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America, Nuclear Talks and the New Middle East By Nicola Abé, Dieter Bednarz, Erich Follath and Holger Stark

The US is rethinking its approach to the Middle East and has even found commonalities with erstwhile archenemy Iran. Meanwhile, relations with traditional American allies, such as Israel and Saudi Arabia, are cooling. A nuclear deal could further the shift.

Barack Obama wanted to do everything differently than his predecessor, also in the realm of foreign policy. He wanted to bring an end to America’s role as global police officer and to lead from the background rather than pursue one-sided dominance. His vision was that of becoming a moderator of international politics and finding allies for new coalitions.

But he likely didn’t foresee the results as they appear today. The US is currently involved in all fronts in the Middle East — even, more recently, with countries that are antagonistic toward one-another. Last week, the situation was particularly absurd. On the one hand, the US supports the Sunni military coalition in Yemen that is bombing an Iran-supported rebel group. On the other hand, the US provided air support to a Shiite militia that is being led by an Iranian general.

The Virus of Islam: Can It Be Cured? Amil Imani

Risking the violation of political correctness, decades of closely and carefully studying Islam, has led me to the following observation: Islam is a socio-cultural viral disease that invades any vulnerable host with its malignancy, while simultaneously devouring its own adherents.

In other words, Islam is like a deadly, contagious disease. Once it invades the mind of its victim, this debilitating disease is capable of transforming him or her to a helpless pawn that has no choice but to execute what he or she is directed to do.

Of the reported 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, millions are already trapped in the terminal stages of this affliction, while millions of others are rapidly joining them. The people enslaved with the extreme cases of Islamic mental disease are highly infectious. They actively work to transmit the disease to others, while they themselves engage in horrific acts of mayhem and violence to demonstrate their unconditional obedience to the dictates of the Islamic cult of violence; For example, the Islamic State or “ISIS/ISIL.”

Iran’s Persian Statement on ‘Deal’ Contradicts Obama’s Claims: Amir Taheri

“Iran Agrees to Detailed Nuclear Outline,” The New York Times headline claimed on Friday. That found an echo in the Washington Post headline of the same day: “Iran agrees to nuclear restrictions in framework deal with world powers.”

But the first thing to know about the highly hyped “historic achievement” that President Obama is trying to sell is that there has been no agreement on any of the fundamental issues that led to international concern about Iran’s secret nuclear activities and led to six mandatory resolutions by the United Nations Security Council and 13 years of diplomatic seesaw.

The Lies of Leftist Feminism — on The Glazov Gang

This week’s Glazov Gang was joined by Ann-Marie Murrell, the lead anchor and national director and editor-in-chief of PolitiChicks.com. She is the co-author (with Dr. Gina Loudon and Morgan Brittany) of the new book, What Women Really Want.

Ann-Marie focuses on The Lies of Leftist Feminism, reflecting on progressive feminists, Islam and selective indignation. The discussion occurred within a focus on What Women Really Want.

Ann-Marie also shed light on her Why the Left Hates Sarah Palin, her own Journey from Left to Right and much, much more:


Obama’s Pro-Iranian Nukes Propaganda Barrage By Matthew Vadum

President Obama and his media minions are trying hard to sell the public on the administration’s egregiously awful nuclear arms deal that will empower an Islamofascist country whose leaders have never stopped chanting “death to America.”

Under the preliminary so-called framework for an arms control agreement that Western powers reached last week with Iran’s murderous mullahs, the pariah nation reportedly accepted limits on its nuclear weapons program in exchange for the repeal of international sanctions that have hurt its economy. Negotiators have until June 30 to arrive at a final agreement. The speed at which sanctions will be repealed and the scope of inspections have yet to be worked out.

This means the relentless stream of pro-framework propaganda from the administration is just beginning.

From Rathergate to Rolling Stone: Fake But Accurate-by Daniel Greenfield

A decade after Dan Rather’s career ended over an attempt to pass off forged documents about President Bush’s military service, Robert Redford is working on a movie about the case. The movie is based on CBS producer Mary Mapes’ book “Truth”, which denies the truth that the documents were not written on a 70s typewriter, but in Microsoft Word.

That scandal led to the coining of the phrase, “Fake, but Accurate”. Ten years later, they’re still fake but accurate.

Rathergate has many similarities to the Rolling Stone rape hoax. Both ignored the basic rules of journalism to pursue a narrative. The narrative was so full of holes that bloggers and even casual readers realized that something was wrong and stepped in where the professional journalists had failed.

The difference is that Rolling Stone has even less investment in its journalistic credibility than CBS did. The principals will not be forced out. Their work may have been fake, but it was still accurate.

Modern lefty media journalism is more interested in narratives than in facts. The specific facts of a case may be fake, but that doesn’t matter as long as the narrative is accurate.

It had always felt compellingly true to them that President Bush dodged military service or otherwise benefited from undue influence. It was the perfect finishing touch for their arguments against the Iraq War. It made their position the righteous and patriotic one. It was the perfect note on which to begin the rise of President Kerry. It was so emotionally and ideologically compelling that it had to be true.

Dying for a Little Peace: The Army of the Harebrained Grows by the Day by David Solway

The Western world, it seems, is overflowing with peace organizations. Influenced by the rat pack of Galtung [1]-inspired Peace Studies graduates, they consist of left-leaning utopians, Christian “social justice” groups who make forbearing captives when taken hostage by those with whom they commiserate (often to the extent of denouncing their rescuers), and a sorority of bustling middle-class matrons and their snuggy-breasted male consorts, all with too much time on their hands. One of the latest such organizations is a regional klatch of affluent do-gooders by the name of PeaceQuest [2] that describes itself in a slick and unctuous — and comma challenged — pamphlet as:

a new community-based, organization in Eastern Ontario. Committed
and engaged citizens from a variety of backgrounds, for whom peace is a patriotic
value, have come together to invite a community-wide conversation in Kingston
Ontario as we near the 100th anniversary of the “War to end all Wars” and Canada’s
150th anniversary as a nation.

PeaceQuest has presently embarked on a mission to spread its message to other Canadian cities in order to bring all right-thinking people into the camp of self-proclaimed saints. Let us consider its program and rationale.

We Now Have a Genocide-Enabling President By James Lewis

The First American President to openly sign an “agreement” with the mass-murdering mullahs in Tehran, going along with everything they want, and getting nothing in return

Welcome all you good folks to the Obama Presidency, which came in as a messianic mediagasm six years ago, and which will go out in 22 months as a genuine “first” — the First American President to openly sign an “agreement” with the mass-murdering mullahs in Tehran, going along with everything they want, and getting nothing in return.

This is not a joke, and it is not an exaggeration. It is the sober truth.

As the media keep telling us, America is infested with Islamophobia, which is worse than racism, genderism, anti-gay agenda-ism, and so on.

Well, today we need a whole new word: Genocidophilia: The love of murdering as many people as you can, because they belong to a group other than Islam. That would be JEN-O-CIDE-O-PHILIA. Remember that new word, because you will need it in the future.

David Baltimore And Paul Berg: :Two Nobel Laureates on Gene Technology Capable of Making Changes That Are Heritable By Generations to Come.

Let’s Hit ‘Pause’ Before Altering Humankind

Modern biological research continues to generate new technology at a staggering pace, bringing to society new challenges and new opportunities. A recent appearance is the so-called CRISPR/Cas9 technology for altering genes in the body’s cells, including, most troublingly, early embryonic cells.

To understand the challenge brought by this technology it is important to make a distinction between somatic cells and germ-line cells. Somatic cells are the run-of-the-mill cells of our bodies: muscles, nerves, skin and the like. Germ-line cells are the egg and sperm cells that, when joined, give rise to offspring. Making gene changes in somatic cells can have dramatic effects, but they are not transmitted to the next generation and therefore fall comfortably into the category of pure therapeutics and generate minimal controversy. It is changes in germ-line cells that create heritable alterations.

John Brennan’s Politicized Intelligence

“Mr. Brennan’s naked public partisanship harms the CIA by making whatever it now says about Iran simply unbelievable.”

The CIA director calls critics of Obama’s Iran policy dishonest.

Remember when the left accused the Bush Administration of politicizing intelligence to justify its invasion of Iraq? It wasn’t true, but someone ought to remind CIA director John Brennan. Because in attacking critics of the President’s Iran policy Tuesday, he sounded more like a White House communications director than a CIA chief.

During remarks at Harvard’s Institute of Politics, Mr. Brennan said anyone who knew the facts and believes the deal with Tehran “provides a pathway for Iran to a bomb” is being “wholly disingenuous.” If we take him at his word, former Secretaries of State George Shultz and Henry Kissinger, who wrote on our pages Wednesday, must be dishonest in their detailed, careful critique.

Think about that for a moment. A CIA director claims that any disagreement over a highly complicated and controversial deal must come from base motives. Think of the signal that sends to the CIA analysts who will be responsible for monitoring the deal and ascertaining whether Iran is violating it. Better not speak up!