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Trump’s Diabetic Shock The reality behind Bernie’s wailing about the price of insulin.


Bernie Sanders has been registering his outrage about the price of insulin, and the presidential candidate thinks government-run health care is the solution to high drug costs. But almost no one noticed last week a Trump Administration move that could make the diabetes treatment more affordable for more Americans. In any event the insulin story is more about perverse incentives than corporate greed.

The Trump Administration put out an IRS guidance last week for high-deductible health plans that are paired with a health-savings account. Millions of Americans, typically with modest health expenses, prefer these arrangements because they allow an individual or family to control more of their own money and decisions while insuring against a serious illness like cancer.

The previous guidance said such plans could only cover certain “preventive” services before the patient met the deductible—which can run several thousand dollars for a family. So folks have to shell out a pretty penny for treatments for chronic conditions like diabetes or asthma before insurance kicks in.

This makes little sense because a drug like insulin is preventive care. A diabetic who maintains his insulin regimen is much less likely to suffer awful and expensive complications like amputations or blindness. The same dynamic is true for keeping asthmatics in good supply of inhalers. This spending reduces costs over time, but insurers couldn’t offer the benefit on these plans because of a curiosity in government regulation.

Unlike His Critics, Former New York Yankees Closer Mariano Rivera Is A Mensch The Hall of Fame pitcher supports a pluralistic nation with democratic institutions and free association. By David Harsanyi


In a transcendently ridiculous column at The Daily Beast, readers are warned that MLB Hall of Famer Mariano Rivera has “served at the pleasure of a racist president, taken part in thinly veiled propaganda on behalf of a far-right government in Israel, and gotten chummy with outright bigots and apocalyptic loons.”

Mo Rivera? The greatest closer—perhaps the greatest pitcher—in Major League baseball history? Mo Rivera, the first player unanimously selected as a first-ballot Hall of Famer? As a longtime Yankees fan, and someone fortunate enough to see Rivera up close for a number of years, I can think of few greater pleasures in sports than watching him work. So I never thought I’d be able to admire him more. But here we are.

It’s not surprising that The Daily Beast, whose editor-in-chief blames Israeli Jews for white nationalism, would find Rivera’s support of Israel problematic (the original illustration for the piece, incidentally, had Rivera standing on a pitcher’s mound shaped like a yarmulke atop a Jewish star).

Nor is it surprising that the piece offers no evidence that Mariano has “served at the pleasure” of the Trump administration—even if you accept the debatable contention that the administration is racist. Rivera didn’t join the pinstriped Sturmtruppen, he merely accepted a nomination to the Council on Sports, Fitness, and Nutrition. He signed onto the Opioid Drug Abuse Commission. He went to the White House as a delegate for the Special Olympics. He took “friendly photo op” as part of an interfaith conference in Israel with the U.S. ambassador to Israel. These days, I guess all of this qualifies as extremism.

Weiner Bounces Back Into Huma’s Life By Jim Treacher


Once upon a time, a Democratic congressman named Anthony Weiner sent lots of pictures of his junk to women he met online. He claimed he was hacked or pranked or whatever, and he blamed his political opponents for his misdeeds. He even blamed Andrew Breitbart. And Weiner would’ve gotten away with it, too, if it weren’t for those meddling bloggers.

Weiner resigned from Congress in disgrace, and all the people who defended him pretended they never did. He ran for mayor of NYC (would he have been any worse than de Blasio?), and his filth-ridden laptop even played a crucial role in making sure Hillary Clinton will never be elected president.

Breaking: Baseball Great Accused of Visiting Israel By Rich Lowry


Mariano Rivera is the greatest closer of all time, and an exemplary human being, in other words, not a natural target for a hit piece upon his induction into the Hall of Fame. But the Daily Beast is here to serve, and offered up a truly pathetic attempted take-down of Rivera for allegedly being a right-wing extremist, by which is meant a pro-Israel Christian and Republican. Perhaps my favorite line in the piece is this one, which is supposed to be latent with sinister meaning: “He has traveled to Israel on multiple occasions, possibly beginning in 2013.”


Inside Baseball Hall of Famer Mariano Rivera’s Far-Right Politics

How a Trivial Dispute Between Two anti-Trump Democrats in a Publix Express Lane Became the Latest Racial Hate Hoax Debra Heine


The latest “hate crime” supposedly inspired by President Trump’s allegedly “racist” rhetoric appears to be nothing more than an example of two anti-Trump Democrats behaving badly in public.

Erica Thomas, a Georgia Democrat claimed on Friday that a “white man” in a supermarket check-out line called her a “lazy son-of-a-b*tch” and told her to “go back where you came from.”

Thomas, who is nine months pregnant, tearfully made the claim outside of an Atlanta-area Publix store after the man cursed at her for taking too many items into a supermarket express lane.

“And this white man comes up to me and says: ‘You lazy son of a b*tch,”’ Thomas said, sobbing as she described the confrontation in a video. “He says: ‘You lazy son of a bitch; you need to go back where you came from.”’

As Thomas’s video went viral and the hashtag #IStandwithErica trended on Twitter, Democrat pols like Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) and Beto O’Rourk jumped in the fray to politically exploit the incident.

Thomas later walked back her comments, saying, “I don’t want to say he said go back to you’re country or go back to where you came from, but he was making those kinds of references.”

As the racial narrative fell apart, the Guardian weighed in with a report incorrectly characterizing Thomas as a Republican:

The “white man” in question is Cuban-American Eric Sparkes, a fellow Democrat who admitted that that he cursed at Thomas for taking too many items into the express line, but denied telling her to “go back where you came from.”

Cow’s Throat Slit “In Accordance with Islamic Law” in Connecticut Home Depot Parking Lot Down with bovine Islamophobia! Diversity is our strength! Robert Spencer


The facts at hand presumably speak for themselves, but a trifle more vulgarly, I suspect, than facts even usually do. The New York Post headline Friday was “Cow slaughtered in Home Depot parking lot after escaping meat market.” The cow was stopped while in the process of committing “Islamophobia”: it escaped a halal meat market in Bloomfield, Connecticut, where it was being prepared to be slaughtered “in accordance with Islamic law.” But “Islamophobia” was averted: the hapless cow had its throat slit in the neighboring Home Depot parking lot.

The Post reports that the local authorities are still suffering from “Islamophobia,” as the Post reports that “the gory scene prompted the closure of the Saba meat store in Bloomfield,” from which the hate-filled cow escaped.

And it made a good run for it. According to the Post, “the cow dashed out of Saba on Saturday and ran across the street to the hardware store — with employee Badr Musaed and a contractor Andy Morrison hot on its trail.” There then ensued a scene that would be laughably absurd if it weren’t a sign of deep-seated and racist hatred of Muslims to think so: “Morrison, who was doing renovation work at the meat store and was armed with a bow and arrow, tried to help Musaed corral the cow while the local police also responded. Dash camera footage obtained by NBC shows the officer trying to box the bovine in with his cruiser — and Morrison attempting to shoot it with his weapon.”

The police report noted: “As the cow ran towards the employees, Morrison shot at the cow, however he missed and the arrow struck the wall of the Home Depot.” But there was no reprieve for this bigoted cow. The Post continues: “Suddenly, Musaed whipped out a foot-long knife and slit the cow’s throat as other Saba employees wrangled the animal.”

A police officer who was on the scene demonstrated that he needs to undergo considerable sensitivity training in order to raise his multicultural awareness and become more welcoming to his Muslim sisters and brothers. He sputtered to the Saba butchers: “You know this is a big — this is a problem. This is not something that can be done.”

The Humanitarian Hoax of Department of Homeland Security’s Security: Killing America With Kindness – hoax 40 by Linda Goudsmit



The Humanitarian Hoax is a deliberate and deceitful tactic of presenting a destructive policy as altruistic. The humanitarian huckster presents himself as a compassionate advocate when in fact he is the disguised enemy.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was established November 25, 2002, by the Homeland Security Act of 2002. DHS is a cabinet department formed in response to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the homeland. The DHS mission statement is clear, “With honor and integrity, we will safeguard the American people, our homeland, and our values.”

The DHS website describes the department with clarity, and lists its twelve operational and support components:

“The Department of Homeland Security has a vital mission: to secure the nation from the many threats we face. This requires the dedication of more than 240,000 employees in jobs that range from aviation and border security to emergency response, from cybersecurity analyst to chemical facility inspector. Our duties are wide-ranging, and our goal is clear – keeping America safe.”

1. United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP)

2. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

3. United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)

4. Transportation Security Administration (TSA)

5. Science and Technology Directorate

6. Office of Intelligence and Analysis

7. United States Coast Guard (USCG)

8. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency

9. Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC)

10. Management Directorate

11. Counting Weapons of Mass Destruction Office

12. Office of Operations Coordination

The enormity of the Department of Homeland Security reflects the seriousness and magnitude of the acknowledged security threats to America in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. The Department of Defense works in the military sphere, while the Department of Homeland Security works in the civilian sector to safeguard America. The mission to safeguard America is unequivocally and unapologetically America-first. There is no ambiguity regarding the priority to protect – America is the uncontested priority.

Powerful Lessons from History: Adams on Strength, Rand on Fifth Columnists by Lawrence Kadish


• John Adams, the nation’s second President, understood that studying history, and specifically conflict between nations, would give us the means of avoiding the next battle, conflict between nations and of protecting our shared future.
• “… I must study Politicks and War that my sons may have liberty to study Mathematicks and Philosophy. My sons ought to study Mathematicks and Philosophy, Geography, natural History, Naval Architecture, navigation, Commerce and Agriculture, in order to give their Children a right to study Painting, Poetry, Musick, Architecture, Statuary, Tapestry and Porcelaine.” – Letter by President John Adams to Abigail Adams, May 12, 1780.
• The reality is we remain at war — with those who brought down the Twin Towers and attacked the Pentagon, who apparently consider a diverse, interdenominational nation an outrage that must be erased from the globe.
President John Adams has something to say to students this fall but it is unlikely he will be given the chance.
Across the United States, this summer will be used by educators to convene conferences on curriculum, classroom content and study guides to present to students in September. Likely absent from most of their agendas will be a comprehensive study of the most seminal event in the last century — World War II — which continues to define the world we live in, our geopolitical borders, our society, the role of technology and America’s leadership role around the globe.
Social studies teachers will be the first to admit despair. In many school districts, a single 45-minute period is all that is offered in the course of an entire class year for the study of this global conflict, Gloria Sesso, chairperson of the Long Island, N.Y. Committee for the Social Studies, told Gatestone.
Forty-five minutes would not even begin to cover how the Nazis took a bigoted beer hall boast and made it into mass murder on an industrial scale, much less understand the origins and consequences of World War II. (A recent survey revealed that 22% of millennials had never heard of the Holocaust.)

EPIC FAIL: Anderson Cooper Tries to Convince Texas Women That Trump Is a Racist By Megan Fox


In yet another CNN attempt to make people from south of D.C. look stupid and racist, Anderson Cooper and his crew gathered up eight Republican women from Texas and tried to harass them into agreeing that the president said a racist thing by telling AOC and her cronies to leave America if they don’t like it.

It went hilariously sideways. I especially like the part where the CNN “reporter” asks the leading question, “don’t you think that’s racist?” in a condescending and outraged tone.

Note to CNN: This crap doesn’t work anymore. Everyone was bored and now they’re getting angry. You can see it in their faces. Everyone knows that the Trump tweet the media is so desperate to condemn in every corner of America is equal to a bumper sticker slogan that has existed forever. No one is shocked by Trump repeating the same joke we tell about celebrities who promise to leave the country every time a Republican is elected. There’s nothing racist about pointing out the obvious. If America is that bad and immoral and worthy of constant scorn then GET THE HELL OUT.

They all should go, American or not, to whatever socialist hell hole they can find where they’ll be happier. It’s really out of love we suggest this. They’re so miserable! We want nothing but their happiness and some peace and quiet. Luckily for them, the wall doesn’t stop anyone from leaving. CONTINUE AT SITE

Congressman Al Green Forces Impeachment Vote By John McCormack


On Tuesday night, after the House voted to condemn as racist President Trump’s recent tweets about four Democratic congresswomen, Democratic congressman Al Green of Texas introduced an impeachment resolution.

“There will be a vote,” Green said Tuesday night. “There will be a vote to either table [it], send it to committee, or allow it to go forward.”

Green’s impeachment resolution doesn’t say anything about the Mueller investigation or Russia. It is solely focused on Trump’s comments about immigrants and the bigoted comments directed toward four Democratic congresswomen.

Green’s impeachment resolution states: 

In maintenance and support of its impeachment against him for high misdemeanors committed as president, constituting harm to American society, to the manifest injury of the people of the United States. Article 1, the House of Representatives on July 16, 2019 strongly condemned President Donald Trump’s racist comments that have legitimatized and increased fear and hatred of new Americans and people of color by saying that our fellow Americans who are immigrants and those who may look to the president like immigrants, should go back to other countries, by referring to immigrants and asylum seekers as invaders. And by saying that members of Congress who are immigrants or those of our colleagues who are wrongly assumed to be immigrants, do not belong in Congress or in the United States of America.

In all of this, the aforementioned Donald John Trump has by his statement, brought the high office of the President of the United States in contempt, ridiculed, disgraced and disrepute, has sown seeds of discord among the people of the United States, has demonstrated that he is unfit to be president and has betrayed his trust as President of the United States to the manifest injury of the people of the United States. And has committed a high misdemeanor in office.