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“If there is one film you’re going to watch to understand the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND is it!”
Col. Richard Kemp, Former Chief of Command of British Forces in Afghanistan
Todd Morehead, an American Christian with a deep love for Israel, sets off on a journey across the Holy Land to confront his indifference toward the Palestinians and to search for the deeper truths behind one of the most perplexing and polarizing conflicts in the world.
Along the way, he discovers the painful struggles of Jews, Muslims and Christians on both sides of the conflict. The result is an enlightening journey that exposes viewers to perspectives rarely seen in the media, and a challenge to a man’s heart to love his enemy.

The Hong Konger Documentary Is a Lesson on Freedom By Jack Wolfsohn about 12 hours ago T


The documentary, which focuses on imprisoned Hong Kong activist Jimmy Lai, sends an important message about the importance of preserving liberty and fighting tyranny.

The Acton Institute has released a new documentary called The Hong Konger: Jimmy Lai’s Extraordinary Struggle for Freedom. (National Review attended an exclusive screening of the film.) It sends an important message about the importance of preserving liberty and fighting tyranny.

The documentary tells the story of Hong Kong political activist Jimmy Lai. Lai left mainland China during the Maoist Revolution and fled to Hong Kong. There he founded Giordano, a clothing business that became hugely successful. A billionaire, Lai could have retired. However, fearing China’s predatory actions toward Hong Kong, he felt an obligation to engage in political activism on behalf of all Hong Kongers. Lai founded the pro-democracy tabloid Apple Daily in 1995, which was shut down in 2021 by the Hong Kong government. In its heyday, Apple Daily was one of the most-read newspapers in Hong Kong. Today, Jimmy Lai is sitting in a Chinese prison.

Reverend Robert Sirico, president emeritus of the Acton Institute, said to the audience attending the screening, “Jimmy’s story is one that cannot and will not die in a prison cell. That is what we intend to demonstrate with this documentary.”

The mad, bad and sad world of gender ideology Matt Walsh’s What is a Woman? exposes the delusions of the trans lobby. Jo Bartosch

“Ideological blindspots aside, What is a Woman? is a must-watch documentary, particularly for those new to the subject of transgenderism. It captures a strange moment in time when politicians, clinicians and the corporate world are gleefully promoting the lie that humans can change sex.”

‘Does a chicken have a gender identity? Does a chicken cry? Does a chicken commit suicide?’, coos Michelle Forcier, a consultant pediatrician at Hasbro Children’s Hospital, Rhode Island. These strange questions are not part of some surrealist theatrical performance – they are responses to conservative commentator Matt Walsh, in his new documentary, What is a Woman?.

In the film, Walsh travels the world asking a range of people, from leaders in the field of transgender medicine to members of the Maasai tribe in Kenya, to define the word ‘woman’. Tellingly, it is the Western gender experts who are unable to give a straight answer.

Spanning comedy and tragedy, What is a Woman? provides viewers with an insight into those promoting and supporting trans ideas. It makes for a compelling watch.

Walsh’s subjects can be broadly divided into three categories: the mad, the bad and the sad. First up is ‘gender-affirming’ therapist Gert Comfrey (they / them), a young woman with the glassy stare of a true believer in the gender god (he / him). She informs Walsh, who is at this point playing a Louis Theroux-style ingénue, that ‘some women have penises, some men have vaginas’. She ends the interview with an awkward feminine giggle, explaining that she isn’t herself a woman. This exchange happens while Comfrey is sitting on her vulva, and apparently speaking from her arse. To my mind, Comfrey should be assigned to the ‘mad’ category. Apparently well-intentioned but batty – she has got high on her own gender supply.

Top Gun, Maverick…The Right Stuff redux…a good thing By Patricia McCarthy


“The patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned.  When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.”

—Mark Twain

The new Tom Cruise movie that reboots his Top Gun film from thirty-six years ago is glorious.

While it may require a measure of suspension of disbelief, it is a blessedly old-fashioned celebration of America; of our formerly superb military; and, most important of all, of courageous American men — the kind of men that made this nation great, the kind of men (and one gutsy woman in the film) who are now disparaged as toxic.

There has not been a film quite like this since the original film except for The Right Stuff in 1983, one of the greatest of all time.  That film was based on the definitive book about the space program by Tom Wolfe.  It is a fabulous book.

The script for this new Top Gun is clearly based on the essential formula of The Right Stuff.  Top-notch skilled pilots, the best of the best, are brought together to be trained for a crucial but dangerous mission.  The Right Stuff was about the beginning of the supersonic transition to the American space program and the vetting of the men who would be our first astronauts.  Chuck Yeager, the man who first broke the sound barrier, was excluded because he lacked a college degree.

Netflix Gives Progressive Culture Warriors a Wake-Up Call By Charles C. W. Cooke


The efforts of a woke minority to impose its narrow preferences on the rest of the country by force appear finally to be meeting some resistance.

Netflix has discovered the magical healing power of “No.” In a “culture memo” that was distributed to its staff this week, the company said what every company of its type ought to have said a long, long time ago: “If you’d find it hard to support our content breadth, Netflix may not be the best place for you.”

There. That wasn’t so hard, was it?

It is remarkable that this ever needed saying. If you don’t like soft drinks, it should be perfectly obvious that a job at Coca-Cola is not ideal. If you don’t like cattle, it should be clear that ranch life isn’t for you. And if you don’t like people saying things with which you disagree, then you shouldn’t work at one of the world’s largest streaming services. Those who insist plaintively that they are “offended” have always deserved a heartfelt “so what?” And when the company for which they work is in the entertainment business, that “so what?” ought to be issued daily. “We support the artistic expression of the creators we choose to work with,” Netflix said in its memo. “We let viewers decide what’s appropriate for them, versus having Netflix censor specific artists or voices.” Translation: For the love of God, stop asking us to tailor our multibillion-dollar corporation to your pathetic, narcissistic, unfathomably irrelevant tastes, you fools.

Small though it may be, Netflix’s move portends a broader shift in corporate America and beyond — a shift that, once completed, is likely to alter our politics for the better.

Dinesh D’Souza’s ‘2000 Mules’: Ballot trafficking exposé has the evidence; can it get a hearing? Documentary leans on cell phone geotracking data and security camera video to expose hundreds of “mules” who stuffed ballot boxes at odd hours of the day in critical swing states in 2020.By Christian Toto


Dinesh D’Souza didn’t take any chances with his new documentary, “2000 Mules.”

The conservative filmmaker leaned on free speech-friendly platforms like Rumble and Locals.com to ensure his provocative challenge to election integrity got a fair hearing.

“2000 Mules” may be the most convincing, and explosive, evidence the 2020 Presidential election wasn’t as fair as we’ve been told.

“We are essentially keeping our boat away from the reef of censorship,” D’Souza says of his Big Tech strategy. “It’s at a high price … this is the most censored topic in America.”

“2000 Mules” enjoys a limited theatrical release (May 2, 4) before a virtual premiere May 7. You won’t find much about it, though, via D’Souza’s Facebook, Twitter or YouTube channels, despite his large followings on each.

“I didn’t put the trailer up on Facebook,” he says. “If I do it’ll be banned.” He is hopeful, however, that “2000 Mules” can thrive in a new, freer speech environment on Twitter following its recent purchase by Elon Musk.

Calling Musk’s Twitter “a liberated platform” evoking “Eastern Europe after the fall of the Berlin Wall,” he says, “I feel the excitement.”

The Ethnic Cleansing of the Pandits of Kashmir By Janet Levy


In Vivek Agnihotri’s recent film, The Kashmir Files, frenzied crowds of Muslims chant Raliv, galiv, chaliv! (Convert, leave, or die!) as Hindu Pandit families cower in their homes. Bands of Islamic militants gun down security personnel and walk into Pandit homes to loot, rape, and murder. Wearing Indian army uniforms, they walk into Pandit villages and refugee camps, trick the residents by saying they must move to a safer location, then line them up and shoot them.

The film is set in Kashmir in the early 1990s. By then, the Pandits had long been reduced to a minority—about 140,000, or three percent of the population—in the beautiful Kashmir valley, their homeland since at least the fourth century BCE. Since the late 1980s, Islamic militancy, in the guise of a freedom (Azadi), movement gained momentum. As Pakistan-backed militants unleashed a campaign of mass murder, rape, and gory atrocities such as sawing a woman alive, nearly 100,000 Pandits were forced to flee. Agnihotri composes some of the shocking events of that exodus into a unified story that has left audiences in India gasping—and angry that a compromised media never gave this ethnic cleansing due coverage.

Will Smith Apologizes for Slapping Chris Rock at Oscars By Zachary Evans


Will Smith has apologized for slapping Chris Rock at the Academy Awards on Sunday night, after the comedian told a joke about Smith’s wife, Jada Pinkett Smith.

“My behavior at last night’s Academy Awards was unacceptable and inexcusable. Jokes at my expense are a part of the job, but a joke about Jada’s medical condition was too much for me to bear and I reacted emotionally,” Smith said in a statement posted on his Instagram account on Monday evening.

“I would like to publicly apologize to you, Chris. I was out of line and I was wrong,” Smith added. “I am embarrassed and my actions were not indicative of the man I want to be.”

Smith closed his statement by saying “I am a work in progress.”

The False Gospel of the Enemies Within the Church By Janet Levy


An unholy crusade to infiltrate the bastions of Christianity and co-opt churches in the revolution began more than a hundred years ago

Christianity has been intricately intertwined with the history and development of America and greatly contributed to its strength.  Judeo-Christian morality, in fact, has been the compass and one of the most powerful influences on Western society.  So, the Marxists see Christianity as the main obstacle to overthrowing Westphalian principles of sovereignty. To them, the church is the most crucial institution to conquer to usher in the New World Order.  They know that if the churches fail – especially in America, which represents the phenomenal success of capitalism and individualism – the entire culture, including politics, will move to the Left. 

Most Americans will be surprised to learn that an unholy crusade to infiltrate the bastions of Christianity and co-opt churches in the revolution began more than a hundred years ago. It is now threatening to gain critical mass.

This danger is the subject of a new film, Enemies Within the Church, produced by Cary Gordon, Trevor Loudon, and Judd Saul.  It chronicles the destructive infiltration of the churches and the injection of “wokeism” — Marxism, social justice, Critical Race Theory, gender fluidity – into church doctrine.  The choir of radical Left ideology, having targeted and gradually co-opted the media, Hollywood, Big Tech, the unions, and the political parties, set its sights on penetrating and controlling the churches, a difficult, long-term endeavor.  And, as the film explains, the communists eventually succeeded in penetrating the Bible colleges, seminaries, and pulpits of many denominations to push Christianity in the direction they want.

Will Smith Strikes and Berates Chris Rock During Live Oscar Broadcast By Kyle Smith


Will Smith lost his temper after presenter Chris Rock made a joke about his wife’s haircut at the Oscars tonight. ABC apparently censored the moment by silencing the feed for a few seconds, but here’s what happened.

Jada Pinkett Smith, with a shaved head, was seated at a table up front with her husband Will. Rock: “Jada, I love you, G.I. Jane 2, can’t wait to see it!” Will Smith then came up on stage, appeared to strike Rock, and the audience seemed to react as though this were a scripted bit. But Smith twice shouted, “KEEP MY WIFE’S NAME OUT YOUR F***IN MOUTH!” and the crowd went silent. I don’t think Smith’s reaction was scripted. UPDATE: Jada Pinkett Smith suffers from alopecia, a condition that causes hair loss.

Here’s the moment as someone caught it without ABC’s censorship. Warning: profanity.