli security personnel speak Arabic and many other languages and can easily disarm a […] Extremist Muslim schools: Islamism’s most worrying manifestation of all By Andrew Gilligan Politics 272 Comments Comment on this article I’ve just finished watching John Ware’s excellent BBC Panorama about what’s being taught in some Muslim schools: a subject which I, and others, believe is the single most worrying aspect of Islamist and radical activity […]