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Bill Siegel: Trump the Immigration Stalemate

For decades, the Left, including today’s Democrat party, has had one overarching goal – to secure enough Democrat voters to establish a permanent majority from which to unleash its full scale program to transform the nation. Essential to this strategy is letting in as many illegal immigrants (preferably the unskilled from impoverished backgrounds to whom government benefits will mean significantly more) while gaining favor from currently residing immigrants- legal and illegal. Securing our borders so that we as a nation can choose who enters is as intimately connected to our concept of “nationhood” as the ability to lock one’s doors is to the notion of “home.” Nonetheless, the Left has held border security hostage to some fantasized “comprehensive” solution aimed at addressing the status of existing illegals.

Good News From Amazing Israel: Michael Ordman


Discovery of the melanoma trigger. A team of researchers from Tel Aviv University, Israel’s Technion, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Sheba Medical Center have discovered what causes melanoma cells to turn into aggressive tumors. The scientists are convinced that it will soon lead to a breakthrough treatment.

Diagnosing malaria in only 3 minutes. (TY Hazel) Israel’s Sight Diagnostics (SightDx) uses computer vision technology to scan “stained” blood samples under a fluorescent microscope and detect the presence of anomalies in blood cells due to malaria. The 3 minute test contrasts with current tests that take one or two days.

Dancing can treat Parkinson’s. When Professor Rafi Eldor was told that he had Parkinson’s disease, seven years ago, he felt that the sky had fallen on him. Two years later he took up dancing and now watch him dance to the theme tune of the movie “Skyfall”.

Pluristem stem cells control the immune system. A new study on stem cells developed by Israeli biotech Pluristem shows they can be used to regulate the immune system, speeding it up or slowing it down as needed. They release a cocktail of therapeutic proteins in response to a host of inflammatory and ischemic diseases.

Voice monitoring to diagnose brain disease. (TY Michelle) IBM Israel researchers are working on a project to detect brain diseases such as dementia, much earlier. It involves monitoring the patient’s voice remotely and detecting changes, so that activities and medication could slow down the advance of the disease.

Protection against microbial infections. (TY Atid-EDI) Professor Ervin Weiss, founder of Israel’s NanoLock, has invented a nano-polymer additive that protects against microbial infections – one of the most urgent medical problems. NanoLock has just acquired licenses and patents for the technology.


In all past election cycles the summer before an election year engenders testy conversations with my liberal friends and relatives. This time the stakes are so high and the danger to our culture, our economy, our liberty and our security is the worst we have encountered in all my adult life.How shocking it is to me that the barbed exchanges I have been having are with my friends and political allies on the subject of Donald Trump.
James Taranto attended a post debate talk at the Women’s National Republican Club. He reports:
“Our method was to call for a show of hands for each candidate and eyeball the results. Trump was the clear winner….. We asked Trump supporters to explain why they like him. One woman raised her hand and said it was because “I support free speech.” Her point was not that Trump is an advocate of free speech but that he is a practitioner of it: He speaks bluntly and abjures political correctness.”
And so their anger, which I share finds a poster boy in an uncouth oaf, not fit, as they used to say in the Bronx, to run for dog catcher.
I left a post debate party because I was a tad under the weather and on my way out, a brilliant, politically savvy and energetic friend of mine told me that she prefers and roots for Trump. Why?She explained that “he tells it like it is.” Well, I suppose that depends on what the meaning of “it” is. …rsk

UK: Anjem Choudary Charged With Supporting Islamic State by Soeren Kern

A recent BBC poll found that 45% of British Muslims believe extremist clerics who preach violence against the West are not “out of touch” with mainstream Muslim opinion.

“Allah said very clearly in the Koran ‘Don’t feel sorry for the non-Muslims.’ So as an adult non-Muslim… if he dies in a state of disbelief then he is going to go to the hellfire… so I’m not going to feel sorry for non-Muslims.” — Anjem Choudary.

“Under the Shari’ah, the false Gods that people worship instead of Allah will be removed, like democracy, freedom, liberalism, secularism etc.” — Anjem Choudary.

“We are Muslims first and Muslim last. Passports are no more than travel documents. If you are born in a barn that doesn’t make you a horse!!” — Anjem Choudary.

Choudary urged his followers to quit their jobs and claim unemployment benefits so that they could have more time to plot holy war against non-Muslims. He said Muslims are entitled to welfare payments because they are a form of jizya, a tax imposed on non-Muslims in countries run by Muslims… as a reminder that non-Muslims are permanently inferior and subservient to Muslims.

Choudary says he is not afraid of going to prison, which he describes as a fertile ground for gaining more converts to Islam. “If they arrest me and put me in prison…” he warned, “I will radicalize everyone in prison.”

Anjem Choudary, one of the most outspoken and provocative Islamists in Britain today, has been remanded in custody, charged with the terrorism offense of encouraging people to join the Islamic State.

Reflections on the Trump Circus By Andrew C. McCarthy

I’ve paid very little attention to the Donald Trump boomlet. I confess to enjoying Kevin and Jonah’s columns on the subject, but I’d enjoy their columns if they were writing about toothpicks. When asked about it, I’ve told people, “Ignore it and it will flame out on its own.” I’ve never met Donald Trump that I can recall. He’s a big New York personality and I’m Bronx born and bred, so of course I’m familiar with him. But I’ve never seen his TV shows, his news interviews are vapid, and I haven’t taken his presidential campaign any more seriously than I took his high-profile handwringing about running for this or that in the past.

What about all this psychoanalysis of the conservative base? We’ve heard the trope: Trump’s poll numbers can’t be ignored because they are not so much about him as about the anger he is tapping into – anger at the bipartisan Beltway political establishment. Well, as anyone who cares to read my columns knows, I am not exactly a stranger to that anger. I don’t need Donald Trump to draw my attention to it, and I don’t see him as a viable vehicle for representing it since he has a history of supporting positions and politicians responsible for a lot of that anger.

David Singer: Chickens Coming Home To Roost For Turkey

Turkey’s championing of the Palestinian Arabs in their quest for an independent State has come back to bite Turkey with a vengeance – as Kurdish Statehood is once again firmly placed on the political agenda.

Turkey became the first country in the world with an ambassador to “Palestine” – after its envoy in Ramallah, Şakir Özkan Torunlar, presented his Letter of Credence to “State of Palestine” President Mahmoud Abbas on 14 April 2013.

Incredibly this self-declared “State of Palestine” – admitted as a member State of UNESCO on 31 October 2011 and as a non-State observer to the United Nations on 29 November 2012 with Turkey’s active support – lacks the four following criteria required by the 1933 Montevideo Convention to qualify as a State:

1. a permanent population;
2. a defined territory;
3. a government; and
4. capacity to enter into relations with the other states.

Turkey’s swift recognition of this illegally constituted state for the “Palestinians” – a people only created for the first time in 1964 by the PLO Charter – starkly contrasts with Turkey’s consistent refusal to grant its 15 million ancient Kurdish community – part of the largest stateless minority group in the world -– the identical right to their own State in Northern Turkey for the last 90 years.

Marco Rubio Personifies the American Dream for RedState Gathering By Scott Ott

Marco Rubio presents a strong and stirring vision of a greater America than we’ve ever seen, for more people than ever.

Marco Rubio in person is like his book, America Dreams – inspiring, passionate, engaging, personal and a public policy proposal firehose. He brought all of that to RedState Gathering in Atlanta Friday, and the crowd of conservatives responded enthusiastically.

Early in his remarks, he grabbed the third-rail and talked about reforms to Social Security that would not only preserve it for future generations (including his own) without affecting current retirees (like his Mom), but would also lead to an economic revival by relieving the crushing weight of debt from our economy.

His youth, he says, will set him off from Hillary Clinton, but his forward-looking, innovative, technology-embracing attitude may do so even more. The best jobs of the 21st century will be here in America if we break the higher-education monopoly, refocus on vocational education, and realize that though we’ll be ordering our McDonald’s meals from a touchscreen, the people who make those touchscreens will make a lot more money.

Ted Cruz Offers Full-Throated Conservatism and RedState Rises By Scott Ott

The conventional wisdom says that true conservatism cannot win a presidential election, but Ted Cruz challenged that claim today in Atlanta with a full-throated endorsement of vigorous conservative leadership. A hotel ballroom filled with conservative activists ate it up. Like Carly Fiorina before him, Cruz was unstinting in his critique of Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid. But he took it even further, practically taunting Republican congressional leadership.

Cruz, speaking from in front of the podium without notes, said he welcomes the large field of GOP competitors, and joked that it’s different on the other side.

“The Democrat debate consists of Hillary and the Chipotle clerk. [LAUGHTER] That’s not fair…Bernie Sanders has entered the race. [LAUGHTER] So, they have a wild-eyed socialist with ideas that are endangering American’s place in the world…and Bernie Sanders. [WILD LAUGHTER AND APPLAUSE] They’re not even having a debate. They did plan to have a debate earlier, the problem was the invitation was emailed to Hillary.” (H/T to the Cruz joke writer. He killed, as they say in the comedy clubs.)

“There is a reason that the life, vibrancy, energy and excitement is with conservatives this year. Our country is in crisis,” he said, effortlessly shifting the mood in the room. He knows the RedState audience better than most, having spoken here in each of the event’s seven years.

Obama Chillin’ in Chilmark By Jeannie DeAngelis

President Barack Obama must have felt that after doing a decent amount of damage to the country this week, he earned the right to leave early for his 17-day vacation in Martha’s Vineyard. This year the president will be kicking back at the same $12-million Chilmark seven-bedroom, nine-bathroom estate that he and Michelle and their entourage rented last year.

The president’s convoy includes the usual tagalongs and top aides, among whom are the gravelly-voiced national security adviser Susan Rice and Obama’s Iranian-born senior adviser/muse Valerie Jarrett.

Also accompanying him on the trip are younger daughter Sasha and wife Michelle and her donut-shaped hair bun, which, of late, she’s been balancing like a bird’s nest on the top of her head.

Oldest daughter Malia is still in New York City, where she’s summer-interning with Lena Dunham.

Lena is the writer/producer/star of the raunchy HBO series Girls. In addition to dreaming up Girls, Malia’s summer supervisor, whose father Caroll does giant-sized paintings of giant-sized women with giant-sized genitals, also admitted to sexually molesting her younger sister Grace when they were kids.

FNC Debate Moderators: ‘Oh, the Cleverness of Me’ By Patricia McCarthy…See note please

I totally agree with this assessment…..trading on Trump’s outsize popularity they got enormous coverage but the questions should have been sharper, they should have give more time to Ted Cruz and avoided the self congratulatory cackling…and the question about God was ridiculous……rsk

Millions of conservatives were looking forward to the GOP debate like kids waiting for a new Avengers film. Sick to death of leftist moderators going after Republican candidates with malicious intent, this debate was going to be different. With the moderators being from Fox, this debate would be classy and substantive. There would be none of Stephanopoulos’s trick questions meant to destroy, like when he asked Romney if he thought birth control should be legal. Chris Wallace has a lefty bent and, like his father, can be quite arrogant, but Bret Baier is one of the best in the business. And Megyn Kelly, whom we’ve watched since she was Megyn Kendall, is usually incisive and elegant.