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University Language Guide: The Word ‘American’ Is Offensive — Katherine Timpf

It “fails to recognize South America.”
According to a “Bias-Free Language Guide” used by the University of New Hampshire, the word “American” is “problematic” and therefore should not be used.

“North Americans often use ‘American’ which usually, depending on the contexts, fails to recognize South America,” the guide explains.

“[It] assumes the U.S. is the only country inside these two continents,” it adds.

It recommends using “Resident of the U.S.” or “U.S. citizen” instead.

According to the guide, other “problematic” terms include “opposite sex” (it recommends using “other sex,”) “senior citizen” (it recommends “old people” or “people of advanced age”) and “obese” (it recommends using “people of size.”)


How campaign donations, political pull and America’s celebrity culture created the guest list for Trump’s third wedding.

Bo Dietl went to Donald Trump’s third wedding in January 2005 in Palm Beach, Florida, he said the other day, because he’s good friends with Trump and the wedding was “the wedding of weddings” and anybody who got an invitation and didn’t go had to have been “on crack.” So there was the ex-New York City homicide detective and Fox News contributor, in the gardenias-scented Episcopal Church of Bethesda-by-the-Sea, when up walked Hillary Clinton.

“Hillary came running over,” Dietl said. “She was very nice. ‘Bo, how ya doin’?’ ‘Bo, I love you.’”

This, he thought, was strange, seeing as how they’re politically so at odds, a fact he has made public and plain. Voters now may feel a similar sense of befuddlement at the notion that Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were once friendly enough that she attended his joyful nuptials.

Barack Obama: ‘I Think if I Ran, I Would Win’ Edward-Isaac Dovere

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia – Four more years?

President Barack Obama said Tuesday that he’s confident he could win a third term, if only the Constitution would let him run. “I actually think I’m a pretty good president. I think if I ran, I could win. But I can’t,” he said.

Obama said that though he’s looking forward to being out of office for the freedom outside of the security bubble it’ll give him and for being able to make more visits to Africa, there is more work he’d like to do in office.

But, he said, “the law’s the law.”


In discussing the Cold War, President Ronald Reagan said his strategy is simple, “We (U.S.) win and they (Russia) lose.” On the basis on the current comprehensive plan with Iran, that statement seems like ancient history. Iranian President Rohani in addressing the agreement said, all of the goals we aspired to in these negotiations have been achieved. In effect he is suggesting, “We win and we lose.”;

Iran had four goals and each, in turn, has been achieved.

As Rohani noted, “the first was to continue nuclear capabilities, the nuclear technology and even nuclear activity.” In the beginning of negotiation the P5+1 said Iran could have 100 centrifuges; after many deliberations, they arrived at a mutually agreed level of over 6000 centrifuges, over 5000 of which will be in Natanz and over 1000 in Fordo. All centrifuges at Natanz will continue to enrich uranium.

Climate Depression Is For Real. Just Ask A Scientist. Mark Steyn

We noted last year the emergence of a new global health crisis:

Climate Depression Is For Real. Just Ask A Scientist.

Since then, alas, the legions of depressed climatologists have multiplied exponentially, leading some virologists to speculate whether the disease is now airborne and you can catch it just from reading a Michael E Mann #KochMachineDenier Tweet. This month’s Esquire contains a massive peer-reviewed story on pre-traumatic planetary-stress disorder:

Among climate activists, gloom is building. Jim Driscoll of the National Institute for Peer Support just finished a study of a group of longtime activists whose most frequently reported feeling was sadness, followed by fear and anger. Dr. Lise Van Susteren, a practicing psychiatrist and graduate of Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth slide-show training, calls this “pretraumatic” stress. “So many of us are exhibiting all the signs and symptoms of posttraumatic disorder—the anger, the panic, the obsessive intrusive thoughts.” Leading activist Gillian Caldwell went public with her “climate trauma,” as she called it.

If you’re having trouble keeping score, the old post-traumatic stress disorder is what you get if you’re just some nancy wuss pantywaist who goes to Iraq and gets blown up by an IED. But the far more serious pre-traumatic stress disorder is what you get if you sit around on government grants all day worrying about sea levels in the Maldives in the early 22nd century.

Mark Steyn: Obama’s Condescending and Neo-Colonial Lecture to Africans on “Homophobia”

President Obama has wrapped up his tour of Africa. It was notable, insofar as that word can be applied to the trip, for his somewhat condescending and neo-colonial lecture to his hosts on the need to ease up on the old homophobia.

Certainly, Africa is not terribly gay-friendly. But nor are other parts of the planet. In his ardent wooing of Iran, for example, he doesn’t seem to have been perturbed in the least by his new best friends’ executions of homosexuals, anymore than he is by the brutalization of gays elsewhere in the Muslim world. You might deduce in his highly selective criticism a certain cowardice. I’ll bet the mullahs do.

If you’ve read The [Un]documented Mark Steyn (and if you haven’t, you really should, especially when you can get it personally autographed to you at no extra charge), you’ll also know that Obama, in reprimanding Africa for its homophobia, is at odds with The Guardian, whose position is that black homophobia is all our fault. As I write in the book:

Converts to Islam Wanted to Kill Jewish Children to Fight Islamophobia: Daniel Greenfield

“The first thing I said when I converted is, ‘How do I worship my God?'” Nuttall says in the video. “And my second question was, ‘Where is my gun? Let’s go do jihad.”

Islamophobia is a serious threat and must be defeated no matter how many non-Muslim children must be killed to make it happen.

Amanda Korody, a Canadian woman found guilty of taking part in a terrorist bomb plot, also wanted to infiltrate a synagogue and kill Jewish children, according to a report in the Western Canadian newspaper, the Times Colonist.

Both Korody and co-defendant, John Nuttall, her husband, are self-described Muslim converts.

Police notes presented in British Columbia (B.C.) Supreme Court on Monday described how Korody’s husband John Nuttall told an undercover officer that his wife believed she would be doing Jewish children a favor by sending them to paradise, since she believed “grown-up Jews” go to “eternal hell” when they die.

“They will be regulars in the synagogue. They will gain the trust of everybody. And once they have everything they will get enough guns

PBS: Propaganda Machine for Black Panther Killers-

New PBS documentary follows a long tradition of whitewashing Black Murder Inc.

Editor’s note: This Fall, PBS is featuring a documentary, The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution, which turns out to be little more than a pro-Panther propaganda film which ignores the mountain of evidence that the Black Panther Party was a murderous street gang with a political veneer. As Michael Moynihan points out in his recent review of the PBS documentary, Whitewashing the Black Panthers, in The Daily Beast, the production excuses a murderous and totalitarian cult that worshiped communist mass murderers such as Stalin, Chairman Mao, Kim Il Sung and Ho Chi Minh — and emulated their savagery and sadism at home.

To mark this occasion, Frontpage is publishing below an essay written in COMINT magazine (Spring 1991) by David Horowitz (one of many), “PBS Promotes the Black Panthers.” It is included in the newest volume of Horowitz’s classic, The Black Book of the American Left, Volume 5, Culture Wars, which will be released in October 2015. The article documents the record of PBS’s shilling for this murderous black gang, providing propaganda cover for a group which preyed on the black community in the name of “social justice.” The duration of this disgrace shows the continuing dominance of a liberal ideology that will justify any criminality so long as it is committed by blacks.

UK: David Cameron Declares War on Islamic Extremism by Soeren Kern

“But you don’t have to support violence to subscribe to certain intolerant ideas which create a climate in which extremists can flourish. Ideas which are hostile to basic liberal values such as democracy, freedom and sexual equality. Ideas which actively promote discrimination, sectarianism and segregation….” – UK Prime Minister David Cameron.

Cameron, however, has not offered a precise definition of “extremism,” and it remains unclear how his government will balance efforts to silence Islamic extremists with the right to free speech. The government would “actively encourage” moderate Muslims, especially those who are working toward a “reformation” of Islam, one that would be “free from the poison of Islamist extremism.”

“What I call the grievance justification, must be challenged…. When they say that these are wronged Muslims getting revenge on their Western wrongdoers, let’s remind them: from Kosovo to Somalia, countries like Britain have stepped in to save Muslim people from massacres — it’s groups like ISIL, Al Qaeda and Boko Haram that are the ones murdering Muslims.” — UK Prime Minister David Cameron.

Marine Vet Marks Third Birthday Behind Bars in Iran By Bridget Johnson

As Obama administration officials lobbied for the Iran nuclear deal before the House Foreign Affairs Committee today, the images of four Americans held in Iran stared back at them from the dais.

Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.) taped photos of Marine vet Amir Hekmati, pastor Saeed Abedini, reporter Jason Rezaian, and retired FBI agent Bob Levinson underneath his microphone.

“I put their pictures here to remind you of them today,” Duncan told Secretary of State John Kerry. “I understand not using them as pawns in negotiations, but what should have been — what should have happened is they should have been released as a precondition before ever sitting down with Iran for anything.”