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Reason and Compassion on Gender Medicine Florida adopts the more cautious European model of pediatric care—and exposes American “gender-affirming” advocates as incompetent and dishonest. Leor Sapir


Florida has decided to regulate medical care for gender-dysphoric minors. The state’s Boards of Medicine and Osteopathic Medicine ruled that the standard treatment for gender-dysphoric youth under 18 will no longer be puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, but psychotherapy.

Contrary to the media frenzy that erupted, Florida is not planning to prevent minors already on the medical track from receiving hormones—what critics call “forcible detransition.” Instead, the new rule includes a grandfather clause, permitting these individuals to continue their medical transition. As for prospective cases, the Board of Medicine voted not to allow further pediatric procedures, while the Board of Osteopathic Medicine voted to allow them in exceptional cases under an Institutional Review Board-approved research protocol. If proponents of “gender-affirming” interventions want to assert that puberty suppression and cross-sex hormones are “medically necessary,” the onus should be on them to prove it using the standard techniques of scientific corroboration.

In short, Florida seems poised to adopt the Scandinavian—and, it appears, the British—model of caring for gender-dysphoric minors. Rather than imposing legislative actions that put politicians between the doctor and the patient, Florida decided to invoke the existing mechanism for the regulation of health practices, putting the decision in front of state medical boards. The Florida Medical Board’s five-hour televised discussion made it obvious that its practicing physicians are first and foremost professionals who understand the uncertainties of clinical care. Florida medical authorities’ nuanced decision is evidence of how reason and compassion can work in tandem.

‘Nullectomy’: Physician-Assisted Mutilation By Wesley J. Smith


I don’t know how much more of this our culture can take. “Gender-affirming” surgeries are growing increasingly extreme. A source sent me links to websites operated by doctors who perform “bottom surgeries” advertising “genital nullification” — a.k.a. “nullectomy” — procedures that remove genitalia in order to create a “smooth” appearance in the groin.

Here’s the first one (I am not linking, as I wouldn’t want to be even indirectly complicit in anyone’s voluntary butchery):

Your Smooth Bottom Line: Nullectomy, Nullification, Nullo:

Nullectomy is the removal of internal and external genital structures to create a smooth appearance from the abdomen to the groin. Glans (penile or clitoral) and nerve tissue can be “buried” in the mons to retain a focused nerve center for sensation while maintaining a smooth appearance, can remain present as an “outie,” or can be removed.

For someone starting with a penis and testicles, nullectomy can include:

penectomy (removal of the penis)
orchiectomy (removal of the scrotum)
scrotomectomy (removal of the testicles)
urethral shortening

For someone starting with a clitoris, vulva, vagina, and uterus (if not already removed,) nullectomy can include:

hysterectomy with or without oophorectomy
vaginectomy (if a vaginectomy is chosen, a hysterectomy is required)
vulvectomy (partial or radical)
urethral modification

How filled with self-loathing must one be to subject one’s body to such extreme desecration?

Now the Disgraced COVID ‘Experts’ Want ‘Amnesty’? By Tanya Berlaga


In her recent article in The Atlantic, a Brown University professor, Emily Oster, is calling for “pandemic amnesty.”  She is telling me to “forgive and forget” everyone who was yelling obscenities at me for not wearing a mask in a public park or calling me a mass murderer for posting a picture with a friend visiting.  I must forget all this, the author insists, because all those people had nothing but my well-being in mind!

The author admits that many (if not most!) measures imposed on us by “the experts” were harmful and destructive.  But “dwelling on those mistakes” is “counter-productive.”  After all, people who made these mistakes had only good intentions.

“As we now know,” the author concedes, cloth masks are practically useless.  People who got vaccinated spread COVID as easily as those who did not.  Keeping children locked up at homes had disastrous consequences on their development.  And some of the COVID “mitigation” measures — like beach closures in California — were outright dumb.  But let’s not “dwell” on them — because those were “complicated choices in the face of deep uncertainty.”

“We didn’t know!”  the author laments.

After three years of living through the pandemic, the author all but admits that “the experts” were just as clueless about how to approach it as your next-door neighbor.  “The experts” did not know even the most obvious things.

They didn’t know that wearing a dirty piece of cloth over your face would not amount to anything other than a sinus infection.  Seemed like even a third-grader could’ve figured that one out — and many did.

They didn’t know that walking on the beach was the safest activity one could do during a pandemic.  Sunshine and fresh air are the best disinfectants known to men, and a beach in early spring is the best place for “social distancing.”  You don’t need a crystal ball to understand that surfing in the ocean is not “a super-spreader event.”

Transgendering Language By David Solway


As has become flagrantly obvious over the years, the political left and its myrmidons in the media, medical industry, social agencies, public libraries, and school system have become slickly adept at framing the cultural debate between conservatives and “progressives” by mutilating discourse, fudging long-accepted distinctions, and decoupling terms from their culturally ascribed referents. What was understood for centuries and millennia as decency becomes indecency, good becomes bad, virtue becomes vice, settled tradition becomes feral violence, family and marriage become barbarism and bondage (the feminist mantra), and so on. Conversely, what is destructive of customary order becomes enlightened transformation.

A comparatively recent and most egregious case in point involves what is now called “conversion therapy,” the target of the non-binary and transgender prepossession preaching “diversity” to minors — a cult that has now acquired conventional status. But what is “conversion therapy”?

It is a term calculated to deceive, to reverse normal assumptions by condemning parents concerned about their children’s sexual identity. Thus, to take an instance of adroit dissimulation, according to Human Rights Campaign (HRC), “So-called ‘conversion therapy,’ sometimes known as ‘reparative therapy,’ is a range of dangerous and discredited practices that falsely claim to change a person’s sexual orientation.” The truth is precisely the opposite. Responsible parents do not wish to “change” or “convert” their children’s sexual orientation but to retain it.

A Tour D’Horizon of the Transgender Anglosphere While other countries cheer the “transitioning” of minors, Britain stops it. by Bruce Bawer


It’s a cartoon, but it’s not meant as a joke. It depicts a woman in a hospital bed holding her newborn baby. A man, apparently her significant other, is sitting on the bed. At the foot of the bed stands a midwife or nurse, who asks: “Who’s going to be breastfeeding?” Both parents’ hands are raised. Indeed, while the mother is breastfeeding the baby, the man has breasts – a real set of knockers – that are connected to a breast pump.

Again, it’s not supposed to be funny. The accompanying text explains that “induced breastfeeding” means “nursing a child to which you yourself haven’t given birth,” and that “you can choose to nurse, whether you are a cis or trans person, and whether you gave birth to the child or not.”

I ran across the cartoon on Facebook, where it had been posted by somebody who’d glimpsed it on the Instagram page of the rural, remote Swedish county of Värmland. It appears to have originated at the website of the RFSL, a Swedish LGBT+ rights group.

(As an extra PC bonus, incidentally, the midwife in the cartoon is wearing a hijab. But as one Facebook commenter noticed, her arms are uncovered, which means that when she goes home after work, her husband and the other men in her family will beat her to a pulp for being haram.)

Bottom line: the trans insanity is everywhere. In the Western world, anyway.

In the U.S., of course, transgender ideology is already the reigning orthodoxy throughout the health-care system. But trans activists operating within that system aren’t satisfied yet. They’re still on the advance, targeting younger and younger children for so-called “gender-affirming health care.” In August, it emerged that Boston Children’s Hospital had been “promoting ‘gender affirmation’ for kids as young as two.” In September, Christopher F. Rufo reported that Lurie Children’s Hospital, the largest facility of its kind in Chicago, was pushing transgenderism on pupils at Windy City middle schools and high schools.

The Updated mRNA COVID Boosters Are a Bust, Two New Studies Show By Debra Heine


The new, heavily promoted mRNA booster shots from Pfizer and Moderna are not all they’re cracked up to be, according to two new preprint studies.

The boosters perform no better against Omicron than the fourth jab with the original formulation,” a new study from scientists at Columbia University in New York City found. The updated Covid-19 booster shots have been advertised as “bivalent,” meaning they target the original coronavirus strain as well as the Omicron BA.4/BA.5 subvariants.

However, the Columbia paper found that the newer Omicron variants easily evade both types of boosters, Alex Berenson reported on Substack.

The report strongly suggests anyone who received mRNA shots should hope the next Sars-Cov-2 variants remain mild as the current Omicron variants, because those folks will have very little protection from future Sars-Cov-2 variants going forward.

In other words: immune imprinting and original mRNA vaccine antigenic sin are real, and they’re spectacular (spectacularly bad).

About the only good news in the study actually comes from vaccine failure. People who had three shots and then were infected with Omicron had markedly higher antibody levels than people who received either booster.

The boosters were reportedly authorized for human use based on data from eight baby mice.

The CDC Pushes to Vaccinate Toddlers, Again Its decision to include Covid-19 shots in children’s schedules is based on far-too-flimsy evidence. Allysia Finley hedcut By Allysia Finley


Is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention trying to give vaccine skeptics a shot in the arm? That’s the message its Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices sent last week with its vote to add Covid-19 vaccines to childhood vaccination schedules.

Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Robert Califf stressed that the CDC isn’t mandating vaccines for kids. “Mandates are not the remit of either CDC or FDA,” he tweeted on Oct. 19. Didn’t the CDC argue the opposite in court when defending its mask requirement for public transportation?

It’s true that states and localities don’t have to follow the CDC’s recommendations when deciding which shots kids must receive to attend daycare and school, but they usually do. One CDC panelist said the vote was merely symbolic. But symbolism matters.

Why else did face masks become so controversial? Given the scant evidence supporting widespread use of nonmedical-grade masks, many conservatives perceived masking as another instance of liberals imposing scientifically baseless rituals on nonadherent Americans. The same is now true with vaccinating children.

Most conservatives don’t oppose vaccines per se. But never before has the CDC recommended, or the FDA authorized, a vaccine for children based on such thin evidence of benefits and lack of clarity on potential risks.

Democrats Celebrate Their Delusion Over Healthcare Gerard Scimeca


In a desperate attempt to reshape the narrative, President Biden hosted a celebration last month for the “success” of his party’s disastrous $750 billion spending package. Given the Democrats had just authorized three-quarters of a trillion dollars of new federal spending to “reduce” inflation, it was fairly obvious that the messaging drummed up for Biden’s choreographed charade was pure deception and duplicity.

In their attempt to buy votes before the midterms, Democrats doubled-down on the same policies of economic misery that have plagued the nation since Biden took office. But what bears special attention are their lies surrounding the entirely new misery they created in healthcare. 

Take, for example, their laughable claim that they “beat the special interests” to “lower health insurance costs” for Americans. Rather than beating the special interests, the Biden administration is actually heaping more funding on them with generous Obamacare subsidies for insurers, all while premiums are expected to rise by 10% next year.

Call it welfare for the wealthy. When the Democrats crow about finding “savings” in healthcare spending we can simply translate that word to mean “cuts,” which the IRA does to seniors’ Medicare by over $230 billion.

What has happened to journalism, volume one zillion I just provided hard evidence that a board member at a drug company that has made $70 billion selling vaccines tried to censor me; NO major non-conservative media outlet has reported this news Alex Berenson


Before Covid hysteria and hatred for Donald Trump broke his brain, Adam Feuerstein was a pretty good reporter.

Feuerstein has covered Big Pharma for many years, since 2017 for an pharmaceutical and healthcare-focused Website called STAT. Among biotechnology investors, he’s widely read and sometimes feared. He has a long memory for the hyperbole (if not outright scams) that many biotech executives engage in as they struggle to develop new drugs.

So when Pfizer announced Dr. Scott Gottlieb – who had resigned as commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration just months earlier – would be joining its board, Feuerstein’s salty take was not surprising:—

These days, though, Feuerstein has a somewhat different attitude towards Gottlieb, as a reverential interview from September 2021 reveals. It’s full of hardball questions like:

You have this unique position now – you were in government, you’re no longer in government. You sit on many different seats of power and access. Do you ever think about going back in?

(However do you do it all, Dr. G? And how do you look so good in that suit?)—

The irony here could not be thicker, as you have probably already realized. Because Feuerstein’s joking prediction of three years ago has turned out to be right. In August the FDA approved the bivalent boosters from Pfizer based on data from eight mice.

Can’t make it up.

One might think the fact the federal government has essentially become a promotional partner of the mRNA vaccine companies would encourage drug industry and investigative reporters like Feuerstein to ask hard questions about the vaccines.

One would be wrong.

Moderna CEO says most people don’t need COVID booster–and young people should consider not getting the shot: David Strom


The COVID narrative is breaking down. While the CDC and most state governments are unsuccessfully pushing us all to get yet another COVID booster shot, the CEO of Moderna says the quiet part out loud: relatively few people would benefit from getting the booster because, like the flu, COVID is only dangerous to people who are aged or have significant co-morbidities.

Not everyone needs to get an annual Covid booster, according to the head of pharma giant Moderna who also likened the virus to seasonal flu.

Stéphane Bancel said his company’s shots should mainly be targeted at over-50s and people with underlying health conditions.

His comments seem to be at odds with the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) which is urging everyone over the age of five to get boosted.

Covid is now predominantly only killing the most vulnerable because the US has built up strong immunity through high infection rates and repeated vaccine rollouts.