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Primary Care Institution Prioritizes ‘Gender-Affirming’ Medicine for Children By Nancy Andersen

While the U.S. faces a severe physician shortage, radical gender-affirming ideology attracts the attention of primary care medicine

Projections vary, but the consensus of any number of studies forecasts a significant physician shortage for the United States over the next decade.  A 2020 study predicted a total physician deficit of nearly 140,000 by 2030.  The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) 2021 report on physician supply and demand calculates that the U.S. population rate will grow by 10.8% with a potential shortage of 48,000 primary care doctors by 2034.  “Population growth and aging continue to have the greatest impact on demand growth,” concludes the AAMC.

Public health officials offer various solutions to this problem such as increasing the number of medical schools, recruiting foreign-trained doctors, and advancing telehealth technology.  Some medical schools and training programs pride themselves on primary care physician development, emphasizing programs in rural health and regional healthcare.

One such program is East Carolina University (ECU) and the Brody School of Medicine (BSoM) in North Carolina.  In 2018, 59% of the medical school graduating class at Brody matched in primary care residencies; in 2022, 61% of students matched into primary care.  BSoM graduates the 2nd highest number of physicians entering family practice in the country.  ECU has an Office of Generalist Programs, dedicated to “increasing the number of medical students entering primary care careers.”

The Left Takes Their Evil To Med School If you want to survive a medical issue, don’t go to a doctor under the age of 40. by Derek Hunter


It’s funny watching leftists beat themselves up over things they didn’t do that were done to people who are long dead. Honestly, it takes a special kind of stupid to embrace generational guilt based on skin color, gender, or whatever other ways Democrats create to divide people. You laugh, you have to laugh, because the very concept is so stupid. But so are the people engaging in it. They’re beyond stupid, actually, which is a problem because on the other side of stupid lies the ability to convince people to do things that are, for lack of a stronger word, evil.

Adolf Hitler used people’s ignorance to turn them against Jews, Gypsies, and anyone else he used as a scapegoat to cover his seizing of power. Once those heads were filled with Nazi lies it was pretty easy to get away with anything, with either the passive or active support of the public. The demonized hadn’t done anything, they were simply accused of things allegedly committed in history by people like them. Sound familiar?

Today, the ideological ancestors of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party are doing the same thing (progressives only have one playbook). Progressive Democrats – the party of slavery, the creators of Jim Crow and segregation, embracers of eugenics – have changed their tactics, but not their objectives. They want power, and they’ll do anything they must to get it. It’s important to remember Democrats divide to conquer.

So you end up with race segregated graduation ceremonies, school dances, clubs and dormitories. So-called “diversity officers,” possibly the most societally destructive job ever imagined, giving the stamp of approval to this sanctioned hate and school administrations and corporate leadership terrified to call BS on it.

Is there no one on the boards of these schools or companies brave enough to call racism out and demand it be ended? There doesn’t appear to be, at least not yet.

Until someone in those positions grows a pair, and/or a spine, the division and the destruction that comes with it will continue to grow like a tumor, and it will spread.

Republicans offer a real healthcare alternative By Sally Pipes


With their Commitment to America , Republicans have departed significantly from Democrats ‘ big government agenda. Nowhere is that clearer than on healthcare.

Over the last few years, progressives have made clear their intention to replace the market-based healthcare system with a single, government-run insurance program. Republicans ‘ Commitment to America, by contrast, seeks to improve the current system by introducing greater choice, transparency, and competition. That’s largely what the public wants from healthcare policy. A recent Echelon Insights poll sponsored by the organization I lead, the Pacific Research Institute, found that 86% of people are satisfied with their current health plan.

To the extent they are dissatisfied, the survey revealed that high premiums, deductibles, and copays — and overly restrictive access to doctors — are largely to blame. In other words, patients are looking for reforms that make the current system more affordable while removing the red tape that gets between them and their doctors. That’s what the GOP is pitching. Look at the recommendations of the party’s Healthy Future Task Force, which were released in June. Among other things, they propose to make coverage more portable and expand access to tax-advantaged health savings accounts.

121,882 Children as Young as 6 Tracked for ‘Transgender’ Treatment Puberty blockers have been inflicted on as “at least 4,780 adolescents”. by Daniel Greenfield


“In the UK and Europe, there’s some debate on these issues. In the U.S., the only debate allowed in the face of this monstrous evil is how to lock up those who speak out against it.”

What could possibly cause a doubling of a psychological condition in 5 years? One of those questions that mustn’t be asked because it would reveal the sheer horror of what’s happening.

In a new Reuters story, the media organization claims that new diagnoses in the United States of patients ages 6-17 shot up from 15,172 in 2017 to 42,167 in 2021.

What could possibly cause over a doubling in 5 years?

Medicaid breakdowns show California now has nearly 3,000 cases, New York has over 2,000, Massachusetts has over 1,000, and Washington has around 2,000.

The Medicaid element on some of this is revealing. We’re dealing at least partly with medical experimentation on low-income families or on homeless teenagers.

“Overall, the analysis found that at least 121,882 children ages 6 to 17 were diagnosed with gender dysphoria from 2017 through 2021.”

That tracks them for anything including hormones and eventually castration, mastectomies or hysterectomies depending on their sex.

They will have their lifespans significantly shortened, be unable to have children and be at much higher risk for suicide.

The Anniversary of the Great Barrington Declaration and the Covidians A declaration that was hated, suppressed and misrepresented by the media hivemind and the tech giants. by Armando Simón


The Great Barrington Declaration was created on October 4, 2020 by Drs. Martin Kulldorff, Sunetra Gupta and Jay Bhattacharya, and initially signed by dozens of scientists, at a time when the media and the leftist politicians were constantly assuring us that if we did not all obey them, conform, submit to them, and believe them regarding covid and treatment against it, we would all die. The doctors were hosted by the American Institute for Economic Research, a libertarian think tank. The declaration was benign and relatively innocuous.

Yet, the declaration was suppressed and misrepresented by the media hivemind and the tech giants (“Conservatives Pull Google Into Their Plan to Let People Die”). By that time, a totalitarian mentality had set in—solidified in fact—prevalent primarily in persons who were politically left of center, which mindset explains the censorship and the hysterical attacks against both the creators of the Great Barrington Declaration and the arguments therein. Many doctors, unfortunately, have been infected with this totalitarian virus for which there is no cure in sight.

The originators of GBD were immediately attacked for their heresy, said attacks resorting primarily to ad hominem, such as their being arrogant for giving a medical opinion since they were doctors, and equating them with climate deniers, flat earthers, Q-Anon and Creationists.

Others implied that the signatories wanted people to die, while some parroted the mandatory “racism” mantra (“Perhaps the declaration’s most important omission is its failure to meaningfully acknowledge the disproportionate burden of this disease on persons of color” “These scientists want more young, healthy people infected by the coronavirus”).

Conservative Influencers Vow to Keep Reporting on Radical Gender Surgeries on Minors After 3 Medical Groups Demand DOJ Investigations By Debra Heine


Three major medical associations on Monday asked Attorney General Merrick Garland to investigate and prosecute people who are allegedly threatening, coordinating or provoking violence against children’s hospitals across the nation that provide irreversible sex change procedures on minors, including puberty blockers, chemical castration, and surgical amputations.

In addition to siccing the Justice Department on their detractors, the groups said they have also pressured social media platforms to censor “high profile users” who “share false and misleading information.”

The increasingly woke American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), American Medical Association (AMA) and the Children’s Hospital Association (CHA) wrote to Garland on Monday, claiming in a letter that “physicians are being targeted and threatened for providing evidence-based health care.”

Journalist Christopher Rufo, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, posted the letter onto Twitter:

“These attacks have not only made it difficult and dangerous for institutions and practices to provide this care, they have also disrupted many other services to families seeking care,” the letter states. “In one hospital, a new mother was prevented from being with her preterm infant because the hospital’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit was on lockdown due to a bomb threat.”

In August, there was a bomb threat against Boston Children’s Hospital, causing it to be locked down with patients and staff inside. A bomb squad discovered that there were no explosives on the premises. Last month, the FBI arrested the alleged perpetrator, 37-year-old Catherine Leavy of Westfield, Massachusetts.

AMA Demands DOJ “Investigate and Prosecute” Critics of Transgender Child Mutilation Daniel Greenfield.


When they get caught abusing children, the first resort of the leftist abusers, whether it’s the
National School Boards Association or the American Medical Association is to label their opponents ‘domestic terrorists’ and demand that the Biden administration use the DOJ to arrest and silence them.

The American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics has dispatched a letter to Biden’s Beria, AG Garland, claiming that the sexual mutilation of children for transgender purposes is threatened by a “campaign of disinformation, where a few high-profile users on social media share false and misleading information targeting individual physicians and hospitals”.

The AMA letter states that it’s working with Big Tech to censor critics and demands that Garland and his DOJ “take swift action to investigate and prosecute all organizations, individuals, and entities responsible.”

If you’re going to sexually mutilate little boys and girls while denying that sex exists, a little thing like the First Amendment isn’t going to get in your way.

If the AMA letter is anything like the NSBA letter, then it was already coordinated with AG Garland, Clarke and the rest of the Biden DOJ’s leadership, and it just serves as the trigger for the actions that the regime was going to implement anyway. Much like Soviet and Chinese Communist open letters are just the regime talking to itself, this is the same thing.

The letter does conclude by stating that the medical organizations involved are providing “gender-affirming care to children and adolescents.”

To children. Children.

This is the sort of admission that the pro-mutilation lobby was claiming was disinformation, now it’s just reality.

Trans treatments are the new lobotomy David Strom


It’s no secret that transitioning to something you are not is a fad.

By this I do not mean that nobody experiences genuine dysphorias that require treatment, and I freely admit that my experience and education are insufficient to the task of developing treatment plans for people who are genuinely suffering from what appears to me to be a serious mental health problem. Dancing around a bit more to cover myself, I will also emphasize that calling dysphoria a mental illness is not a slam or slander: mental health problems run in my family and they are serious conditions that need treatment.

Unfortunately, the science of treating mental illness is not especially good, and the treatments themselves have at times been cruel, destructive, and sometimes downright evil. Portuguese neurologist Egas Moniz invented the Frontal Lobotomy and won the Nobel Prize for doing so. Countless people, including children who were deemed too disruptive, suffered from permanent damage to their brains because of a fad.

Tens of thousands of lobotomies were performed, at first only on those suffering from schizophrenia and severe depression, but later on patients with chronic headaches as well as criminals and even children as young as four years old. Beulah Jones was an adult when she underwent the lobotomy in 1953. Her granddaughter, Christine Johnson, describes what she was like after the procedure.

Ms. CHRISTINE JOHNSON (Beulah Jones’ Granddaughter): She was strange because she would do things like rock in place. She didn’t make a lot of sense when she talked. And she didn’t talk about the same things that other adults talked about. She was–childlike is probably the best description.

Biden orders 171 million doses of fifth Covid booster with a safety study on a grand total of 8 mice By Thomas Lifson


Dr. Joseph Mercola reports on Substack:

August 31, 2022, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorized the reformulated COVID bivalent booster shots by Moderna and Pfizer1 — all without the required convening of its Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC), which would typically discuss or vote on the authorization or approval of a new vaccine.

Instead, the FDA pushed the matter before the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). ACIP met for eight hours September 1, 2022, and authorized the untested boosters 13-to-1.2 3 CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky endorsed the recommendation later that evening. (snip)

As explained in “What They’re Not Telling You About the New mRNA Boosters,” the emergency authorization of these reformulated boosters is based on nothing more than preliminary test results from a grand total of eight mice,6 and that data hasn’t even been released to the public. (snip)

A key take-home here is that efficacy against infection and severe disease has NEVER been ascertained. Those trials were not done for the original shot, and won’t be done for the reformulated boosters. Yet the efficacy of these boosters is assumed and declared as having been “proven” based on the original trials.

Talk about a circular argument! It’s just assumptions piled upon assumptions. Yet, based on the antibody response in eight mice alone, the Biden administration has now ordered 171 million doses of the two boosters.

This blog is not intended to offer medical advice. Always consult a physician you trust and inform yourself of all the facts making any medical decisions.

The “T” Piggybacking on the “LGB” Polls make clear that Americans across political persuasions have major reservations about “gender-affirming” care for minors and teaching gender-identity ideology in schools.Leor Sapir


Few issues these days inspire agreement among large swathes of voters from both parties, but one notable exception appears to be gender-identity policies.

Last April, a Marist poll commissioned by the organization Do No Harm asked 1,377 Americans about their views on the infiltration of “social justice” ideology into medicine. One question asked whether “minors who identify as transgender and want to undergo hormone treatment or gender transition surgery” should be able to do so “without parental consent,” “only with parental consent,” or not until adulthood (regardless of parental consent). Only 10 percent of all adults surveyed said that minors should be able to access these interventions without parental consent. Twenty-five percent said that parental consent should be required, and 60 percent said minors should never be subject to hormonal or surgical interventions in this context (5 percent were unsure). These findings more or less track with those from a recent New York Times/Siena Poll on (among other things) teaching “sexual orientation and gender identity” content in elementary schools, and it is reasonable to assume that the same people who believe it’s unacceptable for teachers to introduce first-graders to, say, the concept of “non-binary” also think that 12-year-old children should not be given puberty blockers for feeling like they were “born in the wrong body.”

It’s useful to compare the Marist poll with yet another recent poll, this one by Pew, which deals with gender-identity issues, as a way to illustrate the importance of how questions are phrased. The Pew poll asked whether it should be “illegal for health care professionals to provide someone younger than 18 with medical care for a gender transition.” Note how this phrasing avoids specifying the procedures (hormones and surgeries), uses terms like “professionals” and “medical care,” and shifts the focus from the procedures themselves to the issue of state involvement in the doctor-patient relationship. Unsurprisingly, public opinion was more evenly divided in the Pew poll, though a plurality still favored restrictions: 46 percent said they support making it illegal for providers to administer medical intervention, 30 percent opposed it, and 22 percent were undecided.