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A second look at recent attacks on Jews in New York City By Avrohom Gordimer


“Orthodox Jewish man assaulted in Brooklyn.”

This headline has become the norm these days, as recent attacks on Jews in their New York City neighborhoods have become increasingly common and quite numerous.   

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio blames this uptick in anti-Semitism on right-wing ideologies. But considering that the attackers are uniformly black and Hispanic, the mayor seems to be a bit off, to put it kindly. (Furthermore, judging from the videos – such as this, this, and this — I would not bet on the attackers having any ideology, much less knowing what the word even means.)

Aside from the fact that the issue is not being given any attention by the usual human-rights groups, who do not hesitate to fly to the U.S. southern border in order to try to find hints of abuse and discrimination against migrants housed in federal government facilities, but who do not seem to care when conservative-voting Jews in New York City are bloodily battered, those who reject be Blasio’s sorely misinformed spin on the issue are likewise without answers.          

I am far from one to whitewash or dismiss anti-Semitism, but I think that many people in this case are barking up the wrong tree.

Mattis: Obama Failed to Respond to Iran Bomb Plot on U.S. Soil Because of Nuclear Deal By Matt Margolis


After the surprise resignation of Secretary of Defense James Mattis last December, Democrats were quick to politicize the news, and have certainly been hoping ever since that Mattis would provide them with new information they could use to attack Donald Trump. He does have a memoir coming out, Call Sign Chaos: Learning to Lead, but it looks like it’s Barack Obama and Joe Biden who get the bulk of the criticism.

Prior be being Secretary of Defense under Trump, Mattis served as commander of U.S. Central Command under Obama and Biden. Mattis had predicted that Iran would continue to provoke the United States. Mattis’s warning went ignored, and when Iran committed an act of war on American soil, he was not told about it, and the United States never responded to it.

The duty officer at his Tampa, Florida, headquarters on Oct. 11, 2011 told him that the attorney general and FBI director had held a press conference to announce the arrest of two Iranians who had planned a bomb attack on Cafe Milano, a high-end restaurant in Washington that was a favorite of the rich and famous, including Saudi Arabia’s ambassador, Adel al-Jubeir.

As Mattis writes, “Attorney General Eric Holder said the bombing plot was ‘directed and approved by elements of the Iranian government and, specifically, senior members of the Qods Force.’ The Qods were the Special Operations Force of the Revolutionary Guards, reporting to the top of the Iranian government.”

Answering ‘Deputy Hamas’ Muslim Federation Director Nezar Hamze confronts me with lies and revisionist history. Joe Kaufman


Recently, this author’s non-profit charitable organization, the Joe Kaufman Security Initiative (JKSI), issued a video about the Executive Director of the South Florida Muslim Federation (SFMF) Nezar Hamze and how he – a radical Muslim and former CAIR operative – should not be serving as a Deputy Sheriff in one of the most prominent law enforcement agencies in the US. Upset about the video, Hamze chose to take shots at my work by calling me a liar. Yet, what Hamze is calling lies are actually 100% true. In fact, in his attempt to defame me, Hamze issued his own set of lies, which will be exposed here for all to see.

Hamze’s first accusation was that I lied about his parents being from Lebanon or, as he put it, being “born” in Lebanon. I had answered one of the viewers of our video stating, “[W]hile his parents are from Lebanon, he was born in the US.” Hamze commented, “[A]nother lie my ‘Parents’ we’re [sic] not born in Lebanon Joe… You get most of your information from anti-Muslim websites and the other ‘facts’ you get are twisted lies.” Note: Never, did I say Hamze’s parents were born in Lebanon – only that they were from Lebanon.

According to the Broward/Palm Beach New Times, “Hamze, a 39-year-old father of four, is the son of Lebanese immigrants.” According to Salon.com, “His father came to the United States from Lebanon during the civil war there.” Neither of these quotes are from publications that would be considered anti-Muslim. Indeed, they are from two puff pieces written about Hamze that quote Hamze amply. Furthermore, Hamze’s mother, Cherylann Morris, posted on her Facebook page that, while she lives in West Linn, Oregon, she is from Brummana, Lebanon.

Rape, Anti-Semitism and Assaulting Cops Will Get You a State Job in Jersey Something’s really rotten in the state of the Democrats. Daniel Greenfield


NAACP President Jeffrey Dye had a record of threatening his brother with a knife, getting caught with six bags of crack cocaine, assaulting police officers on two separate occasions, so of course he was appointed to work for the New Jersey Department of Labor & Workforce Development.

Governor Phil Murphy’s Dem administration had previously appointed Al Alvarez, his guy in charge of Latino and Muslim outreach, accused of trying to rape one of his staffers during the campaign, as chief of staff the New Jersey Schools Development Authority. The last time Dye had gotten in trouble was when he had been charged with aggravated assault after a confrontation with 3 police officers in 2007.

That’s not counting the time he failed to file campaign finance reports while running for public office.

Dye morphed into a perennial Democrat candidate, running and losing one election after another, and headed Passaic’s NAACP chapter. As Rachel Dolezal, a white woman claiming to be black, who headed the Spokane NAACP chapter, showed the organization doesn’t have high standards for chapter leaders.

But Dye met the most crucial standard that the Murphy administration cared about. He supported Phil Murphy. You can be a rapist or threaten your brother with a knife, all you need to do is back Phil.

Phil is a former Goldman Sachs exec, DNC finance chair and Obama’s Ambassador to Germany.

Last year, Dye’s NAACP announced that it was honoring Marcellus Jackson at its “2nd Annual Freedom Fund Community Service Award Luncheon.” It mentioned that Marcellus, a former Passaic City Council member, was working as a special assistant in the Department of Education’s Office of Civic and Social Engagement. The reason Marcellus was a former member of the Passaic City Council was because the FBI had busted him for taking bribes and he was sentenced to 25 months in prison.

Storming Back to the Impeachment Charade By Andrew C. McCarthy


Jerry Nadler claims to be conducting an impeachment inquiry, but his committee has never actually voted to have one. Here’s why.

Elections have consequences. This was a point we tried to make many times in the run-up to the 2018 midterm elections. The Democrats won control of the House fair and square. That means they get to drive the agenda.

Their agenda, kinda sorta, is the impeachment of President Trump — which is to say, the quixotic quest to build political support for it. According to the Washington Post, that effort is about to sink deeper into farce: Hearings on Stormy Daniels and the hush-money payments to conceal trysts that Donald Trump had — allegedly, of course — a decade before he ran for president.

Such a quest is a two-edged sword, though. If this is how the Democrats choose to spend the public’s time and money, they must be accountable for it. They must be pressured to demonstrate the courage of their anti-Trump convictions. So far, for all the bluster, they’ve gotten away with cowardice.

Most of the impeachment quasi-action is in the Judiciary Committee, chaired by Representative Jerrold Nadler (D., N.Y.). We have to qualify the word “action” because, while Nadler claims to be conducting an impeachment inquiry, his committee has never actually voted to have one.

This reflects the political needle Democrats cannot thread.

Senator Ron Wyden: (D_OR)Mark Zuckerberg Should Face Prison Time For Privacy Lapses By Tristan Justice


U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) suggested last week that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg should face jail time for his company’s mishandling of user data that allegedly violated privacy laws.

“Mark Zuckerberg has repeatedly lied to the American people about privacy,” Wyden complained to the Willamette Week. “I think he ought to be held personally accountable, which is everything from financial fines to – and let me underline this – the possibility of a prison term. Because he hurt a lot of people.”

Wyden justified the suggested punishment by likening the crime to offenses committed by those who work in the finance industry.

“There is precedent for this: in financial services: if the CEO and the executives lie about the financials, they can be held personally accountable,” Wyden argued.

Wyden put out a draft bill last year to penalize executives who mishandle user data with up to 10 to 20 years in prison. The Oregon senator has been one of the central figures in Washington D.C. leading the effort to enhance federal regulation of big tech. In April, Wyden requested that the Federal Trade Commission hold Zuckerberg “individually accountable” for “repeated violations of Americans’ privacy.”

“Given Mr. Zuckerberg’s deceptive statements, his personal control over Facebook, and his role in approving key decisions related to the sharing of user data, the FTC can and must hold Mr. Zuckerberg personally responsible for these continued violations,” Wyden wrote in a letter to the agency.

Blasey Ford Attorney Admits Abortion Support ‘Motivated’ Anti-Kavanaugh Accusations !!!!!By Mollie Hemingway


The attorney for a woman who made unsupported allegations of sexual assault against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh admitted that she and her client Christine Blasey Ford were motivated by their support for abortion. The admission, first reported in Ryan Lovelace’s new reported book “Search and Destroy: Inside the Campaign Against Brett Kavanaugh,” was confirmed with video footage.

Tarnishing the reputation of a justice who would have the power to overturn abortion law Roe V. Wade “is part of what motivated Christine,” her attorney Debra Katz said. “Elections have consequences, but he will always have an asterisk next to his name,” she said of Kavanaugh.

Kavanaugh’s nomination for the Supreme Court was nearly derailed by last-minute unsubstantiated allegations that he had attempted to rape Ford when they were in high school decades prior. She said she feared he might kill her as well.

No evidence emerged in support of the allegations, and the four witnesses Ford named all denied any knowledge of the incident. She said she was unable to remember the date or location of the alleged event, or any other specific information that could be independently evaluated. The witnesses, who included Ford’s lifelong friend Leland Keyser, said they remembered no such event, even though some of them remembered the summer in question quite well.

Squad Dems Raise Money to Help Activists Arrested in Boston, Including Antifa Goons Who Assaulted Cops Debra Heine


Far-left Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ayanna Pressley lent a helping hand to violent antifa agitators over the weekend after a number of them were arrested on assault and battery charges.

The two “Squad” members urged their followers on Twitter to contribute to the bail fund for the “counter-protesters” who tangled with law enforcement while protesting the Straight Pride Parade in Boston on Saturday. A masked Antifa protester told reporters that the violence was necessary in order to shut up Straight Pride marchers.

The FundRazr page said that the monies raised would go toward “any legal fees, as well as supplies for jail support.”

The purpose of the parade was to “take a stand for free speech and demonstrate that the ‘oppressed majority’ of straight Americans have just as much right to celebrate their sexuality as does the LGBTQ community,” organizer John Hugo told the Boston Herald. Organizers insisted that the parade was open to “all races, genders and sexual orientations.”

AOC urged her followers to contribute to the crowdfunding campaign to “support the local LGBTQ community impacted by Boston’s white supremacist parade.” Pressley thanked the “allies & accomplices who stood in the gap & laid their bodies on the line …”

The FundRazr page said that “fascists and white supremacists, under the front organization Super Happy Fun America, are descending on Boston,” vowing that “Boston will repel them with beautiful and bold direct action!”

Obama at Columbia – Or Was He? Revelations from George Stephanopoulos, Newsweek, and Columbia grads from Israel. Lloyd Billingsley


The recent DOJ report on James Comey, the ongoing FISA investigation, and the probe of the Russia-collusion investigators under John Durham are all pointing back to POTUS 44, formerly known as Barry Soetoro. He wanted to know how Peter Strzok and Lisa Page of the FBI’s coup clan were doing. In similar style, designated prevaricator Susan Rice is on record that 44 wanted the counterintelligence operation to be done “by the book.” It didn’t exactly work out that way.

As investigators probe what the president knew, and when he knew it, other revelations about the former Barry Soetoro have managed to escape notice. This lapse comes despite massive revelations from his own handlers.

According to official biographer and Pulitzer winner David Garrow, the defining Dreams from My Father is not a memoir or biography. It is a novel, and in this work of historical fiction the author is a “composite character.” The implications proved alarming to fans and family alike.

The president, “spent the first 20 years of his life going by the nickname Barry,” the former First Lady explains in the 2018 Becoming. “Somewhere along the way, though, he’d stepped into the fullness of his birth name – Barack Hussein Obama.”  Michelle does not note that, in all his writings from 1958 to 1964, the Kenyan Barack Obama mentions nothing about an American wife and Hawaiian-born son. Becoming portrays the future president as an “exceptional” and “gifted” student who “worshipped books.” At Columbia he “consumed volumes of political philosophy as if it were beach reading.”

Snowflake crybully wants people to stop wearing red caps because she feels triggered by MAGA hats By Thomas Lifson


“Don’t you love the appropriation of the title “normal” by someone who cannot cope with a primary color? ”

Normally, I wouldn’t comment on a ridiculous demand from a leftist who feels triggered by something conservatives do and wants everyone to change his behavior so her emotional stability won’t be threatened any longer.  But this snowflake bully is a serious author, a winner of many literary awards, and the demand is utterly, mind-bogglingly stupid.

Check out what Rebecca Makkai wants (language warning):

Rebecca Makkai ✔ @rebeccamakkai

Is anyone else made really uncomfortable these days by anyone wearing any kind of red baseball cap? Like, I see one and my heart does weird shit and then I finally realize it only says Titleist or whatever. Maybe don’t wear red caps anymore, normal people?

She doubled down on her idiocy:

If you’re here to be contrary: an equivalent here would be western Hindus choosing not to use the swastika symbol in public despite it being sacred to their faith because it would offend/frighten people. The red hat has become a symbol of hate bc of how its wearers act.

I suppose that Ms. Makkai will gain literary luster for her display of solipsism, because she has a new complaint against deplorable Trump-supporters.  Such is the level of corruption of our cultural elites.