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Greece’s Last Evasion : Bret Stephens

Why capitalism is the only real cure for corruption.

Whenever I think of Greece and its economy, I can’t help but recall the stool-sample story.

Sorry to begin on a scatological note, but here’s a revealing tale about a country that, by electing the radical left-wing Syriza party over the weekend, just voted itself down the toilet. In 2011, Greek entrepreneur Fotis Antonopoulos and his partners decided to start OliveShop.com, an online store specializing in organic olive-oil products.

Before they could start their business, they first needed the right paperwork. As recounted in the Greek newspaper e-Kathimerini, authorizations were required from the government tax office, the local municipality, the fire department. Also the bank, which insisted that the entire website be in Greek—and only in Greek—despite Mr. Antonopoulos’s attempts to explain that he intended to market his products to foreign customers.

Belinda and Gus Hickey From Ireland Promote Israel By: Prof. Livia Bitton-Jackson

“In Ireland you can hear people say almost every day: ‘Oh, those poor Palestinians! It is wrong what Israel is doing to them! It is terrible what Israel is doing to them!’ I ask them: ‘Have you ever been to Israel?’ The answer is always ‘no.’

“So my next question is: ‘Then how can you make an informed judgement? Based on media reporting? Don’t you know that the media in Ireland is always anti-Semitic? The media reports are lies.’ I tell them to visit Israel and see the truth for themselves.

“Every day I put on my lovely Star of David necklace and wear it so that people can see it. People stop me and exclaim: ‘What a nice necklace you have on! Where did I get it?’ This gives me a chance to promote Israel as a great place to visit.



Jerusalem displays Jewish-developed cholera vaccine. Dr Waldemar Haffkine, a Russian-Jewish microbiologist, developed the cholera vaccine in 1892. Jerusalem’s Tower of David Museum is now exhibiting one of the original ampoules of vaccine. Dr Haffkine also developed a vaccine for plague and was knighted by Queen Victoria in 1897. Sir Waldemar donated his extensive personal archive to the National Library of Israel.

ALS treatment trial shows success. Israel’s Brainstorm has announced positive final results from its phase 2a clinical trial of NurOwn cells in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients used on 14 subjects at Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem. Nearly all subjects experienced clinical benefit.

Good results for Fabry Disease treatment. Israel’s Protalix Biotherepeutics reported good results in its trials of its PRX-102 treatment for the genetic disease Fabry’s. Even a low dosage had an average 78.8% decrease in the effect of pain on the patients’ functioning.

Teva launches a generic painkiller. (Thanks to Atid-EDI) Israel’s Teva has launched the first FDA-approved generic equivalent to Celebrex (Celecoxib) Capsules in the US. Celebrex is used to treat arthritis, pain, menstrual cramps, and colonic polyps.

The fruitful way to conceive. Israel’s Fruitful Way Ltd. has pioneered a new, natural fertility and conception toolkit for couples who are trying to get pregnant. It includes a unique, science-backed dietary supplement, scientifically mated with a sophisticated fertility app.
http://www.fruitful4u.com/706 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5nfoZq4oIs

Israeli science saves 5-year-old girl. A 35-year-old study by Israel’s Professor Raphael Mechoulam convinced Denver-based physician Dr. Alan Shackelford to use synthesized cannabidiol or CBD to save 5-year-old Charlotte Figi who suffered 300 epileptic fits a week. Dr Shackelford immigrated to Israel in 2012.

The Smartest Guy Ever to Be President Isn’t Quite As Smart As He Thinks : Peter Wehner

Barack Obama is really, really smart. I know, because he told me so during his State of the Union address. Our president is especially smart on foreign policy. I know because Mr. Obama told me that, too. “I believe in a smarter kind of American leadership,” the president said. “We lead best when … we don’t let our fears blind us to the opportunities that this new century presents. That’s exactly what we’re doing right now. And around the globe, it is making a difference.”

Of course it is.

Take how smart the president has been in combating ISIS (aka ISIL and the Islamic State). On Tuesday night Mr. Obama informed us that he was asking Congress to pass a resolution to authorize the use of force against the Islamic State. This comes precisely a year after our really, really smart commander in chief referred to ISIS as a “jayvee team.” That prediction was so prescient that the president decided to deceive us about it.

Andrew Harrod:Christian Persecution Worldwide Has Become A Metastasizing Cancer

The “cancer of Christian persecution is metastasizing” in an “epidemic” that is “spreading at an unprecedented rate in modern times,” stated Open Doors USA president David Curry at a January 7 briefing in Washington, DC’s National Press Club. Curry’s presentation before an audience of about 30 of Open Doors’ 2015 World Watch List (WWL) depressingly reviewed ongoing Christian martyrdom, often at the hands of Marxists and Muslims.

The WWL, an Open Doors press release noted, is a unique annual survey of the persecuted church worldwide, praised by Curry as the most dependable study of its kind. Open Doors research is “meticulous,” concurred at the briefing religious freedom scholar Nina Shea from the Hudson Institute. The WWL “ranks the top 50 countries where it is most dangerous and difficult to be a Christian,” the press release explained. An accompanying map displayed at the briefing and available online with the report showed these countries coded by color according to persecution severity.

The EPA Uses Children (and Adults) as Guinea Pigs By John Dale Dunn MD JD(!!!!)

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) has been involved in a scandalous, unethical, and illegal human exposure experimental research program for two decades.

The Agency has sponsored, encouraged and funded research that exposes children and adults to air pollution, which it has told the congress and announced to the public is toxic, lethal, even cancer causing.

During the 2000s, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency-funded researchers at Southern California Medical Schools sprayed high doses of diesel exhaust particles up the noses of 10-15 year old children in a ‘scientific’ experiment to see what would happen. Federal and California State laws prohibit such immoral and unethical experiments with children or even adults. Does the EPA disregard and disrespect law and ethics in a mindless crusade to regulate air?

Although specifically required to do so by federal regulations and the Nuremberg Code-based California state law — if not basic morality — the University of Southern California (USC) and University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) researchers failed to disclose to the children and parents of those children that the EPA, at the time had concluded that diesel exhaust emissions contained particles that are toxic, dangerous, deadly and cause cancer.

What the Grassroots Is Really Thinking about the Candidates By Sally Zelikovksy

I know it’s early and the roster of potential Republican nominees for the 2016 presidential race is hardly set. But I’m already fed up with pundits and party operatives telling me what I think of the candidates, as if they had performed a Vulcan mind meld with the conservative grassroots and GOP base (which I will use interchangeably to include local GOP boots on the ground, social conservatives, and Tea Partiers).

The punditocracy might occasionally glance at a few e-mails their assistants have sorted through, but mostly, they converse among themselves and read one another’s articles, and, rather than listening intently to the input from this varied and complex group of conservatives, they often project their perceptions onto the base. They might chat briefly with some folks at book signings or speeches, and their prognostications might occasionally square with the base, but not this time.

To dig into the current thinking of the base regarding the Republican nominee, I sent an e-mail to members of the Bay Area Patriots/San Francisco Tea Party (both of which I have coordinated since 2009). The group is quite diverse, with dyed-in-the-wool Republicans, disgruntled Democrats, Ron Paul Libertarians, and independents.

This was not a survey with simple yes-or-no questions. Prompted by Laura Ingraham’s assertion that negative commentary about Mitt only serves to help Jeb, I asked what they thought about both men getting into the race; if they would vote for them against Hillary even if they did not support them in the primaries; who their preferred candidates were; and if there was anyone they would refuse to support. I was quite startled by several consistent revelations.

Approximately 350-400 opened the e-mail, and about 90 responded – a 23-26% sample. Respondents overwhelmingly (and vehemently) oppose Jeb Bush – only three consider him their preferred candidate. While 30 respondents would “hold their nose” and vote for him if he were the nominee against Hillary, roughly 36 said “no way” to Bush, and too many indicated they would stay home or vote for a third-party candidate. If all stayed home on Election Day – 40% – that would be an electoral apocalypse when translated onto the national stage. I doubt that that would occur, but even if 5% of 50 million voters rebelled, that would be a damaging 2.5 million lost votes. Jeb’s condescending and dismissive attitude toward the grassroots, concerns about a Bush dynasty, and Jeb’s views on Common Core and immigration factored heavily into the anti-Bush sentiment.

‘Gender Justice’ (Huh????) Professors Urge Discrimination Against White Males By Mark Tapson

Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, was recently the scene of a forum on misogyny titled “Transforming our campus and strengthening our community.” The discussion, hosted in part by the Canadian university’s Gender and Women’s Studies Program, and featuring a panel of professors and local “gender justice” activists, gave rise to solutions that are as sexist and racist as the problems they claim to be addressing.

What seems to have sparked the forum’s focus on misogyny is a scandal involving the Dalhousie dentistry school, whose Class of DDS 2015 Facebook page (which seems to have been taken down) reportedly featured sexually explicit posts from some male students, such as voting on which woman they’d like to have “hate sex” with and jokes about using chloroform on women. While this was highly inappropriate to say the least, the forum participants seemed oblivious to how inappropriate it would be to respond by punishing all male students at Dalhousie by essentially sending them to the back of the bus.


There is a jewel of a museum in the Marais district of Paris. It is the Musée d’Art et d’Histoire du Judaïsme. It is housed in a beautiful mansion built in 1650, which was later turned into a hotel once inhabited by Jewish immigrants from Poland, Romania, and the Ukraine. For years, Marais has for years been the epicenter of Jewish life in France. It was largely depopulated during the Nazi occupation but has been rejuvenated in recent years by Jews who were escaping from persecution in the former French North Africa and returnees from Southern France who miraculously survived the Nazi collaborating Vichy government.

Inside the museum are documents, paintings, decorative arts, and other precious items related to the Jewish presence in France. Established in 1986, it was designed to educate and remind people of the Jewish communities’ extraordinary contribution to the cultural life of France, despite the fact that their numbers were decimated during World War II.

Obama and the Koran — on The Glazov Gang


This week’s Glazov Gang was joined by Nonie Darwish, author of The Devil We Don’t Know.

Nonie came on the show to discuss Obama and the Koran, unveiling the curious relationship between the president and Islam’s “holy book.”