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Segregation Makes a Comeback By Deion A. Kathawa


If we cannot rally around equality before the law and within our institutions, and embrace color blindness within our own hearts, then we will not survive as a nation.

Dust off your “2020 bingo card.” Even with all this year’s craziness—impeachment; millions of acres of hellfire spreading across California; a global pandemic unleashed by China (which was also the occasion to shut down the engine of the greatest economy the world had ever seen); more than 100 consecutive days of rioting and looting in Portland, Oregon (not to mention similar criminal activity taking place across the country since the death of George Floyd in May)—did you seriously ever expect you’d be covering the square that reads, “American university unironically and enthusiastically endorses Plessy v. Ferguson”?

Didn’t think so.

But you’d better dig up your chips because that’s what very nearly happened at the University of Michigan-Dearborn. (2020 needs to slow down.)

The university tried to bring back Jim Crow-era segregation. The Center for Social Justice and Inclusion (CSJI) recently advertised its creation of a “Non-POC Cafe.” In plain language, it’s a (virtual) cafe just for white students, i.e., those who “do not identify as people of color,” “to gather and to discuss their experience as students on campus and as non-POC in the world.”

It goes on: “Feel free to drop in and discuss your experiences as non-persons of color and hopefully brainstorm solutions to common issues within the non-POC community. The Cafe will be facilitated by a non-POC faculty/staff member to ensure that discussions are kept safe and respectful.” (Go back and re-read that: CSJI considers whites are non-persons of color. Tell us how you really feel!)

How The 1960s Riots Foreshadow Today’s Communist Weaponization Of Black Pain By Katharine Gorka


“To Truly Help Black People, Reject BLM-Why is this all of this so vitally important? Because right now, many well-intentioned Americans believe they are helping black people by putting Black Lives Matter signs in their front yards. A number of corporations believe they are helping stamp out racism by donating millions of dollars to Black Lives Matter. Middle schools and high schools across the country are using a curriculum developed by Black Lives Matter to teach children that America is riddled with systemic racism.But in fact, Black Lives Matter is not about helping black people. It is about using black people to achieve the co-founders’ revolutionary, ideological aims.”

Many would have us believe that the riots and violence sweeping across America’s cities this year are spontaneous. But history and current evidence tell us otherwise.

Leaving the White House grounds recently, I knew I would encounter protestors. You could hear them throughout the evening, trying to disrupt.

Most of the protestors were to the east and north of the White House, so staff directed us to exit out the west gate. A security guard offered to accompany me and my husband south to Constitution Avenue to meet our Uber driver, and we went safely home.

We heard numerous stories the next morning of guests who had been threatened and endangered. One friend with whom we had walked out of that west gate actually decked a foul-mouthed biker. The biker had veered too close to our friend’s wife while shouting threats and obscenities, and the husband then acted as a man might reasonably be expected to — he punched the guy.

Elsewhere, dozens of angry protestors surrounded Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and his wife Kelley as they left the White House grounds. Eventually, more police officers arrived and escorted the couple to the safety of their hotel.

Sen. Paul later reported: “After we got back to our hotel room and some safety we heard something frightening. The ‘protesters’ were staying on our floor — including the room next door to us. They were talking about their mob activities and even saying they thought we were here on this floor. We had to develop a 3 a.m. plan with the Capitol Police to get to safety.”

Paul asks, “Who are these people? Who paid for their hotel rooms? Who flew them in?” What he saw that night led him to conclude, “It’s organized. It’s paid for. It’s violent.”

Ethnocidal ‘Critical Race Theory’ Is Upon Us Like White On Rice By Ilana Mercer


Critical Race Theory has designated the country’s founding demographic as oppressive. Forever.

Critical race theory is the “remedial” lens through which America’s race reality is refracted.

Look hard enough and the need for this unintelligent theoretical concoction becomes abundantly clear:

It’s on the playground and in the classroom. Watch for the bossy white kids.

It’s in businesses and boardrooms, where microaggressions tumble from the mouths of their white mothers and fathers.

It’s in government departments, brought about by the few whites who haven’t been weeded out by quotas and set-asides for “oppressed” minorities.

There, this irredeemably uppity demographic persists in strutting its “oppressor stuff,” emitting up to 15 “microinequities” per minute, by the estimation of the unintelligent social “science” of human-resource department sickos.

It’s in the FBI, wherein workshops on intersectionality only just keep the plague of white privilege at bay, among bureau agents who haven’t yet been deluged by Trump derangement syndrome.  

Critical race theory, reports City Journal contributing editor Christopher Rufo, has even reached the battlefield—on a mission of mercy.

Systemic Racism? Think Again. By David Solway


The funny thing about the word “systemic” is that it more often than not has no referent—that is, it often refers to nothing concrete or observable, but is essentially an expression of unverifiable belief or, in the case of assumed racism or “critical race theory,” a “social justice” delusion. There are systemic realities, of course, but racism in the U.S.—or in my country, Canada—is not one of them.

When noted black writer, lawyer, and columnist Larry Elder challenged his interviewer Dave Rubin, who assumed the existence of that evanescent something called “systemic racism,” Rubin was unable to come up with a single example of this apparent social evil. There are, of course, empirical examples of racism against blacks, but also against browns, reds, whites, and everything in between. This is a human reality that cannot be expunged—though it can be mitigated. However, despite the spread of BLM riots and protests across the country, there is nothing systemically racist about the United States.

As I have pointed out elsewhere, America has become one of the most racially tolerant nations in the world. A country in which blacks are materially represented in the national community as actors, sports figures, journalists, broadcasters, police chiefs, surgeons, notable scholars, academics, poets, novelists, university presidents, corporate executives, municipal mayors, state governors, members of Congress and Supreme Court justices, including a black president, two black attorneys general and two black White House chiefs of staff, is not a racist country. The notion of “systemic racism” is a powerful revolutionary motivator, a handy slogan bandied about by race baiters and “social justice” agitators, but it is nothing less than a monumental canard. There is no such thing.

The Utopian Virus in Power Why Marxist revolutionaries are able to sow as much destruction as they do today. Jamie Glazov


Editors’ note: As we witness the Marxist revolution currently transpiring in America, alongside the surreal totalitarian lockdowns, a vital question confronts us: how did the Left achieve so much power to be able to now so effectively damage America and its democracy? What allowed the Left to gain so much control and influence?

This is, without doubt, one of the most pertinent questions of our time. Frontpage Mag editors have therefore deemed it vital to run, below, an excerpt from Jamie Glazov’s book, Jihadist Psychopath: How He is Charming, Seducing, and Devouring Us. The excerpt, which is the third chapter, titled “The Virus in Power,” explores how the Left took power in America — and why it had such an easy time doing so. This equips us with the understanding of why Marxists and Lockdown-Enforcers are now able to sow as much destruction as they do today.

Don’t miss this essay.

“…..As we learned in the previous chapter, the utopian virus gives birth to the Left and pushes it towards an alliance with the Jihadist Psychopath. It becomes clear, therefore, what a catastrophe the virus represents for the West, now that it has taken hold of the West’s  main institutions and power structures. Having seized power in both America and Western Europe, the Left is now actively enabling a Marxist — and an Islamic Supremacist — destructive encroachment on its own democratic host societies.  

Trump’s entry into the White House brought much hope that the progressive/Islamic supremacist tide could be halted on several fronts, but the problem remained that the Left had its forces deeply entrenched in the federal government and within the Trump administration itself.[1] The Left also remained extremely powerful, retaining control over the media, academia, Hollywood and the culture at large. This chapter will examine the Left’s dominion in each of these realms and reveal how and why it got there. In so doing, it will provide a concrete understanding of the Unholy Alliance’s[2] strength and its inordinate ability to achieve power.

Color Revolutions are Not About Color by Linda Goudsmit


   http://goudsmit.pundicity.com http://lindagoudsmit.com

Color revolution is a known tactical CIA operation that uses a seemingly spontaneous act as the precipitating event to destabilize a country and effect regime change. Color revolution is what is happening in America, and its front line soldiers are Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM).

“America’s Own Color Revolution,” a June 29, 2020, Geopolitics article explains how “Hundreds of thousands of young Americans are being used as a battering ram to not only topple a U.S. President, but in the process, the very structures of the U.S. Constitutional order.”

The organization Black Lives Matter (BLM) is not about black lives. BLM is a Marxist organization disguised as a civil rights organization. Instead of improving race relations, BLM exploits racial tensions to collapse America from within and replace our constitutional republic with socialism/communism. BLM is the ultimate humanitarian hoax being perpetrated on unsuspecting Americans who still believe that BLM cares about black lives. They don’t.

Marxism, socialism, and communism are often used interchangeably, but Sandra Campbell clarifies the differences and shows how each builds on the other. “Marxism is the theoretical framework which lays the foundation for the economic and political philosophies of socialism and communism.” Communism is the end game. . . . Karl Marx argued that capitalism, with its strict adherence to free market principles, divided people because of competition. He believed communism was the solution.”

The failure of Karl Marx’s experiment is that in the real world, socialism and communism create the same centralized government with the same tyrannical, binary feudal structure of rulers and ruled. Globalism is centralized government on an internationalized planetary scale.

Now, back to race in America. Of course black lives matter – all lives matter in the United States of America! The foundation of life in the USA is that we all matter – all of us – white, black, blue, red, yellow, young, old, thin, fat, gay, straight, Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, atheist, etc etc etc.

Wake Up America, and Smell the Anti-Semitism:By Eve Barlow


Americans of all races and political outlooks revile and attack Jews with unprecedented glee, while American Jews would rather talk about anything else

I don’t think of Delaware as a center of anti-Semitic hate. But on the night of Aug. 26, the University of Delaware’s Chabad house was burned to the ground, causing an estimated $75,000 worth of damage. According to the state fire marshal, the fire was intentionally set. While the university’s president acknowledged that the site was “an active part of UD’s religious, faith, and spiritual diversity” the fire marshal’s office found no indication that this was a hate crime. Gov. John Carney called the crime “upsetting.”

Only three years earlier, in 2017, Gov. Carney was showing his solidarity and support while visiting the Siegel Jewish Community Center and its Albert Einstein Academy primary school in Wilmington after the JCC received five bomb threats in the space of two months. In February of this year, the same JCC reported that it’s still receiving bomb threats. Delaware’s Jewish community is pushing for an expansion of the state’s hate crime laws.

The pathway from experiencing casual hatred to receiving bomb threats to living communal life under siege to suffering defaced and burned down buildings is all too wearyingly familiar for Jews in Delaware, as well as in the traditional urban centers of American Jewish life. Horrifying footage from Brooklyn on August 29 showed two Haredi men being rammed by a car—an incident that seems no more politically determinable than the regular anti-Semitic chanting or vandalizing of Jewish property at Black Lives Matter marches, or white supremacist bomb threats.

Two weekends ago, a sign reading “The Jews Want a Race War” appeared over the I-405 freeway in Los Angeles. It was dangled by a man named Jon Minadeo Jr. One sign turned into two, with the adjacent sign reading “Honk if you know.” According to witnesses many cars honked. The sign was eventually removed.

The following day, Minadeo was filmed outside the Chabad in Marina del Rey, exercising his free speech rights against America’s Jews once more as part of a tour he dubbed “Name the Nose.” “These Jewish terrorists are the people behind 9/11,” he shouted on the steps. The white van he drove was graffitied with slogans that offer some of his conspiracy theories: “The Jews are spawns of Satan,” “Trump is owned by Jews,” “Jews run Hollywood.” His group, the Goyim Defense League, posted anti-Semitic flyers last year in San Francisco and run a YouTube-style site called Goyim TV.

The Right to Civil Rights By Nurit Greenger –


Brooke Goldstein is The Lawfare Project‘s Founder and Executive Director. Her recent op-ed, rightly calling for, ‘The Time Is Now for a Jewish Civil Rights Movement’ prompts a broad discussion.

It is becoming rather clear that most American Jewish Organizations no longer represent, rather prevaricate, Jewish causes. They have failed American Jewry.

Jewish organizations, some in particular, founded to make sure antisemitism does not occur, failed their fundamental cause. Among several reasons, they are extremely politically correct. For years they have been operating, confronting, on campuses and in the streets of America, the ancient Jew hatred, Antisemitism. Now that is masked as hatred for the state of Israel and Zionism, increased tenfold.

Antisemitism at Stanford University

During an endorsement interview, on March 13, 2020, in front of eight members of the university’s Students of Color Coalition, a student group whose endorsement she was eagerly seeking, due to the group’s previous success in helping dozens win seats in the student senate, Molly Horwitz, 21, a junior student at Stanford University, running for the student senate alleged that she was discriminated against; she faced anti-Semitic questioning.

The lead interviewer asked her, “Given your strong Jewish identity, in the anti-divestment campaign on campus…” The question lead to questioning whether Molly’s Judaism could affect her view of boycotting and divestment from Israel. What then morphed into a contest about campus issues also a fierce discussion on identity and loyalties.

Molly said she was horrified by the question asked. ZOA (Zionist Organization of America) took the right stand and demanded that the interviewer be expelled. Other Jewish organizations were satisfied with Stanford Administration’s pat on the wrist of the accused concealed identity, thinking that if there is a next time they will expel that person.

In today’s lexicon, this is called ‘discriminatory practices.’



Nihilism is the belief that all values are baseless and that nothing can be known or communicated. It is often associated with extreme pessimism and a radical skepticism that condemns existence. A true nihilist would believe in nothing, have no loyalties, and no purpose other than, perhaps, an impulse to destroy.

I emphasize, an impulse to destroy, because it reflects the actions of Antifa and BLM, and of the Dems in the House of Representatives. They want to “cancel”  the Declaration of Independence and our rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Cancel culture is, essentially, when people who have said or done problematic things, either now or in the past, are decidedly “canceled,” and people no longer support them or their endeavors. In this day and age, examples are everywhere. Celebritiesgetting called out for problematic behavior. See my column, “New Harvard Math,’

Cancel culture is a program of dedicated nihilhism. Antifa and BLM are active, violent practitioners of nihilism.  

Most commonly, nihilism refers to existential nihilism, according to which life is believed to be without objective meaning, purpose, or intrinsic value. Moral nihilism asserts that nothing is morally right or wrong. Existential nihilism is the philosophical theory that our life has no intrinsic meaning or value. With respect to the universe, existential nihilism suggests that a single human or even the entire human species is insignificant, without purpose and unlikely to change in the totality of existence. According to the theory, each individual is an isolated being born into the universe, barred from knowing ‘why’. The inherent meaninglessness of life is largely explored in the philosophical school of existentialism, where one can potentially create their own subjective ‘meaning’ or ‘purpose’. Of all types of nihilism, existential nihilism has received the most literary and philosophical attention. See my column, “New Harvard Math.”

Trump, Race, and Class By Victor Davis Hanson


The president’s authentic bluntness may be more appealing to non-elites of all races than violence and condescending lectures.

The president’s authentic bluntness may be more appealing to non-elites of all races than violence and condescending lectures.

T here are some stunning indications that the supposedly satanic racist Donald Trump could be polling in some surveys around a 35-40 approval rate among Latinos and 20–30 percent among African Americans. Other polls are more equivocal but suggest an unexpected Trump surge among minority voters.

If those polls are accurate and predict November voting patterns, then Joe Biden could lose the popular vote as well as the key swing states by larger margins than Hillary Clinton’s Electoral College losses in 2016.

Indeed, some state polls by CNN and Trafalgar already show Trump to be near even in these purple states. The polling also suggests that, contrary to stereotypical exegeses, nonwhites of the large cities in the Midwest are not necessarily a monolithic voting bloc. So how can this be — given the Obama verdict that Trump is our generation’s Bull Connor, and the Never Trump assurances that the divisive Trump lacks the empathy and appeal of a “coalition building” John McCain or a BLM-sympathizer such as a marching Mitt Romney, and lacks as well the natural resonance the Bush family enjoys with Hispanics?

A number of things are going on that may explain some of these apparent mysteries.

One, Trump is finally beginning to reshape the Republican Party into a middle-class coalition of all races, deliberately pitted against the boutique leftist rich people in Hollywood, Wall Street, the New York and Washington media, Silicon Valley, and the Washington swamp. Trump boasts far more about lowering minority unemployment than reducing the capital-gains tax, more about reducing drug sentences than the need for unfettered global trade.