Some Pragmatism Obama is turning back the clock on counterterrorism. “Obama’s administration has adopted what it calls a flexible approach” to terrorism cases, says the Reuters dispatch.[1] The president, Reuters elaborates, “favor[s] military tribunals in some cases and civilian trials in others.” By contrast, we’re told, “most Republicans say all terrorism suspects should be […],css.print/pub_detail.asp October 13, 2010 Pallywood redux Melanie Phillips Looks like another staged Pallywood-style ‘atrocity’ has been served up for the world’s media, which has duly bought into the lie in large measure as per. The papers have run a story that on the road in the tense east Jerusalem district of Silwan where Israeli […]
AMERICAN JEWS AND PRESIDENT OBAMA By Edward Klein with Richard Z. Chesnoff SHOULD BE TITLED THE SELF IMPOSED POLITICAL ENSLAVEMENT OF AMERICAN JEWS…..RSK An in-depth look at what went wrong. More importantly, how it happened | The Jews have three veltn (worlds): di velt (this word), yene velt (the next world), and Roosevelt. —Judge Jonah Goldstein, the […] Bill Clinton is right: Israelis from the FSU are not really interested in a peace agreement. Certainly not the kind of deal he helped impose on Serbs in Kosovo. Former US president Bill Clinton’s claims last month that Russian-speaking Israelis are an obstacle to peace can be understood in different ways. But excluding their […]
THIS IS PURE POLITICS AND PREPARATION FOR A HASTY RETREAT FROM THE US….LEAVING BEHIND A JIHADIST AND OPPRESSIVE REGIME…..RSK Payoff seen in Afghan surge Taliban demoralized and changing sides, military says RESCUE READY: Air Force Pararescueman Alejandro Serrano with the 46th Expeditionary Rescue Squadron test-fires his weapon over Kandahar province in case it’s needed […]
NYSUN Support for Israel Costs Canada Seat on U.N. Security Council America All But Disappeared in Maneuvering by Portugal, Brazil, and Cuba By BENNY AVNI, Special to the Sun | October 12, 2010 UNITED NATIONS — Canada’s increasing ties with Israel and its defense of Jerusalem have cost it a seat on the United […]
Look Who’s Nativist Now By Michelle Malkin Oh, this is side-splitting: After exporting U.S. jobs, importing foreign debt and kowtowing to global thugs shamelessly over the past two years, the Obama administration is now playing the America First card. Democrats deserve a Guinness World Record award for their election-season cognitive dissonance. President Barack Obama, […]
Is it time for more attacks? Center for Security Policy | Oct 12, 2010 By Frank Gaffney, Jr. Republicans are gleeful at the prospect that – with just three weeks to go to the November 2nd mid-term elections – they are poised to make significant gains in both the House and Senate. All other […] By David Isaac Bill Clinton — misguided politician Politicians as a breed are prone to an inability to recognize unpleasant present facts and they often suffer from an unwillingness to face up to them. They are equally prone to prettifying facts of history…Perhaps this is indeed what distinguishes the politician from the rarer breed […] 1. Nobel Prof. Aumann: The Frantic Desire for Peace Only Brings War by Elad Benari Prof. Yisrael Aumann, Nobel Laureate and noted American-Israeli mathematician and game theorist, spoke at the beginning of the week during activities to mark the beginning of the academic year at Bar Ilan University. Aumann is also known for his view […]