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Martin Luther King led a movement that reversed an unspeakable injustice against fellow Americans who were patriotic citizens and who served with honor in World War 11 and the Korean War.
On 25 March 1965, Martin Luther King led thousands of nonviolent demonstrators to the steps of the capitol in Montgomery, Alabama, after a 5-day, 54-mile march from Selma, Alabama, where American Blacks and White citizens had been campaigning for voting rights. King told the assembled crowd: ‘‘There never was a moment in American history more honorable and more inspiring than the pilgrimage of clergymen and laymen of every race and faith pouring into Selma to face danger at the side of its embattled Negroes’’

On 6 August, in the presence of King and other civil rights leaders, President Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

Muslim Call to Prayer Blasted Out Over UCLA By Carol Brown

As we know by now, after the powers that be at Duke University decided to allow the Muslim call to prayer to be broadcast from the university chapel, they later changed their mind.

But fighting creeping Sharia requires constant vigilance. It should be noted that this intrusive prayer already blasts over the campus of UCLA – a publically funded institution I might add.

This is an act of Islamic supremacism.

If Muslim students at UCLA can’t figure out how to tell time or keep track of when they need to pray, that’s their problem. The call to prayer is something that is blasted over loudspeakers in Muslim majority countries and Muslim enclaves around Detroit. We’ve already heard enough “Allahu Akbar” for a lifetime.

Please speak out. See contact information below:

University of CA, Office of the President (that would be Janet Napolitano), here.


The news of the day is former President Jimmy Carter who placed the blame for the Paris jihadist massacre on-you guessed it-Israel. That reflects the surreal world in which anti-Semites live.

Meanwhile, the Palestinians, both Fatah and Hamas, are running out of friends. For reasons that defy any logic and which have no basis in fact, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is seeking recognition of the Palestinian state from the United Nations. He’s also applied for membership in the International Criminal Court.

The Palestinians who have refused every opportunity to become an independent state when it was offered by the UN or Israel now insist that they should be recognized as one. The problem is that they have never functioned as a state.

For example, who founded it? Answer, no one. It has no founder unless one regards Yassir Arafat as one, but Arafat ran Palestine entirely by himself. Then there’s the question of its borders. Where are they? You can find Israel’s on a map, but they do not exist for Palestine. What is the capital city of Palestine? It has none. It doesn’t have its own currency.

There is no Palestinian state.

Robert Spencer on “How Islam Inspired the Charlie Hebdo Massacre” — on The Glazov Gang


This week’s Glazov Gang was joined by Robert Spencer, the director of Jihad Watch and author of the New York Times bestsellers The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) and The Truth About Muhammad. His latest book is Arab Winter Comes to America: The Truth About the War We’re In.

Robert discussed How Islam Inspired the Charlie Hebdo Massacre, analyzing what drove the murderers – and what drives the deniers.

Don’t miss the week’s second episode with Dawn Perlmutter, the Director of the Symbol Intelligence Group and one of the leading subject matter experts (SME) in symbols, symbolic methodologies, unfamiliar customs and ritualistic crimes. She designed and developed Jihad-ID, a symbolic database of the signs, symbols and identifiers of global jihad.


As parliaments in more and more European nations vote to recognize “Palestine,” European politicians insist they are doing so to promote the objective of an independent Palestinian state living in peace beside a secure Israel. But both the declared aims of Palestinian leaders and the pattern of European policy vis-a-vis Israel and the Palestinians give the lie to European averments of benign intent.

Neither party of the divided Palestinian leadership has, to say the least, demonstrated an interest in peace with Israel. Hamas, now controlling Gaza and enjoying extensive popularity in the West Bank, openly trumpets its objective not only to destroy Israel but to annihilate all the world’s Jews. The Palestinian Authority under Mahmoud Abbas repeatedly insists it will never recognize Israel’s legitimacy as the national homeland of the Jewish people and will never give up its demand for implementation of the so-called “right of return” of millions of descendants of Palestinian refugees to Israel – thereby demographically destroying the Jewish state. In the same vein, it conveys it will never sign an end of conflict agreement with Israel no matter what territorial concessions the latter offers.

Palestinian Authority media, mosques and schools, like those of Hamas, incessantly indoctrinate their audiences in the message that the Jews are colonial usurpers and their presence, and their state, must be expunged, that Palestinians who attack and kill Israeli civilians are heroes, and that it is the responsibility of all to emulate those heroes in the struggle for Israel’s annihilation. Abbas, like Arafat before him, has made clear his goal in seeking recognition of “Palestine” by European nations and by others is to force the establishment of a Palestinian state without any bilateral agreement with Israel that would require Palestinian foreswearing of additional claims against the Jewish state.

The Democratic Party Replaced Martin Luther King Jr. With Al Sharpton. It’s Hypocritical for Them to Celebrate King While Rejecting his Message. Daniel Greenfield

Selma, the new Martin Luther King Jr. biopic, had barely been released before it was being used as a weapon of racial division by Sharpton.

Al Sharpton is a racist whose advocacy of hate has made him the dominant black leader. The ascent of Sharpton from street thug to MSNBC host and Obama confidante is the clearest possible rejection of the MLK legacy, not by white racists, but by black racists and their progressive collaborators.

That hasn’t stopped Sharpton from hijacking the King legacy by holding annual MLK day events and using Selma to accuse Hollywood of racism to shake it down for money.

Sharpton, like King, has managed to bring people together, but not in the same way. After the racist #BlackLivesMatters marches culminated in the murder of two police officers, a majority of White and Hispanic New Yorkers polled said that they view Sharpton as a negative influence on their city.

But Sharpton monetizes negativity like no one else. If Martin Luther King Jr. often spoke of the power of love, Sharpton has shown that racial divisiveness is far more effective. Unlike King, Sharpton never had any interest in racial healing. His specialty is racial divisiveness for personal profit. Even his new book is being published by “Cash Money Content.”


The recent hiatus in warming might be significant or it might not. Of greater importance, and a far more immediate peril, is the eagerness of governments to be gulled by temperature ‘records’ that have been tickled beyond the bounds of credibility.

It was widely reported that 2014 was the hottest year since records began in 1880. This information came from US government scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA); and was “confirmed” apparently by analysis from the US space agency NASA. When words mean exactly what you want them to mean you can imbue information with enhanced verisimilitude. In this case, as the data itself came from the GISTEMP global temperature series complied by NASA it would be passing strange if NASA did not confirm it.

Wordplay aside, my scepticism cut in. By the way, it is not true that I am, in any specific way, a climate sceptic. I am a non-discriminating a-priori sceptic about anything where vested interest lurks. On global warming, I simply don’t know. The recent hiatus in warming might be significant; it might not. I reserve my objections for the counterproductive ways governments are attempting to deal with what they believe is anthropogenic global warming and for the jiggery-pokery which taints climate information.

John Fund: Planning the Next Obamacare Offensive

Republicans recently mapped out possible moves in light of a Supreme Court case on deck this summer.

Hershey, Pa. — It’s a bit surprising that Jay Leno showed up last week as the entertainment at the first joint Senate–House Republican congressional retreat in decades. While Leno, the 64-year-old former host of NBC’s Tonight Show, was scrupulously non-partisan in his jibes and jabs, he added a touch of Hollywood flash to the serious discussions on budgets and bills. His favorite jokes involved Obamacare: “I’m telling you this Obamacare is getting serious and painful. I went in for a prostate exam the other day, and it was conducted by a government drone.”

If any topic dominated the three-day congressional retreat (held in America’s “Chocolate City” of Hershey, Pa.), it was indeed Obamacare — specifically, how both houses of Congress should handle a consistently unpopular program that President Obama nonetheless intends to preserve as a crowning legacy of his administration. The first message the Senate and House leadership had for their rank-and-file troops was that they should be patient. Members leaving a closed-door briefing said that both Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell and House speaker John Boehner made clear that the differing rules for each chamber meant that the Senate would lag behind the House in passing legislation to dismantle or change parts of Obamacare.


In the current tensions with the Islamic World, pundits bandy about received wisdom that in fact is often ignorance. Here are a few examples.

1) The solution of radical Islam must come from within Islam.

Perhaps it could. It would be nice to see the advice of General Sisi of Egypt [1] take root among the Islamic street. It would have been nice had the Arab Spring resulted in constitutional republics from North Africa to Syria. It would be nice if an all-Muslim force took on and defeated the Islamic State. It would be nice if Iran suddenly stopped stonings and Saudi Arabia ceased public whippings. It would be nice if Muslims dropped the death penalty for apostates.

Unfortunately, there is no reason to believe that any of these scenarios is soon likely. Nor is there much historical support for autocracies and totalitarian belief systems collapsing entirely from within. Hitler was popular enough among Germans until the disaster of Stalingrad [2]. The Soviet Union only imploded under the pressures of the Cold War [3]. Mussolini was a popular dictator — until Italy’s losses in World War II eroded his support. The Japanese emperor only was willing to end the rule of his militarists when Tokyo went up in flames and the U.S. threatened more Hiroshimas. Only the collapse of the Soviet Union and its bloc pulled the plug on the global terrorism of the 1980s.

Watching the World Fall Apart By David Solway

In her valediction to a decade and a half of syndicated journalism, Diana West expresses [1] her disappointment that there has been little or no progress over the years in advancing the debate about Islam and the specter of national decline. In some respects, the situation has deteriorated dramatically. “Indeed, now the U.S. faces the world without a defended border, with increasingly cheapened citizenship and no lawful immigration policy.” The same is true to varying degrees of other western nations as well. Her summation hits home for many of us: “It is hard to watch the world falling apart.”

The name of the game today is denial of the undeniable all across the spectrum of the major issues that afflict us. Denial that temperatures have been stable for the last eighteen years and that the diminution of sunspot activity heralds an age of global cooling rather than warming, as John Casey, president of the Space and Science Research Corporation, has decisively established in his recently published Dark Winter [2]. Denial that Israel is the only democratic, morally legitimate state in the Middle East and that the Palestinian narrative of historical and cadastral residence is demonstrably false [3]. Denial that Islam is a totalitarian entity and a religion of war that has set its sights on the ruination of western societies; and denial of the fact that Judeo-Hellenic-Christian civilization, for all its flaws, marks the high point of human political, social, cultural and scientific development.