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Flawed Greatness: The American story is the human story By Robert Barbosa


The American story is a beautiful one. Our revolutionary foundation built upon natural rights and the nature of man was the starkest break from societal norms the world has ever known.

The focus of the Declaration of Independence was to provide the litany of grievances American colonials had against the king to justify our break from Britain’s despotic grip. That said, something much more powerful was born from this document: the American Soul.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”

What seemed like an obscure addition or eloquent wordsmanship set the foundation of the American Creed. We are all created equal in the eyes of God. Natural rights are not bestowed upon us by governments, but instead governments are “instituted among men” to secure the inalienable rights we are born with.

Joseph Ellis writes, “With these words, Jefferson had smuggled the revolutionary agenda into the founding document, casually and almost inadvertently planting the seeds that would grow into the expanding mandate for individual rights that eventually ended slavery, made women’s suffrage inevitable, and sanctioned the civil rights of all minorities.”

Let’s Move Statues Honoring Heroes To Places That Will Protect And Preserve Our History Kathleen Crowley and Bob Maistros


Growing up, these commentators were taught and unashamedly believed that America was the greatest nation on earth. Today, understatement aside, that conviction is no longer entirely fashionable.

Now, people across the country watch in horror as memorials to men and women widely regarded as heroes in establishing that greatness are threatened, toppled or taken away:

Christopher Columbus, once hailed as “the discoverer of America,” but now no longer welcome even in the state capital named after him.
George Washington, long revered as the “Father of His Country,” and Thomas Jefferson, honored this weekend in particular as the primary author of the Declaration of Independence – today reduced to mere “slaveholders” in the minds of much of the public.
Andrew Jackson, stalwart defender of the Union whose majestic mounted sculpture in Lafayette Park was vandalized in full view of the White House.
Teddy Roosevelt, the progressive who risked his reputation to invite Booker T. Washington to dinner at the White House and courageously advocated better conditions for African-Americans.
Ulysses Grant, who as commander of the Union forces won the war that freed slaves and as president was recognized as an early proponent of civil rights.
Stunningly, abolitionists such as Matthias Baldwin, John Greenleaf Whittier, or William Seward.

If You Really Believe Black Lives Matter, Stop Supporting Black Lives Matter by Ben Weingarten

Impassioned Americans don’t understand that Black Lives Matter is a rhetorical facade masking Marxist ideas that would destroy the lives of vulnerable Americans.

When people and organizations throw money at identity politics, do they know that the causes they support conflict with their purported goals?

Black Lives Matter (BLM) cloaks itself in garb of justice and morality. By its very name, well-intentioned people are compelled to support it. After all, who does not think the lives of black people matter? Uninformed yet impassioned Americans are unaware that the organization’s name is a rhetorical facade that masks a Marxist core.

The truth is that the three people who founded BLM include two avowed Marxist organizers and an activist sympathizer. Beyond supporting more “mainstream” leftist positions, such as socialized health care and dramatically increased taxes, BLM’s platform has historically called for more radical policies. These include creating collective ownership in black communities, instituting reparations including for illegal aliens, defunding the police, and “disrupt[ing] the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure.”

The Evil Underpinnings of BLM

BLM, like the Women’s March, has from its start been ardently antisemitic. Members of BLM carried out a pogrom in the Los Angeles area in May during the Jewish holiday of Shavuot. You probably never heard about it because in the intersectional left-wing milieu, Ashkenazi Jews sit at or near the apex of the privilege pyramid.

That is, the descendants of Eastern European Jews, 6 million of whom were massacred during the Holocaust, are considered by BLM and its ideological cohorts to be the world’s greatest victimizers. For the like-minded media, covering such atrocities would only undermine the narrative and hurt the cause, so they remain silent. For BLM, antisemitism is not a cancellable offense.

Once Again, President Trump Hands Democrats Enough Rope…. By Joan Swirsky


Vast majority of American citizens want to pursue their careers, raise their families, and have money in their pockets, peace in their hearts and safety in their homes

Here’s an old, irrefutable chestnut: If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging!

But Regressives refuse to learn that lesson and are yet again falling into the chasm of a trap President Trump has set for them.

Listen to the uproar the mostly-leftist media bleat every minute of every day: Why aren’t the president and his Republican colleagues saying anything, doing anything about all the destruction and madness that the [Democrat-approved] anarchists are wreaking throughout the country––the arson, smashed windows, destroyed businesses, separatist zones in Seattle and NY City, defund-the-police initiatives, out-of-control thuggery, on and on?


Yet the silence persists. Does even one person on the planet think this is a coincidence? A fluke? An historical aberration?

Just as Democrats send out daily talking points––remember the Dick Cheney “gravitas” meme that every media person echoed ad nauseam and then never said the word again after Bush 2 was elected?

Same thing today after Regressives learned that the word “defunding” polled badly so they uniformly switched to “reimagining” police reform.

The Riots: A Will to Overthrow the United States by Guy Millière *****


The statement “Black Lives Matter” assumes from the start that, for the police, the judicial system and everyone else, black lives do not matter. What is so conspicuous and tragic is that black lives only seem to matter if they were taken by a white person…. Sadly, when it comes to black-on-black violence, no one seems to care.

Are the politicians who claim to want help distressed communities the very ones keeping the distressed communities distressed — and in a perpetual state of reaching out to those same politicians for dangled promises of help?

The mob’s destruction or removal of statues appears an attempt to erase the history of the United States… What they are doing looks like just an old-fashioned power-grab. The first law of power-grabbers is that if no one stops them, they keep on going — often with catastrophic consequences.

The recent damage inflicted on thousands of people who lost their possessions and businesses — as well as the many murders and assaults — shows what happens to a society with fewer police or no police.

That the name Black Lives Matter is present everywhere, and that everyone seems to ignore or forget what the organization Black Lives Matter really is, shows that a violent, anti-democratic organization, which calls for the murder of police officers and accepts anti-Semitism and anti-White racism, can use threats, intimidation and destruction — and find public acceptance.

“Their disruptive and violent behavior is happening because governors, mayors, and police chiefs have over the last decade sent the message that they will not respond with mind-concentrating force in order to restore order and hold rioters accountable….” — Bruce Thornton, Professor of Classics and Humanities at California State University and research fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, June 19, 2020.

On May 25, 2020, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, a police officer, Derek Chauvin, who already had 18 complaints lodged against him, killed a black man, George Floyd, by kneeling on his neck for nearly nine minutes.

Angry protests in Minneapolis quickly turned into riots that ravaged the city. The police did not intervene; the mayor had ordered them to withdraw and do nothing.

Independence Day and the ‘Woke’ Revolution Not since the Civil War has Independence Day been celebrated amidst such threats to our country’s political heritage. Bruce Thornton


Not since the Civil War has Independence Day been celebrated amidst such threats to our country’s political heritage. The riots and bombings of the Sixties and Seventies were more lethal and destructive, but the political consensus from the center-left to the center-right––that the democratic process rather than violence should be the agent of change––hence rejected the revolutionary narrative of the New Left.

Today, however, the recent shift of the Democrats to their progressives and Marxist wing has put the authority and power of Congressmen, Democrat Party leaders, governors, mayors, city councils, media, corporations, sports teams, and entertainment industries on the side of rioters, vandals, and looters. The outfits behind this disorder, whether the self-proclaimed Marxists of Black Lives Matter, or the juvenile anarchists of Antifa, have with near impunity added widespread violence to illiberal tactics like “cancel culture”: the vandalism of public monuments and proscription of cultural artifacts; and the shaming, silencing, and ostracizing of dissenting voices.

The alleged “crisis” of racist police targeting black males for slaughter is in fact a specious pretext for this disorder, a Reichstag Fire for justifying a revolutionary political agenda to “burn down this system and replace it,” as a BLM honcho put it recently. This legitimizing of an illiberal political ideology and violent tactics by civic, business, and cultural leaders now threatens to dismantle the Constitutional order and American civic identity of which American exceptionalism and political freedom are the fruit.

Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night by Kevin D. Freeman


Thanks to Amil Imani….

History has a lot of “people’s revolutions” that have gone terribly bad. What starts with promises of liberty too often ends with severe oppression. That was certainly the case with the French Revolution, the Bolshevik Revolution, the Spanish Civil War, Nazis in Germany, Mao in China, Castro in Cuba, Chavez in Venezuela, and the Arab Spring.

Sadly, many students of history recognize too many similarities between the mob behavior of today and those tragedies of the past. The world has paid a very high price in blood and oppression.

Think about the tactics at work today. They have all been done before and produced nothing good:

Caution: Anything You Say Will Be Racist Somehow By Eileen F. Toplansky


I first learned of John Leo in 1999 when he penned the clever and prescient piece titled “A Waspish, Niggardly Slur,” wherein he exposed the dangerous trend in language manipulation that is now so wildly prevalent.  It was an equal-opportunity poke at the absurd lengths to which people will go to accuse someone of racism.

Leo explained that a Washington, D.C. white mayoral aide, David Howard, had used the term “niggardly.”  A black official took offense because he felt that it was a racist term.  In fact, niggardly means miserly or cheap and has nothing whatsoever to do with race.  Nonetheless, Howard offered his resignation, and then Mayor Anthony Williams accepted the resignation, explaining that “although Howard didn’t say anything that was in itself racist” (emphasis mine), “using a word that could be misunderstood was like ‘getting caught smoking in a refinery with a resulting explosion.'”

Thus began the onslaught of alleged coded insults that has now metastasized so that everyone is afraid of calling a spade a spade.  The “expression ‘to call a spade a spade’ entered the English language when Nicholas Udall translated Erasmus in 1542.  To be clear, ‘the ‘spade’ in the Erasmus translation has nothing to do with a deck of cards, but rather the gardening tool.  The early usages of the word ‘spade’ did not refer to either race or skin color.  The Oxford English Dictionary says the first appearance of the word spade as a reference to blackness was in Claude McKay’s 1928 novel Home to Harlem, which was notable for its depictions of street life in Harlem in the 1920s.  ‘Jake is such a fool spade,’ wrote McKay.  ‘Don’t know how to handle the womens [sic].’  Fellow Harlem Renaissance writer Wallace Thurman then used the word in his novel The Blacker The Berry: A Novel of Negro Life, a widely read and notable work that explored prejudice within the African-American community.”

Coco Pops: Where Western Civilization Makes Its Stand David Isaac



If guilt were a vat of acid, then Western civilization is something that readily dissolves in acid. Maybe acidic guilt is what dissolves all civilizations. Or maybe the key is statues. Rome had lots of statues. It lasted 1,000 years. It took the forces of destruction a long time to get to them all. Western civilization is in trouble. It’s only got like nine more statues, and that’s counting Mount Rushmore as four. If Western civilization is going to last, it better find another measure of survival fast.

I propose cereal. It’s what the West’s opponents are focusing on. We already lost Quaker Oats, which went down when it  gave up on Aunt Jemima. But Kellogg’s is hanging in there. The mob wanted its Coco Pops on a stick. Rice Krispies, too. Chocolate Coco Pops’ mascot is a monkey. Rice Krispies’ mascots are three white guys named Snap, Crackle, and Pop.

A former British Labour MP, Fiona Onasanya, who was kicked out of the party for “perverting the course of justice,” is trying to claw her way back to power on the backs of our cereal bowls. She tweeted on June 15, “Coco Pops and Rice Krispies have the same composition (except for the fact CP’s are brown and chocolate flavoured)… so I was wondering why Rice Krispies have three white boys representing the brand and Coco Pops have a monkey?”

In a blow for Western civilization, Kellogg’s replied — to paraphrase — “Nothing doing.”

“The monkey mascot that appears on both white and milk chocolate Coco Pops was created in the 1980s to highlight the playful personality of the brand,” the company said in a statement, according to Missy Crane at WayneDupree.com. “As part of our ambition to bring fun to the breakfast table, we have a range of characters that we show on our cereal boxes, including tigers, giraffes, crocodiles, elves and a narwhal.”

If guilt were a vat of acid, then Western civilization is something that readily dissolves in acid. Maybe acidic guilt is what dissolves all civilizations. Or maybe the key is statues. Rome had lots of statues. It lasted 1,000 years. It took the forces of destruction a long time to get to them all. Western civilization is in trouble. It’s only got like nine more statues, and that’s counting Mount Rushmore as four. If Western civilization is going to last, it better find another measure of survival fast.

I propose cereal. It’s what the West’s opponents are focusing on. We already lost Quaker Oats, which went down when it  gave up on Aunt Jemima. But Kellogg’s is hanging in there. The mob wanted its Coco Pops on a stick. Rice Krispies, too. Chocolate Coco Pops’ mascot is a monkey. Rice Krispies’ mascots are three white guys named Snap, Crackle, and Pop.

A former British Labour MP, Fiona Onasanya, who was kicked out of the party for “perverting the course of justice,” is trying to claw her way back to power on the backs of our cereal bowls. She tweeted on June 15, “Coco Pops and Rice Krispies have the same composition (except for the fact CP’s are brown and chocolate flavoured)… so I was wondering why Rice Krispies have three white boys representing the brand and Coco Pops have a monkey?”

In a blow for Western civilization, Kellogg’s replied — to paraphrase — “Nothing doing.”

“The monkey mascot that appears on both white and milk chocolate Coco Pops was created in the 1980s to highlight the playful personality of the brand,” the company said in a statement, according to Missy Crane at WayneDupree.com. “As part of our ambition to bring fun to the breakfast table, we have a range of characters that we show on our cereal boxes, including tigers, giraffes, crocodiles, elves and a narwhal.”

Don Feder 10 Things for Which I’ll Never Apologize A memo to the legion of the chronically aggrieved.


There are people who live to be offended. They’re called progressives. They are offended by Confederate statues, by monuments that they say celebrate white supremacy and colonialism, by Trump supporters, by Trump himself, and by those who refuse to get on their knees and grovel before Black Lives Matter.

Well, I’ve got news for them.

An Open Letter to the Legion of Lamentation:

I don’t give a rodent’s rear end if you’re offended by the following:

1. I’m white – I don’t feel guilty about slavery, segregation, the Trail of Tears or the treatment of Chinese railroad workers – because (now get this) I didn’t have anything to do with any of this. I’m no more responsible for these injustices than the Indian of today is responsible for the Black Hole of Calcutta. The idea of racial guilt is absurd. White privilege is a myth. Where is the White Miss America Contest, White History Month and White Entertainment Television? Where are the quotas and set-asides for Caucasians?