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John D. Sailer When Curing Cancer Isn’t the Priority San Diego State University included a DEI litmus test in its search for a new cancer biologist.


Last year, San Diego State University conducted a search for a cancer biologist as part of an initiative focused on increasing faculty diversity. While ideal candidates’ expertise could be in tumor biology, cancer immunology, or other areas of hard science, they would also be expected to demonstrate a focus on health disparities and a commitment to diversity. SDSU required each applicant to fill out a form describing their contributions to “building inclusive excellence”—their version of the now-ubiquitous “diversity statement.”

Through a public-records request, I have acquired SDSU’s “building inclusive excellence” form. It symbolizes a remarkable statement of the university’s priorities and demonstrates how even the most high-stakes areas of scientific research must now genuflect to social justice.

The form, published on the National Association of Scholars website, requires candidates to describe their “inclusive excellence” contributions across eight categories, which include “demonstrated knowledge of barriers for underrepresented students and faculty within the discipline,” “demonstrated commitment to teaching and mentoring underrepresented students,” “demonstrated commitment to integrating understanding of underrepresented populations and communities into research,” and “research interests that contribute to diversity and equal opportunity in higher education.”

Far from being merely a symbolic nod toward diversity, these criteria have teeth. Per SDSU’s hiring guide, the chief diversity officer appoints separate “Building Inclusive Excellence” screeners, who examine candidates’ “inclusive excellence” contributions. Screeners won’t advance candidates to the final stage unless they meet two criteria. Departments can appeal a screener’s decision, but only with the approval of both the chief diversity officer and the provost. In other words, even cancer biologists now risk limiting their job prospects unless they demonstrate a commitment to DEI.

Gender CONfirmation Surgery Exploring the perils of reality dysphoria By Lloyd Billingsley


“Accredited medical professional groups agree that gender-affirming care is medically necessary, safe, and effective for trans and non-binary youth,” proclaimed Admiral Rachel Levine last October. Back in March, the U.S. Assistant Secretary for Health ramped up that claim.

“President Biden supports you. I as the Assistant Secretary for Health will support you and I talk about this topic, everywhere I go, to get the word out,” said Levine, a Harvard grad and medical doctor. “I am positive and optimistic and hopeful that the wheel will turn after that and that this issue won’t be as politically and socially such a minefield.”

That endorsement invites a closer look at “gender affirming care,” which as NBC noted, “commonly includes cross-sex hormones, puberty blockers, and gender reassignment surgeries.”

Dr. Maddie Deutsch, Associate Professor of Clinical Family & Community Medicine at the University of California – San Francisco (UCSF), and Medical Director for UCSF Transgender Care, reviews the “choices, risks, and unknowns associated with feminizing hormone therapy.” Taking higher doses of hormones, “will not necessarily bring about faster changes, but it could endanger your health.” Those pondering the hormone therapy might wonder what form the endangerment could take.

Carl J. Schramm Lock Them Down America’s public-health establishment has become a threat to individual liberty.


Perhaps symbolically, on July 4 a federal judge in Louisiana enjoined a long list of federal officers, including White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, from communicating with social media companies in efforts to suppress speech. The government’s machinery for working hand-in-glove with Google, Meta, and (pre-Elon Musk) Twitter to determine jointly what facts and messages can be shared with the public concerning the Covid-19 pandemic came to a dead stop.

Not unexpectedly, after days of Beltway insiders describing the ruling as the reckless product of an uninformed rural judge, the Biden administration asked the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals to stay the injunction, which it has done. For the White House and executive agencies, the ability to control speech online is apparently too great a political tool to give up without a fight.

Judge Terry Doughty’s injunction had determined that the plaintiffs in the case were likely to show that public health officials had conspired with social media platforms to censor empirically established facts about Covid-19: its origins, how it spread, what individuals could do to protect themselves, and the efficacy and dangers of the vaccines. In doing so, those officials impinged on Americans’ right to expect the truth from their government.

From virtually the beginning of the pandemic, the federal government adopted a “take no prisoners” strategy on controlling information about Covid. When Francis Collins, then head of the National Institutes of Health, and Anthony Fauci, chief Covid advisor to Presidents Trump and Biden, found their mistaken belief that everyone was equally susceptible to Covid challenged, they set out to silence dissent.

Scientists who argued that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention should focus its preventive efforts on more vulnerable populations, including those over 65, found their posts removed from social media platforms by nameless operatives prompted by government liaisons, several of whom are named as defendants. The justification, without any evidence or explanation, was that their views constituted “misinformation,” an Orwellian characterization encouraged by federal officials, according to Judge Doughty.

Fauci’s ‘Unlawful Tenure’ Becerra’s failure to reappoint Fauci in 2021 means “every action he took is potentially invalid.” by Lloyd Billingsley


Xavier Becerra, Joe Biden’s Health and Human Services Secretary, failed to reappoint 14 National Institutes of Health directors, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), charges a July 7 letter from the House Energy and. Commerce Committee. The failure could have “grave implications” for the actions of Dr. Fauci during his “unlawful tenure.”

According to Section 2033 of the 21st Century Cures Act, titled “Increasing Accountability at the National Institutes of Health,” Fauci’s five-year term expired on December 21, 2021. Fauci continued as NIAID boss until retirement on December 31, 2022 and, “if Dr. Fauci was never reappointed, every action he took is potentially invalid.” (emphasis added)

During that time, Fauci served as Biden’s chief medical adviser and “regularly attended high-level meetings” with policy makers “including the National Security Council and the intelligence committee.” Fauci “awarded a new grant to EcoHealth Alliance” despite unanswered concerns about possible double billing of USAID and NIH for the same research.

Fauci also failed “to produce laboratory notebooks and other records from the Wuhan Institute of Virology,” the Chinese lab Fauci funded to perform gain-of-function research that makes viruses more lethal and transmissible. That Fauci “exercised and amassed all of this authority and influence without being duly reappointed. . .  demonstrates how ineffective HHS is a managing its component agencies and how little accountability currently exists.”

According to the committee, the failure to reappoint Fauci and the 13 others “jeopardizes the legal validity of more than $25 billion in federal biomedical research grants made in 2022 alone.” All told, the losses are far more extensive, and Dr. Fauci was kept in a position he never should have had in the first place.

The Discovery of Insulin: A Story of Monstrous Egos and Toxic Rivalries Meet the feuding scientists who battled for credit over the discovery of insulin.


When Frederick Banting’s phone rang one morning in October 1923, it was the call that every scientist must dream of receiving. On the other end of the line, an excited friend asked Banting if he had seen the morning newspapers. When Banting said no, his friend broke the news himself. Banting had just been awarded the Nobel prize for his discovery of insulin.

 Frederick Banting on the cover of TIME magazine on August 27, 1923. Pictorial Press Ltd / Alamy Stock Photo 

Banting told his friend to “go to hell” and slammed the receiver down. Then he went out and bought the morning paper. Sure enough, there in the headlines he saw in black and white that his worst fears had come true: he had indeed been awarded the Nobel – but so too had his boss, John Macleod, professor of physiology at the University of Toronto.

This is a tale of monstrous egos, toxic career rivalries and injustices. But of course, there is another character in this drama: diabetes itself.

According to a 2021 World Health Organization report, about 9 million people with type 1 diabetes are alive today thanks to insulin. I’m one of them, and it was my own shock diagnosis with this condition, just over ten years ago, that first led me to investigate the discovery of insulin – the drug that I would be injecting several times a day for the rest of my life.

‘The Pissing Evil’

Diabetes derives its name from the ancient Greek word for “to flow” – a reference to one of its most common symptoms and for which the 17th-century English doctor Thomas Willis (1625-75) gave it the far more memorable name of “the pissing evil”. But frequent trips to the toilet were the least of a patient’s worries.

Before the discovery of insulin, a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes meant certain death. Unable to metabolise sugar from carbohydrates in their diet, patients became weak and emaciated until, due to the production of toxic compounds known as ketones, they slipped into a coma and died. Even at the start of the 20th century, there was little that could be done for patients with this condition, other than to put them on a starvation diet that might at best delay the inevitable.

FDA’s Approval Of A New Alzheimer’s Drug Is A Real But Very Modest Advance Henry I. Miller


The Food and Drug Administration on July 6 granted full approval to the first therapy for Alzheimer’s that slows the cognitive decline associated with the disease. That “first” is good news, because it validates a therapeutic approach that has long been in doubt, but more important, it benefits patients afflicted with a terrible disease. 

The approval is hardly a breakthrough, however: The benefits of the drug, Leqembi (lecanemab) are meager; it does not restore lost function; it is expensive and administered intravenously every two weeks; and there are occasionally severe side effects. Nevertheless, my neurologist friends tell me that they’re being inundated with inquiries about Leqembi from Alzheimer’s patients and their families.

Alzheimer’s disease is an irreversible, progressive brain disorder that afflicts more than 6.5 million Americans. It slowly destroys memory and cognitive skills and eventually, the ability to perform even simple tasks. Although the specific causes of Alzheimer’s are not fully understood, it is characterized by changes in the brain, including the formation of various abnormal structures that result in loss of neurons and their connections. 

The FDA had previously granted Leqembi accelerated approval based on a “surrogate endpoint” short of demonstrated clinical benefit, based on its ability to reduce amyloid plaques, or clumps, in the brain, a hallmark of Alzheimer’s. As a postmarketing condition of the accelerated approval, the drug manufacturer, Eisai, was required to conduct a clinical trial to confirm the anticipated clinical benefit of Leqembi.  Safety and efficacy were evaluated in a Phase 3 multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial that included 1,795 patients.

That confirmatory trial, which was reported earlier this year in the New England Journal of Medicine, showed that in patients in the early stages of the disease, the drug slowed cognitive and functional decline modestly – perhaps by about five months – over 18 months compared with placebo.

The Doctor Won’t See You Now Therapists who judge, recoil, or quietly rage at their patients can’t provide effective therapy. By Andrew Hartz


A patient came to a clinic where I worked a few years ago. He was looking for help with depression but also told his therapist that he was feeling frustrated after having lost out on a research fellowship. The patient, who was white, felt the reason was affirmative action. The therapist was Arab. A group of psychiatrists, social workers and psychologists discussed the case at a clinic-wide meeting and came to an apparent consensus: Confront the patient and tell him that if he didn’t overcome his biases, he would be transferred elsewhere. They argued that it would be unfair for a clinician of color to have to provide therapy to a “racist” patient.

The same ideologies that have infiltrated education, medicine and the legal profession have also invaded mental healthcare. The American Psychological Association has decried “traditional masculinity.” The Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association published a paper describing “Whiteness” as a “malignant, parasitic-like condition.” Two years ago, a prominent psychiatrist speaking at Yale shared her fantasies of killing white people. Recently, the president of the APA’s division of psychoanalysis said that therapists should “center Palestine . . . as a central working tenet of any clinical praxis.”

These attitudes are more common than one might imagine. The most recent APA psychoanalysis conference, which has in the past focused on the practice of therapy, was absorbed by identity politics, such as “the white supremacist within” and “psychic colonization,” to quote two panel titles.

Emerging empirical research shows the problem is widespread. One forthcoming study charts a more than 500% increase in politically slanted communiques at the APA from 2000-02 to 2017-19. A 2018 study showed that psychology departments, like most of academia, have extreme bias, with almost 17 registered Democratic professors for every one Republican. The bias is larger at higher ranked schools, and most Republican academics report higher rates of self-censorship.

When Ideology Corrupts Medicine—and How One Reporter Exposed it A conversation with Hannah Barnes about the medical scandal at Tavistock, the UK’s only youth gender clinic. Bari Weiss


Last month, Britain’s National Health Service made major news when they announced that they were banning the use of puberty blockers for children, except for those enrolled in a tightly regulated clinical trial. The decision was made after an independent review found there were “significant uncertainties” surrounding the long-term effects of these drugs, which had previously been touted as totally reversible.

The announcement followed another major decision the NHS made last year on the same subject, which was to close Britain and Wales’ only treatment center for children with gender dysphoria: the Gender and Identity Development Service (GIDS) at Tavistock. The NHS found that the care provided at GIDS, which has operated for nearly 35 years, was “not safe or viable as a long-term option for the care of young people with gender related distress.”

These decisions bring the UK in sync with countries like Sweden and Norway, which have made similar policy decisions about gender care for children. But all of those countries are light-years away from how the United States approaches these issues.

My guest today, Hannah Barnes, has reported on this topic for years. Indeed, her reporting was the catalyst for many of these new changes. She’s here to explain what happened in the UK, and why the U.S. is so out of step with one of our strongest allies.

Hannah is an award-winning investigations producer at Newsnight, one of the BBC’s flagship news programs. Her important new book, Time To Think, follows the story from Tavistock’s inception to its imminent closure. It investigates how a clinic can open its doors to thousands of young patients at their most vulnerable, how it can operate for more than three decades without oversight or regulation, and how—in the words of some of the clinic’s own staff—this “medical scandal” unfolded.

Biden Trying to Kill Short Term Health Insurance By Deane Waldman, M.D.


President Biden has taken to the airwaves to sell his plan to crack down on short-term health insurance policies, which he terms “junk.” Taking away the right to choose is not only bad healthcare policy, it runs counter to the spirit of freedom on which this country was founded. 

The history of short-term, limited duration (STLD) policies is straightforward. In order to coerce Americans to use only government approved (Washington controlled) taxpayer-subsidized policies, the Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA) included the individual mandate, an order for all Americans to purchase insurance. Washington restricted STLD policies to non-renewable 3-month plans. The Trump administration expanded public choice by allowing such policies up to 12-months in duration and renewable for three years. Millions of Americans used this affordable vehicle to cover themselves and their families, giving them a viable alternative to expensive and restrictive ACA insurance with its “auto-renewal.”  

Biden wants to quash STLD insurance policies making them illegal, calling them a scam and junk. 

Americans are free to buy junk bonds, including government ones. We are free to buy junk stocks and junk cars. Many happily attend junk events. Shouldn’t the public be able to decide what is junk versus jewel, what is scam and what is savior? Individual Americans are better judges of how to spend their money than Washington. 

In the 2012 challenge to the ACA, NFIB v. Sebelius, the Supreme Court struck down Obama’s individual mandate saying it was unconstitutional to force Americans to purchase what the government commanded them to buy. Now Biden wants to do an end-run and force the public to buy only what Washington allows. If Americans want to have medical insurance, Washington wants to mandate what Americans must purchase. 

Health insurance, any insurance for that matter, is a way to manage risk. A person pays an insurance company a comparatively small amount of money to hedge against the chance the person will need to expend a large amount of money when something unexpected happens, such as a housefire, a flood, or an automobile accident with injuries. Never mind that insurance premiums are already a very large expense, with the average family set to expend $30,065 on healthcare costs this year. More than 80 percent will go to insurance companies. 

CDC admits not including diagnostic codes showing COVID vax as ’cause’ on some death certificates Georgia-based agency’s response to Just the News will be incorporated into grand jury petition to investigate its COVID statistical practices, death-certificate analyst says.By Greg Piper


The CDC’s explanation for leaving certain diagnosis codes off Minnesota death certificates that cite COVID-19 vaccines as a cause of death, allegedly hiding vaccine injuries in federal records, shows “intent to deceive,” according to a person who helped analyze the death certificates for the Brownstone Institute, a think tank that challenges the scientific basis for COVID conventional wisdom and policy.

John Beaudoin Sr., who is suing Massachusetts for submitting “fraudulent” death certificates to the feds falsely labeling COVID as a cause of death, says CDC spokesperson Kristen Nordlund’s comments on the matter to Just the News will be incorporated in an “affidavit to petition for a grand jury investigation of the CDC” in its home of Georgia.

Beaudoin’s law school expelled him for refusing its vaccine mandate, which he says was based on federal COVID guidance devised in part from Massachusetts death certificate data. 

The suit includes a 123-page exhibit analyzing death certificates Beaudoin claims either wrongly omit vaccine-induced deaths or falsely attribute them to COVID. And in May he requested a hearing in response to the state’s motion to dismiss his January amended complaint. His website includes legal filings.


The Minnesota analysis is part of three years of questions about the reliability and integrity of federal and state governments’ COVID-related statistics.

The New York Times found up to 90% of COVID-positive tests officially recorded in Massachusetts, New York and Nevada in summer 2020 were based on SARS-CoV-2 viral loads too small to be infectious.

Oregon lawmakers similarly sought a federal grand jury investigation into COVID statistical manipulation nearly two years ago, claiming the Center for Disease Control and Prevention employed a “double-standard exclusively for COVID-19 data collection” that inflated cases and deaths starting early in the pandemic.