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The Inflation Reduction Act Comes for Medicare It will cut benefits and increase premiums, upsetting millions of elderly voters. By Casey B. Mulligan and Tomas J. Philipson


President Biden has accused Republicans of scheming to cut Medicare. In fact it is his signature legislation, the Inflation Reduction Act, that will lead to benefit cuts and premium increases for seniors. Medicare’s popular drug-coverage program is headed for a painful amputation.

The private plans participating in Medicare’s prescription-drug program, known as Part D, currently draw on three sources of revenue to finance prescriptions: out-of-pocket payments from patients, premium payments made by plan members, and subsidies from the federal government. In 2025, under the Inflation Reduction Act, both government subsidies and out-of-pocket payments by patients are scheduled to be cut sharply. The difference will have to be made up by premiums. But the statute inhibits this third revenue source, which is also subsidized, from increasing more than 6%. That’s hardly enough to cover inflation, let alone compensate for the other two revenue losses.

We estimate that beginning in 2025, plan subsidies—specifically, the reinsurance subsidies for the beneficiaries with the most drug spending—will be cut $30 billion, out of revenue that currently totals about $110 billion. With $30 billion less to finance prescription benefits, something will have to give. Plans currently have far too little profit to span the chasm that the Inflation Reduction Act opens between expenses and revenue.

Existing plans have room to cut benefits, although the original Part D statute limits their ability to do so. As plans are under no obligation to take a loss, their other choice is to exit the market, which from the patient’s perspective means that all the benefits disappear. In essence, the Inflation Reduction Act statute may prohibit Part D plans from being economically viable, even if it doesn’t explicitly ban them.

The Progressive Paradox on Marijuana Tobacco, bad. Vaping, bad. Marijuana, good, for some strange reason.


New York state’s Cannabis Control Board voted Monday to approve its first 36 licenses to run marijuana dispensaries. It’s another big step toward legal pot sales, though the black market isn’t struggling to meet demand, as every nose in Manhattan can attest. Meantime, the paradox in progressive attitudes toward marijuana continues to grow like skunk weed.

A study published last week in the journal Radiology finds that smokers who used marijuana (often in addition to tobacco), instead of tobacco alone, had higher rates of emphysema, airway inflammation, and other conditions. “There is a public perception that marijuana is safe and people think that it’s safer than cigarettes,” one radiologist told the Journal. “This study raises concerns that might not be true.”

Where might people have gotten the idea that marijuana is safe? To blame politicians for this would vastly overstate their persuasive powers. Yet it’s remarkable how liberal politicians have tried to take a rhetorical puff to fit in with the cultural cool kids. On April 20, which is cannabis culture slang, Twitter was a veritable haze.

“Happy 4/20 Colorado! You’re my best bud,” said Colorado Sen. John Hickenlooper.

Legal Complaint Takes On California Law Mandating Doctors Comply With ‘COVID-19 Consensus’ By Stacey Lennox


A new California law signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom empowers the Medical Board of California to discipline physicians who “disseminate” information regarding COVID-19 that departs from the “contemporary scientific consensus.” The New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA), a nonpartisan, nonprofit civil rights group, filed a complaint and motion for a preliminary injunction in Hoeg, et al. v. Newsom, et al., asking the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California to prevent the law, AB 2098, from going into effect.

The NCLA represents five physicians licensed by the Medical Board of California (MBC), most of whom treat patients on a regular basis. Drs. Hoeg, Duriseti, Kheriaty, Mazolewski, and Khatibi allege Assembly Bill (AB) 2098, signed into law on September 30, 2022, violates their First Amendment rights to free speech and their Fourteenth Amendment rights to due process of law.

NCLA attorney Jenin Younes says the new law targets the doctor-patient relationship. The law also practices viewpoint discrimination and creates a severe chilling effect in direct violation of the First Amendment. AB 2098 subjects plaintiffs to discipline and negative professional consequences, including loss of license, for conveying non-consensus messages to their patients. It has already been used as a weapon to intimidate and punish doctors who dissent from mainstream views. Several plaintiffs have experienced threats on social media from doctors and individuals willing to use AB 2098 to take their licenses away.

According to Younes, in safeguarding Americans’ rights to free speech and expression, the First Amendment applies to individuals expressing majority opinions and minority views. The U.S. Supreme Court and Ninth Circuit precedents protect speech uttered in the context of the doctor-patient relationship, recognizing a state interest in free and open communication between doctors and patients. AB 2098 also deprives Plaintiffs’ patients of their First Amendment rights to receive advice and hear treatment options unfettered by professional discipline fears.

Socialized Medicine Is No Cure: Britain’s Broken Benefit System by Andrew Ash


Claiming that conservatives are less compassionate because many basic needs are not offered for free can miss the point. Too often what is offered are words; what is actually ends up being delivered may be sorely lacking — as disillusioned citizens in places such as Venezuela and Cuba have found out the hard way.

Of course, one does not become a “better person” by voting for giveaways that are all too often fraudulent or semi-fraudulent — a bait-and-switch in which what is delivered ends up being far from what has been promised, if delivered at all. For many people, however, it might satisfy a need to be perceived as being on the side of the “good” — which social promises always are; why else would a public buy into them?

Over time, as governments began to separate themselves from religion, many responsibilities of the church became transferred to the state. The gradual progression of socialist and Marxist thought, meanwhile, further increased the divide, while at the same time expanding the remit of governmental reach into people’s daily lives.

Immigration, changes in the workplace, a massive increase in disability payments (along with what constitutes “disability”), the length of time people remain unemployed and an increasingly bloated bureaucracy have all contributed to breaking the back of an outdated system.

If your needs are immediate, the struggle for medical care is even more uphill: the NHS is now advising patients to consider private healthcare.

Then there is dental care. As long ago as 1952, the British state’s initial offer of “free” dental work (and visits to the optician) had to be dramatically reined-in: the reality of the economics was not adding up.

The high rate of taxation in Britain, with a top income tax rate of 45% (for those who earn more than £150,000) and an “ordinary” rate of 20%, has many wondering if their “national insurance” deductions could not be better spent on private care when needed. As things stand, the majority of people — those without chronic medical conditions — appear to be paying for the few — the same business model as for private insurance companies.

Taking into consideration the challenge of rampant illegal immigration, the divisive nature of “woke” ideology that pits citizens against one another, the criminalisation of speech that constitutes “hate crimes” law, the softly-softly approach to fundamentalist terrorism, as well “transgender” infiltration into women’s sports, locker rooms and restrooms, media race-baiting and so on, it seems we have a bit of a problem on our hands.

The over-loading of the NHS, which would be alarming enough on its own, is merely [with the ever-increasing number of immigrants] the icing on a hugely unappetising-looking cake. Indeed, the total cost of providing healthcare to visitors and immigrants alone, was estimated at two billion pounds per year — as far back as 2013.

To compound matters, when exceptions to the rules are made for certain residents — such as allowing men in polygamous marriages to claim for wives who do not even reside in the UK, the bitterness can only grow. To blame the inevitable backlash on “racism” or “xenophobia” might seem to many a ruse to silence dissent.

Year after year, as the population has grown, the inevitable demand for state aid has risen, stretching resources, while breeding bitter rivalry amongst those vying for help — be it healthcare, social housing or state benefits. The dynamic between altruism and gratitude, has been replaced it with an increasingly authoritarian-looking bureaucracy on the state’s part, coupled with what many might regard as a cynical sense of entitlement in those expecting help.

Far from seeming like a comforting “safety net”, welfare now feels more like a soul-crushing method of state-enslavement.

There may well be little doubt that the state has good cause to implement anti-social measures to counteract the anti-social behaviour of some of its dependents, but inevitably such action creates a paranoid, suspicious landscape entirely lacking in empathy.

Sadly, the “safety net” we have in the UK today bears little resemblance to what its benevolent pioneers envisioned. Perhaps suggestions could be offered how constructively to improve it.

A Minnesota Gender Clinic Touts Treating Three-Year-Olds By Lincoln Brown


“I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people.” – Isaac Newton

I have on several occasions wondered on these pages just how far out the Left will get before it passes the point of no return and into a Twilight Zone of its own making. A place where nothing makes sense, no rules apply, and even the laws of nature itself are subject to the whims of people. A place where the departure from reality is so drastic and complete that there is little if any hope of a return.

While we may not be getting to that point as a nation or on a global level, at least not yet, there are pockets where a parallel universe has collided with ours and exchanged shards of reality. At least I hope that is the case because if it is not, humanity has taken another step toward becoming irredeemable.

According to The Post Millennial, Angela Kade Goepferd, the director of the Gender Health Program at Minnesota Children’s Hospital, holds firm to the conviction that some children as young as age three are capable of determining that they are transgender.

First Lawsuit Filed in the U.S. to Stop Medical Professionals from Transing the Kids By Stacey Lennox


The Center for American Liberty (CAL), founded by attorney Harmeet Dhillon, announced the first U.S. lawsuit against medical personnel for providing medical and surgical gender transition services. Providers who prescribed puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones and performed a double mastectomy on Chloe Cole when she was still a minor are named. Now, Cole is 18 years old and an outspoken detransitioner. She appears at rallies to end the medical and surgical gender transition of children.

On Thursday evening, Dhillon and Cole appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight to announce the lawsuit. Cole explained how medical professionals treated her gender dysphoria and counseled her parents. Carlson explained how gender clinics that provide medical and surgical transition to children are starting to close. Vanderbilt University Medical Center suspended operations at its pediatric gender clinic after investigative journalism from Matt Walsh at The Daily Wire. In the U.K., the Tavistock gender clinic was closed after a lawsuit. Since the judgment, additional parents have filed lawsuits against the clinic. “Litigation stops mutilation,” Carlson emphasized.

Then, Carlson asked Cole why she was suing. She said, “It is a medical malpractice case. I want to hold the adults that put me in harm’s way accountable because, I mean, what happened to me is horrible. But also, it didn’t only happen to me. That’s the worst part.” As outspoken as Cole has been as a detransitioner, she knows the harassment and criticism she will face. You only need to look at her Twitter timeline or the comments on videos of her speaking to see the trans activists’ vitriol. Children are brave, strong, and celebrated when they come out as transgender. They get harassed, demeaned, and censored when they speak out about their regret or their journey back to living as their biological sex.

Chloe continued, “It’s happening to children all over the U.S., all over the West, and it’s spreading all over the world. I want to be able to create a precedent for other people who have been in my situation to find justice for themselves.” Cole told Carlson she started her transition at the age of 13. Carlson asked Cole if she believed the doctors when they told her she could become a boy. She said she did and that her parents believed them also.

A new medical device developed in Israel eliminates the need for invasive open heart surgery.

By United with Israel Staff

Heart disease remains one of the most pervasive health challenges facing society, despite significant advances in open heart surgery and other treatments.

These approaches can be effective in treating valvular heart disease, which prevents heart valves from fully opening and closing properly. Unfortunately, surgery requires lengthy rehabilitation and can result in infections and other dangerous outcomes.

In a significant medical breakthrough, a new device developed in Israel by Cuspa Medical could eliminate the need for open heart surgery.

A Voter’s Primer: The Seven Health Policy Habits of Insanely Progressive People By C.J. Baker, M.D.


What is the most painful lesson the COVID-19 saga has taught the American people?  Perhaps it was how, over the past two and a half years, we have been force-fed an extended taste of the dystopian version of “health care” that the Democrat Party and the Washington nomenklatura (but I repeat myself) seek to permanently impose on us.

We’ve lived through it now, so we can’t say we weren’t warned.  However, many people are still dazed and confused, others remain terrified, and some just want to forget that the whole nightmare ever happened and return to their old pre-pandemic lives.

Things may have calmed down, but don’t kid yourself: the good old days have not returned.  It’s vital that we never forget what they did to our children, our livelihoods, and our civil rights, how they ruined countless lives in the name of “keeping us safe.”  And they’re not done.  They’re just warming up.  And now they seek amnesty for their abuses of power, even as they continue to persecute courageous dissidents like Dr. Peter McCollough, even as they push booster after booster, even to tiny children?  No way.

In the interest of jostling the collective memory before this election, your humble correspondent asks: what are the medical implications of Democrat party governance?

Presenting the Seven Health Policy Habits of Insanely Progressive People:

1. Martial law as “public health.”  Remember how “two weeks to flatten the curve” became two years to flatten your will to live?  Get ready for draconian, indefinitely extended lockdown measures whenever a “public health emergency” is declared — for example, before major elections.

2. Mandatory jab policies gone wild.  This isn’t just your father’s measles-mumps-rubella vaccine, folks.  We’re talking about warp-speed-produced, novel-technology shots with zero long-term data.  You think they’re stopping with SARS CoV-2? Have you noticed how much they’re talking up RSV?  There’s a lot of money to be made.  You think you’ll have a choice, right?  After all, they’re all about “my body, my choice,” right?  Well, think back to about a year ago.  Did the shots do what they claimed they would?  Did they apologize after vilifying and persecuting the skeptics?  If the Dems keep power, the questions return: do you want to earn a living?  You will comply.  Do you want freedom of movement?  Comply.  Do you want your kids to go to school?  Comply.

3. Censor and destroy all dissenting physicians, scientists, and health care workers.  Remember NIH chief Francis “Over the Rainbow” Collins’s call for a “quick and devastating published takedown” of the so-called “fringe” scientists (From Harvard, Stanford, and Oxford!) who wrote the Great Barrington Declaration?  Fast-forward to the fascistic current attempts to strip Dr. Peter McCollough of his board certification.  Welcome to a world of compromised, careerist medical mediocrities beating down pre-eminent minds who refuse to keep silent, like Orwell’s boot stomping on a face forever and ever.

4. Support and grow the Government-Pharmaceutical-Industrial Complex.  One really should read The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to get the full picture.  The huge problem of regulatory capture, the intertwining of U.S. government medical agencies with the military (especially with regard to vaccine development), and the absolutely massive amounts of money involved are truly head-spinning.  Only the terminally naïve or willfully blind could believe that Fauci et al. care one whit about the individual citizen’s well-being.

5. Predatory medical and social policies against children.  Shuttering schools for two years at a time.  Masking young children and toddlers.  Still — to this day — pressing for mandated COVID-19 vaccines for schoolchildren.  Population-wide psychological trauma as well as developmental and educational delay, all resulting from their cruel, excessive, and utterly unnecessary policies.  Any apologies?  New York Democrat governor Kathy Hochul still “reserves the right” to bring back masks.  Still not convinced?  Need I mention Drag Queen Story Hour?  Or abortion on demand as a secular sacrament?  Why do Democrats hate children so?

6. The woke Lysenkoism of academic medicine.  The November 1, 2022 issue of the once-pre-eminent Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), published one week before the midterm elections, was almost completely devoted to attacking the Dobbs Supreme Court decision.  Curiously, it contained only two original research articles — neither one about abortion.  However, interspersed with the full-page Big Pharma advertisements, the issue had no fewer than nine opinion pieces, all pro-abortion and anti-Dobbs.  No contrasting views permitted.  Journals that used to print original research and promote debate of controversial issues now print propaganda better suited to a Planned Parenthood brochure.  And medical schools’ curricula are no better.

7. Complete government control of all aspects of medicine.  Forget about the old bugbear of “socialized medicine.”  With Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare, federal medicine, and NIH influence over academic medical centers, American medicine is already socialized.  However, during COVID-19, we saw government manufacture and enforce complete consent to its health care policy at a level never seen before.  This was accomplished by thorough capture of hospital systems and local health officials with a crude but effective carrot-and-stick approach.  Do exactly what we say, and we pay you off handsomely down the road (with taxpayer dollars).  Don’t do what we say, and we shut you down.  For good.

To those uncertain about the relative merits of communism versus capitalism, I often say: “Be honest with yourself.  Which Korea would you rather live in: North or South?”  To anyone unsure how to vote in this upcoming election, I now ask, “Be honest with yourself.  What type of America would you rather live in for the rest of your life — one like COVID-era Florida or one like COVID-era New York?”

Neither American political party is perfect — far from it.  But one party never wants things to go back the way they were before COVID-19.  Never.

Vote wisely, America.

Doctor, Fix Thyself Peter J. Pitts


We owe a lot to America’s physicians, the brave men, and women on the front lines of the war against COVID-19. Yet rather than supporting American doctors, flawed public policy will soon reduce Medicare’s physician fee schedule, compounding and magnifying the increased pandemic pressures and economic challenges that physicians have been facing over the past two-and-a-half years.

Current federal policies call for a 4.42% cut in Medicare physician fee schedule payments, effective Jan. 1, 2023. Such drastic cuts for our nation’s physicians will force many small to mid-size practices out of business — particularly those in rural communities — placing an increased, and deeply unfair, financial strain on the ones that remain. The result is entirely predictable, a weakened health care system that endangers the lives of vulnerable patients. Proposed reductions to Medicare’s physician payments will undermine the economic viability of practicing medicine in towns and cities nationwide, and further broaden the health care equity gap for both rural America and lower income communities of color.

These fast-approaching ill-considered cuts magnify the insidious instability of Medicare’s arcane and antiquated physician payment system For quite some time the growing discrepancy between the cost of running a medical practice and the actual payments physicians receive from Uncle Sam through Medicare has become more and more unreasonable and unjustifiable, considering the various administrative red tape and financial burdens of participating in the program. This situation is driving provider consolidation that limits patient choice not just in access to physicians, but in the type of care those remaining physicians can provide.

The CDC Has Lost All Credibility The Left’s politicization of the once-revered organization has morphed it into a haven for medical hacks and become a massive laughing stock. By Shawn Waugh


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted 15-0 last month to add the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines to the recommended childhood schedule.

Given that the panel consists of card-carrying members of the Branch Covidian faith, the unanimous vote came as no surprise. In fact, some committee members voted via video conference while sitting alone in a room, wearing their masks.

Ironic, considering the CDC a month earlier had quietly stopped recommending that patrons and employees in healthcare facilities mask up.

But, forever masking is an essential pillar of the Covidian faith. It must be followed if members are to attain eternal life regardless of changing doctrine and new revelation from on high.

What Does the Vote Mean?

The actual recommendation from the CDC is that children begin getting COVID-19 inoculations at 6 months of age. 

The CDC quickly pointed out that the organization cannot issue specific mandates and that the panel’s recommendation serves only to “help streamline clinical guidance for healthcare providers by including all currently licensed, authorized and routinely recommended vaccines in one document.”

That may be technically true. We know, however, that COVID-19 jabs, regardless of their true efficacy, have become a sacrament within the Branch Covidian church. Moreover, the CDC has significant influence on states and healthcare facilities regarding vaccination schedules. States commonly use CDC guidelines to protect themselves from legal liability when implementing local regulations. So the CDC’s decision will undoubtedly lead Covidian governors to add the CDC’s recommendation to their states’ vaccination schedules. In turn, this will mean parents must have their children vaccinated if they want them to attend public school, daycare, and participate in sports.