Ya Arabs Love to Pick On Tiny Nation Israel.. The invading settlements of Israel “While foreign appeasers insist that Jews cease construction in their liberated, yet disputed lands (an area that becomes increasingly larger, the more appeasements are offered), Arab settlements, both in and out of Judea and Samaria, spread unabated.” Today I would like to talk […]
http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/ In the wake of the election of 2010, the defining element is chaos. Obama’s bumbling international trips, Pelosi’s return to power, MSNBC purging yet another anchor to try and show that it’s apolitical or centrist or something anyway, and international Democratic infighting have given way to sheer lunacy. The TSA firestorm should have been […]
http://www.jihadwatch.org/2010/11/report-napolitano-considering-hamas-linked-cairs-demands-for-muslim-women-in-airports-including-the.html Report: Napolitano considering Hamas-linked CAIR’s demands for Muslim women in airports, including the “self-pat-down” The Department of Homeland Security needs to clarify its position here without delay. CAIR advised Muslim women in the press release quoted here that: “Instead of the pat-down, you can always request to pat down your own scarf, including head […]
http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/critics-slam-obama-administration-hiding-massive-saudi-arms/story?id=12192558 “Our six-decade-long security relationship with Saudi Arabia is a primary security pillar in the region,” Defense Sec. Robert M. Gates and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton wrote in a Nov. 16 letter to congress. “This package continues that tradition.”……Those barbarians are a “security pillar”…shame on them if Anthony Weiner sees the dangers more […]
http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/3234028/Oxford-professor-issues-shock-population-warning-for-Great-Britain-by-2066.html#ixzz15bAcxfjK BAT YE’OR COINED THE WORD “EURABIA’ WHEN SHE PREDICTED THE CREEP OF SHARIA IN EUROPE….I THINK THE PROFESSOR UNDERESTIMATES IT BY FIFTY YEARS…SHARIA IS ALREADY CHANGING THE CHARACTER OF THE UK’S CULTURE…IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH BLACK AND WHITE…RSK White Britons a minority by ‘66 By GRAEME WILSON WHITE British people will be […]
Right Wing News http://rightwingnews.com/#post22078 George Soros: A missing moral compass “So, whatever Glenn Beck said, he’s right that there’s a problem with Soros’ engagement with the Nazis during the War: The problem with Soros isn’t what he did to survive; it’s that he doesn’t care what he did to survive.“ In my “real” facebook world, […]
After The American Elections: Israel, Peace And International Law (Part I) By: Louis René Beres http://www.jewishpress.com/printArticle.cfm?contentid=46150 After the recent U.S. election, President Barack Obama unhappily conceded that he had suffered a “shellacking.” For the most part, the president was referring to an obviously firm and far-reaching rejection of his domestic policies. Nonetheless, his personal influence […]
One More on Ghailani: Mr. President, Stop Blaming BushBy Andy McCarthy http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/253577/one-more-ghailani-mr-president-stop-blaming-bush-andy-mccarthy Ghailani: Why 285 Counts? By Andy McCarthy http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/253575/ghailani-why-285-counts-andy-mccarthy Obama officials are now complaining about “torture.” Their spin today is that we were lucky to get the one conviction we got given that the Bush administration abused the defendant, resulting in the suppression of evidence. Of […]
Coercion Is Not Torture By Andy McCarthy http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/253604/coercion-not-torture-andy-mccarthy I empathize with commentators on legal matters. There usually isn’t enough airtime or print-space to explain adequately complex issues. So commentators naturally take shortcuts. Often, the shortcuts do a real disservice. That is consistently happening in the Ghailani coverage, in which experts are conflating two very different things: […]
Friday, November 19, 2010 From: Gary L. Bauer garybauer@cwfpac.com CAMPAIGN FOR WORKING FAMILIES The Hajj And The Hate As you may know from the news coverage or from material your kids might be learning in school, Muslims worldwide are celebrating the Hajj. For those who don’t know, the Hajj is an annual pilgrimage to Mecca, […]