Humberto Fontova The Kennedy-Nixon Debates: JFK Lied, Cubans Died Mon, Sep, 27, 2010 Last week in the New York Times JFK speechwriter and adviser Ted Sorensen commemorated the 50th anniversary of the Kennedy/Nixon debates. “When Kennedy Met Nixon: The Real Story,” reads the op-ed’s title. Turns out, however, that the “real story” as “revealed” by […] TUESDAY, 28TH SEPTEMBER 2010 The great Eli Lake has now shown that the J-Street lobby group, which despite its claims to be pro-Israel in fact works against its every interest, has secretly received funding from the billionaire financier George Soros, who funds a slew of organisations which are in the business of undermining western […] .“As Israelis celebrate their ability to resume construction on the thousands of dwellings that have sat unfinished throughout this moratorium, I urge President Obama to at long last embrace, rather than alienate, the most vital ally America has in the world.” Franks Calls on Administration to Recognize Israel’s Right to Build Settlements For Immediate […] AND … Meet Rick Representative Rick Berg served as a member of the North Dakota House of Representatives for more than 25 years, after first being elected in 1984. During his time in the North Dakota Legislature, Rick served as both Majority Leader and Speaker of the House. In his various roles in the […] A COMMITTEE ON THE PRESENT DANGER: HERBERT ZWEIBON FROM THE EDITOR: RAEL JEAN ISAAC THE SCAM ARTIST AT THE GROUND ZERO MOSQUE: RAEL JEAN ISAAC JUST THE FACTS, IMAM: DANIEL GREENFIELD HOW I BECAME AN UNCONSCIOUS FASCIST: FIAMMA NIRENSTEIN ON ISMS AND PHOBIAS: RUTH KING A LETTER TO BROOKLYN COLLEGE: EDWARD ALEXANDER The 5 Biggest Lies about Liberalism 5. Multiculturalism – If you haven’t seen the billboards yet, liberals love multiculturalism, they embrace all races and religions because they believe in diversity. True? Nope. Liberals follow the left’s paradigm of waging class warfare. Their interest in minorities extends only to enlisting some disenfranchised groups in their […] Why Did Stuxnet Worm Target Iran? The Editor Recently there has been news of a computer worm called Stuxnet, which is currently wreaking havoc on industrial systems. It was first identified in June, and has been reported in India, Pakistan and Indonesia, although it is estimated that 60 percent of occurrences of the computer […],1518,druck-719778,00.html Iran’s Atomic Energy Agency General Director ‘We Will Not Accept the New Tone’ from the IAEA Iran is not happy with the new director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Yukiya Amano. The head of Tehran’s own nuclear body, Ali Akbar Salehi, accuses Amano in a SPIEGEL interview of being prejudiced against his […]
Islamic Male Brutes Finally Found a Woman they Respect Posted By Lisa Richards Islamic oppressors of women finally found a woman they love and respect. Sharia-adhering men are marching in protest to free a woman they say is having her civil rights abused by American interrogators. 8,000 Pakistanis, mostly Muslim men, marched in the […]
Small-town mayor stoned to death in western Mexico By GUSTAVO RUIZ, Associated Press Writer Gustavo Ruiz, Associated Press Writer – Mon Sep 27, 8:41 pm ET MORELIA, Mexico – A small-town mayor and an aide were found stoned to death Monday in a drug-plagued western state, the fifth city leader to be slain in Mexico since mid-August. Michoacan […]