The Trouble with Islamic Outreach The FBI is hosting some bad actors. I wonder if the FBI will be inviting Hatem Abudayyeh to tour the government’s most sensitive anti-terrorism facilities, snoop around the top-secret National Counterterrorism Center, and maybe even pop by the FBI training center in Quantico. Surely he’d be a splendid addition to […]
Who knows? maybe they actually learned something useful….but what about that money from the Saudi “charitable foundation” and how were those bucks to be earmarked in a university?….rsk Investigators say dean made students do housework for scholarships By the CNN Wire Staff October 1, 2010 6:28 a.m. EDT Queens District Attorney Richard Brown called Cecilia […] Al Gore fails to mention President Barack Obama during Democratic rally in Florida Al Gore failed to mention President Barack Obama at a campaign rally in Florida as Democrats extended their new tactic for next month’s elections – ignoring the man who so inspired them in 2008. By Toby Harnden, Tampa Al Gore made […]
Our Schools’ Useful Idiots By Patricia McCarthy The textbook wars rage in Texas, but the battles affect students throughout the nation. When I returned to college as a middle-aged adult in the 1990s, my professors regularly impugned all the textbooks that came before my time; they were all written by men, there were too […] Obama in The 99th Percentile Of Islamophilia By Carol A. Taber President Barack Hussein Obama has finally found a book whose ideas he’s willing to espouse ,other than Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. It’s The 99, and it’s a comic book designed to spread tolerance for Islam. “I have to say perhaps the most […] Women caned for selling food during Ramadan in modern, moderate Indonesia A moderate caning Wednesday night I participated in what turned out to be a jihad whitewashing circus hosted by Christiane Amanpour on ABC. It was part of the “This Week” show and will run at 11AM Eastern on Sunday morning, but I will […]
The Fraud that is J Street J street, the self-declared pro-Israel organization which is nothing of the kind, was a fraud from its beginning to its now probable inglorious end. Bruited about as an organization representing a significant portion of Jewish opinion on Israel, recent revelations show it to be a manufactured facade built on George Soros largesse. Ed Lasky […] A Movie Monster Who Spoke Out Against the Nazi Monster By Rafael Medoff and J. David Spurlock Published: No matter how many vampire movies, television shows, or books come along, Bela Lugosi will always be remembered by the American public for his role as Dracula, the quintessential prince of darkness. But new historical research […] Why A Palestinian State Would Never Be ‘Demilitarized’: A Jurisprudential And Strategic Perspective By: Louis René Beres Date: Tuesday, September 28 2010 U.S. President Barack Obama will not back away from his so-called “Road Map to Peace in the Middle East.” Even now, a plainly self-defeating “Two-State Solution” remains the cornerstone of this twisted […] Boycotts and Divestments have Consequences Victor Sharpe The latest weapon employed by Israel bashers is the boycott. It is a device being considered by a host of groups and organizations to selectively end all investments in companies doing business with Israel and to boycott stores and retail outlets selling Israeli products. It is known […]