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This week’s special edition of The Glazov Gang was joined by London Imam Anjem Choudary, Freedom Center Shillman Fellow Raymond Ibrahim and American Muslim Activist Isa Hodge.

They came on the show to battle it out over whether Islamic theology inspires Islamic terror.

Don’t miss the fireworks!

Iran Bans U.S. Inspectors from All Nuclear Sites No Americans Permitted Under Final Nuclear Deal:Adam Kredo

U.S. and Iranian officials confirmed Thursday that no American nuclear inspectors will be permitted to enter the country’s contested nuclear site under the parameters of a deal reached with world powers this week, according to multiple statements by American and Iranian officials.
Under the tenants of the final nuclear deal reached this week in Vienna, only countries with normal diplomatic relations with Iran will be permitted to participate in inspections teams organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
The revelation of this caveat has attracted concern from some analysts who maintain that only American experts can be trusted to verify that Iran is not cheating on the deal and operating clandestine nuclear facilities.


Happy 10th Anniversary, CUFI.

Thank you for a decade of standing with Israel.Thank you, Pastor Hagee and Diana Hagee.Thank you for founding this great organization and for decades of unwavering support for Israel.
Thank you CUFI students for standing up to lies and for speaking truth.Thank you CUFI for providing a voice to the thousands of supporters of Israel who are here tonight and to the millions of Christian friends of Israel across America.

Today, more than ever, Christians stand united with Israel. And today, more than ever, Israel stands united with Christians.As the Middle East continues its descent into barbarism and chaos, life for Christians there has become nasty, brutish and short. A century ago, 20% of the region’s population was Christian.

Today, Christians account for less than 4% of the population.As the forces of militant Islam sweep across the region, ancient Christian communities are being decimated and Christians are being decapitated. Israel is proud to be a light in the darkness – a shining city on a hill with a growing and thriving Christian community – five times as large it was in 1948, the year the modern state of Israel was born.
Israel will continue to stand up proudly for Christians in the Middle East, just as I know that Christians will continue to stand up proudly for Israel right here in America.

David Singer: Abu Dhabi And Sydney – A Tale Of Two Cities

An Australian woman – Jodi Magi [pictured] – has been arrested, jailed and deported from Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates after being found guilty of “writing bad words on social media about a person” – reportedly a cyber-crime in the United Arab Emirates.

Her crime?

Photographing a car in her apartment block that was parked across two disabled parking spaces without any disability stickers, blacking out the number plate, putting the photo on Facebook without any other identifiable detail and drawing attention to the seemingly selfish act.

Someone in the apartment block apparently complained to police and the case went to an Abu Dhabi court in June.

Time to Arrest Hillary- Clinton’s Secret Arms Dealing — and How it Led to Disaster in Libya By Joseph Klein

Hillary Clinton led the charge in the Obama administration to go to war in Libya. Her objective was to overthrow the regime of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi. Not one to be deterred by opponents in the Pentagon and Congress to her reckless interventionist plans, Hillary decided to end-run them. Her State Department helped facilitate what Andrew P. Napolitano in his scathing article has called “Hillary’s secret war.” When the secret war began to backfire, as arms ended up in the hands of anti-American jihadists, Hillary Clinton and other senior members of the Obama administration engaged in lies, obstructions of congressional investigations and scapegoating to cover their tracks.

An e-mail from Hillary Clinton’s deputy chief of staff Jake Sullivan, dated August 21, 2011, to one of Hillary Clinton’s close associates, Cheryl Mills, and to then State Department spokesperson, Victoria Nuland, described Hillary’s central role involving Libya in these words:

Andy McCarthy: Obama’s Shredding of the Constitution

Former federal prosecutor unveils the lawlessness in the Obama administration at the Freedom Center’s Texas Weekend. Editor’s note: Below are the video and transcript to Andy McCarthy’s speech at the Freedom Center’s Texas Weekend, held June 17 – 18, 2015 at the Ritz-Carlton in Dallas, Texas.

Andy McCarthy: I mentioned that it was the beginning of Ramadan, but it’s also — If I had to designate a theme for the month, I think the theme would probably be material support to terrorism, and I say that because it was a year ago that the book that Mike was kind of enough to mention, Faithless Execution, was published.

And I had the fortuity — Fortuity for me. Catastrophe for the country. But I had the fortuity when the book came out to have it published on the same day that President Obama traded five Taliban commanders for the release of a soldier who turns out to have been a deserter, at best.

The Iran Failure Has Many Fathers :Bruce Thornton

The dangerous belief that words alone can transcend an eternal truth of human nature.

Everybody knows the deal with Iran is a disaster. Why is equally obvious: Iran will get $150 billion to spend on weapons and its terrorist proxies, will keep its enrichment facilities, will continue to develop missiles, will easily avoid the laughably pusillanimous inspections regime, and will end up a nuclear power with malign consequences for the stability of the Middle East.

We also know who bears the responsibility for this fiasco––Barack Obama. Historically ignorant and terminally narcissistic, Obama has all the superstitions and delusions of the progressive elite. And one of the most persistent and hoary of those beliefs is the fetish of diplomacy as a means to resolve disputes without force.

Far Worse Than Munich by Mark Steyn

I checked in with Sean Hannity on Fox News to share my thoughts on both the Iran “deal” and illegal immigration. You can see the full interview here.

Sean started by cross-cutting Barack Obama on Tuesday with Neville Chamberlain in 1938. But I thought that comparison was unfair to Chamberlain. He was an honorable man who loved his country and just happened to get the greatest issue of the day wrong. You can’t say the same of Obama:Steyn said he thinks what President Barack Obama did is “significantly worse” than what former British prime minister Neville Chamberlain did. He also stated that he doesn’t think the president was negotiating on behalf of the United States.

Amazing Israel :Stem Cells Might Heal Damaged Lungs By Viva Sarah Press

A new Israeli study shows how it might be possible to use embryonic stem cells to repair damaged lung tissue and help alleviate chronic respiratory disease weaknesses.

Weizmann Institute scientists began their research knowing that certain stem cells that normally reside in the lungs are similar to those in the bone marrow. In each organ, the stem cells are concentrated in special compartments that contain all the provisions that stem cells need.

“That understanding suggested to us that we might be able to apply our knowledge of techniques for transplanting bone marrow stem cells to repairing lung tissue,” says Prof. Yair Reisner of the Weizmann Institute’s Immunology Department.

Why They’re Cheering in Tehran :Frederick Kagan

The nuclear deal is an opaque 159 pages, offering sanctions relief and vague promises of inspections.
The nuclear agreement with Iran announced Tuesday is an astoundingly good deal, far surpassing the hopes of anyone . . . in Tehran. It requires Iran to reduce the number of centrifuges enriching uranium by about half, to sell most of its current uranium stockpile or “downblend” it to lower levels of enrichment, and to accept inspections (whose precise nature is yet to be specified) by the International Atomic Energy Agency, something that Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei had wanted to avoid.

But the agreement also permits Iran to phase out the first-generation centrifuges on which it now relies and focus its research and development by exclusively using a number of advanced centrifuge models many times more efficient, which has been Tehran’s plan all along. The deal will also entirely end the United Nations’ involvement in Iran’s nuclear program in 10 years, and in 15 years will lift most restrictions on the program.