,css.print/pub_detail.asp “They are extremists;” “they are pawns of the Republican party;” “they are revolutionaries,” so it goes with strident leftist attacks on Tea Party adherents. Alarmed at the expansion of the federal government since 2009 and frustrated by the Obama administration’s redistribution schemes, many Americans have taken to the streets. Most of these people were […] ‘One Nation’ … Under Socialism POOR SUPERANNUATED HARRY BELAFONTE…IN HIS SCRATCHY VOICE CALLING THE TEA PARTY “VILLANOUS VILLAINS”…SOMETHING SAD IN THE SPECTACLE OF A FORMER SINGING STAR…..RSK Election ’10: Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but in the case of the “One Nation” rally it was also the sincerest form of futility. Despite […]
Information from Pakistani Intelligence,1518,721262,00.html ISLAMISTS? GERMAN CITIZENS?….IS THIS WHAT WE CAN ANTICIPATE FROM CELLS OF AMERICAN “ISLAMISTS” ALSO? WE HAVE HARD EVIDENCE OF SOMALI-AMERICANS WHO WERE WELCOMED HERE AS REFUGEES WHO HAVE JOINED THE JIHAD…WHEN WILL AMERICA WAKE UP TO THE DEBATE?….RSK German Islamists Reported Killed in US Drone Attack An American Predator drone: […] Dutch Courage, Liberal Cowardice Posted By Jacob Laksin As a parable on the cluelessness of the liberal commentariat about the threat of Islamic extremism, Slate magazine’s feature “explaining [1]” why the Netherlands is supposedly more “anti-Islam” than other nations is hard to top. The idea that Holland is uniquely given to “Muslim bashing,” as […] 80% of participants in latest UN rights council vote against Israel ranked “Not Free” or only “Partly Free” by Freedom House In the latest display of sickening hypocrisy at the United Nations, the Human Rights Council yesterday endorsed by 30 votes to one this month’s report by three anti-Israeli lawyers which charged Israel with […]
Islam in France; Harbinger for America? Eileen F. Toplansky This video highlights how Muslims literally dominate French society by clogging the streets during Islamic prayer services. It should give every American deep pause. The French now understand that Muslims do not wish to integrate into French society and, in fact, wish to conquer it. […]
Preventing the Next Mumbai “One of the most common taunts of Islamists is, “We love death more than you love life.” At some point they will find another opportunity to demonstrate this. In the meantime, if death is so attractive, then we should do what we can to bring it to them.” The threat […]
Terrorism, Vigilance and the Limits of the War on Terror By George Friedman The U.S. government issued a warning Oct. 3 advising Americans traveling to Europe to be “vigilant.” U.S. intelligence apparently has acquired information indicating that al Qaeda is planning to carry out attacks in European cities similar to those carried out in […] PIPES: Dueling fatwas War comes home in the Internet era By Daniel Pipes Illustration: Fatwa Reciprocal death sentences raging between Yemen and the United States offer a glimpse of warfare in the Internet age. The topic opens with “South Park,” an iconoclastic adult cartoon program on Comedy Central, which in April mocked the prohibition […] Islamists say the Koran is destined to rule America. In fact, the Muslim takeover of the White House is not just an unfolding action plan but a directive from Muhammad himself. In an interview Sunday on ABC‘s “This Week,” British radical Muslim activist Anjem Choudary made clear what he and his Islamist brothers have […]