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Hollande Daze by Mark Steyn

The French authorities killed three murderous savages yesterday. That was the only good news on a day in which a third hostage siege began in Montpellier. The bad news started at the top, with President Hollande’s statement after the Charlie Hebdo slaughter and the Kosher grocery siege:

Those who committed these acts have nothing to do with the Muslim religion.

Yeah, right. I would use my standard line on these occasions – “Allahu Akbar” is Arabic for “Nothing to see here” – but it’s not quite as funny when the streets are full of cowards, phonies and opportunists waving candles and pencils and chanting “Je suis Charlie.” Because if you really were Charlie, if you really were one of the 17 Frenchmen and women slaughtered in the name of Allah in little more than 48 hours, you’d utterly despise a man who could stand up in public and utter those words.

A Reply to a Muslim Caliban: Edward Cline

Oriana Fallaci, the late journalist, is quoted about the perils of the mass immigration of Muslims to the West. But a Muslim Caliban ignores her.

On January 10th, Enza Ferreri ran on her blog spot an excerpt from the late journalist Oriana Fallaci’s predictions about the fate of Italy (and of Europe) in the face of unopposed mass Muslim immigration from the Mideast and North Africa. In the excerpt, she argues that the minuscule size of the activist, fundamentalist, jihadist element in any European Muslim population is irrelevant. It is the inescapably virulent ideology which that population also carries with it like leprous lesions that enables and emboldens the terrorism-minded among it.

The canard of “moderate” Islam, the comedy of tolerance, the lie of the integration, the farce of multiculturalism continue. And with that, the attempt to make us believe that the enemy consists of a small minority and that small minority lives in distant countries. Well, the enemy is not a small minority. And he’s in our home. He’s an enemy that at first glance does not look like an enemy. Without a beard, dressed in Western fashion, and according to his accomplices in good or bad faith perfectly-assimilated-into-our-social-system. That is, with a residence permit. With the car. With family. Never mind if the family is often made up of two or three wives, never mind if the wife or wives are constantly beaten up, if he sometimes kills his blue-jeans-wearing daughter, if sometimes his son rapes the 15-year-old Bolognese girl walking in the park with her boyfriend. He is an enemy that we treat as a friend. Who nevertheless hates and despise us with intensity.

Americans Are Brave Enough to Say It, Why Not Their President? By Frank Salvato

The contortions to which those in the Obama Administration will submit themselves in order to avoid calling Islamist terrorism just that would be comedic if the subject matter weren’t so deadly serious. Case in point comes to us in an announcement by the White House that a “summit on how to counter violent extremism” will be held next month amid fears amongst the American populace that Islamist terror attacks on US soil are all but certain.

The Washington Times reports:

“The White House on Sunday announced it will host a summit next month on how to counter violent extremism amid renewed fears among Americans that terror attacks on the homeland are inevitable.

“A Rasmussen poll released Sunday shows that 65 percent of Americans believe it is at least somewhat likely an attack ‘on those critical of Islam’ in the US will occur over the next year. Just 26 percent said such an attack is not likely, the survey shows…


Buried for decades deep inside the basements of the Library of Congress, researchers have just uncovered the following remarkable document dated December 7, 1942. It contains a call to the President of the United States and the Prime Minister of Great Britain, issued by 789 journalists from around the world and endorsed by dozens of chapters of Professors for Immediate Peace. Here is the text:

Dear Mr. President and Mr. Prime Minister:

We, the undersigned journalists and professors and other seekers of peace, call upon you to use your powers and influence to put an end to the blight that is eating away at the moral fabric of the societies of the Allied nations and weakening their resolve to pursue peace. We are referring to the form of bigotry and intolerance known as Naziphobia. For too long Americans and British fellow citizens have sat by passively while certain media outfits have vilified and insulted Nazis, mocking their sacred symbols and beliefs, belittling their ideological leaders.

These manifestations of intolerance have fanned the flames of the current international conflict and have led to a prolonging of hostilities. Thoughtless English-language newspapers have even taken to referring to the Germans as “Krauts” and the Japanese as “Japs” or “Nips.” Such language alienates the peoples in these countries and offends their sensitivities. This unbecomes us as civilized Western Anglo-Saxons.

We demand immediate action to end Naziphobia and to foster an atmosphere of reconciliation. We demand that Spike Lee be immediately incarcerated for his offensive song mocking the German leadership and we demand that the Congress issue an official writ of apology to the German people for that. We demand that American and British schools expose their children to the principles of Nazi ideology in order to end the demonization and allow them to understand the Other. We demand an end to derogatory newspaper comments about “Aryans.” We also insist that anti-German discriminatory laws in the US and Great Britain be erased from the books and that quotas preventing migration of citizens of the Third Reich and the Japanese Empire to the territories of these countries be eliminated.

Let us recall whence the Angles and Saxons came to the British Islands in the first place and hence ultimately to the New World. Let us recall the great cultural legacy our ancestors received from these Teutons. It is time to understand the Other, not to demonize him. Let us prove our moral worthiness to our current adversaries by prohibiting publication of offensive Naziphobia propaganda and racist Reich-baiting. Let us criminalize the public burning of Mein Kampf and portraits of the Fuhrer. Let us punish those who defile the buildings of London and New York with offensive graffiti caricatures of Hitler and the Japanese Emperor.

Peace may yet be restored if we purge ourselves of these manifestations of racism and bigotry! Stop Naziphobia!

Let us move forward to peace and reconciliation!

Is Two Better Than One? The Public-Private Partnership- Chuck Brooks


By Chuck Brooks, Vice President and Client Executive, Department of Homeland Security

Public-private partnerships have become essential for many government agencies, borrowing from the old adage – it takes two to tango. These relationships create a vehicle for cooperation that can help reduce costs, build expertise and innovation and provide business continuity and resilience. And yet, these types of partnerships can fail just as much as they succeed. According to InformationWeek Government, such partnerships may fit the bill of what’s “good” for the long-term, but the article questions PPP collaboration as viable.

I’ve discussed P3s before in an article on what you can learn from public-private partnerships and when it comes to P3s working together, I’m a firm believer that the relationship will lead to success based on previous results. Here’s a few successful examples of how the public-private sectors can work together:


Sole Woman Killed in Charlie Hebdo Massacre Targeted Because ‘She Was Jewish,’ Cousin Says

The sole woman killed in the massacre at French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo on Wednesday was targeted because she was a Jew, her cousin has asserted.

Speaking to CNN’s Erin Burnett, Sophie Bramly, the cousin of Jewish Charlie Hebdo columnist Elsa Cayat, was asked whether she believed that Cayat had been “specifically targeted.”

“Yes, I do,” Bramley responded. “They spared all the women, and she was the only one killed, and she was the only one Jewish.”

Bramley added that Cayat’s brother had told her that the columnist had been receiving threatening phone calls for “a while.”

France told Netanyahu: If You Come, We’ll Invite Abbas By Robert Spencer


At least four Jews were murdered in a jihad attack on a kosher supermarket, and the French didn’t want Netanyahu there. When it was clear that he was going to come anyway, they invited a supporter of Islamic antisemitism and jihad terror against the Jews. And now the French claim they’re going to fight against this threat. Treating the leader of the state on the front lines of the same conflict that they’re facing is not an auspicious beginning.

“France Told Bibi: If You Come, We’ll Invite Abbas,” by Yishai Karov and Gil Ronen, Arutz Sheva, January 11, 2015:

Channel 2 reported Sunday that there was some ugly international wrangling behind the scenes of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s changing plans for attending the rally in Paris Sunday.

Netanyahu’s bureau said Saturday evening that the prime minister would not be attending the anti-terror rally, citing security considerations. A short time later, however, it turned out that he would indeed be going.

According to the report, Jerusalem and Paris exchanged diplomatic blows over the matter. Netanyahu contacted a “senior French official” and asked to attend the rally, but France said it did not want him there, because his presence would create “difficulty in arranging the rally.”

‘Their Hands Are Covered in Blood:’ Bennett Denounces Presence of PA President Abbas and Qatar at Paris Anti-Terror Rally

Israel Economy Minister Naftali Bennett has issued a stinging criticism of the presence of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, as well as other Arab leaders he deemed to be complicit in terrorism, at today’s anti-terrorism rally in Paris. “Their hands are covered in blood,” Bennett declared in an interview with Army Radio in Israel. As well as Abbas, Bennett singled out Gulf emirate Qatar for its support of the Palestinian Islamist Hamas organization. “It’s hypocritical of those same Qataris and Arabs who are financing terrorism to come and demonstrate as if against terrorism,” Bennett told a Jewish youth group in the French capital. “I don’t accept this.”

One Kumbaya March Can’t Stop Islamism or Cleanse Europe of Jew-Hatred Jonathan S. Tobin….See note please

The spectacle of more than a million people taking to the streets of Paris in protest against the attacks against the massacres at Charlie Hebdo and a kosher market is in and of itself a good thing. The condemnations of Islamist terror from a broad cross-section of French society and the willingness of many world leaders, including some from Arab and Muslim nations, to take part in the event is encouraging to those who have noted with dismay not only the assault on free speech but also the many attacks on Jews in Europe in recent years. This has led some to express the hope that the march will mark a turning point in the struggle against Islamist terror and anti-Semitism in which a unified European continent will somehow reject hatred.

Jihad in Paris — on The Glazov Gang

Jihad in Paris — on The Glazov Gang
The Islamic teachings that inspired the Charlie Hebdo massacre — and the denial about them.