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Challenging SJP Chicago’s Lies and Toxic Radicalism The Freedom Center’s leaflets expose Jew-hatred. Richard L. Cravatts


In yet another revealing example of its hypocrisy and obtuseness when assessing the consequences of its own behavior, the University of Chicago’s chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) was again whining about being victimized by ideological opponents.

What was SJP’s complaint this time? In a letter to the editor in the university’s newspaper, The Chicago Maroon, SJP expressed its displeasure with the fact that on May 23rd, “the David Horowitz Freedom Center plastered more than 5,000 leaflets on and around campus demonizing Palestinian and pro-Palestinian students.”

Employing its tired tactic of whining that any effort by SJP’s critics is motivated by a desire to shut down any support of Palestinian self-determination, the letter preposterously suggested that the leaflets were posted on campus solely “in order to muzzle and disparage pro-Palestinian activism . . . .”

More absurdly, SJP claimed that the Horowitz Center’s “work aims to censor and misrepresent our academic production and to create an environment of surveillance and fear surrounding scholarship about Palestine.”

U. Chicago SJP Condemns Pro-Israel Newsletter as ‘Hate Speech’ Attempting to censor the truth while promoting genocide. Sara Dogan


In a brazen and unintentionally ironic letter printed in the Chicago Maroon, Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at the University of Chicago condemned the David Horowitz Freedom Center’s distribution of a newsletter on campus exposing the terrorist associations of SJP and the Muslim Students Association (MSA) and urged university officials to thwart future attempts to distribute alleged “hate speech.”

The University of Chicago was recently named as one of the Top Ten Jew-Hating Colleges and Universities in a report published by the Freedom Center, and there was no shortage of evidence to support their place on that list.

UChicago SJP recently published an art zine titled “Cheers to Intifada,” referring to the violent Palestinian uprisings during which Jewish citizens of Israel were slaughtered because they were Jews. The zine contained violent imagery including a graphic of two lit Molotov cocktails raised in a toast under the heading “Cheers to Intifada.”

The zine was also rife with anti-Semitism including an image of a pig wearing a policeman’s hat with a Jewish star on it. Poems in the publication promoted ancient blood libel tropes against Jews such as one describing a fictional Polish teenager, understood to be Jewish and part of the IDF, who holds Palestinians captive while shooting “perverted bullets shot with animalistic lust yearning to rape bodies.”

The student government at Chicago published a statement promoting the anti-Semitic BDS movement against Israel and used genocidal language calling to “free” Palestine “from the river to the sea,” a call to annihilate the entire state of Israel along with its Jewish citizens.

California’s Ethnic Studies Curriculum is Hiding Its Anti-Jewish and Anti-Israel Teachings Our lawsuit seeks to expose the use in Los Angeles public schools of the same hateful teaching materials previously rejected by Governor Newsom. Lori Lowenthal Marcus


As a lawyer who represents people who have been discriminated against in educational settings because they are Jewish or pro-Israel, I followed California’s ethnic studies saga for years. I remember the cheers and collective sighs of relief when the original version of California’s A.B. 101 was yanked, and Governor Newsom announced that the antisemitic and other biased material in the original version would “never see the light of day.” 

Those celebrations were premature. It appears now that the proponents of the earlier version, the folks peddling “liberated ethnic studies,” twisted the Governor’s words into a strategy for infiltrating the same anti-Jewish material into California’s public schools. They are injecting that material into the schools in a way that is hard to see by ordinary observers — by stealth. By going “below the radar,” they are shielding that material from “the light of day.”

This is what we at The Deborah Project, a public interest law firm, discovered through documentary research and interviews of dozens of parents, teachers and other education advocates.  We have now launched a legal challenge in federal court in Los Angeles: Concerned Jewish Parents and Teachers of Los Angeles v. Liberated Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum Consortium, et al. 

Our lawsuit seeks to expose the use in Los Angeles public schools of the same hateful teaching materials previously rejected by Governor Newsom, materials that denounce Zionism as white supremacy and Israel as a “white,” “western” and “colonialist settler” state founded and defended through apartheid and the commission of genocide. This material also falsely instructs students that attacking the Jewish state is not antisemitic because Judaism and Zionism are completely ‘distinct.”

We do not intend to allow these educators to evade the law by counseling ideologically-aligned teachers to conceal what they’re doing, and so our case also seeks to enable Californians to learn what’s actually being taught by the proponents of these materials.

An Open Letter to Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib and Her Fellow Travelers Instead of memorializing the Nakba, perhaps you should have learned from it. Richard L. Cravatts


“But do not ask the American people to enshrine in law the self-delusion and Jew-hatred that has long impeded your own self-determination and made you victims of your own corrosive and hateful ideology.”

On May 16th, you and some other members of The Squad, including Representatives Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, McCollum, and others, introduced a loathsome resolution, H. RES. 1123, which had as its purpose “Recognizing the Nakba and Palestinian refugees’ rights” and to “commemorate the Nakba,” the catastrophe you assign to Israel’s creation, “through official recognition and remembrance.” According to your baleful resolution, the Nakba not only took place at Israel’s founding “but [refers] to an ongoing process of Israel’s expropriation of Palestinian land and its dispossession of the Palestinian people that continues to this day.”

This resolution is yet another manifestation of your narcissistic victimology, a corrosive point of view in which the very creation and continued existence of Israel, according to you, is an ongoing tragedy because, in your contorted view, Israel’s “violence and war crimes are an ongoing and ever-present assault on the existence and humanity of the Palestinian people. The Israeli apartheid government’s ongoing ethnic cleansing seeks to degrade Palestinian humanity and break the will of the people to be free.”

Senators Demand Biden Pull Taxpayer Funding for Anti-Israel Initiative State Department fueling ‘new anti-Semitism,’ lawmakers say: Adam Kredo


Senate Republican foreign policy leaders are demanding the Biden administration pull nearly $1 million in taxpayer funding for groups to investigate alleged human rights abuses in Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip—an effort that the senators say is fueling a “new anti-Semitism.”

The State Department’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (DRL) announced in March it will pay nonprofit groups up to $987,654 to “strengthen accountability and human rights in Israel and the West Bank and Gaza,” according to a grant notice first posted online in February. Groups angling for the grant money are instructed to investigate alleged crimes inside and outside of Israel to “collect, archive, and maintain human rights documentation to support justice and accountability and civil society-led advocacy efforts, which may include documentation of legal or security sector violations and housing, land, and property rights.”

The grant was seized upon by Israel’s defenders on Capitol Hill as a prime example of the Biden administration’s efforts to undermine the Jewish state and strengthen the anti-Semitic Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, which wages economic warfare on Israel. Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) and 11 other Republican lawmakers are calling on the Biden administration to cancel the grant program and live up to its repeated pledges to combat the BDS movement.

“As a policy matter, it is wholly unacceptable for the State Department to fund NGOs to delegitimize and isolate Israel,” the lawmakers write, according to a copy of the letter obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. The State Department, the lawmakers allege, is using taxpayer dollars to promote a “new anti-Semitism” that is “driven by a global network of anti-Israel nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and human rights groups.”

Islamic Society of North America Called Out for Fomenting Violence Against Jews One of the nation’s foremost Islamic organizations is encouraging Jew-hate.Robert Spencer


The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) is one of the largest and most respected Muslim organizations on the continent. Politicians routinely fawn all over it. But it is also easily one of the most sinister Islamic organizations in the West ISNA manifested its truly evil agenda once again recently, when it issued a statement denouncing “Israeli violence against Palestinian worshipers” without, not surprisingly, bothering to notice that those “worshipers” were actually Islamic jihadis who were stockpiling stones and other material to use as weapons in attacks against Israeli civilians.

On May 5, one group finally called out ISNA, which continues to enjoy mainstream acceptance and wield considerable influence in the corridors of power in Washington. The Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV), which represents “over 2000 traditional, Orthodox rabbis in matters of American public policy,” called on ISNA to “retract its statement issued April 16 entitled, ‘ISNA Condemns Israeli Violence Against Palestinian Worshipers.’ CJV pointed to numerous factual errors in the statement which, taken together, could easily be characterized as promoting a false narrative, encouraging antisemitism and even fomenting violence.”

ISNA’s encouragement of antisemitism and fomenting of violence was no surprise.

Noa Tishby’s surprisingly welcome splash on the ‘hasbara’ scene Ruthie Blum


Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid’s appointment last month of Noa Tishby as the country’s first-ever Special Envoy for Combating Antisemitism and Delegitimization of Israel raised more than a few eyebrows. Though the 44-year-old actress and producer is also the author of the 2021 book “Israel: A Simple Guide to the Most Misunderstood Country on Earth,” she is best known at home and abroad for her roles in famous TV series.

Her drop-dead gorgeous looks undoubtedly contributed to the sense that she was selected more for her appearance than her gravitas. Indeed, it seemed as though the powers-that-be in Jerusalem hadn’t gotten past the attempt to improve Israel’s image by showing the world posters of the country’s beautiful women and beaches—as though it were competing with Jamaica for tourists, rather than engaged in an uphill battle against global vilification.
Given her performance to date, however, Tishby deserves not only an apology, but accolades, from those who doubted her abilities. Take, for example, her response to the misinformation surrounding the death of Al Jazeera correspondent Shireen Abu Akleh, who was caught in the crossfire of an Israel Defense Forces raid in Jenin on May 11.

Abu Akleh’s death and funeral provided a golden opportunity for Israel-bashers in the Palestinian Authority, Gaza and elsewhere to describe the tragic event as an “assassination.” Never mind that Israel promptly called for a joint investigation into the incident to determine the direction of the bullet and identity of the shooter. Leave aside that the Palestinian Authority flatly rejected such a probe.

Speaker at NY Law School Graduation Supported Axe Murder of Jews


Nerdeen Kiswani founded her own organization because Students for Justice in Palestine wasn’t radical enough.

By Pesach Benson, United With Israel

City University of New York is facing a fresh antisemitism controversy after Nerdeen Kiswani, who has a history of incitement and Israel-bashing rhetoric, addressed the School of Law’s commencement ceremony.

Kiswani founded the New York City chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine in 2018, but split with the organization because the radical BDS movement didn’t go far enough for her.

In her May 13 address to the graduates, Kiswani said that she is “facing a campaign of Zionist harassment by well-funded organizations with ties to the Israeli government and military on the basis of my Palestinian identity and organizing.”

She went on to launch Within Our Lifetime, which supports “resistance and return by any means necessary.”

Report: Elderly French Jew Thrown Out of 17th Floor Window by Muslim Neighbor By David Israel


A Jewish man, René Hadjaj, 90, was thrown out his apartment window on the 17th floor of a building in Lyon, Frabce, by his Muslim neighbor, according to a Saturday Facebook post by Meyer Habib, who serves as a member of the French National Assembly, representing the eighth constituency for French residents overseas.

“What are the motives?” asked Habib, and answered: “Without having all the details of this case, many see a sad similarity with the Sarah Halimi case, which at the time was passed over in silence.”

Sarah Halimi was a retired French doctor and schoolteacher who was attacked and killed in her apartment by her neighbor on April 4, 2017. Halimi was the only Jewish resident in her building, and her assailant, Kobili Traoré, shouted “Allahu akbar” during the attack and later proclaimed “I killed the Shaitan (an Arab version of Lilith – DI).”

“Anyway, the defenestration of a man from the 17th floor is an absolute and unbearable drama,” wrote Habib, who has been serving on the parliamentary committee on foreign affairs since 2013.

“The emotion begins to rise … at this stage, I remain very cautious not having all the details in my possession,” Habib continued. “Why was he defenestrated? Was it a dispute between neighbors? Was his defenestration antisemitic? I contacted the Minister of the Interior,” he added, and said the government official urged “that caution, vigilance and the desire to shed light on this affair, which at this stage has received very little media attention, must take precedence.”

When Will Antisemitism Be Taken Seriously? By Robert Cherry (March 22)


Antisemitic hate crimes in New York City have recently increased by 409%, representing more than half of all hate crimes citywide. Many of these incidents targeted Orthodox people dressed in distinctive clothing, like the Jewish man who was punched in Bed-Stuy on Feb. 7 while walking on Shabbat, for which a 15-year-old was charged with assault and committing a hate crime. Yet it has not led civil rights organizations to act, unless they can connect these attacks to rightwing extremists or white supremacists, even when the evidence does not support such a link.

These organizations focus on instances of rightwing antisemitic propaganda rather than on those who are committing actual antisemitic hate crimes. For example, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) recently issued a report, “White Supremacist Propaganda Continues to Remain at Historic Levels in 2021.” It highlighted flyers posted by three obscure white supremacist groups in New England, none of which were responsible for any other antisemitic acts.

A similar instance occurred when New York antisemitic assaults jumped two years earlier. Then-New York mayor Bill de Blasio repeatedly insisted that the attacks were driven by a white-supremacist movement connected to Donald Trump, and a report by the ADL on the spike in antisemitic assaults in New York followed De Blasio’s lead. The report noted, “In 2018, ADL documented 67 white supremacist propaganda distribution incidents in New York State, 10 of which were antisemitic in nature,” although all the assaults were more specifically in New York City.

As reporter Armin Rosen pointed out, these spurious suggestions were made “despite clear evidence that … many of the attacks are being carried out by people of color with no ties to the politics of white supremacy.” Indeed, FBI statistics demonstrate that black Americans are disproportionately perpetrators of hate crime attacks on other groups, including Asian Americans.