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The Irish President’s Holocaust Address Was a Predictable Disaster Michael Brendan Dougherty

The European impulse after the Holocaust is a kind of utopian death wish. The Zionist impulse is a thrilling will to live.

Above the expressed objections of the Jewish community in Ireland, Irish president Michael D. Higgins was invited to speak at the National Holocaust Memorial commemoration yesterday.

He managed to bungle it, of course. Twice he referred to the “attempted genocide” of the Holocaust. Not once in the last year has he qualified the word “genocide” when using it to describe Israel’s policy in Gaza. A granddaughter of a Holocaust survivor was physically dragged out of the ceremony.

Higgins gave what I have come to call the European religious answer to the Holocaust:

We must never lack the courage to challenge hatred and persecution in whatever forms they are sought to be manifested by promoting a world that is free from persecutions based on difference, such as faith or ethnicity, by embracing diversity, by working for equality, peace and justice, thus making possible a world that is free, too, from so many of the sources of war and conflict based on a distorted reflection of the ‘Other’.

Theologian and philosopher Pierre Teilhard de Chardin saw such a peaceful state as being achievable through a species evolution in human consciousness, believing that humankind is not only capable of living in peace but by its very structure cannot fail eventually to achieve peace.

It’s hard to communicate to the Irish mind how offensive this is. The closest I can come is to say that this is preaching Raglan Road manners to kids who have to grow up in Crumlin. But it’s something worse than that.

How Jews were turned into the ‘new Nazis’ Eighty years on from the liberation of Auschwitz, the Holocaust is now routinely weaponised against Israel. Daniel Ben Ami


On this Holocaust Memorial Day, we are marking the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the most notorious of the Nazis’ concentration camps. It ought to be an occasion for sombre reflection on the systematic extermination of six million Jews. A chance to contemplate the unique moral horror of the Holocaust.

But that is becoming more difficult than ever. And that’s because so many ‘progressives’ today are eroding the terrible significance of the Holocaust by casting Israel, and by extension Jews in general, as the new Nazis.

How did it come to this? How did the victims of the greatest evil in modern history come to be likened to its perpetrators?

Those portraying Israel as the new Nazi Germany will, of course, point to Israel’s brutal war in Gaza to substantiate their claims. But such a comparison is absurd. Israel is hardly behaving like Nazi Germany. Nazi Germany was an expansionist, imperial power. Israel simply isn’t. It is responding to the horrific, genocidal actions of Hamas after it carried out a pogrom on Israel on 7 October 2023. Since then, Israel has been fighting a war of self-defence not just against Hamas, but also against an anti-Semitic alliance from across the Middle East (including Iran, Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Houthis in Yemen), which is hell bent on Israel’s destruction.

Claims that Israel is a new Nazi Germany speak to a more profound problem – namely, the ‘dejudification’ of the Holocaust. That is, instead of being seen as a specifically anti-Jewish act, the Nazis’ systematic extermination of Jewry has increasingly been cast as an example of man’s inhumanity to man in general. Hence, even Jews can apparently be guilty of Nazism.

Many now downplay the specifically anti-Jewish character of the Holocaust. They will point out that the Nazis’ mass-killing operations took the lives of 13million civilians, of whom less than half were Jews. Other mass casualties included Soviet prisoners of war, civilians killed in anti-partisan operations, disabled people and the Roma. From this perspective, it is possible to argue that Jews were just one group among many who were slaughtered by the Nazis.

However, this misses the centrality of anti-Semitism to Nazi ideology. It is not that the loss of an individual Jewish life should trouble us more than other lives. It was that the Nazis were driven by an overriding racial animus towards the Jews – they were the specific targets of the Nazis’ Vernichtungskrieg, their ‘war of extermination’.

There was a reason for this. In the fevered imagination of the Nazis, the Jews represented the combined evils of capitalism and Communism. As historian Paul Hanebrink explains, ‘Communism and global capitalism always functioned in [Nazis’] minds as two sides of the same international (and anti-national) Jewish evil. In their paranoid fantasies, Jewish Communists and Jewish financiers invariably worked together to pursue world domination, each feeding off the power of the other.’

Spencer Video: Antisemitism – History and Myth Why the ancient evil of antisemitism has returned — and how to counter it. by Glazov Gang


This new Glazov Gang episode features Robert Spencer, the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. His latest book is Muhammad: A Critical Biography. Follow him on Twitter here.

Robert discusses Antisemitism: History and Myth, reflecting on Why the ancient evil of antisemitism has returned—and how to counter it.

Never Again means nothing if we are not willing to stand up to today’s Jew haters  Stephen Pollard

Monday is Holocaust Memorial Day – and the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. This year, as every year, the phrase Never Again will be at the centre of the commemorations. But more than at any time since 1945, it will be meaningless.

In the 80 years since the end of the Holocaust, Never Again has been uttered as if it is some kind of benediction. Merely to say the words shows you to be a caring, thoughtful and, above all, decent human being. You have seen the previously unimaginable evil of the Holocaust and you are revolted. So, never again.

But rarely has there been a clearer example of how actions speak far louder than words. For most of the past 80 years Never Again has been no more than an abstract expression of goodness. It has carried no real, practical, living meaning because it didn’t need to. Anti-Semitism was almost a historical curiosity – a hatred that had been buried after the Holocaust showed where it could lead.

Today, however, when the threat to Jews is real and clear, Never Again is exposed as a platitude.

Israel has had to fight many existential wars since its creation in 1948. But here in Britain, there was no serious threat to the Jewish community – but a new and worrying wave of Jew hatred started emerging at around the time of the arrival of Jeremy Corbyn as Labour leader in 2015.

In the past fifteen months, however, anti-Semitism has skyrocketed. Naked and unashamed Jew hate is now a regular feature on the streets of London and elsewhere as hundreds of thousands assemble to demonstrate their loathing of “Zionists” – in other words, of Jews.

Germany’s Cultural Elites Perverted “Debate” on Israel by Gerald M. Steinberg


Fringe activists and their “positions of moral outrage” continue to be funded by the German government, with high visibility platforms to promote their blatant anti-Israel and antisemitic campaigns.

In the face of poisonous propaganda, the Bundestag resolutions calling for an end to German government funding to “organizations or projects that spread antisemitism [or] question Israel’s right to exist” are important. Implementing them and stopping the support via cultural and academic institutions will not “silence” the voices of hate, but at least the German state will no longer be providing them with resources or legitimacy.

On November 22, 2024, at the National Gallery of Berlin, the American photographer and political activist Nan Goldin asked, “Why can’t I speak, Germany?” With apparently no sense of irony, she spoke at a lectern in front of a large audience, with numerous phones pointing at her, at the opening of her retrospective, titled “This will not end well.” The subject of her talk was not her artistic portfolio but rather her political agenda on Israel.

An enthusiastic audience applauded her outrage and indignation over the “genocide” in Gaza and Lebanon, and her immoral equivalence between the Palestinian population after the October 7 atrocities with pogroms against Jews under the Russian Empire. Goldin’s false claim that “antizionism has nothing to do with antisemitism” was followed by loud chants of appreciation and applause.

The one person who could not speak was the National Gallery’s Director, Klaus Biesenbach, who was shouted down when he attempted to distance himself from her statement, while adding the obligatory and obvious defense of Goldin’s right to express herself.

The “Nan Goldin incident” was widely covered in prominent media platforms, including the New York Times and German press, as well as in social media, almost everywhere repeating her false accusations regarding the ostensible silencing of Israel’s critics. Goldin is one of a number of examples (another is Judith Butler) in which Jewish anti-Israel activists are used by Germans as fig-leaves to claim that their agendas should not be labeled as antisemitic.

In Ireland Today, the Antisemitism is So Wide and Deep That One Despairs Hugh Fitzgerald


The government of Ireland has just announced that it has adopted the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism. Here is that definition: “Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.” Most of those adopting that definition also point to various examples of different ways in which that antisemitism is expressed.

Such a decision — to adopt the IHRA definition of antisemitism — is always to be welcomed, but given how antisemitic many Irish, including those at the very top of the government, have shown themselves to be this past year, in truly hair-raising pronouncements by the Irish president, Michael Higgins, the prime minister Simon Harris, the foreign minister Micheal Martin, the Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland Eamonn Martin, and the head of the Anglican Church in Ireland, Canon David Oxley, it’s hard to see that that adoption of the IHRA will do much good with those people still in office.

Ireland is, said one leader of the Irish Jewish community, the “most antisemitic” of all member states in the EU, and this announcement looks to be more of an attempt to deflect criticism rather than a genuine expression of sympathetic understanding for Jews, a tiny and embattled people fighting a seven-front war, who are now experiencing an increase in antisemitism worldwide that has not been seen since the days of the Nazis. More on what has been going on in Ireland that vitiates its pretense of becoming, if not a supporter of Israel, at least not a relentless and obsessive enemy of both the Jewish state and also of Jews, can be found here: “Ireland Adopts IHRA Definition of Antisemitism Amid Row With Israel,” by Dion J. Pierre, Algemeiner, January 17, 2025:

Australia is in the grips of an anti-Semitic nightmare How many more synagogues will be torched before the elites take this threat seriously? Hugo Timms


The standard you walk past, as the famous Australian saying goes, is the standard you accept. Unfortunately for Jewish Australians, the standard set by the Labor government when it comes to anti-Semtism could hardly be any lower.

In the early hours of Tuesday morning, Australians woke to the news that a Sydney childcare centre had been firebombed and sprayed with anti-Semitic graffiti. Last weekend, two masked figures attempted (and failed) to burn down a synagogue. Theses would once have been significant national events. But not so now, in Anthony Albanese’s Australia. They were merely just the latest of several recent attacks on Jewish property.

In December, Melbourne’s Adass Israel Synagogue, in the prominent and historic Jewish suburb of Ripponlea, was burnt to the ground in possibly the most significant act of anti-Semitism in Australian history. Last week, in Sydney’s eastern suburbs, two cars were set alight, many more were graffitied with anti-Semitic slogans, and the former home of Alex Ryvchin, co-chief executive of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, was doused in red paint.

Anti-Semitism now pervades Australian society. It began, as most of the world now knows, on the steps of the Sydney Opera House, with crowds celebrating Hamas’s atrocities on 7 October 2023. It blossomed into regular, vicious anti-Israel marches, including one mourning the death of Hassan Nasrallah, the Hezbollah leader responsible for the indiscriminate bombing of northern Israel. During that time, protesters have routinely damaged the offices of politicians deemed supportive of Israel – and they’ve done so, for the most part, with impunity. By the time the office of Jewish MP Josh Burns was targeted last June, with vandals deploying an age-old anti-Semitic trope by adorning his photograph with Satanic horns, hardly anyone could claim to be surprised.

The ADL Global 100: Index of Antisemitism® An estimated 2.2 billion people – 46% of the world’s adult population – harbor antisemitic attitudes. This is more than double the number of people surveyed a decade ago when ADL introduced the ADL Global 100.


About the ADL Global 100

Conducted by ADL and coordinated with Ipsos and other research partners, the ADL Global 100 Index gauges levels of antisemitic sentiments through an index comprised of 11 questions that measure general acceptance of various negative Jewish stereotypes. Survey respondents who say at least 6 out of the 11 statements are “probably true” or “definitely true” are considered to harbor elevated levels of antisemitic attitudes. Respondents were from 103 countries and territories.

Negative attitudes toward Jewish people are one part of how ADL assesses levels of antisemitism. ADL also accounts for the number and nature of antisemitic incidents annually, polls of Jewish communities about their experiences with antisemitism, government policies and other factors. This shows how the fight against antisemitism requires countries to adopt and implement a whole-of-society strategy that involves all levels of government, corporations, academia, civil society and the public.

“Blame It on the Jews!” by Nils A. Haug


To their enemies, the Jews cannot do anything right. They are hated when they are strong; they are hated when they are weak. They are hated when they are poor; they are hated when they are rich. They are hated when they win; they are hated when they lose.

How this unfounded, blatantly anti-Semitic blaming of innocent Jews arose is difficult to fathom — particularly as the traditional custodians and purveyors of Judeo-Christian moral-ethical precepts are, in fact, the Jews. It is their principles — the Judeo-Christian values — that underpin Western Civilization…

Even after the unspeakable events in Israel of October 7, 2023, with the slaughter of more than 1,200 innocents, many onlookers held Israel and the Jews — not Hamas and Iran — primarily responsible for the horror.

Frequently, the small population of Jews are held responsible for geopolitical and other events far beyond their control. Last month, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin accused “ethnic Jews” of “tearing apart Russian Orthodox Church.” How this unfounded, blatantly anti-Semitic blaming of innocent Jews arose is difficult to fathom — particularly as the traditional custodians and purveyors of Judeo-Christian moral-ethical precepts are, in fact, the Jews. Pictured: Putin speaks to the media at Igora ski resort in the Leningrad region on December 26, 2024. (Photo by Alexei Danichev/Pool/AFP via Getty Images)

Frequently, the small population of Jews are held responsible for geopolitical and other events far beyond their control.

This week, two American “far-left” anti-Israel groups — Code Pink and Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), among others — actually blamed Israel for the ongoing California wildfires.

“When US taxes go to burning people alive in Gaza, we can’t be surprised when those fires come home,” Code Pink posted on Instagram.

It was, in fact, Palestinians from Gaza who burned Israelis alive — including infants — that started the current conflict. If you do not want your people killed, do not start a war.

Code Pink apparently receives a major portion of its funding from an American couple, Sri-Lankan-born Neville Roy Singham and his wife Jodie Evans, based in Shanghai.

Lessons in antisemitism from the NEU The powerful teachers’ union is obsessed with Palestine Nicole Lampert


Perhaps the clues were always there. When the “national education union” was formed in 2017, it dispensed with the rules of grammar for its new image. Capital letters, typically used for proper nouns, were dispensed with in its logo. This new union said it planned to “shape the future of education”.

Today, with nearly half a million of the nation’s teachers in its ranks, the NEU (capitals allowed) is the biggest education union in Europe. It is also the most powerful. During the pandemic, it was sufficiently influential to close Britain’s schools. For such services, Mary Bousted, its leader at the time, was made a Dame in this year’s New Year honours.

Under her replacement as general secretary, Daniel Kebede, the NEU has remained a campaigning organisation, lobbying on gender equality, racism and LGBT rights. But in recent years, it has dedicated itself to one cause in particular: Palestine.

One might wonder what a British teaching union has to do with a geopolitical conflict 3,000 miles away, but the question would be moot. Every year — excepting wars and pandemics — the NEU subsidises two propaganda trips to the Palestinian Territories, while its magazine Educate frequently denounces Israel. In one recent editorial, Kebede wrote: “As educators whose instincts are humanitarian, members are appalled by the willingness of political leaders to let this situation go on. Why do arms sales continue? Why has the verdict of the International Court of Justice not restrained their behaviour?”

To understand this obsession, one need only attend the NEU’s annual conference. Even before the conference, different branches were thinking up novel ways to attack Israel. Natasha Brandon, a Jewish secondary school teacher based in North London, was surprised to find it top of the agenda for the LBGT+ division when they got together ahead of conference.