Obama choice helped Fannie block oversight National security adviser tied to discrediting of probe Years before Fannie Mae foundered amid a massive accounting scandal, President Obama’s choice for national security adviser oversaw an office inside the mortgage giant that orchestrated a negative publicity blitz to fight attempts by Congress to increase government oversight, records […]
Ghailani Trial Underway … and Predictable[1] October 13, 2010 6:48 P.M. By Andy McCarthy The trial of Ahmed Ghailani, the al Qaeda terrorist accused of bombing the American embassies in Tanzania and Kenya in 1998, has gotten started. And as one would expect, both sides have adjusted their presentations to the civilian justice system rules […] After years of condescension by sophisticated Francophiles for our country’s paucity of maternity/child care benefits, comes the report that French women are 46th in the World Economic Forum’s 2010 Gender Equality Report, behind most of Europe, the U.S. (19), Kazakhstan, Uganda, Namibia and Guyana. So while French bebes and pre-schoolers may be getting government […]
“Even then, however, don’t ask what happened to Lithuania’s Jews in the Nazi horror. The way it is couched sometimes, it is as if all the Jews spontaneously and simultaneously walked off in 1941.” ——————————————————————– Lithuania woos Israel, in the shadow of the Holocaust Official Lithuania is a combination of determined, post-Soviet nation-building, reminiscent […]
Our World: The rise of the suicide protests By CAROLINE B. GLICK 10/12/2010 00:39 Since 2000, there has been escalating cooperation between Israeli leftist organizations with foreign pro-jihad groups and Palestinian terror and political warfare outfits at demonstrations. David Be’eri is either much admired or much hated, depending on how you feel about Israel and […] While Dutch politician Geert Wilders is on trial in Holland for telling the truth about Islam — especially about Islamic jihad — and while Danish cartoonist, Kurt Westergaard, and American cartoonist Molly Norris, are both in hiding for having, presumably, “blasphemed” Islam—guess who the greatest “blasphemer” might really be? His name is Dr. Naif […]
Has Israel Been Emasculated By Pacifist Feminst Bullies? Posted By Gil Ronen Two opposing revolutionary streams are locked in a death struggle, and nowhere is this struggle more palpable than in the Jewish State. One stream is intrinsically Jewish: it was created by Jews, for Jews, and is about Jews. Its relationship with Jewish […]
CALIGURI IS A GREAT CANDIDATE FEATURED BEFORE IN MAY…THE LATEST POLLS HAVE HIM BEATING MURPHY BY 5 POINTS….SEE BELOW SAM CALIGURI FOR CONGRESS IN CONNECTICUT DISTRICT 5…ELECTIONS ARE COMING! By Ruth King on May 9th, 2010 HE STANDS THE BEST CHANCE TO UNSEAT CHRIS MURPHY WHOÂ VOTED FOR OBAMACARE AND CAP AND TRADE(WITHOUT READING IT!!!)….HE’S […] The Democratic Party Goes Grayson The backlash over Congressman Alan Grayson’s “Taliban Dan” ad should have warned the Democratic party that they were now sailing in dangerous waters. But instead of heeding the warning, Obama instead chose to go with bizarre accusations that the Chamber of Commerce was using foreign aid money to help […] Netanyahu’s Jewish-State Gambit By P. David Hornik In May 2009 the Obama administration called on Israel to stop all settlement activity in the West Bank, including “natural growth.” President Obama assumed that this settlement activity was the basic obstacle to peace with the Palestinians — even though since 1992 there had been both on-and-off […]