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If You’re the Right Race, Your Doctor Will See You Now Critical race theory in medicine can kill you. Daniel Greenfield


50 years after the end of the Tuskegee Experiments, the Biden administration brought back racism into medicine with a rule providing financial incentives to doctors embedding the horrifying racist ideas of Ibram X. Kendi into their practices.

The form of racism misleadingly described as “anti-racism” believes that all white people are evil and that any medical problems are the result of identity politics, not individual choices.

The racist Biden Medicare rule falsely claims that “systemic racism is the root cause for differences in health outcomes between socially defined racial groups” while demanding that “practice guidelines ” be “aligned with a commitment to anti-racism”.

Do No Harm, an organization formed to oppose the injection of critical race theory in medicine, filed a suit to oppose, what Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, chairman of Do No Harm, calls a  “discriminatory and illegal policy advocated by the likes of Ibram X. Kendi being imposed on our health care system.”’

This move is the latest effort by conservatives and traditional liberals to push back against the destructive incursion of critical race theory into medicine which harms patients, imposes political tests on medical professionals, and raises costs while lowering quality of care.

Monkeypox Business The Democrats’ new Pox Americana?Lloyd Billingsley


“We have had this monkeypox in large numbers in the past. We have vaccines to take care of it,” Joe Biden said Monday in Tokyo. “It is a concern in that if it were to spread it would be consequential. That’s all they told me.” Here Biden is likely referring to the federal Centers for Disease Control.

The CDC is monitoring six people in the United States for possible monkeypox infections. The six reportedly sat near an infected traveler who had symptoms on a flight from Nigeria to the UK early this month.

Other reports cite 80 confirmed cases worldwide, 50 suspected cases in the USA and others in Britain, Spain, Portugal, Sweden and Canada, all in people with no history of travel to Africa. At this writing, no monkeypox deaths have been reported but experts are puzzled.

With 80 confirmed cases of the disease worldwide, the U.S. has only confirmed a pair of cases after a man in Massachusetts was diagnosed with the disease. Another man in New York City reportedly tested positive.

“Monkeypox does not occur naturally in the United States,” the CDC explains, “but cases have happened that were associated with international travel or importing animals from areas where the disease is more common.” A 2003 “outbreak” traced to a shipment of animals from Ghana to Texas. The various African squirrels, mice, pouched rats, porcupines and such were “housed near prairie dogs” at a facility in Illinois.

Biden’s Covid Policy Is Incoherent — but That’s Politics By Charles C. W. Cooke

It sure as hell isn’t leadership.

Yesterday afternoon, I received an email from a family member who is coming to visit me in July. He was asking whether the United States still requires travelers from outside the country — including U.S. citizens — to provide proof of a negative Covid test before they may enter the country. I was halfway to saying that no, all that is over, when a little red flag went up in my head and prompted me to check the State Department’s website, where I learned that, actually, the United States does still insist upon this, and that it does so without exception.

The Biden administration’s position on Covid-19 is now perfectly absurd. It is evidently the official position of the federal government that the Covid-19 virus represents a sufficiently serious threat to Americans to justify testing fully vaccinated tourists before they may fly to the United States, but that the Covid-19 virus does not represent enough of a crisis to justify maintaining the Title 42 rules that govern how illegal immigrants are treated when they unlawfully cross the southern border. Speaking before Congress earlier this month, an attorney at the Justice Department, Jean Lin, insisted that Title 42 ought to “terminate as soon as practicable” on the grounds that it is an emergency health measure, not a permanent policy, and that it “is disrupting the processing of immigration laws that Congress enacted.” Legally, Lin is correct, but for her objection to have any force, the same rule must be applied to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services’ Covid-testing regime, which is also the product of an emergency health measure and which also disrupts the processing of immigration laws that Congress enacted. Ultimately, the Biden administration needs to decide: Do we have a crisis on our hands, or not? If we do not have a crisis on our hands, then all of our crisis measures ought to be rescinded forthwith. If we do have a crisis on our hands, then those measures ought to be maintained. Whichever course he picks, it must be consistent.

On student loans, the administration is equally incoherent. When President Biden is asked to justify his continuation of the “pause” in the collection of debt (“pause” is a curious word to use to describe a policy that has lasted longer than an entire Congress), he explains that there’s a pandemic raging, don’t you know, and that, anyhow, if he doesn’t keep extending the policy, “millions of student loan borrowers” will “face significant economic hardship, and delinquencies and defaults could threaten Americans’ financial stability.” Elsewhere, however, the economic picture Biden paints is rather rosy. “Our economy has gone from being on the mend to being on the move,” the president proposed last week. “And now, we’re outpacing the world.” This, Biden says, is the result of the “historic infrastructure investments, creating record job growth, and rebuilding our economy.” Apparently, we are expected to believe that the Biden-led, record-job-creating, on-the-move American economy is strong enough to be the envy of “the world,” but also so weak that to ask college graduates (whose unemployment rate is 2 percent) to resume paying back their loans would bring the whole thing crashing down. Convenient!

Woke Medicine: A Prescription for Disaster REVIEW: ‘Take Two Aspirin and Call Me By My Pronouns’ by Stanley Goldfarb, M.D.Christine Rosen


It is a popular sport among those on the progressive left to dismiss conservatives’ concerns about the spread of “woke” ideology (such as Critical Race Theory and “antiracism” training) in public education and corporate culture. Parents are scolded for suggesting that seeing the world through the “lens of CRT” or the factually challenged posturing of the 1619 Project might be harmful to their children’s education, and employees are chastised for questioning the effectiveness of new mandates on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. The implication is that only a racist would resist the new “antiracism.”

And yet, there is one arena in which woke thinking is not merely politically polarizing, but deadly. As Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, a nephrologist and associate dean for curriculum at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, writes in Take Two Aspirin and Call Me By My Pronouns, the “quiet woke revolution” that had been going on in medicine for some time “erupted in spring 2020 into a full-blown revolution”—one with ongoing negative consequences.

That year, in the wake of the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis and the ensuing protests, and amid a global pandemic, doctors and medical students began going well beyond their remit as physicians to embrace the role of social justice activists. “Led by a cadre of woke administrators who embraced the tenets of critical race theory, the medical establishment was committing itself to a misguided focus on anti-racism and equity in all aspects of the health-care system,” Goldfarb writes.

Groups of physicians organized under names such as White Coats for Black Lives, and issued manifestos that were little more than crypto-Marxist argle bargle: A June 2021 statement outlined the group’s mission of “dismantling dominant, exploitative systems in the United States, which are largely reliant on anti-Black racism, colonialism, cisheteropatriarchy, white supremacy, and capitalism,” for example. When “just what the doctor ordered” means a lecture on the harms of the cisheteropatriarchy, it is clear medicine has strayed far from its professional purpose.

Goldfarb makes short work of many of the faulty “antiracism” medical studies that take as their starting point the new popular assumption that medicine is racist.

Primary source of COVID misinformation is the feds, scientists and scholars tell surgeon general Academic freedom groups warn feds not to chill research that challenges conventional wisdom or adjudicate “properly scientific questions.”By Greg Piper


U.S Surgeon General Vivek Murthy recently asked the public how COVID-19 misinformation “in the digital information environment” had affected health outcomes, trust in the healthcare system and “likelihood to vaccinate,” among other issues.

According to vaccine and healthcare policy experts who joined with Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita, the misinformation is coming from inside the house.

They filed a comment in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) proceeding, accusing the CDC and other health organizations of promoting falsehoods and shoddy research that “shattered the public’s trust in science and public health,” which will “take decades to repair.”

Rokita and epidemiologists Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford School of Medicine and Martin Kulldorff, formerly of Harvard Medical School, also took aim at official government figures for COVID deaths that are repeatedly cited in the media.

“The government spent close to $5 trillion fighting COVID-19, but still can’t provide Hoosiers with an accurate number of deaths or hospitalizations from COVID-19,” Rokita said in a press release.

While the comment doesn’t mention National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci, the press release specifically calls him out for “misleading messages” about the abilities of vaccines, masks and asymptomatic testing to stop COVID transmission. 

Monkeypox: That unasked question By Monica Showalter


Scientists, it seems, are baffled by the unexplained appearance of the smallpox-like illness associated with rodents called “monkeypox” in the West which brings unsightly sores to the skin of those who are afflicted with it.

Long a disease seen mostly in parts of tropical Africa, it has now made appearances in the U.S. continental Europe, Canada, and the U.K., all at approximately the same time.

According to the Associated Press:

LONDON (AP) — As more cases of monkeypox are detected in Europe and North America, some scientists who have monitored numerous outbreaks in Africa say they are baffled by the unusual disease’s spread in the West.

Cases of the smallpox-related disease haven’t previously been seen among people with no links to central and West Africa. But in the past week, Britain, Spain, Portugal, Italy, U.S., Sweden and Canada all reported infections, mostly in young men who hadn’t previously traveled to Africa.

France, Germany, Belgium and Australia confirmed their first cases of monkeypox on Friday.

“I’m stunned by this. Every day I wake up and there are more countries infected,” said Oyewale Tomori, a virologist who formerly headed the Nigerian Academy of Science and who sits on several World Health Organization advisory boards.

“This is not the kind of spread we’ve seen in West Africa, so there may be something new happening in the West,” he said.

Viruses and bacterias, of course, can mutate, which could explain the sudden rate of the spread.

But the unasked question in all of the stories cited is how the disease got here to start with.

Biden’s Acting NIH Director Refuses To Condemn Chemically Castrating Kids Despite Irreversible Damage By: Jordan Boyd


Lawrence Tabak, the acting director of the National Institutes of Health, doubled down on the Biden administration’s push to institutionalize chemical castration and other gender experiments on children Tuesday after Republican Sen. Marco Rubio questioned him on the irreversible damage those dangerous procedures can cause.

As Rubio noted in the congressional hearing, so-called “gender transforming care” is “not an FDA-approved use for puberty blockers and hormone therapy” yet the Biden administration is openly endorsing it and pushing it on American minors.

“As NIH is America’s medical research agency, what work have we done to determine if this non-FDA approved use of these medicines, this off-label use of these medicines, is appropriate for minors seeking ‘gender transforming care?’” Rubio asked.

In response, Tabak parroted “observational” NIH-funded studies, some of which were specifically “designed to justify chemically sterilizing children who suffer from gender confusion or dysphoria,” as Jane Robbins and Erin Tuttle reported for The Federalist in 2018.

“NIH funds a small number of observational studies to gather the data on the effects of treatments that transgender youth and their parents have chosen. And there are also a small number of studies that describe the health issues and risks, including HIV, that are unique to these transgender youth. But all of the research in this space is observational. We do no interventional work,” Tabak said.

Biden Administration warns of new covid wave… just in time for fall midterm elections By Eric Utter


It’s an oldie but a goodie: the Biden Regime is telling us to brace ourselves for a new wave of Covid coming this fall…  just in time for the midterm elections. When something proves successful, you’d be a fool not to try it again, right? COVID fears led to mail-in balloting… which in turn allowed Biden to be “elected” president of the United States. Therefore, Democrats and their sycophants believe that reintroducing those fears can keep Congressional Democrats in power — against all odds. Perhaps lightning can strike twice. (Mules on your marks… get set… go!)

Without offering up any information to support the claim, a senior Biden Administration official recently projected that up to 100 million Americans – nearly 1/3 of the population – could get infected with COVID-19 COVID-20 COVID-21 COVID-22 this fall and early winter if Congress doesn’t provide more funding for vaccines and other treatments. And if they are allowed to vote in person, of course.

Given the staggeringly high rate of new cases among the fully vaccinated, that might not be too far-fetched. Several so-called “experts” agreed that another major Covid wave could be around the corner due to the waning efficacy of the various COVID vaccines.

A report in The Washington Post noted the warning by “a senior administration official” during a background briefing. The report stated: “In forecasting 100 million potential infections during a cold-weather wave later this year and early next, the official did not present new data or make a formal projection. Instead, he described the fall and winter wave as a scenario based on a range of outside models of the pandemic. Those projections assume that omicron and its subvariants will continue to dominate community spread, and there will not be a dramatically different strain of the virus, the official said, acknowledging the pandemic’s course could be altered by many factors.”

100 million, huh? Oddly enough, that’s just about the number of mail-in votes Democrats will likely receive in the mid-term elections. Weird how that works.

Medicine’s Tricky Operation: Grafting ‘Systemic Racism’ Onto Hard Science The antiracist movement wants more than just legitimacy. It wants unimpeachable scientific authority. By John Murawski


A few years ago, concepts such as “white supremacy,” “systemic racism,” and “structural intersectionality” were not the standard fare of prestigious medical journals. But a February special issue of Health Affairs, the Washington, D.C.-based peer-reviewed journal, analyzes racial health disparities not through biology, behavior, or culture, but through the lens of  “whiteness,” along with concepts such as power, systems of oppression, state-sanctioned violence, and critical race praxis—a sampling of terms that appear in the issue.

The Health Affairs special issue reflects the effort of “antiracist” scholars to transform concepts still considered speculative and controversial—and some say unprovable—into scientific fact. It  is being advanced by other high-profile publications as well, including the New England Journal of Medicine, the Journal of the American Medical Association, and Scientific American, which last year published articles entitled “Modern Mathematics Confronts Its White, Patriarchal Past” and “Denial of Evolution Is a Form of White Supremacy.”

But this scientific aspiration faces major challenges. Science demands verification, testability, and replicability, whereas race is a social construct that can be difficult to separate from factors like class or culture, and explaining the data often remains dependent on academic theories about systemic racism. The articles in Health Affairs indicate that elevating the concept of systemic racism from moral certitude to scientific fact will require developing new tools and methods.

We still need to learn the right lessons from America’s disastrous COVID response By John Tierney


More than a century ago, Mark Twain identified two fundamental problems that would prove relevant to the COVID pandemic. “How easy it is to make people believe a lie,” he wrote, “and how hard it is to undo that work again!”

No convincing evidence existed at the pandemic’s start that lockdowns, school closures and mask mandates would protect people against the virus, but it was remarkably easy to make the public believe these policies were “the science.”

Undoing this deception is essential to avoid further hardship and future fiascos, but it will be exceptionally hard to do. The problem is that so many people want to keep believing the falsehood.

Adults meekly surrendered their most basic liberties, cheered on leaders who devastated the economy and imposed two years of cruel and unnecessary deprivations on their children. They don’t want to admit these sacrifices were in vain.

They’re engaging in what social psychologists call “effort justification,” which has been observed in studies of painful initiation rituals for fraternities and other groups. Once people endure the pain, they convince themselves that it must have been worthwhile even when their reward is actually worthless.

If one brief bad experience can transform people’s thinking, imagine the impact of the pandemic’s ceaseless misery. It’s been a two-year-long version of Hell Week, especially in America’s blue states, with Anthony Fauci and Democratic governors playing the role of fraternity presidents humiliating the pledges.