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Why the Jews Are the Canary in the Coal Mine by J. P. Golbert

Even in the matter of “slavery,” the Torah works toward the natural and ideal condition of each and every individual person, which is freedom. In the Torah system, if a master strikes his slave and wounds him, the slave goes free. If a master has enough food for only one, he is obligated to give it to the slave. If he has only one blanket, the slave sleeps under it, not the master. This is precisely why the Western ruling classes have always persecuted the Jews and taught ordinary gentiles to hate them, lest ordinary people learn from the Jews that they have a right to live in freedom and equality. The notion of man being “endowed by his Creator with certain unalienable rights” comes from Jewish Scripture, certainly not from Greek or Roman political philosophy.

As long as Jews are around — militating passionately for the ideals of freedom, equality and sanctity of human life — tyrants will never be safe. In their view, both the Jews and their seditious Bible have to be done away with utterly. For tyrants, Islam is the perfect solution, whereas Christianity claims to be fulfillment of what is set forth in the Hebrew Bible, and therefore must proclaim its validity. To Islam, the Hebrew Bible is made by man and not by Allah; it has no validity and therefore there is nothing to confront. Islam is the perfect religion for making the world safe for tyranny.

Ask a “progressive” what it is that they would have us “progress” toward. The response will usually be a blank stare. Is it any wonder that “progressive” Western leaders and establishment journalists consistently cave in to Islamic demands to curtail freedom and have given Islam a special status among religions? They protect it against criticism, vilify its detractors and continually serve as public relations flacks for Islam: they keep explaining that the burgeoning global jihad and its expanding horrors “have nothing to do with Islam.” One could contended, with far greater justification, that the Inquisition had nothing to do with Christianity. One could claim that the Inquisition was actually anti-Christian, perpetrated by people who twisted the doctrines of Christianity. No one says such an inane and ridiculous thing, except in defense of Islam.

When tyrants target the Jews, the real target is everyone’s freedom.

Does this Deal Prevent Iran from Developing a Nuclear Weapon? by Alan M. Dershowitz

Does the proposed deal with Iran actually prevent the Mullahs from ever developing a nuclear weapon? Or does it merely delay them for a period of years? That is the key question that has not yet been clearly answered.

In his statement on the deal, President Obama seemed to suggest that Iran will never be allowed to develop a nuclear weapon. He said that this “long-term deal with Iran… will prevent it from obtaining a nuclear weapon.” He then repeated this assurance: “because of this deal, the international community will be able to verify that the Islamic Republic of Iran will not be able to develop a nuclear weapon.” These seemingly categorical statements were intended to assure the world that President Obama would keep his earlier promise that Iran will never be allowed to develop nuclear weapons.

But is that what the deal itself does? Or, as stated by its critics, does it actually assure that Iran will be allowed to develop a nuclear arsenal after a short delay of several years? That is the key question that the Obama administration has refused to answer directly. It must do so before Congress can be asked to buy a pig in a poke for the American people.

16 Reasons Nuke Deal is an Iranian Victory and a Western Catastrophe: David Horovitz

Op-Ed: Has Iran agreed to ‘anywhere, anytime’ inspections, an end to R&D on faster centrifuges, and the dismantling of its key nuclear sites? No, no, and no

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani on Tuesday unsurprisingly hailed the nuclear agreement struck with US-led world powers, and derided the “failed” efforts of the “warmongering Zionists.” His delight, Iran’s delight, is readily understandable.

The agreement legitimizes Iran’s nuclear program, allows it to retain core nuclear facilities, permits it to continue research in areas that will dramatically speed its breakout to the bomb should it choose to flout the deal, but also enables it to wait out those restrictions and proceed to become a nuclear threshold state with full international legitimacy. Here’s how.

The Summer the Nation Went Mad: Wesley Pruden

We’ll remember this as the summer the nation went mad. Lynch mobs are usually brought to the boil by a heinous event, encouraged by heat, humidity and harangue. There was a heinous event, now all but forgotten, but this is hardly a long, hot summer. There’s a drought in Southern California but June and July have been moderate and pleasant, with considerable rain, nearly everywhere else. Nevertheless, a lynch mob with tar, feathers, rails and ropes has been on the scout for somebody to harass, hurt or hang.

Mobs are usually raised from the ranks of the poor, the wretched and the hangers-on from the refuse of the shore, as in Emma Lazarus‘ famous poem at the Statue of Liberty. But not this time. The usual masters of successful rabble-rousing, Al Sharpton and the Rev. Jesse Jackson, have taken a holiday. We can’t blame them. The usual shouters on all sides have been strangely quiet.

This time the leaders are the “respectables,” as the elites imagine themselves: know-it-all academics, the usual pundits looking for attention, rectors and reverends and other divines out to get a few lines in the public prints, governors, senators, mayors and assorted politicians in pursuit of voters with unrequited grievances.

The Iranian Nuclear Deal is Surrender: Morton Klein and Daniel Mandel

The nuclear agreement signed by the P5 +1 nations (the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, including the United States, plus Germany) and Iran is disastrous. It will provide nuclear weapons and hundreds of billions of dollars to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and his radical Islamic Shia Iranian regime.

Everything in the past two years has pointed to precisely such a deal which leaves Iran with its nuclear weapons program and infrastructure intact, while additionally shredding the international sanctions regime upon Tehran and infusing its economy with hundreds of billions of dollars in unfreezing of assets and sanctions relief.

The Immigration Question: Part Two

It is implied by the oath of office taken by Barak Obama that he will defend the Constitution and this country from foreign powers and from domestic enemies. But he can’t defend either the country or the Constitution if his agenda is to see both torn apart by Islam and Amnesty.

Before turning to the subject of whether or not America wants to exist or will continue to exist as a free country – “To Be, or Not to Be,” not that there’s much freedom left in it – let’s focus for a moment on the two illustrations of “The Immigration Question: Part One.”

The first illustration of the Huns invading Italy from the north is by Spanish painter Upiano Checa (1860-1916). The Huns were nomadic and as a rule did not settle anywhere or put down roots. They were not colonizers, but raiders. They existed to invade, rape, loot, destroy, plunder, collect booty and slaves, demand tribute, and to subjugate, then move on. While the Huns established an empire-of-devastation over a wide swath of Europe in the fifth century, theirs was more of an ISIS empire. They temporarily occupied whatever region they happened to invade and ravish. But the nomadic character of the Huns prevented their occupation from coalescing into a Hunnic “caliphate.” Their “empire” dissolved. Some elements of the Huns eventually settled in what is now Hungary.

The Immigration Question: Part One Edward Cline

I left this amended and expanded comment on a July 12th Gatestone article by Soeren Kern, “Europe’s Great Migration Crisis”:

The main problem is a civilization one. The overwhelming number of “immigrants” [or “migrants”] bring cultural and moral attitudes with them that are antithetical to a civilized existence. They will also bring old cultural habits and generations- or even ages-old animosities towards other immigrant groups with them and will continue them in whatever Western country they settle in. Witness the Sunni-Shi’ite division. They will all expect to be “taken care of” economically by their host governments, thus adding more welfare dependents to already burdened welfare systems. They will be hostile to the whole concept of the rule of law that sustains a civilized, ordered existence.

Observe the attitudes and tactics of Muslims in every European country; they expect the various European societies to conform to their religious-political norms and refuse to assimilate into the larger, indigenous society. In Britain, it’s not only the Muslims who thumb their noses at British law and culture; there are the Romany gypsies and other ethnicity-centered immigrant groups who demand a “separate but equal” status, as well, and are willing to raise hell if they aren’t granted it.


The French National Day commemorates the beginning of the French Revolution with the Storming of the Bastille on 14 July 1789. Three years later in 1793, the Reign of Terror began with the guillotine and serial public executions. The Revolutionary Tribunal executed 2,400 people in Paris by July 1794. Across France 30,000 people were killed.

While all this was going on in France in America on May 25, 1787, the Constitutional Convention opened in Philadelphia with 55 delegates in attendance, representing all 13 states except Rhode Island, which refused to send representatives because it did not want a powerful central government . They did form a more perfect Union. Vive L’Amerique!!


Hillary Is Running on the Exact Same Economic Agenda as Obama Did in 2008

Yesterday’s speech from Hillary Clinton was supposed to unveil a new, bold economic agenda. Instead, it offered a remarkable sense of déjà vu: Just about every major policy prescription it laid out was proposed by Barack Obama in 2008.

Make no mistake, candidate Clinton pledged to offer an agenda of new ideas, not just photocopies of dusty white papers from past campaigns. “We’re not going to find all the answers we need today in the playbooks of the past,” she began. We can’t go back to the old policies that failed us before. Nor can we just replay previous successes. Today is not 1993 or 2009.” But her proposals were almost entirely from “the playbooks of the past,” nearly every one of them having been first put to the public seven years ago, or even earlier.

Yesterday Clinton proposed an “infrastructure bank that can channel more public and private funds, channel those funds to finance world-class airports, railways, roads, bridges and ports.”

In 2008, then-candidate Obama pledged to create “a National Infrastructure Reinvestment Bank to expand and enhance, not supplant, existing federal transportation investments.”

Yesterday Clinton urged the country, “Let’s build those faster broadband networks.”

How to Mend the US/Israel Alliance By Ilan Berman see note please

Bridging the U.S.–Israel Divide On Obama’s watch, political relations have deteriorated sharply, but strategic cooperation is still going strong.
Even before it was formally published late last month, Michael Oren’s memoir of his time as Israel’s envoy to the United States had ignited a firestorm of controversy, and for very good reason. His book, Ally: My Journey across the American–Israeli Divide, provides the most damning account to date of a “special relationship” that, on President Obama’s watch, has deteriorated to an almost unthinkable degree, with the White House coming to view Israel and its often-pugnacious premier, Benjamin Netanyahu, as more of a problem than Iran’s nuclear ambitions, Palestinian corruption, or the Syrian civil war.

White House officials were quick to condemn the book and to demand that Netanyahu formally distance himself from Oren’s account. (He has refused to do so.) But there can be little doubt that Oren’s anecdotes are so striking precisely because they confirm what many people have long sensed: that all is not well between Washington and Jerusalem, and might not be for some time to come.