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Beware of Stage 1 Thinking Policy Makers Ambassador (Ret.) Yoram Ettinger,

National security and foreign policy makers should study a critical lesson of the medical profession: The failure to think beyond the stage 1 effect of painkillers may solve short-term problems, but will trigger long-term health risks: addiction, organ damage, nausea, headaches, dizziness, memory impairment and decreased cognitive performance.

National security and foreign policy makers should, also, heed the following observation by Thomas Sowell: “when most voters do not think beyond stage 1, many elected officials have no incentive to weigh what the consequences will be in later stages…. These reactions would lead to consequences much less desirable than those at stage one…. Most thinking stops at stage 1….” Sowell argues that “basic economics is generally misapplied because politicians think only in stage 1 – the immediate result of an action, without determining what happens next. Many politicians cannot see beyond stage one because they do not think beyond the next election.”

Nonie Darwish :When It Comes To Islam, The West Is Stupid!


The biggest helpers to Islam against free people ARE the free people in the West! Despite the plethora of info available on the ideology of Islam, people in the West continue to be useful idiots and are enabling the War against freedom and abetting the Islamic troops. Listen to author & former Muslim, Nonie Darwish, come out swinging against the perpetual stupidity of leaders and the media in the West, here.

Islamists Only Want One Thing. We Cannot Appease Them By Charles Moore

Like the old Leninists, Isil truly believes only it can defeat the conspiracy that runs the world. There is no possible common ground

David Cameron calls Isil an “existential threat” to the Western way of life. On the face of it, that seems ridiculous. How could a bunch of relatively poor, ill-armed fanatics and psychopaths conceivably topple what remains the most dominant civilisation since the Roman Empire?

In physical terms, they can’t (yet). We in the West have much more money, many more weapons (though here in Britain, we have been doing our best to weaken ourselves militarily) and greatly superior technology. While Islamist fanatics can murder 30 British tourists on a North African beach, we can probably intercept enough of them here to keep their activities below a certain level.


NEW JERSEY—With proponents of the anti-Israel “BDS” (Boycott/Divestment/Sanctions) model aggressively pursuing their hoped-for isolation of the Jewish state, pro Israel supporters are gearing-up to push back.

On the heels of the recent anti-BDS summit in Las Vegas, called by Sheldon Adelson and Haim Saban, momentum is building to directly confront BDS enablers.

Time is of the essence.

As Alex Grobman writes in BDS: The Movement to Destroy Israel:

“An upsurge in worldwide anti-Jewish and anti-Israel hatred has reached a point not experienced since the end of the Second World War, according to historian Robert S. Wistrich, the leading expert on antisemitism. In London, Paris, Berlin, Barcelona, Caracas, Sydney, Chicago, Los Angeles, and other Western cities protesters carry signs with anti-Jewish slogans such as ‘Hitler Was Right,’ ‘Be Prepared for the Real Holocaust,’ ‘Cleanse the Earth from the Dirty Zionists,’ ‘Israel is the Antisemite,’ or ‘The Cancer of the Middle East, Israel Must Not Exist.’”

Sitting squarely in the middle of the new assault on Jews is BDS.



No-stitch corneal transplants. Scientists from Tel Aviv University and Israeli medical centers have developed a groundbreaking method for sealing the incisions in the eye following cornea transplant surgery. They used silver halide optical fibers to deliver an infrared laser beam at the precise temperature needed to bond the tissue.

Eilat coral can help cancer research. A team of international scientists, including researchers from Tel Aviv University and Israel’s Interuniversity Institute for Marine Sciences (IUI), have discovered that fluorescent pigments in Eilat’s rainbow coral are ideal for use as biomedical markers for tracking cancer cells.

4th lowest deaths from heart disease in OECD. A report by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ranked Israel’s mortality rate for cardiovascular disease (less than 200 per 100,000 population) the fourth-lowest among OECD nations. Japan was the lowest, followed by France and South Korea.

MyMDBand in action. I reported previously (Jun 7) on Israel’s MyMDBand – a wristband with a QR code that gives paramedics access to vital patient data. Here now are two latest videos about the exciting product.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivA6BqeHZEw https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=12&v=C799fzXIYRE

Fighting antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Tel Aviv University Professor Udi Qimron has published in PNAS his research about bacterial viruses (phages) that attack bacteria. The phages transfer “edited” DNA into resistant bacteria to kill off resistant strains and make others more sensitive to antibiotics. Clinical tests will begin soon.

A sniff test for autism. (TY Hilton) A rare positive report on Israel by the BBC (and in The Independent). Weizmann scientists have discovered that whereas normal children spend longer inhaling the aroma of roses than that of rotten fish, autistic children don’t differentiate between pleasant and unpleasant odors.

Canada funds $35 million for neuroscience & biomedicine. (TY Michelle) Canada’s Finance Minister Joe Oliver announced a seven-year, $35-million program will fund up to 30 joint Canadian-Israeli research projects. The first projects will focus on neuroscience, with up to six $1 million grants per year for up to three years.

Researching pancreatic cancer with Canada. Top scientists from the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR), the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and Sheba Medical Center in Tel Hashomer are working together on the Alex U. Soyka Pancreatic Cancer Research Project. The OICR is giving $4.6 million to the project.

David Singer: State Of Palestine and Islamic State Highlight International Double Standards

UNESCO, the United Nations and, just this week, the Vatican, have recognised that the “State of Palestine” exists – despite the fact that it lacks all four basic requirements laid down in Article 1 of the Montevideo Convention 1933:

“The state as a person of international law should possess the following qualifications: a ) a permanent population; b ) a defined territory; c ) government; and d) capacity to enter into relations with the other states.”

Reverend Federico Lombardi – the Vatican spokesman – confirmed the Holy See’s stance:

“Yes, it’s a recognition that the state exists”

The Vatican is justifiably concerned to protect Christian communities in the Middle East against further ongoing death, dispersion and destruction of their churches as has occurred to Christian communities in Syria and Iraq during the last twelve months.

BDSers Target Gloria Gaynor

The Greek crisis has all but pushed Israel out of the picture as far as many normally Israel-obsessed leftists on social media are concerned.
Meanwhile, though, American singer Gloria Gaynor, due to perform in Tel Aviv on 29 July, has received a billet-doux imploring her as a “woman of color” to cancel the gig, and Israel-haters are encouraging the like-minded to harass her on Twitter.

The missive referred to begins:

‘We, the undersigned, the Campaign to Boycott Supporters of Israel in Lebanon (CBSI) and the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) are pleased to learn that you plan to perform in Lebanon on July 31, 2015 but are deeply dismayed that, two days earlier, you are scheduled to sing in Tel Aviv. We call on you to cancel your Tel Aviv performance, as no matter what your intentions are, Israel’s regime of oppression will use your name, as the South African apartheid regime used artists’ names, to whitewash its crimes.

Calvin Coolidge the Most Underappreciated President of the Last Century By Rosslyn Smith

Eighty-nine years ago today, President Calvin Coolidge gave this speech about the 4th of July. It is well worth reading in its entirety today.

…Governments do not make ideals, but ideals make governments. This is both historically and logically true. Of course the government can help to sustain ideals and can create institutions through which they can be the better observed, but their source by their very nature is in the people. The people have to bear their own responsibilities. There is no method by which that burden can be shifted to the government. It is not the enactment, but the observance of laws, that creates the character of a nation.

About the Declaration there is a finality that is exceedingly restful. It is often asserted that the world has made a great deal of progress since 1776, that we have had new thoughts and new experiences which have given us a great advance over the people of that day, and that we may therefore very well discard their conclusions for something more modern. But that reasoning can not be applied to this great charter. If all men are created equal, that is final. If they are endowed with inalienable rights, that is final. If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, that is final. No advance, no progress can be made beyond these propositions. If anyone wishes to deny their truth or their soundness, the only direction in which he can proceed historically is not forward, but backward toward the time when there was no equality, no rights of the individual, no rule of the people. Those who wish to proceed in that direction can not lay claim to progress. They are reactionary. Their ideas are not more modern, but more ancient, than those of the Revolutionary fathers.

The Spirit of Independence by Mark Steyn From the Daily Telegraph July 3, 1999

“And there, in a nutshell, is the story of the modern western world: not enough wild independent spirit, just more paperwork.”

Meanwhile, here’s a Glorious Fourth column from 16 Fourths ago in The Daily Telegraph, in which features of life that have become far more oppressive of late were nevertheless already present, even in my beloved New Hampshire, even on the national holiday:

“On Thursday I was in the Province of Quebec for Canada Day. Going to Quebec for Canada Day is a bit like going to Baghdad for the Fourth of July, but I try not to let the indifference of the locals weigh heavy on me. Instead, weighing heavy on me were the vast raft (so to speak) of new boating regulations from Canada’s federal government – mandatory PFDs and MBDs (personal flotation devices and manual bailing devices), waterproof flashlight, 15-metre buoyant heaving line, etc – all for a short canoe trip. I’m sympathetic to Conrad Black’s case for Britain joining Nafta, but I sometimes wonder if it wouldn’t make more sense to offer the European Union Canada in return.

So I was glad to get back to New Hampshire, the “Live Free Or Die” state. Yet at the town beach, where we’ll be gathering for the Fourth of July fireworks, there was a problem. Thanks to a new US federal law, it seems the children’s swings are not surrounded by appropriate cushioning material. The Recreation Committee had done its sums and figured compliance would cost about $15,000 – for some foam rubber and extensive landscaping to disguise its visual impact.

“Why do we have to spend 15,000 bucks?” asked one of the selectmen (the New Hampshire equivalent of the town council). “The swings are surrounded by sand. That’s a cushioning material, right?”

“Well, yes,” admitted the Rec Director.

The 30 Americans ALREADY Arrested in 4th of July Terror Alert

Including ‘bad b******s plotting another Boston bombing’, National Guardsman who wanted to ‘repeat Charlie Hebdo’ and ‘Minnesota Martyrs’

FBI and other law enforcement agencies on top state of alert ahead of July 4 holiday over fears of an ISIS strike
Daily Mail Online has uncovered 30 arrests on US soil of men and women accused of plotting terror attacks inspired by ISIS
National Guard soldier is among those awaiting trial while one women – a former Army Explorer – is serving four years for turning to ISIS
Arrests have been made in states including New Jersey, New York, Minnesota, Kansas and Illinois
Total does not include two men shot dead as they tried to attack Texas ‘draw Mohammed’ contest and man with knife shot by police in Boston.

FBI agents have made at least 30 arrests on US soil this year as they try to combat the murderous reach of ISIS and its warped followers, Daily Mail Online can disclose.

Officials revealed this week that the Islamic terror group has a foothold in all 50 states as it continues to target disaffected Americans through its torrent of online propaganda and slick videos of barbaric beheadings and mutilations.

The stark warning comes days after ISIS-inspired gunman Saif Rezgui unleashed horror on at a Tunisian beach resort, killing 39 vacationers and wounding dozens more.

The FBI has reportedly set up command centers in each of its 56 field officers in case extremists try to mark the July 4 weekend by unleashing similar carnage here in the U.S. American ISIS ‘recruits’ to date have included schoolgirls, a young nurse, a pizza shop boss and even a National Guard soldier who hatched a plan to gun down 120 of his own colleagues.
Terror alert: Isis fighters, such as the ones pictured here in Syria, have allegedly inspired at least 30 Americans who have been arrested by the FBI


Terror alert: Isis fighters, such as the ones pictured here in Syria, have allegedly inspired at least 30 Americans who have been arrested by the FBI
On edge: The FBI is setting up command centers at each of its 56 field offices across the country ahead of the July 4th weekend over fears of a possible ISIS-inspired terrorist attack