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Amazing Israel :‘Cure For Terminal Cancer’ Discovered With Breakthrough Immunotherapy By Einat Paz-Frankel

Clinical trials of a new drug cocktail have been shown to cure 58 percent of terminally-ill patients by shrinking cancerous tumors or eliminating them altogether. The scientific community is hailing this discovery as a major breakthrough in cancer research.

The new cocktail is a form of immunotherapy, a relatively new class of drugs that harness the body’s immune system to extinguish fatal tumors. Israeli researcher Prof. Jacob Schachter, who took part in the development of the drug and in the recent clinical trials, told Israel’s Channel 10 that the newfound drug cocktail could serve as the basis of treatment for many types of cancer, potentially replacing chemotherapy. “It’s an explosion,” he said.


The flagship of the diplomatic war against Israel is the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s new government is less than a month old, but it’s already apparent that it is different from its predecessors. And if it continues on its current diplomatic trajectory, it may do something that its six predecessors failed to accomplish. Netanyahu’s new government may improve Israel’s position internationally.

The stakes are high. Over the years, Israel has largely concentrated its efforts on developing the tools to contend with its military challenges. But as we have seen over the past decade and a half, Israel’s capacity to fight and defeat its enemies is not limited principally by the IDF’s war-fighting capabilities.

Seeking Triple Crown, American Pharaoh Jockey Prays at Rabbi Schneerson’s Grave : Shyrin Ghermezian…..see note please

This is the first time in my life that I am cheering and hoping for a Pharaoh to win….rsk

Jockey Victor Espinoza prayed for success at the grave of the Grand Lubavitcher Rebbe in Queens, New York on Thursday as he hopes to ride the first Triple Crown-winning horse in 37 years, CBS News reported.

The Mexico native, who will compete in the 2015 Belmont Stakes on Saturday with his racehorse American Pharaoh, recited psalms at the Rebbe’s “Ohel” at the Old Montefiore Cemetery in Cambria Heights. He also wrote out his own prayer note in Spanish that he added to a pile of prayers left at the sacred site, the New York Post reported.

While at the grave site he carried the biographical book Rebbe: The Life and Teachings of Menachem M. Schneerson, the Most Influential Rabbi in Modern History, by Joseph Telushkin. Upon exiting the site, he followed instructions to walk backwards out of respect for the deceased.

The athlete was accompanied by Rabbi Efraim Zaltzman, Director of Chabad of Kingsborough in Brooklyn, Kabbalah teacher Rabbi Berel Lerman and Rabbi Motti Seligson, Director of ‎Media Relations at Chabad.org.

“No matter what religion you are, or what temple you go, you always come out with a different energy, which is good,” he told the Post about visiting the grave site, adding that he is not superstitious.

Spain in the Eye of the Storm of Jihad by Soeren Kern

The Islamists are especially interested in converts who have not yet taken on Muslim names and whose official IDs still have their Christian names, so they can purchase weapons without drawing the attention of police.

At least 50,000 Muslim converts are currently living in Spain. Police say that converts are especially susceptible to radicalization because they are facing increasing pressure from Islamists who are calling on them to carry out attacks to “demonstrate their commitment” to their new faith.

Spain has also become a key entry point for human trafficking mafias being used by jihadist veterans seeking to return to Europe after fighting in the Middle East.

“Turkey is the Seven-Eleven of false passports.” — Spanish agent working on a human trafficking case.

Spanish security forces have arrested a total of 568 jihadists over the past ten years in 124 separate operations against Islamic terrorism, Spanish Interior Minister Jorge Fernández Díaz revealed at an African security conference in Niger on May 14.

Fernández Díaz said that “constant police and judicial actions” have helped Spanish authorities prevent another large-scale terrorist attack similar to the March 2004 Madrid train bombings, in which nearly 200 people were killed and more than 2,000 were injured.

Global Kudos to Israel’s Long Term Viability Ambassador (Ret.) Yoram Ettinger

Irrespective of the anti-Israel BDS movements (boycott, divestment and sanctions), independent of UN condemnations, and in defiance of criticism and pressure by Western policy makers – which should not be ignored nor hyperbolized – burgeoning foreign investments in Israel, and the upgraded scope and diversity of Israel’s global trade balance, constitute a most authentic measure of Israel’s global integration/standing and global confidence in Israel’s long-term viability. Once again, complex reality triumphs over superficial conventional “wisdom.”

Some 280 global high tech giants (mostly from the US) have given kudos to Israel’s economy, in general, and Israel’s brain power, in particular, by establishing research and development (R&D) centers in the Startup Nation. Thus, Intel operates four R&D centers, Microsoft – 2, IBM – 3 R&D centers, etc..

A few scores of these high tech giants are major bio-med companies, such as Johnson & Johnson, Philips, General Electric, Abbott Laboratories, Merck Serono, Foson Pharmaceuticals and Samsung, reflecting global appreciation of Israel’s unique capabilities and contribution in the areas of medical devices, pharmaceuticals and digital and mobile healthcare. In 2014, Israel’s bio-med sector raised an all-time record of $2bn, while the acquisition of Israeli bio-med companies during 2013-14 peaked at $2.9bn. Novartis, the world’s largest pharmaceutical company, plans to expand its investments in Israel, following its 2014 investments in three Israeli companies. Johnson & Johnson, Abbott Laboratories, Medtronic and Volcano (the world’s largest intravascular imaging company) participate in the $70mn Israeli bio-med venture capital fund, Tri Ventures, and Israel’s Shavit Capital raised $75mn from US investors, mostly from the bio-med sector.


According to Deputy Secretary of State Tony Blinken, the international coalition forces against ISIS succeeded in the past nine months, mainly through the United States air-campaign, to kill more than 10,000 ISIS fighters. In addition, according to Blinken, ISIS lost control over 25 percent of the territory it had captured in Iraq. However, Blinken admited that ISIS appeal to foreign fighters has in fact increased: “They are on the march, they are succeeding, they’re moving forward, and we are not, and in fact it’s just the opposite,” he said. He attributed this to ISIS’s successful recruitment of “young…impressionable people around the world.”

Under growing criticism of handling the war against ISIS, the Obama administration decided to send more weapons to the Iraqi army and has already sent the first shipment of the 2,000 AT4 anti-tank missiles to be used against ISIS driven American tanks and armored vehicles that the withdrawing Iraqi army left behind. How long will it take before these missiles will join the more than an estimated $1 billion worth of mostly American made Iraqi weapons that have been already captured by ISIS? And how would anti-tank missiles stop ISIS’s most popular mass-attack weapon, the car-bomb? That, Blinken did not explain. Nor did he elaborate on what the U.S. and its allies are doing to counter ISIS’s most powerful weapon: radicalization and recruitment of foreign fighters from among Sunnis everywhere. While some new ISIS recruits need training, others who travel to fight in Iraq, Syria, and Libya (such as the Afghan Taliban and the Chechen jihadists) are battle-hardened and eager to die for the caliphate.

Ruthie Blum: What I Would Have Asked Obama

What I would have asked Obama

On Tuesday night, Israel’s Channel 2 network aired an interview with U.S. President Barack Obama, conducted by respected Israeli journalist Ilana Dayan. This was yet another tine of Obama’s multi-pronged charm offensive, to make sure the Jews who supported and funded him do not abandon him and the Democratic Party as the 2016 presidential election draws near.

Coming on the heels of a sit-down with Jeffrey Goldberg in The Atlantic and an address to the Adas Israel congregation in Washington, it was not the least bit original. On the contrary, it was basically a repeat of everything Obama has been saying to assure Jewish donors that he has Israel’s best interests at heart.

This is among many reasons that Dayan need not be patting herself on the back for scoring the coveted one-on-one at the White House. Indeed, she was merely serving as a pawn in Obama’s transparent maneuver to capitulate to Iran, and to keep Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s warnings about Iran from being taken seriously.

The Anniversary Of A Miracle – Israel’s Victory In The Six Day War

Today is the anniversary of a modern miracle, the Israeli victory of the Six Day War, מלחמת ששת הימים, or Milhemet Sheshet Ha Yamim in Hebrew. It saw an outnumbered Israel beat back an attempt at destruction and genocide, reunite Jerusalem, bring the strategic Golan and the historic Jewish homelands of Judea and Samaria back under Israeli sovereignty. It’s worth recounting 46 years later, when Israel’s mortal enemies once again gather to attempt to destroy her.

Egyptian leader Gamal Abdul Nasser had formed a military alliance with Syria, the United Arab Republic (UAR) and with the aid of the Soviet Union, both countries had built up a substantial military force, vastly outnumbering Israel in tanks, planes and manpower.

After the 1956 war,the Israelis had agreed to withdraw from Sinai based on President Eisenhower’s guarantees that provided for a UN peacekeeping force to be stationed there to prevent feydayeen terrorist raids on Israel, the main cause (at least from the Israeli standpoint) of the ’56 war.

Another part of the ceasefire agreement that ended the 1956 war concerned the Straits of Tiran, a waterway connecting the Gulf of Aqaba and the Red Sea and Israel’s sole Red Sea outlet for the port of Eilat.

June 5, 1967: The Six Day War

In six daysIsrael barely 19 years old and 31 years after the end of the Holocaust captured the Sinai Peninsula and the Gaza Strip from Egypt, the Golan Heights from Syria, and the West Bank and East Jerusalem from Jordan. It was a crushing defeat for the Arabs.

Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser had ordered the United Nations out of the Suez region and had their peace-keeping troops replaced with Egyptian military personnel, enforced a naval blockade which closed off the Gulf of Aqaba to Israeli shipping, and declared: “Our basic objective will be the destruction of Israel. The Arab people want to fight.”On one occasion, he told listeners of Voice of the Arabs that “every one of the 100 million Arabs has been living for the past 19 years on one hope – to live to die on the day that Israel is liquidated”. He emphasized his threats by massing over 100,000 troops in the Sinai. Syrians massed 75,000 troops, artillery and armor on the Golan Heights. Jordan moved 55,000 troops and 300 tanks to the border.

These unendurable and blood curdling threats were echoed from Jihadist cheerleaders in every single Arab state. On June 5th, 1967 Israel launched pre-emptive strikes, overwhelming their armies and air power, and captured the Golan, the Sinai Peninsula, and liberated Judea and Samaria, and East Jerusalem.

This stunning victory reverberated and inspired Jews in every corner of the world- from Moscow to Argentina- from Uzbekistan to London- from Capetown to Los Angeles.

It is worth revisiting the value of premption and the will to forgo appeasement and worthless negotiations with implacable enemies.

Revealed, the War Before the Six Day War: Mitch Ginsberg

Immediately before the resort to conflict, Israel’s top generals and politicians clashed over how to address the Arab threat, with distrust and disdain bursting into the open, newly released papers show.

Two days before Israel would embark on the Six Day War, army brass and top politicians held a tumultuous meeting in which a group of Israeli-born generals, watching the build-up of Egyptian forces in the Sinai desert, seemed to be accusing prime minister Levi Eshkol of suffering from a perilous, Diaspora-related hesitancy that could have existential repercussions for the state.

The details of the June 3, 1967, meeting between the IDF General Staff and the government of Israel were released for the first time Thursday by the Israeli army and Defense Ministry archive, revealing the width of the gap separating the political and military leadership at the time.