,7340,L-3968040,00.html Dishonest or incompetent? Op-ed: Israeli academics lack either professional integrity or professional competence Martin Sherman Of late, there has been a major uproar in the media over alleged bias in the Israeli academe. The “eye of the storm” was centered on a research document published earlier this month by the Institute for Zionist Strategies […]
Cracks in Climate Change Onslaught Appear The Hoax of Climate Change Continues to Drive Obama’s Stimulus Packages. Cracks in Climate Change Onslaught Appear By John McLaughlin For those of us who view the concept of man-made global warming as one of the greatest hoaxes in history, two events this week give some hope that […] By Warren Meyer In last week’s column, I lamented the devolution of the climate debate into dueling ad hominem attacks, which has led in almost a straight line to the incredible totalitarian vision of the 10:10 climate group’s *recent film showing school kids getting blown up for not adhering to the global warming alarmists’ […]
The undeniable Jewish state by Jeff Jacoby October 17, 2010 IS ISRAEL a Jewish state? Is the pope Catholic? Nothing about Israel could be more self-evident than its Jewishness. As Poland is the national state of the Polish people and Japan is the national state of the Japanese people, so Israel is the national […] [1] [2] Lewis Lionized and Wilders Demonized for Expressing Identical Views on the Totalitarian Nature of Islam Geert Wilders and the Rise of Islamic Correctness By Andrew G. Bostom Islamic correctness, which criminalizes any criticism of Islam, is a rising force in the world, and not merely in Muslim-majority countries. Even in traditionally tolerant […] CAB SWARM: ISLAMIC SUPREMACISM IN NEW YORK CITY, PRAYER IN THE STREETS Recently New York City Atlas readers have written to complain of a relatively new phenomenon, a cab swarm on Friday afternoons followed by street prayers, etc. I suspect the reason for this is there may be a plan afoot to build a […] Flight 93 Memorial centerpiece Under Construction – the Other 9/11 Mosque By Cynthia Yacowar-Sweeney Tuesday, October 12, 2010 With eyes on New York, it’s easy to overlook the other ground-zero mosque that is presently being built in Shanksville Pennsylvania at the Flight 93 crash site. That 9/11 site is home to what will soon […] The Koran Says What At The Atlantic, J.J. Goldberg produced one of the more misguided addenda to the New York Times’ Bash Pamela Geller week, by manufacturing a thin narrative, and then addressing it rather than Geller’s actual arguments. And then forwarding it to Gerecht, who isn’t familiar with Geller. This practice of creating […]
NRO — The Corner Willful Blinding[1] October 16, 2010 10:02 A.M. By Andy McCarthy The Article 32 proceeding (the military equivalent of a grand jury investigation in anticipation of an indictment) is underway for Maj. Nidal Hasan. You’ll recall him as the jihadist the military won’t call a jihadist, having assiduously averted its eyes from the fact that he was […]
| | Commentary: U.S. Has Long Sided with Arab World By: By Mordechai Nisan On three formidable major speech-making occasions since his election – in Ankara, Cairo, and Washington – President Obama stated that America ‘is not and never will be at war with Islam’. This definitive affirmation ignores the fact that America has […]