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Calling out anti-Semitism By Josh Kantrow


Donald Trump did himself no favors by having dinner Kanye West and Nick Fuentes. By doing so, he has opened himself up to criticism not just from the usual suspects (the Democrats and their media allies), but others as well. 

The Democrats and media, of course, are hypocrites. Very few of them ever dared to criticize Barack Obama for his 20-year friendship with Rev. Jeremiah Wright, or his agreeing to meet with Louis Farrakhan, whose anti-Semitism inspired Ye. Wright officiated at Obama’s wedding. Obama sat in the pews of Wright’s church for two decades listening to his hateful statements against the United States (G-d Damn America”), and his anti-Semitism.

Further, unlike Obama, who favored the Palestinians throughout his presidency, Trump was a great friend to Israel.  After broken promises by several administrations, he moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem and recognized it as Israel’s capital, acknowledged Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, and tore up Obama’s terrible Iran Nuclear Deal, which was supported by the vast majority of Congressional Democrats.  Further, the Trump administration’s steadfast support for Israel led to peace agreements very few thought possible. Critically, the administration negotiated the Abraham Accords, a series of normalization agreements between Israel and its former enemies Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Morroco, and Sudan.

Nor has the media criticized the fact that Democrats have elevated anti-Semites Ilhan Omar (“it’s all about the Benjamins”) and “the Squad” to positions of power. Ilhan, for example, is on the House Foreign Affairs Committee.  Omar and two other members of “the Squad,” — Rep. Rashida Tlaib, the first Palestinian-American woman elected to Congress, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — and 14 other Democrats refused to support a congressional resolution condemning the anti-Semitic Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel. Tlaib said on the House floor. “So I can’t stand by and watch this attack on our freedom of speech and the right to boycott the racist policies of the government and the state of Israel.” Again, crickets from most Democrats and the media.

End Jew Hatred Report: Canada Must Stop Facilitating Terror, Remove Samidoun Israel designated Samidoun a terrorist organization; 3 days later Canada gave it non-profit status By Doris Strub Epstein


(The report below has been sent on November 16 to every federal MP and every provincial and territorial MPP and all Senators. This is a regular report prepared by Doris Epstein, a volunteer with End Jew Hatred Canada.) 

Since March 2021, Samidoun has been registered as a not for profit organization in Canada. Samidoun, the “Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network”, is based in Vancouver and has chapters, affiliates and links around the world. They claim to advocate for innocent prisoners incarcerated in Israel’s jails. They never say that most of the prisoners are convicted terrorists, on the pay roll for Palestinian Authority President Abbas’s pay for slay program.

Samidoun is affiliated directly, with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, PFLP, a listed terrorist entity in Canada. They have been staging anti- Israel events here that are demonstrably and clearly detrimental to Canadian interests and values.

Samidoun’s Europe Coordinator, Mohammed Khatib said at a demonstration in Brussels in October, “Defeating Israel means defeating the US, defeating Israel means defeating Canada: this settlement that exists on the basis of the Indigenous people and the Black People.” They also raise funds, run advocacy programs and organize events on university campuses

In February, 2021, Israel, designated Samidoun a terrorist organization and identified it as an arm of the PFLP.  A press statement added that Samidoun was founded by “members of the PFLP in2012 …and serves as a front for the PFLP abroad.“ The group spreads hatred towards Israel, claiming Israel is an apartheid state – a false claim that often results in attacks on Jews outside of Israel, Canada included.  Samidoun is part of a radical movement urging cultural and economic boycotts (BDS), a strategy that has been called antisemitic by the Prime Minister of Canada

The American Left Sows the Seeds and Waters the Roots of Anti-Semitism By Richard Moss


After the tragic killing of 11 elderly Jews at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh in 2018, the members of the Jewish left, along with allies in the Democrat party and the media, have been unrelenting in their efforts to pin the act on President Donald Trump, accusing him of creating an atmosphere of “hatred” which led to violence — and the recent unplanned and unfortunate visit of anti-Semites Kanye West and Nick Fuentes with Trump at Mar-a-Lago threw kindling on the fire.

But even a cursory exam of the record will demonstrate that Trump is the most pro-Israel, pro-Jewish president we have ever had.  Given the rhetoric however it would be useful to compare the records of Trump, Barack Hussein Obama (and Joe Biden), the Democrat Party, and the Jewish left regarding their treatment of the Jewish people and the state of Israel, and to determine the true epicenter of anti-Semitism in America and around the world today.

To begin, members of Trump’s immediate family are Jewish — Ivanka converted to Judaism when she married her Jewish husband; Trump has Jewish grandchildren that he adores.  Jews have been influential consultants and advisors throughout his long career in business and his administration.  While the broad American Jewish community did not support Trump in 2016, he was very popular among observant Orthodox Jews and nearly 75% of Israelis approve of Trump.

Acting on his promise, Trump moved the American Embassy to Jerusalem, recognizing it as the eternal capital of the Jewish people, something his predecessor refused to do.

Trump ended the Iran nuclear deal forged by Obama.  This deal paved the way for a nuclear-armed Iran within 10 years, a nation that is pledged to the annihilation of Israel.  Iran is the leading state sponsor of terror and funds terrorist proxies Hamas and Hezbollah, which, like their Iranian patrons, espouse genocidal ambitions towards Israel.  But the Jewish left, the Democrat Party, and the media defended the Iran nuclear deal even as it represented an existential threat to the Jewish state.

The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) is a terrorist entity stained with Jewish and American blood.  It pays stipends to families of terrorists responsible for killing Jews and is the most successful Jew-killing operation since World War II.  Trump closed its diplomatic mission in Washington D.C.; Obama upgraded it. Obama also increased U.S. funding to the PLO while Trump cut it.  Biden has since reinstated the cash flow.

Jewish Man and 7-Year-Old Son Shot with BB Gun in NY


Two suspects driving a black Ford Mustang grazed the son, who is 7-years-old, on the ear and impacted the father in the chest.

By Dion J. Pierre, The Algemeiner

A Jewish man and his son were shot with BB guns on Sunday while standing outside a kosher supermarket in the Staten Island borough of New York City.

Two suspects driving a black Ford Mustang grazed the son, who is 7-years-old, on the ear and impacted the father in the chest. According to CBS New York, the New York City Police Department (NYPD) has said its investigators are still determining whether the assailants targeted the man and his son, who were wearing yarmulkes during the attack, because they are Jewish.

“The Staten Island Jewish community is very disturbed by this incident. Thank God the victims weren’t severely injured and are OK,” Ari Weiss of Staten Island Shomrim told CBS on Monday. “We at the Staten Island Shomrim are working closely with NYPD’s 121 & Hate Crime detectives to identity and apprehend those responsible for these acts. We can all be very confident this will be resolved quickly, the NYPD detectives are the best in the world.”

Antisemitic hate crimes in New York City during the month of November increased by 125 percent when compared to last year, the New York City Police Department (NYPD) reported on Monday. According to their data, Jewish New Yorkers were the most targeted group, accounting for 60 percent of all hate crimes that occurred.

George Washington University held a disciplinary hearing on Friday to determine whether its Students for Justice for Palestine (SJP) chapter…

In April, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), reported that more antisemitic incidents are recorded in New York than in any other state, accounting for “an astounding 15 percent of the total reported antisemitic incidents across the country.”

If Holocaust Deniers Don’t Go to Hell, There Is No God Holocaust denial is not only a Big Lie, it is pure Jew-hatred and a slap in the face of all the Americans who died fighting the Nazis. By Dennis Prager


It is a central tenet of moral theology that there are gradations of sin. To argue that God views stealing a towel from a hotel and raping a child as moral equivalents renders God a moral fool. And doing that to God is a sin. If we mortals perceive the universe of difference between such actions, it goes without question that God does, too. The idea that we have greater moral clarity than God is logically and theologically untenable.

In the pantheon of evils, among the worst is Holocaust denial.

Given the murder of 6 million Jews and the unspeakable amount of suffering they and Jewish survivors underwent at the hands of the Nazis, it takes a particularly vile individual to say this never happened. Think of how we would regard anyone who denied thousands of Americans were murdered on 9/11.

General Dwight D. Eisenhower, along with Generals George Patton and Omar Bradley, visited Ohrdruf, a Nazi concentration camp, on April 12, 1945, a week after it was liberated. 

Eisenhower then cabled to General George Marshall:

The things I saw beggar description. . . . The visual evidence and the verbal testimony of starvation, cruelty and bestiality were so overpowering as to leave me a bit sick. In one room, where they were piled up twenty or thirty naked men, killed by starvation, George Patton would not even enter. He said that he would get sick if he did so. I made the visit deliberately, in order to be in a position to give first-hand evidence of these things if ever, in the future, there develops a tendency to charge these allegations merely to ‘propaganda.’

A week later, Eisenhower again cabled Marshall, asking that members of Congress and journalists be brought to the newly liberated camps so that they could tell Americans the truth about German Nazi atrocities. 

Dearborn Muslim Arrested After Synagogue Incident “Chokr is told he is free to go as an officer gives him a fist bump” by Daniel Greenfield


Antisemitic incidents fall into two categories: the ones people want to discuss for political reasons and the ones they don’t want to discuss for political reasons. File this one under another one of those the media would rather not discuss for political reasons. The setting is Dearborn, MI, where going on half the city is Arab.

And, much as in Europe and the Middle East, the rest naturally follows.

A Dearborn man has been charged with two counts of ethnic intimidation in what officials said was an antisemitic attack at a historic synagogue and preschool for Jewish students in Bloomfield Township.

Hassan Yehia Chokr, 35, was arrested by police after antisemitic and racist threats were made Friday against children, adults and security personnel outside Temple Beth El, Oakland County Prosecutor Karen McDonald said.

“He was hostile and verbally abusive, shouting profanity about ‘F Israel’ and ‘F the Jews’ — and threatening people, yelling at them that if they support Israel, they will pay or he will get them,” Rabbi Mark Miller, Temple Beth El’s senior rabbi, told the Detroit Free Press.

Chokr was driving in a white van screaming expletives and derogatory remarks against Jewish people, according to the group StopAntisemitism, based in New York City. The group that combats antisemitism had posted a tweet and photo of the incident that was retweeted hundreds of times. On Sunday, the group said the suspect had visited another synagogue and noted he was making violent threats on his Instagram page.

Behind the Global Surge in Anti-Semitism Despite likely friction, relations between the U.S. and Israel have a strong foundation. By Walter Russell Mead



The new anti-Zionism, however, is becoming entrenched among many American progressives. Depending on what policies Mr. Netanyahu’s cabinet adopts, the Biden administration could be moving toward battles with the new Israeli government more bitter than those of the Obama years. And on campus and elsewhere, individual American Jews are being challenged to earn their way into progressive respectability by dissociating themselves from the Jewish state and the Jewish national movement.

But progressives’ anti-Semitism disguised as human rights activism is only one of the dangers confronting American Jews. Almost two-thirds of religious hate crimes reported in the U.S. are directed against a group representing 2.4% of the population. Race-baiting political agitators seek to mobilize this hatred to advance their careers.

Jew-hatred has always existed in America. Equally at home in trailer parks and country clubs, it tends to peak at moments of social and economic stress. Today’s genteel anti-Semitism among upper-middle-class BDS proponents and the less subtle Jew-hatred among radical black and white nationalists matches the classical pattern well. American populism also has a long history of anti-Semitic rhetoric. William Jennings Bryan’s most famous speech climaxed in an anti-Semitic dog whistle: “You shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold.” Radio priest Father Charles Coughlin and others enlisted Jew-hatred in their populist appeals during the Great Depression.

New York Antisemitic Hate Crimes Up 125 Percent in November, NYPD Says By Dion J. Pierre


Antisemitic hate crimes in New York City during the month of November increased by 125 percent when compared to last year, the New York City Police Department (NYPD) reported on Monday.

The NYPD recorded 45 antisemitic hate crimes in November 2022. In November 2021, it recorded 20. According to the data, Jewish New Yorkers were the most targeted group, accounting for 60 percent of all hate crimes that occurred.

There were several incidents of note in November, including a series of antisemitic and racist notes sent to several restaurants in the City Island neighborhood of the Bronx, the shooting of Hasidic Jews with a gel gun, and the uncovering of a plot to attack synagogues in Manhattan.

“The scariest part of reviewing these numbers is the lack of a concrete plan or solutions on how to combat the hate crimes against the most discriminated ethnic minority in New York City,” New York City Councilwoman Inna Vernikov told The Algemeiner on Monday.

More antisemitic incidents were recorded in New York than in any other state, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) reported in April, noting that it tallied 416, which “accounted for an astounding 15 percent of the total reported antisemitic incidents across the country.”

Elon Musk SUSPENDS Kanye West from Twitter for sharing a picture of a swastika inside a Star of David as his ‘presidential campaign symbol’: Anti-Semite rapper reveals their furious text exchange


Disgraced rapper Kanye West’s Twitter account was suspended by Elon Musk on Thursday night after he shared a picture of a swastika interlaced with a Star of David.

The post came hours after an interview with conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, when West sparked outrage by declaring his ‘love’ of Nazis and his admiration for Adolf Hitler.

Twitter owner Musk, who reinstated West’s banned account just last month after taking control of the company in October, decided the musician’s latest outburst was the final straw.

West’s account was initially locked for 12 hours, preventing him from tweeting, and later suspended. It is unclear whether the suspension is temporary or permanent.  In recent weeks, West has made a string of vile anti-Semitic comments, leaving his reputation in tatters and causing brands – including Adidas, Balenciaga and GAP – to drop him in droves. As a result, his net worth has plummeted.

Genocidal antisemitism is conquering American campuses Students and faculty have wrapped themselves in the colors of the far-left and Islamist fascism, both defined by their hatred of Israel and Jews. by Kenneth Levin


The Palestinian war against Israel has been a genocidal antisemitic undertaking from its origins and remains so today. Nonetheless, it enjoys substantial support in the U.S., especially in America’s most important institutional purveyor of antisemitism—academia.

The most popular foreign policy cause on U.S. campuses is Israel’s destruction, and the favorite pastime is attacking Israel’s Jewish supporters. Indeed, among the most popular campus chants is “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” Campus activists parrot the Big Lies with which Palestinian leaders justify their hatred and murderous aggression: There was a nation of Palestine usurped by the Jews; there was never a Jewish presence in the Land of Israel; and the Jews are alien invaders who forced the Palestinians from their homes.

In fact, there has never been a Palestinian state. In November 1947, the U.N. General Assembly voted to divide British Mandatory Palestine—a Mandate carved out of the Ottoman Empire after World War I—into Jewish and Arab states. Palestinian Arabs, together with the Arab states, rejected partition and threatened the Jewish population of then-Palestine with annihilation.

In the words of Abdul Rachman Azzad, Secretary-General of the Arab League, “This will be a war of extermination and momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Mongolian massacre and the Crusades.”

The Palestinian Arab leadership, headed by Haj Amin al-Husseini, who had collaborated with the Nazis on a plan to exterminate the Jewish population of Mandatory Palestine, also declared that the war’s intent was genocidal. Fortunately, Israel emerged victorious and its enemies’ designs were thwarted. The Palestinian Arabs subsequently labeled this outcome their “Naqba,” or “catastrophe.”

The war was accompanied by the flight of some 600,000 Arab refugees, which the Palestinians and their supporters blame on the Israelis. At the time and into the mid-1950’s, however, they typically blamed it on their own leaders and the Arab states for encouraging the war that led to the mass flight.