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Not-So-Retiring Retired Military Leaders By Victor Davis Hanson


In a time of crisis, their synchronized chorus of complaints, falsehoods, and partisan appeals to resistance threaten the very constitutional order they claim to revere.

Sometimes retired generals are deified. Ulysses S. Grant and Dwight D. Eisenhower won two presidential terms in landslide elections.

At other moments, war heroes such Generals Douglas MacArthur and Curtis LeMay were vilified as near insurrectionaries for their blistering attacks on sitting presidents.

In such a climate, the Uniform Code of Military Justice, which became effective law in May 1951, prohibits active generals from disparaging their commander in chief — in the way perhaps MacArthur had bitterly pilloried then-president Harry Truman over the Korean War. Article 88 of the UCMJ makes it a crime to voice “contemptuous words against the President, the Vice President, Congress, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of a military department, the Secretary of Homeland Security, or the Governor or legislature of any State.”

But no one quite knows, and debate continues over, whether such codified prohibitions on free expression apply to retired generals receiving military pensions. Yet, given the spate of recent “contemptuous words against the President” leveled from retired generals, it seems that few worry about regulation AR 27-10 of the code: “Retired members of a regular component of the Armed Forces who are entitled to pay are subject to the UCMJ. (See Art. 2(a)(4), UCMJ.) They may be tried by courts-martial for offenses committed while in a retired status.”

“It’s the Culture, Stupid” Sydney Williams


The framework of a civil society is comprised of multiple threads, representing common traits like etiquette, respect for one another, accountability, deference to one’s parents and teachers. These customs are woven, along with art, music and literature, to form a nation’s cultural fabric. Culture includes traditions, knowledge of one’s own history and the history of one’s country – the good and the bad. It is what allows a civil society composed of those from myriad backgrounds, races, religions and opinions to amicably live together. Without the ability to civilly debate, darkness falls.

In the political world, there have always been extremists who refuse to comply with rules of civility that bind us. Those generally represent fringes of society. But extremism has become more mainstream, as political correctness, victimization and safe places have proliferated on our nation’s campuses. We have lost a moral sense of universal values. For example, the permitting of protesters in the wake of George Floyd’s killing was right. The failure to condemn and confront violent rioters and looters was wrong.

Gerard Baker, in last weekend’s Wall Street Journal wrote about the old liberal order being under siege: “A basic tenet of the old liberal order is the toleration of views we find detestable.”  Today, illiberal Leftism compels submission to identity politics. How else to explain Joe Biden’s contemptuous outburst: “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”

We Have Entered a Looking-Glass World By David Solway


We live in an age characterized by belief — that is, belief in things that do not exist, belief in complete figments of unanchored imagination, abstractions that have no contact with or bearing on reality. Call it the age of irrealism, of pervasive virtuality, of estrangement from the objective world.

Consider several popular notions or beliefs, memes as they are sometimes called, which operate as delusions erroneously confirmed as fact.

There are more than two sexes, biology notwithstanding. Indeed, there are “57 Varieties” of gender. Also, in contradiction, gender is a “social construct.”
Islam is a “religion of peace.”
The university campus is aswarm with female victims of rape and sexual assault.
The planet is entering a carboniferous period as temperatures rise to unsustainable levels.
There is an organized and historical campaign in the Judeo-Christian West of men against women known as the “Patriarchy.”
There is a vast movement of White Supremacists ruthlessly oppressing those of other races and creeds.
America is bedeviled by institutional racism.
There is no such thing as truth.
Looting, vandalism and physical violence are legitimate forms of civil protest.
The value of people derives from their membership in a group rather than from their status as unique individuals.

We have entered the looking-glass world. None of these beliefs correspond to reality, as every sensible person knows.


I am out of town for a brief vacation.

Statistics reveal police shoot and kill twice as many white suspects as African American suspects. Here are the facts

While the mainstream media has promoted the idea of racist police unjustly targeting black people, official crime statistics revealed that’s nothing more than a myth. One America’s Pearson Sharp breaks down the numbers.

Racism, Inc. Like the word “heretic” in an earlier age, “racism” is more weapon than word. By Roger Kimball ****


For the last couple of months, your inbox, like mine, has been awash in nauseating communiqués from every school, club, or business you had carelessly entrusted with your email address. “Stay safe,” they urged—and stay home. A great plague is upon the land, and we must all respond with displays of ritual purification and groveling obedience. Shows of obedience were critical, as was the virtue-signaling that accompanied them. People were shamed for appearing in public without a mask or for walking too close to other people. The whole thing was an extraordinary display of communal insanity.

Suddenly, almost overnight, those communiqués vanished, replaced by others, no less nauseating. There are new items on the menu of virtue-signaling and ritual abasement. Now the theme is not a novel respiratory virus, but a spiritual virus: the virus of supposed “systemic” or “institutional” “racism” and police brutality.

A day or two ago Uber emailed me to announce that it “stands with the Black community”—how nice for them—and that it deplores “institutional racism, and the police violence it gives rise to.” The Yale Club of New York let it be known that it “unequivocally condemns racism, violence, and social injustice in our society.” Unequivocally! Meanwhile, the Harvard Club chimed in about its “broken” heart because of “racism, injustice, and violence.” Many politicians have signed up for this chorus, taking their cue from Minnesota Governor Tim Walz who decried the “stain . . . of fundamental, institutional racism.”

As all the world knows, the catalyst for this emetic display of meaningless verbiage was the unfortunate death of George Floyd, a black man and career criminal, who expired while being arrested by the police in Minneapolis. Much obloquy—to say nothing of a second-degree murder charge—has been directed at Officer Derek Chauvin, one of four police officers involved with the arrest, for his rough restraint of Floyd. Chauvin, who is white, pinned a handcuffed Floyd to the ground, kneeling on his neck. Was that what killed Floyd? Maybe. But maybe he died because his serious heart condition was fatally aggravated by the Fentanyl and methamphetamine he had ingested.

One retired Marine isn’t putting up with Mattis’s nonsense By Andrea Widburg see note please



Mattis wrote a mean-spirited, factually incorrect, facile, and fundamentally dishonest attack on Trump, so a retired Marine directly attacked him for it.

Ret. Marine General James Mattis, who served as Trump’s Defense Secretary, resigned over a year ago, but has apparently been nursing a grudge since then. Last week, he took to the pages of the left-wing Atlantic magazine to air that grievance.

Mattis revealed a small mind. His facts were wrong, and his arguments foolish and simplistic. The Democrat media, of course, celebrated the article despite its fundamental flaws. Retired Marine Captain John M. Dowd, however, decided that he wasn’t going to sit there and take that nonsense, so he struck back. What he wrote is red meat for conservatives and Trump supporters.

To understand what Mattis wrote for the Atlantic, you have to know that, while he does love the Marines, he’s a leftist at heart. He supports the global warming agenda; is hostile to Israel; shied away from fights with the Mullahs; wanted so-called transgenders in the military; wouldn’t leave Afghanistan; and ultimately quit because he wanted to keep U.S. troops in Syria (reminder: the disaster leftists predicted for Trump’s pullout never materialized).

The Return of the Riot Ideology Why have so many Americans forgotten the lessons of the 1990s? Robert Stacy McCain


James Scurlock was a criminal. David Dorn was a cop. The two men never met, but the cause of their deaths — Scurlock in Omaha, Nebraska, and Dorn in St. Louis, Missouri — was related. Both were killed this past week as a result of the dangerous storm of violence that most media outlets describe euphemistically as “protests” or “unrest.”

Americans are being told by intellectuals, politicians, and TV pundits that this deadly chaos is about “systemic racism,” to quote Joe Biden, but what we are actually witnessing is the return of a dangerous belief system that Manhattan Institute scholar Fred Siegel called “the riot ideology.” People are being killed, businesses are being looted, and the fundamental basis of a free society is being jeopardized because this irresponsible mentality has been promoted as a solution to racial inequality, when in fact it is a major cause of the problem. The deaths of James Scurlock and David Dorn illustrate the damage done by the riot ideology.

Scurlock was shot dead after he assaulted a bar owner in Omaha’s Old Market district Saturday night. National media have tried to turn Scurlock into a martyr, with CBS News headlining their version of the story, “A white bar owner in Omaha shot and killed a black protester. He won’t face charges.” Was Scurlock a “protester”? He was not shot while engaged in a protest. Instead, as the Omaha World-Herald reported, Scurlock had been engaged in vandalism, caught on surveillance video smashing up an office on Harney Street about 10:15 p.m. Saturday night. Forty minutes later and half a block away, windows were smashed at a bar owned by Jake Gardner, a Marine Corps veteran who was on the premises with his father, trying to protect his business from being looted in the so-called “unrest.” The two men emerged from the bar, and the elder Gardner was assaulted by one of Scurlock’s accomplices. When the bar owner brandished a pistol, he was jumped by two people, and fired what he called “warning shots,” causing them to flee. That’s when Gardner was attacked from behind by Scurlock, who was shot dead.

The black youth of St. Louis have lost a role model, and why? Because the riot ideology justifies looting (and arson, vandalism, and every other kind of criminal violence) as an expression of “social justice.” 

All of this was captured on video, which the district attorney played at a press conference where he announced no charges would be filed against Gardner, who had clearly acted in self-defense. National media outlets, however, have sought to portray this as “the killing of a black protester,” in the words of the Washington Post, as if vandalism and assault are legitimate ways to protest, or as if James Scurlock was killed because he was black. (For more, see John Jiang’s American Spectator article, “How the Media Fans the Flames.”)

While Anarchists Fail, Americans Prevail By Joan Swirsky


On Christmas Eve in 2009, 60 Senate Democrats voted for Obamacare, which was finally voted on again by the House, passed and enacted into law on March 23, 2010. It was only two months into Barack Obama’s first term when they magically produced the exhaustively detailed, 2,300-page bill. But it turns out it wasn’t magic.

The leftists in Congress (Democrats all) had been working on their long-yearned-for Socialized Medicine for decades, just as they’ve worked––even harder––for the past four years to topple candidate and then President Donald J. Trump, who has so far succeeded in overturning, reforming, even eviscerating just about everything liberals/leftists/regressives have fought for, given money to, taught their children, and voted for over the past 60 years.

What we’ve learned from their treachery is that Democrats always have backup plans, contingency strategies waiting in the wings, almost as if they are counting on failure.


Plan A was to utilize all the seditious and traitorous bad actors Barack Obama had put into the highest positions of Justice, State, Intelligence, et al––the FBI, the CIA, the DNI, the DOJ, on and on—in order to fabricate malicious stories about the president, wiretap his phones, enact sting operations on his advisers, and enlist the fake-news media to prove that candidate and then President Trump colluded with the Russians to win the 2016 election.
Result: Failure.

Plan B was to flood the airwaves––and the country––with the framing of the president’s first choice as National Security Advisor, Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, by 37 (and counting) crooked Obama Officials. In May 2020, the Justice Department dropped all charges against Flynn, but a leftist federal court judge has placed the matter on hold leading to the speculation that he is hoping that a Biden Justice Dept. will revive it. Nevertheless…. 
Result: Failure

In Show Of Solidarity, COVID-19 Vows Not To Infect Anyone Protesting Inequality


U.S.—In a powerful show of solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement, COVID-19 has vowed not to infect anyone protesting inequality.

The official COVID-19 account tweeted out, “In solidarity with those protesting inequality, I hereby vow not to infect anyone at BLM rallies.”

“We need to take a moment to pause and hear what these people are saying,” the virus said in a statement. “All infectious activities will be put on hiatus until Republicans start protesting lockdowns or second amendment issues — then we will resume.”

“It wouldn’t be fair for us to continue business as usual when liberals want to protest.”

The virus vowed to stay put in infected individuals, lying dormant until the pandemic became convenient for the media to cover once again.