The Goldstone Report, and a generally biased press aside, Israel has, by all standards, the most humane army the world has ever known. What other army makes calls, sends e-mails and text messages, and drops flyers to warn civilians to evacuate when launching a counter-attack?
Colonel Richard Kemp, former commander of British forces in Afghanistan said the following about the Israel Defense Forces (I.D.F.:” Although not quite a lone voice, mine was certainly a very lonely voice among the many dozens of speeches endorsing the Goldstone Report and repudiating Israel that were made over the two days of the UN Human Rights Council hearing after Operation Cast Lead. This is what I said to the Council: “During its operation in Gaza, the Israeli Defense Forces did more to safeguard the rights of civilians in a combat zone than any other army in the history of warfare.”
This reporter caught up with Lieutenant Elad in Philadelphia. Elad, a handsome 27-year old, has recently completed his military service, and is on a tour of Northeastern United States sponsored by Stand With Us, an Israel Education and Advocacy organization operating worldwide.
Elad articulated the attitudes and opinions regarding Israel he has found on campuses: “I got to hear a wide variety of opinions, thoughts, and perspectives about Israel. The pro -Israel students, are fighting the difficult war against the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement on campus. Young men and women who could have four calm years of college or university, partying and having fun, decided instead to dedicate their time and effort to defend the state of Israel. Standing up for the Jewish nation, defending values such as minority rights, LGTB groups, women rights, and more, is not a simple task for these enthusiasts. I also encountered strong anti-Israel voices. Student groups calling themselves ”pro- Palestinian” when in fact, all they care about is bashing the state of Israel. These groups are full of hate and anger, instead of seeking dialogue and peace. These students were not interested in a productive dialogue; instead, they were interested in shouting out their message. I came here with a mission to educate about Israel and to have a dialogue, which in my mind is the only way that our region will realize peace. It was dismaying to discover that some of the worst anti-Israel activists that we faced were Jewish and Israeli.”