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The woke dehumanisation of Jews Why the ‘anti-racist’ left keeps making excuses for anti-Semitic barbarism. Frank Furedi


That there is more to identity politics than just preferred pronouns or demanding more culturally sensitive university courses has been amply demonstrated since the atrocities committed by Hamas on 7 October 2023. Woke activist groups – including LGBT activists, Black Lives Matter, feminists and eco-zealots – responded to this barbaric event by becoming Hamas cheerleaders. They had no hesitation in communicating their hatred for Israel in a language riddled with anti-Semitic tropes.

The narrative promoted by the identitarians rarely recognises Jews as a historically oppressed people. On the contrary, Jews are frequently cast in the role of oppressors and even as white supremacists. This outlook echoes the age-old trope that asserts that Jews possess vast global power. It fuses this traditional claim about Jewish power with contemporary identitarian obsessions about white privilege and white supremacy.

Since the ascendancy of identity politics, Jewishness has become what sociologist Erving Goffman characterised as a ‘spoiled identity’. A spoiled identity is one that lacks any redeeming moral qualities. It is an identity that invites stigma and scorn.

Since the turn of the century, anti-racist activists have gone to great lengths to associate ‘whiteness’ with negative characteristics and unattractive features. Mention the term ‘white men’ on a university campus or TV show and it will be met with groans and sneers. This negative framing of white identity has also impacted how Jewish identity is perceived and represented. In an interesting account of this development, Pamela Paresky has coined the term the ‘hyper-white Jew’. Jews are often portrayed as a unique, hyper-white community who have far more privileges to check than others – including other white people.

The West has turned its back on Jews A year on from 7 October, the Jewish diaspora has rarely felt so isolated. Joel Kotkin


In the wake of last year’s 7 October pogrom, and amid rapidly rising anti-Semitism, most Jews are even more convinced of the importance of the Jewish State and the need for greater solidarity. As researchers such as Tufts Eitan Hersh and others have demonstrated, the Hamas assaults have led many in America to emphatically embrace their Jewish identity.

Yet, increasingly, these same Jews find themselves isolated and widely demonised. This reflects how much Jewish influence in the US, as I suggested almost a year ago, is itself ‘peaking’. Certainly it’s clear that Jewish media power has faded, as evidenced by the consistently biased coverage against Israel in places like the New York Times, the BBC and the Washington Post. Similar bias has become embedded in the internet, as seen by Wikipedia’s new negative description of Zionism.

As Israel faces an existential challenge, diaspora Jews confront a rising wave of anti-Semitism unseen since the 1930s. Politicians and the media alike emphasise the parallel rise of Islamophobia. Yet two-thirds of all religious hate crimes in America were directed at Jews, despite them accounting for just two per cent of the population. Last year in New York, there were over 100 anti-Semitic crimes in November and December, almost 10 times the number of equivalent crimes committed against Muslims.

Jews are frequently discovering that any sympathy for Israel now means cancellation. The progressive political and cultural establishment increasingly seeks to eliminate ‘Zionists’ and elevate those Jews, like journalist Joshua Liefer, who excoriate the Jewish state, and non-Jews like Ta-Nehisi Coates, who embrace a radical, anti-Israel perspective.

Even in traditional haunts, such as Brooklyn bookstores, elite campuses and big Jewish cities like Los Angeles, Jews no longer feel safe. Today, they are inextricably identified with Israel, whether they like it or not.

This merging of Jewish and Israeli interests seems inevitable. Already, a majority of all Jewish children live in Israel. By 2030, Israel could become, for the first time since early antiquity, the home to a majority of all Jews. This is somewhat hard to digest for left-of-centre or secular Jews, given the nature of the current Israeli government with its dependence on messianic nationalistic and ultra-religious allies. Yet, despite the relative unpopularity of Benjamin Netanyahu’s administration, the vast majority of diaspora Jews – 80 per cent in America – support the Jewish State, as do the vast majority of Jewish college students.

Calling All Jewish Democrats: It’s An Emergency Dire times require dire measures Andrew Pessin


The following piece appeared by an anonymous author at the Elder of Ziyon blog. It’s the most detailed and documented case against Kamala Harris I have seen, arguing that her presidency poses an existential threat not only to Israel but to American Jewry. I think it should at least be read by every Jewish Democrat, so if you know any, please forward it.

Why I have requested anonymity for this piece:

In my place of work there is intense hostility to Israel. If I openly argued what I am about to argue, that anyone who cares about Israel and American Jewry cannot support the Democratic candidate for President, my professional status would be seriously compromised. To borrow the point made by another recent essay, that is why this essay both needs to be published, and to be anonymous. The situation is that dire.

I am a lifelong Democrat.

But I also support Israel and American Jewry.

After October 7 the two are no longer compatible.

There are many issues I care about, for which the Democratic Party has traditionally been the better vehicle; but the current existential emergency for Israel and American-Jewry means that that issue must now take priority. Though it hurts to say it, this lifelong Democrat cannot vote for the current Democratic candidate for President. I am not the first to reach this conclusion. There’s even now a whole organization called “Jexit,” for Jews exiting the Democratic Party. With great regret I realize I must now join them, for the following now strikes me as indisputable:

Harris-Walz will be a disaster for Israel and for American Jewry.

There have been some positive moments. Biden-Harris said the right things immediately after October 7, and allowed the U.S. Navy to be present in the region at a couple of important times, for which an Israel-advocate rightly feels gratitude. But aside from these and their occasional banal remark about believing in Israel’s right to defend itself—doesn’t every country have the right to defend itself?—heaps and mounds of evidence point unambiguously toward that dire conclusion. The mound begins from the fact that every single time Biden-Harris say Israel may defend itself, the next word is invariably a “but”— “how it does so matters,” “too many civilians have died,” etc. Since, as Michael Oren explains so clearly, no one can explain “how an enemy that hides behind and beneath millions of civilians can be fought without causing collateral damage,” then Biden-Harris’s allowing Israel to defend itself only if it doesn’t cause civilian casualties amounts to their not actually giving Israel the right to defend itself. As I write, in September of 2024, it’s hardly surprising that Hamas leader Khaled Meshal is praising Biden-Harris for helping Hamas to remain in power, for always waiting patiently for and listening to Hamas’s demands in negotiations and for pressuring Israel to submit, and for elevating Hamas to the status of a legitimate diplomatic partner. What Meshal is gushing over is not the behavior of an ally of Israel, but of an administration that has largely taken the side of Israel’s enemies.

Jordan Peterson: my message to the Jews


Beware your liberal values — those you see as allies are the vultures waiting for your demise, says author Jordan Peterson.

I have been watching the rising tide of antisemitism for about five years. It first appeared online, manifesting itself in the form of the ethno-nationalist trolling that allowed those who claimed to love their country to find a target for their resentment and rage in the name of patriotism. Then it crept into the so-called real world (although the virtual world is plenty real, folks) in the form of the hypocritical leftist virtue that poses a foundational threat to all that is good, true, meritorious and beautiful.

I have been in a unique position to observe all of this, for someone outside the Jewish community, because of my practical and entrepreneurial alliance with The Daily Wire, the conservative news and entertainment American communication network. The Daily Wire was co-founded by one Ben Shapiro, perhaps the world’s bestknown Orthodox Jew, and a good friend of mine.

Because of this, the antisemitic online trolls, particularly on the right, had plenty to say to me — about my subordination to the dictates of Israel, and about the hypothetical impossibility of me ever saying anything negative about the Jewish enterprise; in short, about my capture by the forces of international Jewry. This was of course accompanied with the meme-images of the positively hook-nosed shared by the scumrat cowards, always anonymous, often equipped with genuinely satanic noms de plume and monikers; always derisive, psychopathic to the core, hiding their alliance with evil behind the secrecy that enables the worst of them to spring forth and pollute the landscape of public discourse to the detriment of all. This attack has become much worse in the aftermath of October 7 — particularly when I call them out, as I have been doing on X, where the outright Nazis have been flourishing to an alarmingly increasing degree over the past few months.

I have spent much of my life studying the evils of antisemitism, obsessed as I have been by the events that unfolded in Germany in the decades prior to the Second World War, where the proclivity of the majority to turn against the eternally successful minority realised itself with the dreadful efficiency and industry that only the most advanced European state could manage. I learned plenty from such study, which was simultaneously exposure to the worst excesses of the worst part of the human psyche — mine included. What did I come to understand and realise, over those many years? First and foremost that there is plenty of the resentful and murderous spirit of Cain in each of us, friends — you included. And if you are one of those butter-wouldn’t-melt-in-my-mouth moral paragons who happen not to think so, then it is even more likely to be true of you.

Jewish Lives Matter So-called progressives have abandoned the Jewish people in their hour of need. Brendan O’Neill


This is an extract from Brendan O’Neill’s new book, After the Pogrom: 7 October, Israel and the Crisis of Civilisation.

Imagine if the Battle of Cable Street took place in 2024. Imagine if this celebrated clash between Jews and their working-class allies on one side, and a fascist movement on the other, were to blow up in 21st-century Britain. What would happen?

The actual Battle of Cable Street took place in the East End of London in 1936 – 88 years ago this week. It was a revolutionary uprising by Jews, leftists and workers against the threat posed by the British Union of Fascists. The BUF was founded by Oswald Mosley in 1932. Mosley had been a Conservative MP before crossing the floor of the House of Commons to join the Labour Party. At the start of the 1930s, following a trip to Italy to meet Mussolini, he converted to the cause of fascism. And he won over many in high society. Leading journalists, a peer, friends of royalty and, notoriously, two of the aristocratic Mitford sisters joined his fascist crusade. One of the Mitfords – Diana – went the whole hog and married him, at the home of Joseph Goebbels in Berlin, with Adolf Hitler as guest of honour.

The people of the East End were rather less taken with Mosley’s Mussolini tribute act. And they let it be known when the BUF announced its intention to march through the East End on 4 October 1936. The East End had a large Jewish population then. The BUF’s planned parade, in which thousands of its backers would be on the streets in their Blackshirts, was viewed by many East Enders as an intolerable anti-Semitic provocation. So they decided to take action. Against the advice of both the Metropolitan Police and the Labour Party, who were concerned that a counter-demonstration to Mosley’s march would give rise to lawlessness, the workers of east London plotted their fightback.

Their slogan was ‘They shall not pass’, an echo of the cry of the Spanish republicans who had risen up against Franco’s nationalist coup earlier that year. The East End rebels set up barricades on Cable Street. They used an overturned bus, tables, chairs and paving stones to block the fascists’ access. They gathered together makeshift weaponry – rocks, chair legs, rotten vegetables and even the contents of their chamber pots – to wield against both the fascists and the Met police officers who tried to dismantle the barricades and clear the street. Children were sent out to roll marbles under the hooves of police horses. An entire community had prepared itself for all-out battle against fascism, and in defence of Jews.

When the battle came, it was intense. Mosley marshalled around 5,000 Blackshirts. On the other side, behind the barricades, there were thousands: Jews, Irish dock workers, communists, anarchists, trade unionists. There followed some of the most ferocious hand-to-hand combat ever seen on the streets of Britain. Bricks were hurled at Mosley’s car, sticks were wielded against his Blackshirts, stones were thrown at the police who supported the Mosley mob’s right to parade down Cable Street. Hundreds were injured, many arrested. And the anti-fascists won. In the face of baton charges by horse-mounted officers and the violent menace of the Blackshirts themselves, the Jews and their allies were victorious. Mosley abandoned his plans and scurried back to central London.

The Battle of Cable Street is rightly celebrated as one of the great people’s uprisings of the early 20th century. There is a mural of it in east London today. There are books, films, even a musical. Many Britons are proud that in the 1930s, Jews in east London who had fled the anti-Semitic pogroms of Russia and Eastern Europe in the late 1800s and early 1900s did not suffer the same violence and indignity at the hands of Mosley’s mob. (Although, on the weekend after the Battle of Cable Street, east London was rocked by the Pogrom of Mile End, when 200 Blackshirts smashed the windows of Jewish shops and homes.) The Battle of Cable Street is seen by many as the street fight that foretold Britain’s war on Nazi Germany, as the trailblazer of our future showdown with fascism, as early proof that this racist, inhuman ideology then moving through Europe might just come unstuck against Britain.

And yet, what if it were today? What if a fascist mob marched through a Jewish area of London in 2024? Would we see an uprising of resistance, a taking to the streets to see off the fascists and rally around their targets? I fear we would not. I fear such solidarity is all but impossible in the era of identity politics, intersectionality and progressive suspicion of ‘Jewish privilege’. I fear today the Jews might be on their own – though hopefully joined by that smattering of the population that still appreciates that when anti-Semitism rears its head, society is in deep trouble.

Give That Woman An Academy Award: Flashback to Susan Sarandon at Columbia And her pro-Hamas support. Hugh Fitzgerald


Susan Sarandon, the aging Hollywood Squadroon, was just one of the Hollywood luminaries who signed a letter calling for a “permanent ceasefire” in Gaza. Before that, Sarandon had made a habit of showing up at anti-Israel rallies around the country, to offer her own inimitable brand of antisemitism. As far back as November 17, 2023, for example, she told a crowd at Union Square that Jews are “getting a taste of what it is like to be Muslim in this country, so often subjected to violence,” and she apparently approved. Never mind that Muslims in this country are dispensers, not recipients, of violence. Or that in the past eleven months, the number of antisemitic hate crimes in this country has been eight times as large as those directed at Muslims.

It is worth recalling that back on April 19, 2o24, Sarandon was at Columbia, where she had come to lend her moral support to pro-Hamas demonstrators. Her call-and-response, or rather call-and-repeat, can be found in the video above.

Hating and Hounding Jews on Campus Tony Thomas AUSTRALIA


‘I made a workplace complaint to the police about students [who performed Nazi salutes], and then suddenly, my contract wasn’t renewed.’ — Jewish academic in Senate committee submission

At the weekend I began reading the submissions to the Senate committee on a Bill for a judicial inquiry into anti-Semitism at universities. I had no idea how intense the Jew-hatred is, how it’s tolerated, and even fostered by administrators.

My mother when a young Perth journalist, honeymooned to Holland and Germany in 1938. She wrote,

“At Aachen we had our first contact with Nazis, swastikas crawling like black spiders on the uniforms of the border guards. In Berlin we tried to read Dr Goebbel’s noticeboards with their hideous anti-Jewish cartoons. ‘Juden verboten’ signs on the public toilets were clear enough. English-speaking Germans would sometimes make a cautious approach, begging us to tell the outside world how their relatives had disappeared in concentration camps…”[1]

The same elements — swastikas, Nazi-style cartoons, “Jews unwanted!” signs — can be found at Australian universities today. In place of concentration camps and gas chambers, there are omnipresent chants of “from the river to sea” for exterminating Israel and its citizens.

Jewish students and staff are “disappearing” from our universities because of hostility and anti-Semitism in tutorials, classes and social life. Jewish Liberal MHR Julian Leeser says,

“Jewish tradition values education as one of the highest virtues. Jews are taught to have arguments for the sake of heaven – to arrive at truth through debate and discussion. This is the essence of a university. There is a particular tragedy about campus antisemitism which seeks to exclude Jews from the intellectual life of the nation. What happens on campus today sets the tone for the Australia of tomorrow…

It’s tempting to think of antisemitism as the domain of the uneducated. But history tells us that antisemitism also lives in the minds of society’s best educated. More than half of the people who attended the Wannsee Conference that developed the ‘final solution’ were either doctors or had PhDs.

From last August 5 to September 6, the federal government’s Special Envoy to Combat Antisemitism,  Jillian Segal, organised interviews of 65 Jewish students and academics nationally. To protect subjects from reprisals, she was unable to publicise the most harrowing and confronting testimonies. What she does spell out is so traumatic I have to wonder what she had to omit. One para really hit home:

Several students and staff who were interviewed reported seeking medical assistance and being prescribed anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medication to manage their response to the rise in antisemitism in their university environment. Approximately half of those interviewed were visibly teary during their interview…A culture that excludes one group, intimidates, traumatises and makes them feel unsafe is contrary to the mission of universities and contrary to the best interests of the nation.” 

The Tradition of Jew-Hate by Nils A. Haug


If the demonstrators really cared about Palestinians, as the Muslim Arab journalist Bassam Tawil points out, “they would be speaking out against the repressive measures and human rights violations perpetrated by Hamas in the Gaza Strip…. instead of improving the living conditions of their people, Hamas and PIJ leaders are imposing new taxes and leading comfortable lives in Qatar, Lebanon and other countries. Instead of bringing democracy and freedom of speech to their people, the terror groups are arresting and intimidating journalists, human rights activists and political opponents.”

“Racial hatred and hysteria seemed to have taken complete hold of otherwise decent people,” said an eyewitness. “I saw fashionably dressed women clapping their hands and screaming with glee, while respectable middle-class mothers held up their babies to see the ‘fun.'” — Eyewitness to the November 9, 1938 Kristallnacht.

Jihadist media efforts, and especially massive donations to universities from Qatar and other oil-rich Islamic countries, have been so successful that many academics and students in Western tertiary educational institutions have been captivated by the narrow ideology of Jew-hate.

“The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct ‘Palestinian people’ to oppose Zionism.” — Zuheir Mohsen, PLO official, Trouw, March 1977.

In the jihadist view, Islam is the one true faith and therefore Christians, Jews, Hindus, and all other “disbelievers” are following a false religion and therefore can be righteously killed as apostates.

“[T]he Crusaders conquered Eretz Israel, reaching Jerusalem in 1099. Once there, they gathered all the Jews of Jerusalem into the central synagogue and set it afire. Other Jews, who had climbed to the roof of Al-Aksa mosque on the Temple Mount, were caught and beheaded.” — ‘The First Crusade,’ chabad.org

The issue that isn’t being addressed in the campaign The woke takeover of the academy, culture and government is the driving force behind the surge in antisemitism and the war on the West. Rolling it back is imperative. Jonathan Tobin


It didn’t make it into either presidential debate conducted this year. Nor is it on any of the top 10 lists of issues most important to Americans in 2024, such as the one produced by the Pew Research Center. But those who think that woke ideologies, which have captured so much of America’s education system, as well as the government bureaucracy and even the arts, pose only a minor threat to America’s future are mistaken. 

As much as any other topic, the fate of this wildly successful movement will determine what kind of country Americans live in for decades to come. And as fateful as the decision will be for the entire electorate as to whether the government should take the initiative in rolling back the woke tide, it will be especially important for American Jewry.

If there is one thing glaringly apparent since Oct. 7, it is the surge in antisemitism, primarily fueled by the political left’s widespread belief that Israel is a “settler/colonial” and “apartheid” state. Added to that is the ultimate expression of “white” supremacy—a label that has been extended to cover all Jews who support it and even those who don’t. 

The reason for this enthusiasm for radical movements that see Zionism as a form of racism is the way it fits neatly into the mindset of critical race theory and intersectionality, which divide all of humanity into two eternally warring groups: people of color who can only be victims, and “whites” who are always oppressors.

This same set of beliefs has inspired the widespread adoption of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) rules throughout the education system and virtually every other sector of American society. Moreover, this woke catechism was officially incorporated into every government department and agency by President Joe Biden on his first day in office in January 2021. That means that along with all the other woke commissars dominating admissions and discipline in higher education, as well as much of corporate America, and casting and programming choices in arts organizations, they are now also present throughout the federal bureaucracy.

Time to End Jew Hatred with Education Diane Bederman


The late Rabbi Jonathan Sacks declared:

  “To defend a land, you need an army. But to defend freedom, you need education.”  

We are coming up to the anniversary of the greatest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. And just as we have heard Holocaust deniers, we now have Oct 7 deniers, and when not denying they are justifying the massacre-it’s resistance to Occupation!

Really? Well, throughout the 1920s and 1930s, Palestinian terrorist groups like the Green Hand, the Black Hand, and others, murdered Jews, officials from the British Mandatory government that controlled the area after World War I, and Arab critics.  That had nothing to do with Occupation or resistance – it has to do with innate, endemic, systemic Jew hatred.

The Jewish world began 1500 years before the Common Era. Islam entered the world in the 7th century CE in Saudi Arabia – not Israel – or the name Rome gave to the land Philistia-now translated to Palestine. So, how is it that Jews living on the land more than 1500 years before Muslims are the occupiers? Seems to me this is the result of the New Math and innate, systemic, endemic Jew hatred.

And we must debunk the New Math and the occupier lies and accusations of genocide. How do we do that? Shock! Education. Too many Jews in the Diaspora and Israel have no idea of the history of the Jewish people in her legal historical and biblical land. How can they present a strong front to the millions, if not billions, of Jew haters if they don’t know their own history, including up to the present?
We have failed our Jewish young people.

But there is hope. Now, more organizations are reaching out to our Jewish youth around the world. We must come together and build an extraordinary curriculum that will serve our Young Jewish people. Giving them facts will give them the backbone they need to push back on the Jew hatred, especially on campus since the horrific barbaric massacre of Jews in Israel October 7.