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As US lets Yemen Fall, Israeli Ire Pales Next to Arab Fury:By Avi Issacharoff

Jerusalem is worried by the Iran-backed Houthi takeover of Aden, but Saudi Arabia is burning with anger, and not at Tehran

A few months ago, when Yemen’s Houthi uprising was still in its infancy, Israel was already worriedly watching over the progress of rebel forces making advances in the peninsula.

It’s little surprise the group got Jerusalem’s attention. In almost every demonstration held by Houthis in recent months, the slogans heard may as well have been taken straight out of the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran: “Death to America, death to Israel, curse the Jews, victory to Islam.”

On Iran Nuclear Deal, Watchdog Says Collapse of White House Demand for Verification in Line With Previous Capitulations: DavidDaoud

A Washington DC based watchdog monitoring US nuclear negotiations with Iran has said that the White House’s latest backpedaling on its negotiating positions follows a consistent trend.

In a statement to reporters, The Israel Project pointed to a Wall Street Journal report by Carol Lee about the deferment of a previously stated US demand that Iran resolve “questions concerning the possible military dimensions” (PMDs) of its atomic program at the front end of an agreement.

“Lee’s piece was specific to PMDs, but she could have written a near-identical column on centrifuges, heavy water work, and ballistic missile development,” the statement said.


In shocking breach, U.S. declassifies document revealing some of Israel’s nuclear capabilities
When on February 12, the Pentagon quietly declassified a top-secret 386-page Department of Defense document from 1987 detailing Israel’s nuclear program – the first time Israel’s alleged nuclear program has ever been officially and publically referenced by the U.S. authorities – I and other journalists chose not to write about it.

In the declassified document, the Pentagon reveals supposed details about Israel’s deterrence capabilities, but it kept sections on France, Germany and Italy classified. Those sections are blacked out in the document.

Daniel Greenfield on “The Real Meaning of ‘Allahu Akbar’” — on The Glazov Gang

Daniel Greenfield on “The Real Meaning of ‘Allahu Akbar’” — on The Glazov Gang

Why you should be suspicious of the translation the media provides after every Jihadi attack.

Obama’s Mideast ‘Free Fall’By Michael Crowley

Mounting chaos in the region puts the administration on the defensive.

Barack Obama faces a slew of Middle East crises that some call the worst in a generation, as new chaos from Yemen to Iraq — along with deteriorating U.S.-Israeli relations — is confounding the president’s efforts to stabilize the region and strike a nuclear deal with Iran.

The meltdown has Obama officials defending their management of a region that some call impossible to control, even as critics say U.S. policies there are partly to blame for the spreading anarchy.

Obama Chief of Staff Blasts Israel at J Street Confab: Joseph Klein

White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough continued the Obama administration’s relentless series of verbal fusillades against Israel, declaring on March 23rd that “an occupation that has lasted for almost 50 years must end.” Mr. McDonough added that “Israel cannot maintain military control of another people indefinitely,” as if the present state of affairs were something most Israelis yearned to maintain indefinitely. His speech offered no practical suggestions as to how to allay Israelis’ legitimate security concerns. His underlying assumption is that Israel must simply take another chance by giving up more land for peace no matter what, when its prior unilateral withdrawal from Gaza literally blew up in its face.

President Obama’s chief of staff offered up his simplistic tripe to the left-wing J Street group, which claims it is pro-Israel but more often than not sings the Palestinians’ tune.

Mr. McDonough lashed out at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s pre-election pledge that an independent Palestinian state would not be permitted under his watch. “We cannot simply pretend that those comments were never made, or that they don’t raise questions about the Prime Minister’s commitment to achieving peace through direct negotiations” he said.

The Truth About the Cuban ‘Embargo’ — on The Glazov Gang


This week’s Glazov Gang was joined by Humberto Fontova, the author of four books including his latest, The Longest Romance; The Mainstream Media and Fidel Castro.

Humberto came on the show to discuss The Truth About the Cuban ‘Embargo’, analyzing Obama’s rescue of a fascist tyranny.


To reprise my current line on “the leader of the free world”: If he were working for the other side, what exactly would he be doing differently?

Bowe Bergdahl is to be charged with desertion. This is not exactly a surprising development. As I said when he was released, Bergdahl is “a deserter at best and at worst enemy collaborator”. I incline to the latter view myself, but, be that as it may, there are innumerable instances throughout human history of soldiers who abandon their comrades and attempt to aid the enemy.

What makes this case unique is the behavior of Bergdahl’s commander-in-chief. As I wrote on June 3rd last year:

Nevertheless, Barack Obama decided to honor this man in the Rose Garden, and to embrace his parents. In front of the President and the world, Bergdahl’s father sent greetings to his son in Arabic and Pashto, and began with the words, “In the name of Allah the most gracious and most merciful…”

This is, to put it at its mildest, odd and unsettling.


Carbon dioxide, jobs and the UK Our irrational climate change obligations are harming jobs and industry. Now we’re told we need to penalise ourselves further. How much more damage are we prepared to inflict upon ourselves, asks John Redwood MP

Some green policies really do destroy jobs, plunge people into fuel poverty and make our lives difficult. A recent report says that the UK should make its carbon dioxide targets even more taxing, to allow for all the CO2 emitted in places like China when making items to export to us.


The liberal-Left in Britain, and elsewhere, is engaged in willful blindness about Israel’s ability to forge a two-state solution. The reality is that it isn’t in Israel’s gift to bring one about because the Palestinians always reject it. It’s time the West woke up.

In the wake of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s incredible election triumph, one thought seems to have struck with particular force: that all hope for a two state solution is now dead and buried.

The Guardian lamented the election result, claiming that “there will be no peace process with the Palestinians” while an editorial in the Independent dismissed Netanyahu’s appeal to security:

“It emphasises the degree to which paranoia is now the dominant undercurrent in Israeli politics”. For the Financial Times, Netanyahu’s win was a “scorched earth victory…laying waste to any residual hopes that Israel might negotiate a solution with the Palestinians whose territory it occupies”.

Across the pond, Tom Friedman declared that Bibi would make history by becoming the, “father of the one state solution”. Peter Beinart, writing in Ha’Aretz, warned that the, “peace process is over and the pressure process must begin”. In the same paper, Gideon Levy issued a quite demented rant, declaring that, “Netanyahu deserves the Israeli people, and they deserve him”. The nation, in voting for Bibi, was “very ill indeed”.