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Comey Escaped This Time But His Day Should Come Thomas Farnan


Lost in the reaction to the news that former FBI Director James Comey will not be prosecuted for being an insufferable jerk is that the inspector general established, once and for all, that yes, James Comey is in fact an insufferable jerk.

Which means, at a minimum, Trump was right to fire him.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller could not decide whether firing Comey violated federal laws against obstruction of justice. Inspector General Michael Horowitz answered that question with a resounding, “Are you kidding me, Bob?” He wrote:

Comey violated FBI policy and the requirements of his FBI Employment Agreement . . . Comey set a dangerous example for the over 35,000 current FBI employees . . . Comey’s closest advisors used the words “surprised,” “stunned,” “shocked,” and “disappointment” to describe their reactions to learning what Comey had done.

This is only the leak case, remember: the one where Comey got the New York Times, CNN, and MSNBC to report his psycho-fantasies by putting them into an official-looking memo and leaking them through a Columbia law professor.

The reason he was not prosecuted was that it would just cause problems to designate as “classified” the anti-Trump porn he dreamed up and locked in a safe at his house. United States v. Comey in this instance would only elevate his mad ranting to a national secret.

Don’t Forget the Ukraine Angle

The real crime is that Comey lent the credibility of the FBI to bolster a ridiculous smear fabricated by the Democratic National Committee to undermine the Trump campaign and then his presidency. If we cannot prosecute that crime, we are a banana republic.

The Humanitarian Hoax of the New World Order: Killing America With Kindness – hoax 45 by Linda Goudsmit


http://goudsmit.pundicity.com http://lindagoudsmit.com

The Humanitarian Hoax is a deliberate and deceitful tactic of presenting a destructive policy as altruistic. The humanitarian huckster presents himself as a compassionate advocate when in fact he is the disguised enemy.

Every natural force on Earth from fire to nuclear energy has the potential for construction or destruction. This inherent duality presents man with moral choices between construction and destruction. Traditional Judeo-Christian morality deems construction good and destruction bad. What happens when the accepted foundational morality of society is challenged by a competing narrative that insists construction is bad and destruction is good? Let’s find out.

Societies as small as families and as large as nation states are organized by accepted principles codified into written or unwritten laws accepted by member units. When societies abide by the accepted rules they are considered to be at homeostasis – they are at peace and in balance. When a competing narrative intrudes, the society becomes destabilized and must either accept or reject the competing ideology to regain balance, peace, and homeostasis.

Traditionally, American culture derives its stability and moral authority from its Judeo-Christian tradition, Constitutional law, and parental authority in the family unit. God, government, and family are the triptych of American culture and the foundations for America’s extraordinary ordered liberty. America’s triptych is the artwork of American greatness and portrays the triad that supports our unparalleled freedom and prosperity.

Today’s radical leftist Democrat party is challenging the foundational American triptych and is attempting to repaint its panels with socialism. Here is the problem.

In politics it is essential that policies be analyzed and evaluated with rational objectivity – when they are not, the consequence is belief in the unbelievable. I call this political mysticism – the belief in the politically impossible. “Democratic” socialism is the 21st century’s political mysticism seducing Americans with promises of heaven on Earth. Millennials disenchanted with the religious teachings of their Judeo-Christian heritage are searching for answers to man’s moral dilemma elsewhere. Some find it in supremacist religious Islamic sharia law. Others are duped by leftist radical Democrats advocating the political mysticism of secular democratic socialism.

Ignoring anti-Semitic assaults signals that Jewish blood doesn’t matter when it can’t easily be politically exploited by Philip Klein |


Last month, Tablet’s Armin Rosen wrote a disturbing piece on the rise of hate crimes against identifiable Jewish New Yorkers, writing, “Jews are routinely being attacked in the streets of New York City. So why is no one acting like it’s a big deal?”

Rosen detailed many of the crimes directed at Jews, noting that more hate crimes were committed against Jews in the first half of 2019 than in all of 2017.

On Aug. 12, just a few weeks after Rosen published his piece, three Hasidic Jews were violently mugged within an hour in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. This Tuesday, another Hasidic Jew in his 60s was bloodily beaten with a brick in Crown Heights. Then this Thursday in Crown Heights, a Hasidic Jew was in a truck when a group of youths threw a stone through the window, giving the man a laceration in the head.

The attacks are happening in broad daylight and at night and, in some cases, have been captured on video.

They range from harassment and attempted intimidation:


-WARNING – this video is horrifying. An Orthodox Jewish man was assaulted in broad daylight in Brooklyn, New York. We thank @NYPD66Pct for swiftly apprehending the assaulter and extend our best wishes to the victim and his family.

Councilman Deutsch
✔@ChaimDeutsch A 64 year old Jewish man was violently assaulted in Rochester Park in Crown Heights. THIS is the weapon that was used against him.Has it become too dangerous for openly religious Jewish men to walk the streets of NYC?@NYPDHateCrimes is currently investigating this attack. https://twitter.com/chabadlubavitch/status/1166340519095623680 …

New York City has the largest Jewish population in the United States, and Jewish roots there are long and deep. And yet, the situation for observant Jews is quickly devolving into that of Europe, where Jews cannot safely walk to synagogue or through the streets while wearing a yarmulke without being attacked verbally or physically. This is a disgrace.

Tehran Threatens a Think Tank The regime targets a U.S. group for opposing the 2015 nuclear deal.


As Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif negotiates with Europe to keep the 2015 nuclear deal alive, he sells the Islamic Republic as a normal government wronged by a rogue Trump Administration. This is a sham, and Tehran has proved it again by targeting an American think tank for retribution.

Last week the Iranian Foreign Ministry accused the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and CEO Mark Dubowitz of “economic terrorism” and “actively trying to harm the Iranian people’s security and vital interests.” Tehran claimed that the independent think tank “is in fact the designing and executing arm of the U.S. administration.”

As Mr. Dubowitz wrote Friday on these pages, “according to the law cited against us, Mr. Zarif has already coordinated with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps [IRGC] and Iran’s Intelligence Ministry in developing sanctions against FDD.”

The regime’s apologists draw a false equivalence between these sanctions and U.S. restrictions placed against Iranian officials and the IRGC. But producing research, lobbying lawmakers and educating the public is not the same as spreading terrorism around the Middle East. FDD has been an important critic of the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), but the group’s only influence is with ideas.

Trial of Accused 9/11 Masterminds Set for 2021 By Mairead McArdle


The trial of five men charged with planning the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 will begin in 2021, a military judge ruled Friday.

The selection of a military jury for the trial of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and four others accused of planning the attacks will commence on January 11, 2021, the judge in the case, Air Force colonel W. Shane Cohen, said in a ten-page trial-scheduling order. Cohen has also ordered prosecutors to provide certain materials to the defense teams by October 1 in an effort to start the trial by the scheduled date. The trial will take place at the U.S. military base in Guantánamo Bay.


The five men are accused of masterminding and orchestrating the 9/11 terrorist attacks, in which terrorists hijacked commercial airliners and crashed them into New York City’s World Trade Center and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. A third hijacked aircraft was downed by passengers in a field in Pennsylvania en route to its target. All told, the attacks killed 2,996 people and injured over 6,000 more.

Mohammed, the Pakistani al-Qaeda leader named “the principal architect of the 9/11 attacks” in the 9/11 Commission Report, is charged with a slew of crimes involving terrorism, hijacking aircraft, and murder in violation of the laws of war. He was arraigned along with the other four men in this case on May 5, 2012 at Guantánamo.

Former Canadian PM Openly Roots for Destruction of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago During Storm By Rick Moran


Whoever said Canadians were nicer than Americans?

Former Canadian Prime Minister Kim Campbell, who served for 5 months in 1993, let loose her inner Freddie Krueger when she daydreamed about the horrific destruction that could very well be visited on Florida during Hurricane Dorian.

New York Post:

“I’m rooting for a direct hit on Mar a Lago!” Campbell, who served as the 19th Canadian prime minister for less than five months in 1993,  tweeted on Thursday.

Dorian could become a Category 5 hurricane by the time it makes landfall Monday — with current projections indicating that the Palm Beach property remains in the “cone of uncertainty” about where it strikes.

Campbell faced backlash for her tweet, with many calling it “embarrassing” and “disgusting,” but she doubled down on her wish and told critics to “get a grip.”

Her critics “get a grip”? What kind of subhuman piece of flotsam wishes destruction anywhere? No doubt Campbell enjoyed pulling the wings off of flies as a child.

New report details Comey plan to ambush Trump with Moscow sex allegation by Byron York


A just-released Justice Department inspector general’s report provides new details on a January 2017 plan by then-FBI Director James Comey, top bureau officials, and the nation’s intelligence chiefs to spring a scandalous allegation on President-elect Trump, quickly record his reaction, use a prearranged secure videoconference to discuss the information, and fit it all into the FBI’s ongoing (but unknown to Trump) “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation.

The allegation came from the Steele dossier, the collection of unverified tales about Trump and Russia compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele. The story was that in a Moscow hotel room in 2013, Trump had watched as prostitutes performed a kinky sex act — and Russian intelligence service cameras rolled. This is what the Steele dossier said:

TRUMP’s (perverted) conduct in Moscow included hiring the presidential suite of the Ritz Carlton Hotel, where he knew President and Mrs. OBAMA (whom he hated) had stayed on one of their official trips to Russia, and defiling the bed where they had slept by employing a number of prostitutes to perform a ‘golden showers’ (urination) show in front of him. The hotel was known to be under FSB control with microphones and concealed cameras in all the main rooms to record anything they wanted to.

James Comey wants an apology? This is myth becoming madness By Jonathan Turley,


Two years ago, former FBI Director James Comey came out with a book that celebrated himself as a paragon of “ethical leadership,” a subject that he later taught at the College of William and Mary. Comey declared, “Ethical leaders lead by seeing above the short term, above the urgent or the partisan, and with a higher loyalty to lasting values, most importantly the truth.” If that is the case, the new Justice Department inspector general report released on Thursday establishes that Comey is the very antithesis of the ethical leader he described. Comey was found to have violated both federal law and regulations for his own gain, and he made critical decisions that put personal over institutional interests.

Nevertheless, Comey released a statement portraying the scathing report as a type of victory and encouraged his critics to send their apologies to him. It was a “Captain Queeg” moment when myth borders on madness. Rather than rave about who stole his strawberries, as Queeg did in “The Caine Mutiny,” Comey claims someone stole a reputation that he tossed away two years ago. The report states that Comey not only knowingly violated rules governing all FBI employees, but his decisions “set a dangerous example for the over 35,000 current FBI employees.”

It details how Comey removed FBI memoranda and then used his friend, Columbia Law School professor Daniel Richman, to leak the contents of one memo to The New York Times. Several of the memos were later found to contain privileged, sensitive or classified information. The FBI seized the memos and had to “scrub” the computer of Richman to remove the unauthorized material provided by Comey. The report also says Comey later acknowledged that some of the classifications were “reasonable.”

Why Is The FBI Obstructing The Release Of James Comey’s Memos?By Adam Mill


Whatever harm releasing these memos might cause to the FBI’s crime-fighting ability is surely offset by the lack of accountability for one of the most controversial episodes in its history.

On August 27, the FBI scored another temporary victory to maintain the secrecy of the James Comey memos. It convinced a federal judge to delay his own order and has again thwarted the Freedom of Information Act passed by Congress to force government agencies to account to the voting public.

Former FBI director Comey is gone, and nobody within the government should be trying to protect him. Because of his recklessness, the nation is still grappling the aftermath of the most serious constitutional crisis of recent memory.

Why is the FBI obstructing the release of its disgraced former director’s memos? As they say, just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should. Whatever harm releasing these memos might cause to the FBI’s legitimate crime-fighting ability is surely offset by the lack of accountability for one of the most controversial episodes in the bureau’s history. The public must know that the FBI is not operating as a government unto itself.

Trump Was Always the Target of the Russia Investigation By Andrew C. McCarthy


The IG report confirms it.

Donald Trump was always the target.

The point of the Russia investigation was to make a case against Donald Trump. Preferably, the case would drive him from office. At a minimum, it would render him unelectable by the 2020 stretch run. The kind of case was less important than the objective: criminal prosecution or impeachment. In accordance with the collusion narrative, the latter would mean trying to show that Trump was compromised by the Kremlin.

That is the astonishing takeaway from Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report on former FBI director James Comey’s handling of his memos.

In truth, it’s not that astonishing. It happens to be the theory of my new book, Ball of Collusion: The Plot to Rig an Election and Destroy a Presidency. Obviously, if a book can show that Donald Trump was in the FBI’s crosshairs all along, that fact had to have been knowable for some time.

Still, if you’re going to write a book about a mind-blowing theory, it is gratifying to have that theory confirmed — notwithstanding how alarming it may be for the state of our republic.

It is an offhanded confirmation. The burden of the IG report is not to break news about the true purpose of the Trump-Russia investigation. It is to assess former director Comey’s conduct in generating, maintaining, and disseminating information in the memos he made about most of his interactions with President Trump. On that score, the IG report is scathing.