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EPIC FAIL: Anderson Cooper Tries to Convince Texas Women That Trump Is a Racist By Megan Fox


In yet another CNN attempt to make people from south of D.C. look stupid and racist, Anderson Cooper and his crew gathered up eight Republican women from Texas and tried to harass them into agreeing that the president said a racist thing by telling AOC and her cronies to leave America if they don’t like it.

It went hilariously sideways. I especially like the part where the CNN “reporter” asks the leading question, “don’t you think that’s racist?” in a condescending and outraged tone.

Note to CNN: This crap doesn’t work anymore. Everyone was bored and now they’re getting angry. You can see it in their faces. Everyone knows that the Trump tweet the media is so desperate to condemn in every corner of America is equal to a bumper sticker slogan that has existed forever. No one is shocked by Trump repeating the same joke we tell about celebrities who promise to leave the country every time a Republican is elected. There’s nothing racist about pointing out the obvious. If America is that bad and immoral and worthy of constant scorn then GET THE HELL OUT.

They all should go, American or not, to whatever socialist hell hole they can find where they’ll be happier. It’s really out of love we suggest this. They’re so miserable! We want nothing but their happiness and some peace and quiet. Luckily for them, the wall doesn’t stop anyone from leaving. CONTINUE AT SITE

Congressman Al Green Forces Impeachment Vote By John McCormack


On Tuesday night, after the House voted to condemn as racist President Trump’s recent tweets about four Democratic congresswomen, Democratic congressman Al Green of Texas introduced an impeachment resolution.

“There will be a vote,” Green said Tuesday night. “There will be a vote to either table [it], send it to committee, or allow it to go forward.”

Green’s impeachment resolution doesn’t say anything about the Mueller investigation or Russia. It is solely focused on Trump’s comments about immigrants and the bigoted comments directed toward four Democratic congresswomen.

Green’s impeachment resolution states: 

In maintenance and support of its impeachment against him for high misdemeanors committed as president, constituting harm to American society, to the manifest injury of the people of the United States. Article 1, the House of Representatives on July 16, 2019 strongly condemned President Donald Trump’s racist comments that have legitimatized and increased fear and hatred of new Americans and people of color by saying that our fellow Americans who are immigrants and those who may look to the president like immigrants, should go back to other countries, by referring to immigrants and asylum seekers as invaders. And by saying that members of Congress who are immigrants or those of our colleagues who are wrongly assumed to be immigrants, do not belong in Congress or in the United States of America.

In all of this, the aforementioned Donald John Trump has by his statement, brought the high office of the President of the United States in contempt, ridiculed, disgraced and disrepute, has sown seeds of discord among the people of the United States, has demonstrated that he is unfit to be president and has betrayed his trust as President of the United States to the manifest injury of the people of the United States. And has committed a high misdemeanor in office.

A Third of Dems Believe Any White Politician Who Criticizes a Politician of Color is Racist By Matt Margolis


On Wednesday, Rasmussen released a very disturbing poll that found “one-in-three Democrats think it’s racism any time a white politician criticizes a politician of color.”

While 80% of Democrats believe the president is a racist, 85% of Republicans think the racism charges by his opponents are politically motivated. Voters not affiliated with either major party are evenly divided on the question.

Thirty-two percent (32%) of Democrats, however, say it’s racist for any white politician to criticize the political views of a politician of color. That’s a view shared by just 16% of both GOP and unaffiliated voters.

Among all voters, 22% think it’s racist if a white politician criticizes the political views of a politician of color. Sixty-eight percent (68%) disagree, while 10% are undecided.

But only 11% believe the term “racism” refers only to discrimination by white people against minorities. Eighty-four percent (84%) say racism refers to any discrimination by people of one race against another. These findings have changed little in surveys for the last six years.

Mark Esper headed for quick confirmation for head of Defense Department after acing largely bipartisan Senate hearing by Jamie McIntyre


Mark Esper, President Trump’s fallback nominee to head the Defense Department, did everything he needed to do yesterday to win quick and easy confirmation. With one notable exception (more on that below), he cruised effortlessly through his 2 hour, 45 minute hearing before the Armed Services Committee, telling the senators just what they wanted to hear, reassuring them he would work on their concerns, and generally showing a deep understanding of the issues facing the U.S. military.

For the most part the hearing was a bipartisan lovefest, beginning with the introduction of the nominee by Democratic former vice presidential candidate Sen. Tim Kaine, who compared Esper to Jim Mattis, the widely-respected previous defense secretary, who resigned last December over policy differences with the president.

“Most of us were very discouraged by the resignation of Secretary Mattis. And what we’ve hoped for is a successor who could show the same level of candor and principle and a willingness to remain independent even in the most challenging circumstances,” Kaine said at the start of the hearing. “I believe that Dr. Esper has those traits.”

IN THE MOLD OF MATTIS: Though lacking Mattis’ résumé as a decorated general and legendary commander, Esper does have a solid military background, having spent 10 years on active duty and another 11 years in the Guard. During the 1991 Persian Gulf War, he served as an infantry officer with the Army’s 101st Airborne Division.

And while Esper was not exactly a protégé of Mattis, he has adopted his positions, including Mattis’s three “lines of effort” to move the Pentagon into the 21st century, namely to build a more lethal force, strengthen alliances, and reform the Pentagon to free up resources.

Michigan Democrat Gary Peters asked Esper point-blank, “Would you be a secretary of defense with views more aligned with Secretary Mattis or more aligned with President Trump?”

“I don’t know where to pick between the two,” Esper said, “but clearly I shared Secretary Mattis’ views and I’ve expressed that publicly.” Pressed by Peters about whether he might also consider resigning on principle if asked to support a policy counter to his values, Esper said, “Absolutely,” adding “In the Army, I grew up with this view that you’re asked to do anything that is illegal, or immoral, or unethical, then that would be the point at which you have to consider resignation and you’d be willing to do that.”

Radical Squad Refuses To Condemn Antifa Firebomb Attack Against ICE The Left unveils its heart of darkness. Matthew Vadum


Prominent radical left-wing Democrat lawmakers are refusing to condemn an Antifa terrorist’s attempted firebombing of a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention facility in Tacoma, Washington, over the weekend.

Many Democrats have been demanding the abolition of ICE for the past year and in recent months they have begun comparing ICE agents to Nazis.

Now the four first-term small-c communist Democrat congresswomen who have come to be known collectively as “The Squad” for their strident over-the-top attacks on Republicans and for their aggressive opposition to the House Democrat leadership, especially Speaker Nancy Pelosi are remaining silent about the terrorist attack.

The four lawmakers – Reps. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts – who like Antifa reflexively label people they don’t like “racist,” have become the guiding lights of their party dragging it ever leftward, and likely into electoral oblivion.

At Townhall, Katie Pavlich documented how Omar, Ocasio-Cortez, and Pressley refused to condemn the attacks when approached by reporters.

Omar refused to comment. Previously she has made light of the 9/11 attacks and praised al-Qaeda.

Ocasio-Cortez, who has called ICE detention facilities “concentration camps” also refused to comment.

Similarly, Pressley refused to comment on the attack but she did condemn reporter Caleb Hull for standing too close to her while asking questions she refused to answer, accusing him of “a lack of journalistic integrity” for “not respecting her physical space.”

The Labyrinthine Ways and Wages of Stefan Halper By Eric Felten


Stefan Halper, the shadowy Cambridge academic who may have helped the FBI spy on the Trump campaign, was paid more than $1 million by a U.S. agency for research papers of dubious value, according to a new government report. But even as it shed new light on Halper’s work, the report left unanswered central questions about his Trump-Russia role and raised new ones about the circuitous winds on which Washington dollars manage to fly out the window.

In the months leading up to the 2016 election, Halper famously approached and questioned – sometimes amiably, sometimes aggressively — two men who became linchpins of the now-debunked Trump-Russia conspiracy theories: George Papadopoulos, whose supposed knowledge of Russian “dirt” on Hillary Clinton allegedly sparked the FBI’s official probe of the Trump campaign, and Carter Page, whose Russian connections led the Department of Justice to wiretap him.

The report, completed by the Department of Defense inspector general, does not address Halper’s interaction with Papadopoulos and Page, nor does it question or answer whether Halper was a spy, a confidential human source, or just a curious professor. But it makes clear that Halper signed his richest contract award with the Department of Defense’s Office of Net Assessment — $411,575 for two studies on China’s economy — on Sept. 26, 2016, around the time Halper was meeting with Page and Papadopoulos.

Deranged Leftists Surround Lone Conservative Outside Aurora ICE Facility: By Debra Heine


Unhinged, profanity-spewing, anti-American agitators verbally abused a conservative activist over the weekend when she took a stand outside the Colorado ICE facility where protesters took down the American flag and replaced it with a Mexican flag. “You’re a “f*cking b*tch!” one protester screamed in the conservative’s face. “You’re a stupid-ass, privileged-ass b*tch!”

In addition to taking down Old Glory on Friday, protesters participating in the “March to Close Concentration Camps” in Aurora, also wrote “Abolish ICE” on a “Blue Lives Matter” flag and hoisted it upside down next to the Mexican flag.

According to Denver-based political pundit Ashley StClair, members of Aurora’s City Council were in attendance when the leftists replaced the American flag with the Mexican flag.

Ashley StClair @stclairashley
“As if the situation at Aurora ICE couldn’t get any worse, members of Aurora City Council were in attendance while the US flag was being replaced with the Mexico flag. These elected officials watched silently as deranged protestors disrespected our flag, troops, & law enforcement.”

Jihadist Evil Unites with Leftist Evil By Eileen F. Toplansky


The Left has historically despised Jews, Judaism, Zionism, and Israel.  So it is quite ironic that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez employs the language of the Holocaust in discussing open borders where illegals are coming in by the thousands. Not only does she besmirch the memory of those who were murdered for being Jewish, she displays an abysmal ignorance of the horror of the Holocaust.

But she is emblematic of the fact that “two-thirds of American millennials surveyed in a recent poll cannot identify what Auschwitz is.” Thus, “according to a study released on Holocaust Remembrance Day… knowledge of the genocide that killed 6 million Jews during World War II is not robust among American adults.” And this lack of education is not limited to America.

So this historically ignorant woman bandies words like concentration camps with zero comprehension of what she is saying.  The abuse of language and the distortion of historical events is standard operating practice among Leftists, who simply do not care about facts and credible sources as they clamor for illegal aliens to flood our borders to shore up their own political base. 

For if they are truly troubled about victims, they are strangely mute when it comes to speaking on behalf of the Yazidis and the Christians who are being slaughtered by Muslims throughout the world.  But these beleaguered groups do not advance the Left’s agenda of destroying America.

I refuse to use the acronym AOC since it elevates this woman’s status.  The photo-ops of Ocasio-Cortez’s faux anger and angst camouflage her true nature.  The drama queen claims to be “the boss” as she displays her craven arrogance.  She ignores that these illegals are choosing to come to America — whereas Jews and others deemed “unfit to live” were rounded up by the Nazis and herded into concentration/extermination camps where they were slaves and ultimately gassed and burnt.  But as Kevin D. Williamson has written “[t]he Jews can be whatever their enemies need them to be.”


From: Beto O’Rourke

Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2019, 9:22:19 PM EDT
Subject: Rose and Eliza

I was recently given documents showing that both Amy and I are descended from people who owned slaves. Along with other possessions listed in their property log were two human beings, Rose and Eliza.

A paternal great-great-great grandfather of mine, Andrew Cowan Jasper, owned these two women in the 1850s. There are also records showing that a maternal great-great-great grandfather, Frederick Williams, most likely owned slaves in the 1860s (“most likely,” because we are not certain that the Frederick Williams who is my ancestor and the Frederick Williams who owned slaves are the same person, but there’s enough circumstantial data to lead me to conclude that it’s likely).

Records also showed that Amy had an ancestor who owned slaves and another who was a member of the Confederate Army.

Something that we’ve been thinking about and talking about in town hall meetings and out on the campaign — the legacy of slavery in the United States — now has a much more personal connection.

Ownership of other human beings conferred advantages not just to Andrew Jasper and Frederick Williams, but to Jasper’s and Williams’ descendants as well. They were able to build wealth on the backs and off the sweat of others, wealth that they would then be able to pass down to their children and their children’s children. In some way, and in some form, that advantage would pass through to me and my children.

That those enslaved Americans owned by my ancestors were denied their freedom, denied the ability to amass wealth, denied full civil rights in America after slavery also had long term repercussions for them and their descendants.



“The most important thing to keep in mind about reparations is that it is never going to happen.No Congress is going to pass, and no President is going to sign, a bill that takes money from the great majority of American voters to pay a debt they don’t feel they owe.” Thomas Sowell “Risks of Slave Reparations Campaign” aUGUST 4, 2001                                                                                     

Periodically, the issue of reparations resurfaces, brought on not by those who might stand to gain, but by politicians who see political advantage in issues that never come to fruition, like immigration or climate, neither of which they would like to resolve, as long as they serve a higher purpose – their re-election.

Slavery was the blemish on our founding. Most of the Founding Fathers understood that. Nevertheless, the decision made was to proceed with unification of thirteen separate states under a Constitution and Bill of Rights to which all attendees agreed. Was it perfect? No, because it allowed the practice of slavery to continue. But liberty was the essence of our founding. It was understood by the Founders that at some point a Civil War would have to be fought, but they wanted to delay that inevitability until the Union had solidified into a unified and respected country. They knew it would have to be able to withstand the rending of its heart, which a civil war would cause. As the first half of the 19thCentury advanced, it became obvious that the cancer that was slavery did not fit a country whose values were based on individual freedom. The abolitionist movement grew stronger and advocates of slavery more isolated. It was felt that if the curse of slavery persisted it would mean dissolution of the union. But if it were abolished the union would be preserved, even though the cost would be high and the time for healing long.

In 1775, slavery was to be found in most of the northern states. As late as 1820, there were still an estimated 20,000 slaves in New York. But by 1860, slavery had been abolished in the north. Virginia had fewer slaves in that year than they did in 1820. It was not that they had been freed but were sold to cotton plantations in the deep south. And, while northerners railed against slavery, some were conflicted. For example, cotton brokers in New York became wealthy selling the slave-produced commodity to buyers in England.