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Judges Cave to CAIR Federal judge who sentenced Hamid Hayat now vacates his sentence and conviction. Lloyd Billingsley


In 2006, federal judge Garland E. Burrell sentenced Hamid Hayat of Lodi, California, to 24 years in prison for, as the U.S. Department of Justice explained, “a series of terrorism charges related to his 2003/2004 attendance at a jihadi training camp in Pakistan and his 2005 return to the United States with the intent to wage violent jihad.”

As prosecutors charged, the man with “a jihadi heart and a jihadi mind” intended to target hospitals, banks and grocery stores. Hayat boasted about giving money to Sipah-e-Sahaba, a group that Pakistan declared a terrorist organization. The case was one the first major prosecutions of terrorism in the wake of 9/11.

Nearly 14 years later, judge Burrell, an appointee of  George H.W. Bush, has vacated the sentence and conviction of Hamid Hayat, now 36.  This  action was based not on new exculpatory evidence but what amounted to a post-facto performance review of Hayat’s trial attorney by magistrate judge Deborah Barnes.

In May of 2006, Hamid’s father, Umer Hayat, pleaded guilty to making a false statement to the FBI and United States Customs and Border Protection. He was tried by a separate federal jury but the proceeding ended in a mistrial and Umer Hayat gained release in August of 2006. Hamid Hayat’s attorney Wahzma Mojaddidi, a former CAIR president in Sacramento, contended there was no evidence that Hamid attended a terrorist training camp and pushed for a new trial.

In 2007, federal authorities argued against a new trial, and as their legal brief noted, Hayat claimed that jihad was the duty of all Muslims. In recorded interviews, Hayat gleefully stated he was “so pleased” that jihadis had cut Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl “into pieces.” Hayat said Pearl “was Jewish” and that as a result of this “good job,” now “they can’t send one Jewish person to Pakistan.”

Basketball Player Uses Girlfriend’s Urine to Fake Drug Test, Finds Out He’s Pregnant By Stephen Kruiser ?!?!?


Well, this is both awkward and a solid entry for a Darwin Award. A basketball player attempting to return to the game after a hiatus found a way to spectacularly fail his drug test and get some family news at the same time.

The New York Post:

D.J. Cooper, a former Ohio University star who’s played professionally in Europe, is currently suspended by FIBA after using someone else’s urine for a doping test — a sample which showed Cooper was pregnant,  according to Eurohoops.net.

Cooper, 28, was interested in joining Bosnia as a naturalized player. Specifically, Cooper tested positive for human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which is produced during pregnancy by the placenta. The urine allegedly belonged to Cooper’s girlfriend, according to RTV Slovenia.

It’s unclear what Cooper might have been trying to hide, but it stands to reason he wouldn’t have used his girlfriend’s urine had they known she was pregnant.

Anti-Gun Agitators Harass Sen. McConnell at His Home: ‘Just Stab the Motherf*cker in the Heart!’ By Debra Heine


Twenty to thirty left-wing agitators gathered outside of Senator Mitch McConnell’s house in Louisville, Kentucky, Monday night and made a ruckus to agitate for gun control in the wake of two mass shootings that roiled the nation over the weekend.

In addition to gun reform, one activist told WHAS11 News that the protesters also wanted to address immigration and LGBTQ rights.

The protesters told the local media they had been trying to reach the Senate Majority Leader but he hadn’t answered his phone. McConnell has been convalescing at his home since he fractured his shoulder in a fall on Sunday.

One of the agitators, a local Black Lives Matter leader ostensibly upset about gun violence, said on Facebook Live that she hoped someone would “just stabs the mother f*cker in the heart, please.”

Politics and the Shooters The Dayton killer was a left-winger, but don’t blame Sen. Warren.


Police in Dayton say they’re still seeking a motive for Connor Betts’ shooting spree that killed nine people, including his sister. But whatever turns up, we hope no one blames Elizabeth Warren.

We say that because the news site Heavy.com, which gained access to Betts’ Twitter account before it was taken down, reports that his politics appear to have been left of center. The shooter recently tweeted that he would “happily” vote for Senator Warren. His Twitter profile also read: “he/him/anime fan/metalhead/leftist/i’m going to hell and i’m not coming back.” In December last he wrote: “This is America: Guns on every corner, guns in every house, no freedom but to kill.” A month before that, he wrote: “Vote blue for gods sake.

The Dayton shooter’s leftist ravings are notable only because the media and Democratic politicians have drawn a straight line between the El Paso shooter’s anti-immigrant “manifesto” and Donald Trump and the Republican Party. After so many recent mass shootings, it is disheartening to see how quickly the issue of these two highly disturbed shooters was overwhelmed by the urge to assign political causation.

While media were focused on mass shootings, explosive revelations about the Russia Hoax came out in a Sunday morning interview By Thomas Lifson


Sunday morning, while the nation’s eyeballs were glued to El Paso and Dayton, crucial details emerged about the vile plot executed by agents of the U.S. Intelligence Community in order to carry out the Russia Hoax.  In an interview of former House member Trey Gowdy by Maria Bartiromo, we got a preview of some of the smoking guns that are contained in transcripts that remain classified — for now.

[Recall that President Trump has given Attorney General William Barr the power to declassify documents, and Barr has appointed U.S. attorney for Connecticut John Durham to investigate and prosecute crimes associated with the obtaining of the FISA warrants and other crimes.]

Maria Bartiromo has immersed herself in the details of the Russia Hoax and has used her weekly Fox News program, Sunday Morning Futures, to tease out details of information from current and former Republican congressmen who have seen documents and interviewed witnesses that the public has not yet had access to.  The picture that emerges is ugly, indeed.

Yesterday, in an interview with former House oversight committee chairman Trey Gowdy, she exposed new details — outrageous behavior by a U.S. intelligence asset — in the setting up of George Papadopoulos in order to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign and (unsuccessfully) attempt to lure him into a chargeable crime.

Why Are We Hearing About the White Supremacist in El Paso and Not the Liz Warren Supporter in Dayton? By Charlie Martin


It’s notoriously difficult to perform experiments on humans, especially on large groups of humans, but every so often something happens that may not be a perfect control, but still looks awfully close.

This weekend was one of those opportunities when there were two mass shootings in as many days. One was in El Paso and is all over the news and Twitter today. He was an eco-fascist inspired by the Christchurch shootings and decided the big issue was Mexicans.

I’m sure you heard about him, and you heard that he was a “white supremacist.” Repeatedly. Over and over.

The other one was in Dayton. He was — well, Heavy.com tracked down his social media, which they summarized:

He wrote on Twitter that he would happily vote for Democrat Elizabeth Warren, praised Satan, was upset about the 2016 presidential election results, and added, “I want socialism, and i’ll not wait for the idiots to finally come round to understanding.” The Greene County Board of Elections lists his party as “Dem.”

Now go to Twitter or CNN or most any major news source, and you would have one hell of a time seeing any discussion of the guy in Dayton. Oh, and try to find someone denouncing Elizabeth Warren, outside the “right”.

And yeah, I’m not mentioning either one of their names. I don’t actually imagine it matters, but, you know, whatever. Their names aren’t the issue. The truth is they’re both more similar than they are different: socially isolated, mid-twenties, with a long history of violent and often self-destructive fantasies.

Combat White-Supremacist Gun Violence — and Protect the Second Amendment By Andrew C. McCarthy….see note please


These murderers are not white supremacists …they are lunatics….without any fixed ideology….rskWe have to set aside the longstanding reluctance to recognize the nexus between ideology and brutality.

As our editorial declares, white-supremacist ideology is an evil, and it is fueling mass-murder attacks. This blunt truth is reaffirmed by the shocking rampage in in El Paso, Texas, this weekend, which was followed within 24 hours by another mass shooting in Dayton, Ohio — both coming on the heels of a similar massacre last week at a garlic festival in Gilroy, Calif.

The toll in these three attacks is still in flux but stands as of this writing stands at 32 dead and 66 wounded. The New York Times reports, moreover, that our country has seen at least 32 mass shootings this year, defined as three or more killings in a single episode.

We don’t yet know the motive in the California attack. The Ohio shooter has been publicly identified by police, but as of this writing not much is known about him — except that his own sister was among the victims. To the contrary, strong evidence has already emerged that the El Paso assassin was a white racist.

Anti-gun leftists, for whom racism explains most of the nation’s ills, rail against politicians and commentators expressing sympathy and stating that their “thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families.” I don’t question the sincerity of the progressive rage, but it is political posturing nonetheless: If the time for soothing words is over, satisfaction will come only from actions that the Left demands. For the most part, that means heavy-handed federal firearms restrictions — explicit confiscation if they can get away with it, de facto confiscation by regulation otherwise.



The NYTimes chose the following headlines to characterize the mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton “In Texas Gunman’s Manifesto, An Echo of Trump’s Language,” “Manifesto Posted by El Paso Gunman Echoes Trump’s Words,” “Mass Killers Emboldened by Rhetoric of President, Some Candidates Say.” (NYT 8/5/19)

The reporters at the LA Times probed more deeply, interviewing former schoolmates who knew the killers and came up with the unsurprising profiles of two male loners who were humiliated in high school and recognized as problematic early on. Patrick Crusius, a 21 year old man who graduated from high school in El Paso two years ago was described by a classmate as “irritable and had a short temper, often picked on because of how he spoke. Every time I looked up in class, it was someone new speaking negatively to the kid, “Patrick, that is dumb, stupid.” Connor Betts of Dayton was a 24 year old “described as a troubled man who harbored violent fantasies. His classmate had reported him to the teacher for “jokingly telling girls that he was going to kill them.” He was suspended from school in his sophomore year after being caught with a list of people he wanted to rape and kill” (LA Times 8/5/19)

In January of this year, the WSJ published an interview with Andrew Pollack, father of Meadow who was murdered by Nicholas Cruz along with 16 other people at the Parkland High School. Pollack has co-written a book entitled “Why Meadow Died: The People and Policies that Created the Parkland Shooter and Endangered America’s Students.” Not all the circumstances of the three mass shootings are alike but the profiles of the killers as recognizably disturbed young men go along with many other examples of young people we have identified yet repeatedly allowed to slip through the cracks. Though it would be virtually impossible to keep tabs on all male loners in high school, it should be possible to add the names of those who have threatened or carried out violence to the watch-list that would prevent them from legally buying guns and assault rifles. Clearly, reforms must be made to drastically inhibit the sale of weapons throughout our country but we also need drastic reform of how we discharge troubled students from high school without notification to local authorities of what they have already done or threatened to do. It’s tragically obvious that profiling is an essential tool for identifying at-risk people and taking the steps that are legally available to law enforcement. As for the greater dangers of our prevailing culture of violence on our streets, on the internet, in the media and in the majority of our mass entertainment – that is a topic far more taboo than simply blaming the president.

The Green New Deal: Poverty for Everyone! by Eric Rozenman


“The interesting thing about the Green New Deal… is it wasn’t originally a climate thing at all… Because we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing.” — Saikat Chakrabarti, the outgoing chief of staff for freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY)

Chakrabarti seems to have deduced two things. First, he saw a glass largely full and still filling but for some still empty, and concluded he must first shatter the glass. After that, he apparently failed to consider that the dystopian streets of San Francisco — homeless people living in tents and defecating on sidewalks near high-rent high-rises, and the middle class and affordable housing squeezed by heavy taxes and constrictive zoning — might be a result of local “progressive” politics. The problem is that if his “change-the-entire-economy-thing” would ever be imposed, America as a whole might resemble those dystopian streets. If Soviet Russia, Cuba or Venezuela come to mind, consider India before 2014, when its prime minister, Narendra Modi, was elected.

A free economy, in which countless healthy, growing businesses can spring up and actually hire countless people, and that way offer economic advancement for everyone? Not for Bose in the 1940s. And not, it seems, for today for many who have not looked at how socialism really works — or unfortunately does not work.

“A liberal is intolerant of other views. He wants to control your thoughts and actions.” — President Lyndon B. Johnson, 1967.

Johnson, the Texas Democrat who extended Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal with his own Great Society, was an old-school liberal, certainly on domestic policy. The political activist-agitators LBJ impugned then as “liberals” are today’s progressives—one might even call them reactionaries of the left.

Epitomizing them is Saikat Chakrabarti, the outgoing chief of staff for freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y). Chakrabarti recently starred in a Washington Post article. The spotlight left a key to the influential staffer’s undemocratic mentality in shadows.

Chakrabarti, 33, acknowledged “The interesting thing about the Green New Deal,” Ocasio-Cortez’s multi-trillion dollar zero-carbon emissions mirage, “is it wasn’t originally a climate thing at all… Because we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing.”

Does Trump Deserve Blame For Texas Mass Shooting? Read The Manifesto- John Merline


s night follows day, the two horribly tragic mass shootings have Democrats pointing fingers of blame at President Trump. Trying to pin the blame for a maniac’s murderous actions on any one person, other than the shooter, is political opportunism at its worst.

Beto O’Rourke jumped in on Sunday, declaring that Trump was responsible for the shooting in El Paso, Texas, which claimed 20 lives and injured 26 more. O’Rourke declared that Trump “is a racist, and he stokes racism in this country. And it does not just offend our sensibilities, it fundamentally changes the character of this country, and it leads to violence.”

O’Rourke went on to claim that “We’ve had a rise in hate crimes every single one of the last three years during an administration where you have a president who’s called Mexican rapists and criminals.”

O’Rourke is hardly the only one blaming Trump. Critics instantly seized on a manifesto allegedly penned by the suspected shooter, in which he complains about the “Hispanic invasion of Texas,” to link the shooting to Trump.

Princeton professor Eddie Glaude said on “Meet the Press” that “Hispanic invasion” is “almost the exact same language of the president of the United States.”

But assuming that manifesto — posted on the Drudge Report — is credible, the person who wrote it also happens to share many policy positions with Democrats. He’s mad about the environment, he wants universal health care, he hates big corporations and job-killing automation.