New York Times Andrew C. McCarthy, a former federal prosecutors, is a senior fellow at National Review Institute, a contributing editor at National Review, and author of “Willful Blindness: Memoir of the Jihad.” Critics of the Obama administration’s use of the civilian courts to try enemy combatants in wartime – and I am one […]
The London Review of Bigotry Melanie Phillips The ever-more impressive Just Journalism has published an important critique of the London Review of Books, one of the most poisonously Judeophobic periodicals in western society. It is important because the LRB plays a key role in defining the terms of debate for the British intelligentsia, influencing […] Annan’s Careless Language By George P. Fletcher Published: March 21, 2002 A redefinition of the Middle East conflict occurred last week when Secretary General Kofi Annan of the United Nations called Israel’s occupation of lands acquired in the 1967 Six Day War ”illegal.” A new and provocative label of ”illegality” is now out of […] By Nadav Shragai All cultures build on what came before them. But how they treat the past is a measure of cultures in the present. The treatment by Muslims of Rachel’s tomb, lately much in the news, is a case in point. Ibrahim and ibn Rabah Sarah Honig, Jerusalem Post. In endorsing the false […],css.print/pub_detail.asp Ghailani, Guantanamo, the Law and More… Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani was the first Guantanamo detainee to stand trial in a civilian court. Ghailani was charged with 285 offenses relating to his alleged complicity in the Al Qaeda plot that led to two American Embassies being bombed on August 7, 1998. The attacks took place within […] US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton must have given Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu quite a reception. Otherwise it is hard to understand what possessed him to accept the deal he accepted when he met with her last week. Under the deal, Netanyahu agreed to retroactively extend the Jewish construction ban ended on September 26 […] Founder Watches Human Rights Watch “Does Human Rights Watch care? It just took $100-million from George Soros, “which should offset nicely the income lost from core donors who’ve walked away in the wake of a host of scandals.” Read more” Robert Bernstein, former Chair and president of Random House, and founding Chair of Human […] Most Israelis are ignorant of the fact that 1.5 million Jews fought Hitler and Nazism during World War II. Let the Jewish people know we fought’ By JOANNA PARASZCZUK Photo by: Association for the Museum of the Jewish Soldier Red Army veteran Shalom Scopas defies his 85 years as he dashes about the mini-museum […]
From: Tom Gross…these are really good columns from Tom Gross, but, alas, when writing about Ariel, he states “ Ariel is one of the towns that a significant majority of Israelis of both left and right hope can be incorporated into Israel in any future land swap with a Palestinian state. Ariel is only a […] In the beginning was Al-Aqsa A new study exposes the systematic Muslim denial of the existence of Solomon’s Temple by clergymen, historians and statesmen. Some claim that the mosque was built in the times of Adam. By Nadav Shragai A few years ago, an article appeared on the Web site of the northern branch […]