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Special Forces Vets Exposing Hillary Clinton’s Muslim Brotherhood Connection By Jim Kouri

The recent Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) release of a Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) has provided more questions than answers. According to the DIA, a preliminary report informed then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Sept. 12, 2012 that the previous day’s Benghazi, Libya, terrorist attack that left four Americans dead had been planned “at least ten days in advance” by al -Qaida and Muslim Brotherhood-linked terrorists, according to a statement released on Thursday by Special Operations OPSEC, a public-interest group of retired special operations military veterans.

In a heavily redacted memorandum dated Sept. 12, 2012 — the day after the Benghazi slaughter of four Americans including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens — the DIA informed Hillary Clinton, then-Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, President Obama’s National Security Council and the military’s Joint Chiefs of Staff that the Islamic terrorists planned their attack about 10 or more days prior to the slaughter that occurred on the day the U.S. acknowledged the 11th Anniversary of the attacks in New York, Washington, D.C., and Pennsylvania that killed about 3,000 innocent people.


Suleiman the Magnificent reached greatness when his Ottoman Empire controlled everything from what would be today Vienna, to Istanbul, to Syria to Yemen, and everything between.

Arabs and Jews lived in the Middle East area which was called Palestine. Some worshiped many gods; some followed the Torah; after Jesus Christ some were Christians; after Muhammad some were Muslims. Cities were Damascus, Jerusalem, Bagdad and more. Nation states did not exist. There was never a Palestine State. Successive rulers that controlled the region included Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Byzantines, and the Ottoman Empire.

Ottomans had ruled for centuries when Arabian King Hussein guardian of Mecca and Medina; wanted an Arab state without Ottoman control.

My Yiddisher ‘Bama by Mark Steyn

~Back in the impeachment era, the otherwise unreadable Toni Morrison called Bill Clinton “our first black president. Blacker than any actual black person who could ever be elected in our children’s lifetime”. Other black Americans picked up the shtick – Congressman Eddie Bernice Johnson, for example, at some big awards night honoring Clinton.

But the point about lines like this is that they’re something the other guy has to say about you. If you’re white, you need an actual black to hail you as the first black president. If you’re straight, you need a lesbian or pre-op transwoman to salute you as the first LGBT president.

Unless, that is, you’re Barack Obama:

You know, I think I am the closest thing to a Jew that has ever sat in this office.

Some of his best friends are Jews, and as he is own best friend he is own best Jew.

He said this to David Axelrod, apparently. Axelrod himself said this about Benjamin Netanyahu:

“The world of politics everywhere is divided into two categories: the first and more common is the people who run for public office because they want to be somebody,” he explained. “A smaller group is made of respectable people who run for public office because they want to do something – something positive. Shape the future in a positive way. I think Benjamin Netanyahu completely falls in the first category. He is a great politician. He knows what he needs to do to get through the next election. But it seems to me that Israel has to think about what they need to do to get through the next generation.”

Oh, Oh, Obama! “I’m the closest thing to a Jew that has ever sat in this Office”

In The Atlantic recently, an in-depth interview by Jeffrey Goldberg with Barack Obama that begins:

‘On Tuesday afternoon, as President Obama was bringing an occasionally contentious but often illuminating hour-long conversation about the Middle East to an end, I brought up a persistent worry. “A majority of American Jews want to support the Iran deal,” I said, “but a lot of people are anxiety-ridden about this, as am I.” Like many Jews—and also, by the way, many non-Jews—I believe that it is prudent to keep nuclear weapons out of the hands of anti-Semitic regimes. Obama, who earlier in the discussion had explicitly labeled the supreme leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, an anti-Semite, responded with an argument I had not heard him make before.

“Look, 20 years from now, I’m still going to be around, God willing. If Iran has a nuclear weapon, it’s my name on this,” he said, referring to the apparently almost-finished nuclear agreement between Iran and a group of world powers led by the United States. “I think it’s fair to say that in addition to our profound national-security interests, I have a personal interest in locking this down.”….’

David Singer: Russia Demands American Capitulation To Help Eradicate Islamic State

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov [pictured] has called on America to end its attempt to remove Syria’s President Assad from power in return for Russia’s co-operation to militarily confront Islamic State.

Lavrov reportedly told Bloomberg on 2 June 2015:

“The U.S.’s “obsession” with [Syria’s President] Assad isn’t helping in the common fight against the threat from Islamic State…

People put the fate of one person whom they hate above the fight against terrorism. Islamic State can go “very far” unless stopped, and air strikes alone “are not going to do the trick.

If people continue to acquiesce with what is going on and continue to acquiesce with those who categorically refuse to start the political process until Bashar Assad disappears, then I’m not very optimistic for the future of this region…”

America is part of the Friends of Syria core group known as the London Eleven that has been assisting rebel forces in Syria attempting to overthrow Assad.

VIDEO: Minneapolis Muslims Pine for Sharia Law, Condemn Freedom of Speech:by Walter Hudson

Hear from their own mouths who we’ve let into our gates.


Not long ago, six men from a Muslim Somali community in Minneapolis were arrested for attempting to leave the country and join ISIS as terror fighters. The backgrounds of these men were notable, as each held the potential to excel at productive endeavors and create a life of abundance and happiness. These were men who chose, conscientiously, to reject freedom and prosperity in favor of death and destruction.

A filmmaker named Ami Horowitz visited the Ceder-Riverside community which these men called home to ask Muslims on the street whether they preferred to live under American law or Sharia law. He also asked for their views on the freedom of speech and insults against Mohammed.

The answers he received, documented in the video above, demonstrate that the six men arrested for conspiring to join ISIS were not anomalies. Rather, they were predictable products of their culture, a culture which America has welcomed into its gates.

ISIS Affiliate in Gaza Says It Fired Rockets at Israel After Spat with Hamas By Bridget Johnson

A posting from what claims to be a newly formed ISIS affiliate in Gaza claimed responsibility for firing rockets into Israel tonight.

The IDF reported that two rockets were launched at southern Israel from Gaza. Sirens went off in Ashkelon and Netivot, but no injuries were reported.

Israel struck three Hamas targets in Gaza after the rockets were fired.

The group posting a claim of responsibility online calls itself the Omar Brigades, and said the rockets were retaliation for Hamas killing an ISIS supporter during a Tuesday shootout.

Hamas got props from ISIS in an e-book as “an organisation whose goal is to liberate Palestine entirely and to leave no trace of Israel on the map.” However, ISIS stresses that they and al-Qaeda disagree with Hamas participating in elections because “democracy is shirk (polytheism).” The book labels this a “difference in politics” that has led to fights between the Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaeda/ISIS, and called the Hamas-Israel battles, from the use of Qassam rockets to underground tunnels, “a testing ground for the Mujahideen.”

Palestinians Want Israel Out of Soccer, and Everywhere Else By P. David Hornik

A Palestinian attempt to get Israel expelled — totally and permanently — from international soccer was dropped at the last minute [1].

The Palestinian complaint was that Israel is impeding the movement of Palestinian soccer players from the West Bank and Gaza, and that Israel’s own soccer league includes five teams based in Israeli West Bank communities.

Israel, noting that the Palestinian players go through checkpoints and the like because of security concerns, offered a compromise wherein their movement would have been eased. The Palestinian side turned it down flat. At the FIFA convention on Friday, it was only at the last minute that the Palestinian delegation, realizing they would not have won the vote, gave up — for now — the effort to oust Israel.

Turkey’s Flotilla: What Was It Really About? by Burak Bekdil

All that 77 million Turks could collect to donate to Gaza stood at $32 million, or about 40 cents per person.

“This is a clear picture of the AK Party’s true colors… How could you not honor your promise to Gaza?” — Mehmet Gunal, opposition member of parliament.

Underneath its “Pro-Palestinian” mindset, Turkish solidarity with the Palestinians is less related to the Palestinian cause and more to the Islamists’ devotion to the dream of conquest.

Five years ago this week, on May 31, 2010, a Turkish flotilla with hundreds of pro-Palestinian activists aboard sailed toward the Gaza Strip in order to break Israel’s naval blockade. Israel had established the blockade to prevent weapons from being shipped to the Hamas terrorist organization, which rules Gaza and is openly committed to Israel’s destruction.

Clinton Foundation set-up Fundraising Arm in Sweden as Iran Sanctions Deliberated at Hillary’s State Department By Thomas Lifson

The Clinton Foundation followed Rahm Emanuel’s adage of never letting a crisis go to waste when Swedish companies faced potential blacklisting over sanctions on doing business with Iran. John Solomon ands Julie Riddell of the Washington Times report:

Bill Clinton’s foundation set up a fundraising arm in Sweden that collected $26 million in donations at the same time that country was lobbying Hillary Rodham Clinton’s State Department to forgo sanctions that threatened its thriving business with Iran, according to interviews and documents obtained by The Washington Times.

The Swedish entity, called the William J. Clinton Foundation Insamlingsstiftelse, was never disclosed to or cleared by State Department ethics officials, even though one of its largest sources of donations was a Swedish government-sanctioned lottery.

As the money flowed to the foundation from Sweden, Mrs. Clinton’s team in Washington declined to blacklist any Swedish firms despite warnings from career officials at the U.S. Embassy in Stockholm that Sweden was growing its economic ties with Iran and potentially undercutting Western efforts to end Tehran’s rogue nuclear program, diplomatic cables show.

This looks exactly like a shakedown racket. And it was not the foundation alone that profited enormously: